"The Murdock Chronicles"? Yes. To be sure. So what exactly is that? Well? I'll tell you. It has a history, as most things do. I've covered some of this before in previous blogs and publications. But I'll wrap it up here in a new wrapper.
I have created this blog, Murdockinations. I have well over 1,000 blog articles on it since 2010. When I began it, I did two blogs a day, seven days a week, one serious one more humor based. In order to learn and build up my writing catalog and ability to produce to the public to such a degree. It wasn't easy, but it paid off.
I have created on Facebook, "The Murdock Society", for the writings of JZ Murdock and for those of a like mind. I've also created, the faux religion, Purpleism or "The Church of the Pure Purple" as a slam back at all things annoying in the Human Experience. Like, religion in general.
Over the years it had occurred to me more and more that I should take my writings and turn them into films. How does one do that? One learns to write screenplays. One sends screenplays off to be further developed and purchased.
Or, one gets into film production and films those screenplays themself. My orientation since childhood was in film production. I just didn't know it. I thought it was as a writer, which I also believed was unattainable. Authors and filmmakers were "Gods' to me, so lofty were they above me.
I got my first short sci-fi horror story published in 1990. "In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear". It was an homage to PK Dick, to Isaac Asimov. So much so to Mr. Asimov that the title was taken from his first autobiography, "In Memory Yet Green".
When I decided to retire in 2016, I also decided I would switch careers and finally go full time into what I wanted to do. Write and produce films. By "produce" I mean not be a producer per se, but see that films I've written are made in whatever way I could possibly get them made. And the most obvious and in some ways, the easiest way to get a film made, is to simply do it yourself.
I have always been a firm believer in how to go about things in life. I grew up into having a professional attitude and orientation about my actions in life. When I went about learning something I tried to learn that thing and all things associated with it so I would be the most knowledgeable person in the room about it. Whatever it was.
Some years ago I was befriended by local indie horror/comedy director Kelly Wayne Hughes. But let's back up to the 1980s for a second. I was on the set of "Starman" the TV show when they were filming the pilot in Seattle. I got to be on two of their sets, one on Capitol Hill and one later that night in the Seattle Center at the Monorail terminal. I even found my way right next to the camera and director until they were done shooting for the night late into the AM, early morning hours.
The location manager noticed me following them around and took pity on me when I had told him I studied screenwriting a few years before in college but had never been on a set. So he placed me right at the tip of all the action and just left me there. I was pretty overwhelmed at the time. But I learned a lot.
Skip forward years later and I was on the set of a Kelly Hughes film. I got to act as various crew, running sound, doing SFX, pyrotechnics, actor wrangling, even some makeup effects. I got to act in some of Kelly's films, even headlining one.
Why? Because I wanted to see how the practical application of a screenplay went.
In that same vein, I had wanted to be, and studied being, a writer. I was a trained researcher in getting my BA in Psychology. My minor in creative writing in fiction, play, screen, and TV team script writing. Later I worked for five years with a production company as an unpaid in-house screenwriter.
I have tried to write everything I could. I've written nonfiction and been published in computer newspaper-style mags in the 80s. I wrote fiction. Plays, SciFi. Horror. Poetry. I wrote White Papers as a Senior Technical Writer in IT. Isaac had said in his autobiography to become a tech writer if you want to be a sci-fi writer and all the great golden age sci-fi writers had been one. Why? Because it teaches you to write, to disbelieve in "writer's block", to produce on-demand, to turn out quality work on demand, to be succinct, and by definition, functional.
As I said, when I try to learn something, I try to learn things associated with it. And so I have. I also put out audiobooks of some of my writings. I'll be producing more.
Which brings me up to retiring again in 2016. I purchased the film equipment I would need, a video editing workstation and proceeded to consider my future actions. It took a while but between continuing to work with Kelly, to network with other creatives, artists, musicians, filmmakers, actors, and so on, I was building a catalog of skills and the skilled.
Until finally, I shot a small eight-minute long film with Nikolas Hayes as the one and only actor. That became, "The Rapping". Once I got that under my belt, I was emboldened to a bigger project and thus, "Gumdrop, a short horror" was born where I used more actors and some SFX.
That is a prequel I wrote to a short horror story and true crime tale I had published some years go, "Gumdrop City". There is now a trailer to that film It showed at the Historic Roxy Theater in Bremerton, WA at our Slash Night shorts event we put on with Kelly as founder and showrunner. We are attaching it to our annual Gorst Underground Film Festival. 2020 will be its third annual event.
I am now in post-production with, "Gumdrop, a short horror". A first assembly of the film is completed and I'm working now toward the first draft of it, a first cut.
It was at this point that the concept of, 'The Murdock Chronicles" appeared.
When I made "The Rapping" I created the "Garage Tales" series. I was going to shoot a series of short horror films in my sizeable garage. But that project kept growing bigger and bigger and a fifteen-minute film was turning into a thirty-minute film and longer. it was good, I had some great ideas for SFX. But I canned that and decided to go smaller.
So I came up with the "Attic Tales" series that I would shoot around the attic that house had. And so "The Rapping" was produced. And so that film is the one and only, "Attic Tale" that I produced. Then, I moved to this new location. Here I have a vastly smaller house and yard. But I have a creepy basement. And so, yes, you guessed it, "Basement Tales" was born. So far I have now produced, as I've mentioned, "Gumdrop, a short horror".
But as you may guess, all this got me to thinking about the changes, and in going back to my original considerations, of turning my writings into films, how does this all work together? After all, "The Rapping" was not from my old writings. It was an original I crafted to fit the location. A new work.
What about my old works? My old writings I was going to turn into films? Well, some of those are massive stories. My book, "Death of heaven" is a massive special effects story. There is simply no way I could produce that without millions of dollars.
I also knew I was going to produce more films of new writings. As my skills get better in SFX and VSFX, I would better be able and more cheaply, to produce some of my old writings. "Sarah" perhaps for one, could be doable. Almost doable now. Sarah, is a Twilight Zone-ish story of an old woman with Alzheimer's. But it only begins there.
And so I felt I needed a way to differentiate between my original older stories and my newer stories and films...like, The Rapping.
Thus was born, "The Murdock Chronicles".
"The Rapping", is one of the "Attic Tales" stories/films.
"Gumdrop, a short horror", is one of "The Murdock Chronicles".
And now when you see, if you ever see, one of my films, you will know what exactly is going on and if you are seeing one of my newer, or one of my old stories.
Next up I think we will film that fits into my "Murdock Chronicles". A curious version of my story, "The Mea Culpa Document of London", contained in two versions in my first book, "Anthology of Evil, a collection of my older short stories, and in "Death of heaven".. It is a simple tale about a 12th-century witch hunter. Perhaps the film will be only one actor, talking, telling his disturbing story.
A challenge to make interesting, to be sure. Also, we are looking now at doing the audiobook of my story, "Gumdrop City". Once the film is available, if you want to know what originated the true crime story, you'll be able to read and listen to it, both.
It has been an eventful time. I have learned a lot. For those who wish to get into writing or filmmaking, I can only say, do it! But know that if you really want to do it, separate out the difference between the romantic notion and the solid and more serious desire to accomplish something.
Because anything of worth takes effort. IF he comes easy, you're probably doing it wrong and the result will show in the final product. And others eventually, will indeed tell you. And it will hurt.
So save yourself time and effort and the pain. Don't fall in love with the romance of writing or filmmaking because that will not work well for you. Do, however, allow it to fire your passion, to carry you over to the threshold of accomplishment. Just be aware that writing and filmmaker are hard work. There is much to learn. Learn by doing.
Learn by surrounding yourself with others of a like mind. Others who are better than you. But show them you're willing to do the work and not simply burden them for you being in their presence. Show them what you can give to them and to the community at large if you truly wish to take on the effort, to produce things that readers and viewers, other than only family and friends, will want to experience.
Then, go out and do it. But have a plan. Understand how hard it will be and never stop. When you fail, get back up and dust yourself off and continue to completion. Even if you produce crap, finish it. Then produce better next time. And next time. Know what your commitment is. And stuck with it.
I did. I have. I am. And you can too...
The blog of Filmmaker and Writer JZ Murdock—exploring horror, sci-fi, philosophy, psychology, and the strange depths of our human experience. 'What we think, we become.' The Buddha
Showing posts with label murdock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murdock. Show all posts
Monday, November 18, 2019
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
My First Audio Book Production - The Mea Culpa Document of London
A few weeks back I got into doing audio books. I heard good things about them and I've used them before when I was commuting four hours a day. I found them, incredibly enjoyable. Especially, James Marsters reading Jim Butcher's excellent "Dresden Files" series of books. So not expecting the quality of my readings to reach that of the incredible skills of James Marsters, I thought I could do something reasonable and worthy of a listen. I also found that the more I did it, and when doing an audio book you redo and redo to get it right (or at least to eliminate gross errors), that I did get better as time went on.
So, my first audio book is now up on Audible.com and iTunes. I chose for my first attempt, "The Mea Culpa Document of London". As for iTunes, I'm easily found there by a quick search. I just tried searching under "Books" for, "JZ Murdock Mea" and it popped right up. It's priced at $6.95 which I had nothing to do with setting the price. But I have to tell you, after having written the story, making the audio book is a lot of work.
"Mea Culpa" is a story about an apprentice Witch Hunter in the Middle Ages who takes over for his well respected Master and one day, finds himself in the same sorry situation that he once observed his Master painfully have to go through.
This, took a lot of research, following the directions on Amazon's ACX.com site, learning to use Audacity software and just doing it properly, using the right filters, and so on. It was at first quite intimidating. You not only have to know what to do technically, but then you have to be not only a writer, but a voice actor.
You can alternately offer on ACX to make a deal with a producer and actor but I decided to try and do it myself. In that way you also don't have to split the profits. That was a positive reason but I just didn't want to have to deal with others on this project. Full control is always best if you can swing it.
They say on the ACX site that if you take say eight hours to read a work, you will probably spend double that in the technical side of processing the file. You need to boost this, filter that and make it sound professional. Which I'm all for but figuing that out by yourself was a nightmare (for me anyway).
Still, with the help of my cover artist, Marvin Hayes, an artistic and technical genius himself, I finally figured out what I thought needed to be done, did the work, which took a while, uploaded it and waited. And waited. A few weeks later (today) I got notified that it was accepted and now up for sale on Audible.com and on iTunes.
If you check it out, I hope you will appreciate all the work that went into producing this work and find it pleasant and worth it. I had thoughts of sound effects, music and all that, but as it was, this was a lot of work. However, I am the type that falls easily into "mission creep" and one of these days I'll probably get around to special effects.
But for now, I'm just pleased to have finally seen this on the "shelves" and avaialble to the public.
As always....
So, my first audio book is now up on Audible.com and iTunes. I chose for my first attempt, "The Mea Culpa Document of London". As for iTunes, I'm easily found there by a quick search. I just tried searching under "Books" for, "JZ Murdock Mea" and it popped right up. It's priced at $6.95 which I had nothing to do with setting the price. But I have to tell you, after having written the story, making the audio book is a lot of work.
"Mea Culpa" is a story about an apprentice Witch Hunter in the Middle Ages who takes over for his well respected Master and one day, finds himself in the same sorry situation that he once observed his Master painfully have to go through.
This, took a lot of research, following the directions on Amazon's ACX.com site, learning to use Audacity software and just doing it properly, using the right filters, and so on. It was at first quite intimidating. You not only have to know what to do technically, but then you have to be not only a writer, but a voice actor.
You can alternately offer on ACX to make a deal with a producer and actor but I decided to try and do it myself. In that way you also don't have to split the profits. That was a positive reason but I just didn't want to have to deal with others on this project. Full control is always best if you can swing it.
They say on the ACX site that if you take say eight hours to read a work, you will probably spend double that in the technical side of processing the file. You need to boost this, filter that and make it sound professional. Which I'm all for but figuing that out by yourself was a nightmare (for me anyway).
Still, with the help of my cover artist, Marvin Hayes, an artistic and technical genius himself, I finally figured out what I thought needed to be done, did the work, which took a while, uploaded it and waited. And waited. A few weeks later (today) I got notified that it was accepted and now up for sale on Audible.com and on iTunes.
If you check it out, I hope you will appreciate all the work that went into producing this work and find it pleasant and worth it. I had thoughts of sound effects, music and all that, but as it was, this was a lot of work. However, I am the type that falls easily into "mission creep" and one of these days I'll probably get around to special effects.
But for now, I'm just pleased to have finally seen this on the "shelves" and avaialble to the public.
As always....
Monday, January 14, 2013
New JZ Murdock Video Book Trailers
Last week I posted links to my two new Video Book Trailers of my writings on YouTube. There were only two then, one for Death of Heaven, and one for Anthology of Evil. I have made a longer one for each now and updated last week's post. I offer them again here along with my new ones for many of my eBook short stories and my novella, Andrew, which is a lead in to the book, Death of Heaven.
First of all, should any of these links change, you can get to their latest replacement versions and any new one on my TheJZMurdock YouTube Channel. See if I change or enhance these videos, I have to create new versions which would supercede these older versions.
I now have more I would like to share with you. I hope you find them intriguing. If you would like to keep track of my channel, go to: TheJZMurdock on YouTube.
UPDATE 1/18/2013: Before I get to the fiction video book trailers (book trailer videos?), I have just created two new ones for a couple of my non-fiction articles:
Synesthesia, and the Need for More Information - Video Book Trailer
This article is free and also included in:
Some Notes on Field Theory, Albert's Mind and the Status Quo - Video Book Trailer
Okay then, here are my fiction trailers:
Anthology of Evil - Video Book Trailer
Death of Heaven - Video Book Trailer
Andrew - Video Book Trailer
Short Stories
EarVu - Video Book Trailer
Gumdrop City - Video Book Trailer
In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear - Video Book Trailer
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - Video Book Trailer
Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer to a Question He Knever Knew - Video Book Trailer
Sarah - Video Book Trailer
Simon's Beautiful Thought - Video Book Trailer
The Mea Culpa Document of London - Video Book Trailer
First of all, should any of these links change, you can get to their latest replacement versions and any new one on my TheJZMurdock YouTube Channel. See if I change or enhance these videos, I have to create new versions which would supercede these older versions.
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From - EarVu |
UPDATE 1/18/2013: Before I get to the fiction video book trailers (book trailer videos?), I have just created two new ones for a couple of my non-fiction articles:
Synesthesia, and the Need for More Information - Video Book Trailer
This article is free and also included in:
Some Notes on Field Theory, Albert's Mind and the Status Quo - Video Book Trailer
Okay then, here are my fiction trailers:
Anthology of Evil - Video Book Trailer
Death of Heaven - Video Book Trailer
Andrew - Video Book Trailer
Short Stories
EarVu - Video Book Trailer
Gumdrop City - Video Book Trailer
In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear - Video Book Trailer
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - Video Book Trailer
Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer to a Question He Knever Knew - Video Book Trailer
Sarah - Video Book Trailer
Simon's Beautiful Thought - Video Book Trailer
The Mea Culpa Document of London - Video Book Trailer
I have a few others to do and I will let you all know when they are ready, too.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A New Year's eBook Anthology Giveaway!
How about a New Year's Day eGift, right?
UPDATE 1/1/2013 - 1PM So sorry all, I forgot to set "Anthology of Evil" up for free last night, for today. It is now though and will remain available for today and tomorrow. Cheers! Happy New Year's!
I'm giving away another ebook today and tomorrow called, "Anthology of Evil" that includes some of the short horror stories I've given away this past week and then some.
That's all I have to say on this one but you can see more about it on the Smashwords page for the ebook.
I would like to wish you all a very prosperous and happy New Year for you, your family and those you care about.
Happy New Year's!
Also, Death of Heaven will continue to be free through today!
UPDATE 1/1/2013 - 1PM So sorry all, I forgot to set "Anthology of Evil" up for free last night, for today. It is now though and will remain available for today and tomorrow. Cheers! Happy New Year's!
I'm giving away another ebook today and tomorrow called, "Anthology of Evil" that includes some of the short horror stories I've given away this past week and then some.
That's all I have to say on this one but you can see more about it on the Smashwords page for the ebook.
I would like to wish you all a very prosperous and happy New Year for you, your family and those you care about.
Happy New Year's!
Also, Death of Heaven will continue to be free through today!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Two Free Short Horror JZ Murdock ebooks!
Free November 9th in UK and US. My two newest horror stories are going online as standalone ebooks. Originally only available in my book, Anthology of Evil.
Gumdrop City
Based on a true crime event, a widowed (now drinking) father contemplates the strange neighbor everyone is wary of… as well as his young daughter’s whereabouts. This is a disturbing story first brought to my attention when I was getting my degree in psychology at Western Washington University in a class for abnormal psychology. I took the framework of that story and built a fiction story around it. (Update 2019: I am currently working on a short film production prequel of this story). It is a disturbing story and was a challenge to write it without simply being offensive).
UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gumdrop-City-ebook/dp/B00A1TM7MY/
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light
Unknown to them, plummeting to the Earth as terrifying pillars of light from the skies, is the Zombie Apocalypse as it burns into the grounds around a religious commune’s farm; throw in some devastating confusion; a splitting migraine; a squad of special Decon soldiers; God himself; and well, there you pretty much have the making of let’s say, a religious experience.
UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Japheth-Ishvi-The-Light-ebook/dp/B009Z42DK2
Cover art is by the incredible artist Marvin Hayes. He has been doing some interesting works on the side and chose to work on some of my covers. On RedBubble.com he has been selling well in the area of covers for things like ipods, ipads, and iPhones.
Gumdrop City
Based on a true crime event, a widowed (now drinking) father contemplates the strange neighbor everyone is wary of… as well as his young daughter’s whereabouts. This is a disturbing story first brought to my attention when I was getting my degree in psychology at Western Washington University in a class for abnormal psychology. I took the framework of that story and built a fiction story around it. (Update 2019: I am currently working on a short film production prequel of this story). It is a disturbing story and was a challenge to write it without simply being offensive).
UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gumdrop-City-ebook/dp/B00A1TM7MY/
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light
Unknown to them, plummeting to the Earth as terrifying pillars of light from the skies, is the Zombie Apocalypse as it burns into the grounds around a religious commune’s farm; throw in some devastating confusion; a splitting migraine; a squad of special Decon soldiers; God himself; and well, there you pretty much have the making of let’s say, a religious experience.
UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Japheth-Ishvi-The-Light-ebook/dp/B009Z42DK2
Cover art is by the incredible artist Marvin Hayes. He has been doing some interesting works on the side and chose to work on some of my covers. On RedBubble.com he has been selling well in the area of covers for things like ipods, ipads, and iPhones.
Marvin also did the cover for my book Anthology of Evil and Death of heaven (no, the word "heaven" isn't capitalized on purpose as it's a sign, a warning, a commentary on the story, disturbing some and breaking some rules, both grammar and Amazon).
Marvin recently did one for my EarVu story that has been doing well and it's an awesome graphic.
I submitted these to Indies Unlimited for their Freebie Fridays promotion. They didn't pick up my ebooks for this promotional today, this time.
I submitted these to Indies Unlimited for their Freebie Fridays promotion. They didn't pick up my ebooks for this promotional today, this time.
However, they have been kind enough to do so in the past and have also interviewed me and even wrote an article or two about me on there. Not the first time I've been interviewed. You can get other free ebooks there today, so, I'm promoting them here. Give them a look as there will be other Author's free ebooks available.
Have fun.
Have fun.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Free Zombie short story - Japheth, Ishvi and The Light
Today only I'm offering my short story Japheth, Ishvi and The Light, from my Anthology of Evil, for download for the Halloween holiday (sorry, it's a day late but I thought you might need a post event, event).
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - One of my two zombie stories, putting a religious commune, a squad of decon soldiers, a migraine and God, all together to see what happens; available for free download today only.
The other zombie story I've written is coming out soon in a British anthology associated with zombiefiend.com (Mr. Pakool's Spice) about a father trying to get his two children through the zombified winter backwoods of Oregon, while being chased by, someone, not a zombie.
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - One of my two zombie stories, putting a religious commune, a squad of decon soldiers, a migraine and God, all together to see what happens; available for free download today only.
The other zombie story I've written is coming out soon in a British anthology associated with zombiefiend.com (Mr. Pakool's Spice) about a father trying to get his two children through the zombified winter backwoods of Oregon, while being chased by, someone, not a zombie.
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 26, 2012
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 10 - The End
Continuing with the final Part 10 of Ear Vu....
Day 1
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Slowly the beings looked at one another, a shudder seeming
to pass over them. Then they froze, as if in realization of something. One of
the beings lifted his hand and motioned in an odd sort of way. Both then began
to shift into a fractal kind of amorphous mass. “Unnerving”, wasn't quite the
right word for it. Disturbing? Terrifying? Then, the scene began again,
everything having backed up and replaying… except for the shadow beings who
remained in “normal” real time, resolidifying as things returned to “normal”. What?
I looked at the remote. It wasn't me.
As if they were trying to rectify a wrong, they had backed
up time as easily as Garrison or I had backed up a tape. But it worked about as
well for them as it had for us. Each replay only served to replay a scene that
was already set. Were they looking for something? Or hoping to change the
outcome? But that would be, ridiculous.
Again, Garrison in the hologram was watching the beings in
the hologram.
Then as one they
turned their heads to look back at Garrison as if some decision had been made. I
knew what was coming next and couldn't take seeing it again. But instead the
other being duplicated what the first had done and time again slipped backward
and restarted. But that was impossible!
The scene replayed, but nothing changed. It was then that I
realized what was happening. These were very powerful beings, but obviously not
very bright. They seemed agitated, perhaps in their realization that nothing
had changed? Then they seemed to commune together again. And now I knew what
was coming next.
As Garrison’s hand went up to his head, his face grimacing
in pain, I took it as a queue and hit the “Skip” button and suddenly I was at a
point on the tape just after Garrison had been killed. I watched as the beings reconstituted
and stood there, facing one another. I watched as they stood there for what
seemed a very long time. Then it dawned on me. Something after all, had changed;
but what? Leaning in, I continued watching, trying to see what was going to
happen next.
The scene was silent. It was then that I remembered that I
had the mute on, so I disengaged it; but the scene remained silent. The beings
looked down at the floor. Then they continued on around until they were staring
right at, me!
A cold shock blasted through my body. But I relaxed when I realized
that it was just a coincidence and that they must have heard something coming
from the position I was now standing in. So they can hear? Or, feel energy
vibrations? Well, same thing, I suppose. I looked behind me, searching for any
evidence that may have been left from the other night. Except that there was
nothing. So I looked back to see what they did next. And that was when the
beings began moving toward me, and growing in size. Spooky.
It was then that I noticed that there was an area near the hologram
table that was darkening, for no apparent reason. As if something were moving
toward the table here in the lab. As I watched, the dark area turned into a pair
of low shadows that vertically grew in size there in the room with me. They
seemed to be drawn to the hologram, growing in size until they were equal in width
to their counterparts within the hologram which could no longer contain those
shadow beings; as if the beings within the hologram and within my room were
being drawn together like slow magnets.
The two sets of entities drew together and joined. Blending
together they became one and with that motion they stepped suddenly out of the
hologram and into the room. My room! It was so smooth and sudden that it took me
a few seconds before I realized that we were all now standing there in the same
room, together!
So they can make themselves known without our technology!
In the silence of the room I heard the LASER reach the End
of Tape sensor and it clicked to a stop. It then automatically started to wind
back to its earliest most time as the shadow beings stepped toward me. It
seemed obvious to me that they were about to tamper with time as they had
before. Perhaps trying once again, but this time pushing far harder than before?
Evoking change, but how? And, how could I know all this?
I looked back and they were now only inches away from me.
Before I could react, they reached out toward me. I put my hand to my head;
pain was growing there, intense pain. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead as
one of the beings put his “hand” upon my face and then the room turned dark;
dark with energy. I could feel immense power pouring into and around me and
then, there was nothing--
Ear Vu Research Journal
of Dr. Verne Garrison
Day 1
Today begins our studies of visually viewing from audio mag tapes.
I hope you enjoyed, Ear Vu.
I have just published it on Amazon.com. I just published it, so if you do not see it yet, it should be available within 24 hours. And if that's the case (or not), come on back on Monday, when I will be publishing the original story which is just a bit different. The published version will also contain the original. As I said on Monday, Death of Heaven will be today free today in celebration of the release of this latest of my macabre tales, and Halloween. You can also see my other works there on Smashwords.
I also said my novella, Andrew would be free on Amazon for today and Saturday. Andrew is a kind of prequel to Death of Heaven, but they are two very different kinds of stories.
More of my writings are available on Amazon.com.
Apparently there is now an iPod cover available for Ear Vu too!
For a listing of all of my Fiction, nonFiction, Screenplays and Social Media links see my web page at JZMurdock.com.
I hope you enjoyed this week long story as much as I enjoyed sharing it.
Have a fun, safe and creepy Halloween!
Thanks and come again....anytime.
By the way, that last line in the story? It's key.
I hope you enjoyed, Ear Vu.
I have just published it on Amazon.com. I just published it, so if you do not see it yet, it should be available within 24 hours. And if that's the case (or not), come on back on Monday, when I will be publishing the original story which is just a bit different. The published version will also contain the original. As I said on Monday, Death of Heaven will be today free today in celebration of the release of this latest of my macabre tales, and Halloween. You can also see my other works there on Smashwords.
I also said my novella, Andrew would be free on Amazon for today and Saturday. Andrew is a kind of prequel to Death of Heaven, but they are two very different kinds of stories.
More of my writings are available on Amazon.com.
Apparently there is now an iPod cover available for Ear Vu too!
For a listing of all of my Fiction, nonFiction, Screenplays and Social Media links see my web page at JZMurdock.com.
Have a fun, safe and creepy Halloween!
Thanks and come again....anytime.
By the way, that last line in the story? It's key.
Ear Vu,
Part 10,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 9
Continuing with Part 9 of Ear Vu....
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
I began to realize that those shadows we've been seeing were
no longer just shadows. What we had thought were glitches, or “aural smudges”,
I now came to realize were some kind of solid beings, possessing real form and substance.
I paused the tape. I sat there, staring at the frozen hologram. Cold sweat
trickled down my spine under my shirt.
My God! What was I seeing?
Regaining my composure, with not a little effort I hit the Play
button. As the holo came alive again I watched as one of the beings put out what
would be its “hand” toward Garrison’s face, obviously causing him pain. Garrison
put his hand to his head. I zoomed out to better see the scene.
I became stunned and sickened as I watched Garrison suddenly
lifted off the ground and literally torn in two between two rapidly moving, “fractalating”
shadows, as parts of them alternately and repeatedly solidified, pixelated and
vaporized. The intensity of the moment hit me like an explosion. I jumped back
hitting another table, accidentally triggering slow motion while dropping the
remote, losing the ability to freeze the scene, or stop it. Blood was dropping to
the floor as it was nearly instantly sucked up into nothingness; as if by an
invisible mouth, leaving no puddles, no splatter, no evidence.
I hit a nearby keyboard with my fist and the tape paused,
frozen there with Garrison, what was left of the two halves of him anyway,
floating there, suspended in mid-air; his left side separated from his right; some
blood still suspended in the air below his soon to be corpse. I took a couple
of breaths in frozen time. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. When I
again opened them, I ticked Play forward a “frame at a time. My hands trembled.
The “beings” were melded together by a thin line. They continued
their undulations, absorbing a melting Garrison out of the air till there was
nothing left of him. Strangely, the effort seemed to drain, not energize them as
they faded into nothing, until finally there was nothing left in the lab but,
the lab. Nothing looked out of place.
“Shadows that melt the flesh,” came to my mind for some
reason. I hit Stop.
I turned around fighting not to heave my guts out. I knelt
down on the floor and began to shudder, the shock overcoming me. After the
trembles began to ease off, I forced myself to my feet and staggered into
Garrison's office. I sat at the desk and put my head in my hands, rubbing my
eyes deeply. Slowly, I began to feel in control once again. My eyes were weeping
but I wasn't feeling any emotion and realized I must be in shock. Hesitantly, I
looked around the room.
Pictures of Verne Garrison were everywhere. His fishing trip
to Bermuda, the symposium in Geneva, his receiving various awards, some Doctorates,
endowments, etc. He’d had quite a career. We knew we were lucky to be working
with him.
I picked up the phone and dialed the Director. The phone
toned at the other end but I quickly hung up. I picked up the journal and
turned the page back to one of its last entries; one I had missed.
“I awoke with a
hangover today. What should I do? Of course, we should share our findings, and
perhaps even with security, but what then? Little work got done yesterday
because of it. Panic will ensue if the general public ever discovers these
beings exist. I will try a test tonight. Then break the news tomorrow if it
Fascinated, I turned the page back once again. How had I
missed this? It read:
“I have done the same
thing as before. Next time I will playback the recording in real time;
immediately and with no delays. But I know now what to expect. You can see the
creatures, standing there, just watching; being "in the moment" with
you, yet not existing for us. Will we be able to interact with them? Can they
interact with us? Have they before? It would explain so much.
“They appear curious, benign, but what do we do now? Especially,
when the creatures realize that for the first time ever, someone is watching them?
It would appear that they are quite used to watching us and knowing quite well that
we are ignorant of them. What will they do if that changes? If results are
positive, maybe then we should tell Michaelson. Where is Johnson?”
"What the hell!" I stood in anger. "They
should have told me!" I thought about that for a moment.
Without thinking or looking, I rifled through the journal. Something I had noticed before but had paid no attention to, was a part harder than the rest. Finally curious, I opened to that far back page and a card fell out. I picked it up. There was a name on it with an FBI shield. I turned the FBI Agent’s card over. On the back someone, most likely the Agent, had written my name and beneath it was the offending acronym, "NSA". So that was it. I wonder how long they have known who I really worked for? Great. Just, great.
Without thinking or looking, I rifled through the journal. Something I had noticed before but had paid no attention to, was a part harder than the rest. Finally curious, I opened to that far back page and a card fell out. I picked it up. There was a name on it with an FBI shield. I turned the FBI Agent’s card over. On the back someone, most likely the Agent, had written my name and beneath it was the offending acronym, "NSA". So that was it. I wonder how long they have known who I really worked for? Great. Just, great.
The adrenalin in my body was running out. I sat down, my
knees trembling.
"What the Hell, now?"
I stood and headed back out into the lab to the wall. I
rewound the tape and prepared to play it from beginning to end for the first
time. I grimaced and then hit Play, waiting for the beings to reappear in the
hologram. After a while they were once again watching Garrison, just as they
were the first time.
I picked up the remote and walked closer to the hologram
table. I stood there watching, and then dialed in the zoom. The imagery within
the hologram grew in size as I zoomed into the scene, centering on the beings.
It almost looked as if those dark forms were conversing as they watched Garrison.
I stared. With the mute on, except for the hum of the LASER
player, it was completely silent in both the real and the hologram labs. I
zoomed in more on the shadow beings. They were facing Garrison from behind as
he stared quite oblivious, watching the shadow beings within his hologram as
the beings watched him and I, watched them all. Garrison was obviously fascinated,
finally seeing what he had so long been searching for. He stopped, backed up
and replayed the hologram as the beings continued to observe him. It was
unnerving to watch him, knowing he was ignorant of his being spied upon and,
what was to come.
Later today, the conclusion in Part 10 of Ear Vu.
Ear Vu,
Part 9,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Thursday, October 25, 2012
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 8
Continuing with Part 8 of Ear Vu....
"Thanks? Oh, yes?"
"Sir, do you have any idea what--"
"No, sorry. But I am sure you will be talking with me again soon, correct?"
"No, Sir. `SMIC’, Sonni Military Intelligence Contracting, will take over. I have to go now, sir. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or think of anything you believe that we should know. Thank you very much, sir. Have a good night."
I hung up the phone. Military Intelligence. I had to laugh at that well-worn, clichéd contradiction in terms. When will they learn? I turned my attention back to the problem at hand. Today I was scheduled to check resonant duplication from the sine wave functions generated by using multiple microphones as it related to EarVu.
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The next day came too early. After a grueling four hours of
questions the night before, I figured I had already lost enough time on the
project as it was. And coworkers. And it would seem that for now I would be
working alone as my fellow scientists had all--disappeared. Or, died? Nothing
seemed to be missing from the lab, though. There appeared to be no other
evidence of a kidnapping, or a robbery; well, maybe. And considering there was
no indication that Garrison had ever left the building, or Johnson--
I was just finishing my coffee when the phone rang.
“Yes. Dr. Michaelson," I said.
"Dr. Michaelson? This is Thomas, head of security? We
spoke yesterday? The Director wanted me to tell you that we have found nothing
else. He wanted to know if you knew of any important papers or equipment at Dr.
Johnson's house that should be brought back to the lab--before we do anything
Also, you will be given armed protection to your home and back and more, if you so desire."
Also, you will be given armed protection to your home and back and more, if you so desire."
"Thank you, and no,” I thought about it, “we didn’t
usually take things home, not that I know of. I assume the police will give us
what is ours if there is anything lying about? Is there anything else, Mr.
Thomas?" Due to various proprietary applications being worked on elsewhere
in the facility, security was always tight around here. None of us would have taken
secret anything home.
"No, Sir. Thank you. I truly am sorry Dr. Michaelson,
about the, situation. Sir?"
"Thanks? Oh, yes?"
"Sir, do you have any idea what--"
"No, sorry. But I am sure you will be talking with me again soon, correct?"
"No, Sir. `SMIC’, Sonni Military Intelligence Contracting, will take over. I have to go now, sir. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or think of anything you believe that we should know. Thank you very much, sir. Have a good night."
I hung up the phone. Military Intelligence. I had to laugh at that well-worn, clichéd contradiction in terms. When will they learn? I turned my attention back to the problem at hand. Today I was scheduled to check resonant duplication from the sine wave functions generated by using multiple microphones as it related to EarVu.
I grabbed a random tape almost angrily from the tape storage
shelf and went to the “wall”. Popping out the cassette in the deck I inserted a
new one. I logged onto the network, called up EarVu and watched as the tape fed
it’s audio to be translated into the hologram which displayed an entire colony
of black army ants in and around an ant hill. I adjusted to “pan” down through semi-solid
matter deep into the nest. Needing both hands for adjustments, I put the tape I
had in my hand into my pocket and lifted out the other tape, suddenly realizing
what it was!
"Oh, Hell. Test 2 tape?" My hands began to tremble
with the realization of what the tape could be. I calmed down as I realized
that chances were that it was really nothing. I tapped it on my cheek, considering
what happened to Garrison and Johnson, and whether it might yet happen to me. That
thought struck home for the first time. I was sure that the security people had
thought of it long ago; still—I swapped the tapes out, threw the ant tape on
the counter and went to the front door of the lab. I opened the door and, good--no
one was there.
I had thought that there might be a Guard nearby for my
protection, but apparently not. But as I closed the door I noticed the camera
in the hall turn to look toward me. I watched as it zoomed in. Slowly, nonchalantly,
I closed the door and hesitantly considered the possibilities. Was there some
kind of military project related to what we had been working on? Easily, I
supposed. I ignored the implications--for the time being and headed back to the
wall. There were cameras in the lab, but not connected externally for purposes
of security containment. No camera moved. Good.
I grabbed the remote control. My finger went for the button
to initiate the tape but, I found I couldn't press it. I tried again. It was as
if something were keeping me from activating the system. But what? Fear?
‘Come on,’ I screamed at myself deep within my mind. And that
seemed to break the spell. Both of my colleagues may have been killed and I
needed to know. I needed to know for my own safety, what the hell had happened.
Finally, I hit the button and the tape initiated.
A few moments later the hologram lit up and I found I was
looking at a mini version of the lab reproduced there on the low hologram table.
The LASER idea had worked well. Images came out crisp and clear. A phrase
Garrison had used to describe the playback popped into my mind.
"A visual so sharp it will make your eyes bleed." And
Garrison had been right. The images were hard to look at, they were so sharp. After
all, LASER light can be dangerous if you’re not careful. Some glasses hung on a
hook by the tape deck, so I put them on. The side of them said they were from
the same manufacturer as the LASER deck and tapes: Sonni. With the glasses, the
image became even more defined and not so affecting; or dangerous.
Multiple microphones had been set up in the lab so I could clearly
see Garrison's face in the recording made in this lab, night before last. He
was drawn and pale as he watched himself in "real time" within the
hologram from a tape he’d made of himself in the lab. It was a surreal illusion.
I thought of the artist, Escher. I realized that just watching Garrison would
get me nowhere, so I adjusted the controls to show only what the hologram within
the hologram showed.
That was when things changed, rapidly.
Tomorrow, Part 9
Ear Vu,
Part 8,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 7
Continuing with Part 7 of Ear Vu....
Michaelson must have installed the latest version of the Nano Transduction Module. Playback of the visuals using the NTM show, seemingly with purpose, shadow forms moving around. But perhaps it’s a situation like the studio technicians behind sound proofed glass who are just standing around watching and manipulating the recording process taking place?
Day 101
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Day 100
Michaelson must have installed the latest version of the Nano Transduction Module. Playback of the visuals using the NTM show, seemingly with purpose, shadow forms moving around. But perhaps it’s a situation like the studio technicians behind sound proofed glass who are just standing around watching and manipulating the recording process taking place?
Or perhaps we are seeing through multiple walls?
Day 101
On the shadow paradox: I have now proved that they are not
the technicians at the recording site but in another room. What I am seeing is
in the same room with the recording mics. I have viewed many tapes now and
nearly all show these shadows when I use the NTM.
I have sharpened the images. A test tape is now ready to
I flipped through the diary but that was all it said about
the test tape; in fact, that was all there was. I closed the book, got up and
exited the office. I walked over to what we called, “the Wall”, a heavy
assemblage of stereo and processor equipment covering an entire wall of the lab.
Near the center of the room there was a low table where the hologram would be
Built into this great wall of electronics were also several monitors
where we could more closely scan various elements of the process while viewing the
hologram. We used them a lot for commercially produced audio tapes so that we
could separate out the various spliced sections and tracks.
Johnson had actually been able to find that a man had heart
problems by playing a tape and focusing into the man’s chest, then focusing deep
into his heart. Every day we were falling ever deeper into amazing things that
we could do with this EarVu technology. There is no doubt about it, Garrison is
a genius. The CIA had tried to do this for years and always failed to do what
we have done in less than a year.
I examined the test tape more closely. It was one of the
cassette-sized LASER tapes. These tapes were made of a similar substance as the
tapes used in the old 80s film, "Brainstorm". Using a multi-colored
LASER rather than magnetic realignment, they were fast, very dense, could store
immense amounts of data and were well acclimated to this type of research. The
theory went, since light could carry far more information, using this type of
storage would yield much more complicated (and bizarre?) reproductions.
The amazing thing about these tapes was that they were relatively
inexpensive to produce. It simply called upon technology which had been around
for many years. It was how it was all put together that counted.
On the flip side of the tape was a date indicating that it had
been made last week. I tapped the cassette on the back of my left hand,
thinking. Opening the deck, another tape was in the LASER deck. It had “test 2”
written on it. I swapped them, dropped the other into my pocket, then closed
the deck and hit rewind. I walked around the hologram table checking data
panels as things warmed up. Then something caught my eye. Down near the cables
on the ground, there was a dark brown spot. It almost looked like--
I bent down to touch it. It was tacky and rough to the
touch. I scraped a few flakes off with my fingernail. I spit into my palm and rubbed
my finger in it, suddenly realizing that I was reconstituting a small sample of--
For a moment, I just stared at it. I looked around the lab
again. I searched the floor for more--evidence. But evidence of, what? The
maintenance people came through once every few days and were monitored whenever
they were allowed in the lab. Tonight I knew they would be here. But that means
they hadn't been in since—
I looked at the calendar, realizing that I was probably the
first to have seen this.
I pushed the heavy hologram table slightly to the side,
exposing more dried blood until, to my dismay, I saw wet, bloody smears. A
great deal of blood had been lost here. Someone it seemed, had tried to clean
it up, but they had missed some under the table. I stood back up and away, a
bit stunned, wiping the blood stain in my palm on my blue shirt, leaving a
purplish stain. I touched my forehead only to realize I was sweating.
I picked up the phone and called for security.
Later today, Part 8
Ear Vu,
Part 7,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 6
Continuing with Part 6 of Ear Vu....
A rather large collection of audio tapes has grown around the lab. Each researcher has their own preference for the type of music or subject they use as research media. The most popular tape has actually been one of bird calls recorded out in the wild. We have worked out a LASER hologram record/projection unit and the scene it produced is tranquil and extremely beautiful. One could almost smell the scents of the fall season in the mountain meadow. We have discovered some tapes of a less “pristine” nature that are also popular and probably wouldn't get so much attention if we had a more mixed gender type of team.
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Day 81
81A rather large collection of audio tapes has grown around the lab. Each researcher has their own preference for the type of music or subject they use as research media. The most popular tape has actually been one of bird calls recorded out in the wild. We have worked out a LASER hologram record/projection unit and the scene it produced is tranquil and extremely beautiful. One could almost smell the scents of the fall season in the mountain meadow. We have discovered some tapes of a less “pristine” nature that are also popular and probably wouldn't get so much attention if we had a more mixed gender type of team.
Today we discovered that one has to remember not to, let’s
say, have sex, when recording a tape; else others at a later playback will have
the ability to run it through the Ear Vu processors and see everything that happened
while the audio was recording. How many tapes of this type are out there in the
world? What will this do to considerations of privacy?
The thought of the things we will see in reviewing old audio
tapes is both disquieting and a little mind boggling. I’ve begun auditing my own
personal audio recordings at home and have put several into my personal safe. There
are two that I’m considering destroying.
Anyone having any thoughts that the desire of privacy will
lead to actual privacy, already rapidly becoming a thing of the past, with Ear Vu
technology there will now no longer be any grounds of expecting it whatsoever.
Our research shows that sometime in the future it may be possible to view
everything within a wide range of the recording device, whether or not the microphones
were even accessible.
So far this technology does not work very well with old
vinyl recordings. So for now, it is in magnetic media where the wealth of data
is being collected and analyzed. We received the enhancement chip prototype
today around noon and will have to install it when we have time.
EarVu technology will throw intelligence agencies the world
over into chaos. Certain aspects of this frankly, terrify me.
I smiled. I remember that day. Not thinking, Johnson had
scanned us a tape he’d made at home years ago. Suddenly, he and his wife were naked
and having sex in a hologram in the lab. I chuckled and continued on to--
Day 98
Day 98
I had some tapes sent over from the University Medical
Center of a man having a heart attack, dying patients, and so forth. When I
played it back I discovered there are shadows nearby that always seem to fade as
a person gets closer to death. That is the opposite of the behavior I might
expect to see by de-energizing? Are we seeing the sprit or soul dissipating? I
must study this further.
That stopped me dead in my tracks. What the hell was going
on? Why was Garrison holding back so much from us? What if intelligence
agencies hear of this? What if they have?
Tomorrow, Part 7
Ear Vu,
Part 6,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 5
Continuing with Part 5 of Ear Vu....
Day 66
Day 72
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Day 66
Digital compression codecs such as those used on CDs and
DVDs haven’t worked too well due to the digitalization which “clips” ranges;
even “lossless” formats aren’t working well and when they do, they’re slow and their
storage requirements are massive. But these efforts do have that possibility
just around the corner; perhaps as the next medium of choice; though there is some
concern about losing data. Multi-chromatic DVDs do show some promising
behaviors but still, continuous analog medium is the easiest to manipulate at
this time.
There is a certain, “choppiness” to the digital mediums at
higher speeds, even with massive built in buffers. A simpler format, using a
more complicated method of assembly, seems to be the answer and could be
available by the coming spring.
We should receive a completed model of the new enhancement
chips any day now. We are now connected to the University’s super computer. We
can use it now in the non-peak hours for our more simple processing tasks.
Day 72
Quantum Pixel theory gives the best realizations and eventually
will also supply us with the ability to see through things; able to view
heartbeats of people in an audience near the recorder; and so much more. Ear Vu
related M2-brane theory projections will disorientate the scientific community
as it did us, at first.
Application of these theories have now allowed us to use any
analog recording to study in detail exactly what was going on in the audio range
of the mics that were recording. For instance, the technicians in a sound
studio cannot be seen as they are in a sound proofed room; but a recent breakthrough
by Michaelson has shown us shadows of images believed to be those very same
technicians! We are still unsure how we are seeing what could not have been
Perhaps something to do with heat, sound and light waves all
being so similar but of varying degrees of the same scale. Although these are
rather intense variations in scope, computers can fairly easily bring these
numbers down into manageable form through a type of dimensional fractal
replacement theory that we are currently working on. The significance of this
is Nobel Prize level. There is simply no telling how much these discoveries
will advance technology in general.
“Awesome,” I said aloud. He’s certainly not much of one for
letting us in on these things. But a Nobel would be nice. I thought about that
for a moment, then realized that it was actually all pretty obvious. I just hadn’t
considered it. I scanned the lab through the glass wall, almost hoping no one would
show up yet. This was getting interesting. I flipped forward much more
earnestly. I had to smile when I read the opening of the next section, as I
remembered well, that day.
Later today, Part 6
Ear Vu,
Part 5,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 4
Continuing with part 4 of Ear Vu....
Day 41
Day 57
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Day 41
The reproduced scenes, our “Ear Vu scenes”, are still vague
at distances but are now beginning to look much more like a filmed dream
sequence. New compression algorithms of my formulas by Johnson are beginning to
refine that. So, it’s only a matter of time.
Breakthroughs are happening faster than we have the time and
manpower to run down those many possible directions in which we can go. Of the two
scientists here working with me, we are also searching our own personal
directions beyond the scope of our daily, scheduled research. In this way we
will be able to more quickly map the many implications of practical
applications that our discoveries are pointing out. Obvious alternate areas of
research initially include: medical, nanotechnology, criminal sciences, and
then so many others.
Really, the possible applications are limitless.
Day 57
The metal particles on magnetic tape have more recording
capabilities than was ever before conceived. Just as it was recently found that
pixels on photographic paper in an exposed photograph can be used to “look
around corners” within the frame of any photographed scene, “moving pictures”--
no, that is not quite correct; “continuous motion pictures”, can now be made
from analog audio recordings on mag tape.
This brings up some exciting possibilities for movies and
such that are shot using continuous filmic devices (i.e., analog magnetic video
cameras). From audio tape, we have now successfully reproduced a scene that was
actually taking place in the room, next to the room, that the recording was
made in.
It is possible that any recording medium will suffice, not
just magnetic tape, which is merely the medium of the moment. I have
successfully used Ear Vu technology on an antique wire recorder with great
success and viewed a scene from 1898 of its Danish inventor Valdemar Poulsen
using his "Telegraphone wire recorder device”.
The implications of this seem hard to comprehend. We will
actually be able to watch holographic video of scenes from the turn of the last
century! Adding to that, we can excise more audio than was previously believed
to be stored in this or any other medium.
Today there was a strange amorphous mass that floated
through the scene. I fear it’s a glitch or media damage, and will have to
examine it more closely.
I sat there annoyed, wondering. Why didn’t he tell us about
that? I paged forward.
Tomorrow, Part 5
Ear Vu,
Part 4,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 3
Continuing with Part 3 of Ear Vu....
Our new CPUs have now incorporated my EarVu formulas on an integrated farm of Centip3De chips, a near-threshold 7-layer 3D system that contains 128 ARM Cortex-M3 cores and 256MB of stacked DRAM. Most of this building outside our main lab is used up with this farm of CPUs and servers. These can visually (and of course, aurally) reproduce nearly an entire music hall; or most definitely, an entire (and discretely smaller) recording studio where the music would originally have been played at the time of recording.
“Blah, blah, blah,” I said and flipped forward--
Day 36
Later today, Part 4
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Day 23
Our new CPUs have now incorporated my EarVu formulas on an integrated farm of Centip3De chips, a near-threshold 7-layer 3D system that contains 128 ARM Cortex-M3 cores and 256MB of stacked DRAM. Most of this building outside our main lab is used up with this farm of CPUs and servers. These can visually (and of course, aurally) reproduce nearly an entire music hall; or most definitely, an entire (and discretely smaller) recording studio where the music would originally have been played at the time of recording.
Due to the piecemeal method of producing commercially recorded music by splicing together snippets of different tracks and “voices”, the most cohesive format for playback of Ear Vu technology is a single track, continuously recorded session.
Ear Vu visual imagery at this time appears more like what a partially blind person would see on LSD. Consider elements of a drum beat as the number one, as it enters the microphone then its echo as number “-1”; then those numbers keep trailing off in a diminishing form. The processors eliminate reverberations and shadow sounds and add contrast and brightness, etc. This will become more “fleshed out” as the coding becomes more refined. Between incorporating Mandelbrot set / fractal theory with translation software and the new super-cooled, next generation processors, we are seeing the quality getting rapidly better, almost by the hour.#
“Blah, blah, blah,” I said and flipped forward--
Day 36
We have found that any analog recording machine can make
good enough audio tape recordings to reproduce the visuals at the time of
recording. However, the better the equipment, the better the quality of the
visuals reproduced, and the deeper that one can travel into that moment. It
quickly became obvious that the "mysterious duality" proposed by Cumrun
Vafa, Amer Iqbal, and Andrew Neitzke in 2001, with its set of mathematical
similarities between objects and laws describing M-theory on k-dimensional tori,
play a big role in this technology and explains how the data can encompass
magnetic particles on mag tape. The process is similar for old LASER tape technology
from 1967, substituting photonic elements for magnetic.
“No, kidding,” I said aloud. Bored I tapped on the desk and
looked around. Where the Hell did they go? I thought about getting something to
eat, but I really wasn't that hungry, so I flipped forward some more.
Later today, Part 4
Ear Vu,
Part 3,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Monday, October 22, 2012
EarVu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 2
Part 2 of Ear Vu
Day 1
The easiest way to understand this is to think of bats, whales or dolphins. Bats have the ability for echolocation using their biosonar, so that they can easily fly while avoiding things in their way. They draw within their minds a kind of sonarscape. One could imagine (incorrectly) that they "see" through sound. Ear Vu technology draws upon that theory and process, enhancing it to quite unbelievable degrees.
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
Ear Vu Research Journal of Dr. Verne Garrison
Day 1
Today begins our “Ear Vu” technology studies of visually viewing from magnetic audio tape recordings. After having worked on this myself for several years, I successfully presented a proposal to the Sonni Corporation and have been given a private lab and a handpicked staff to pursue this new technology. They're an odd company, but they have deep pockets. Everyone knows their logo of the rogue elephant; they go their own way.
They've already drawn up a logo for Ear Vu, their famous rogue elephant looking out an ear with the words: "Remember like an elephant. Ear Vu recalls everything!"
Certainly, no one can say they don't get right on top of things. They are one of those conglomerates that seem to be everywhere and yet no one notices. A powerful organization. Maybe, too powerful.
They've already drawn up a logo for Ear Vu, their famous rogue elephant looking out an ear with the words: "Remember like an elephant. Ear Vu recalls everything!"
Certainly, no one can say they don't get right on top of things. They are one of those conglomerates that seem to be everywhere and yet no one notices. A powerful organization. Maybe, too powerful.
Now, what exactly is Ear Vu?
The easiest way to understand this is to think of bats, whales or dolphins. Bats have the ability for echolocation using their biosonar, so that they can easily fly while avoiding things in their way. They draw within their minds a kind of sonarscape. One could imagine (incorrectly) that they "see" through sound. Ear Vu technology draws upon that theory and process, enhancing it to quite unbelievable degrees.
As magnetic audio tapes work through the recording of sound waves, forces of pressure rebound against the internals of a microphone, typically of either dynamic, condenser, ribbon or crystal types. Vibrations are transduced into electrical signals which are then stored on an analog medium such as magnetic tape; or digitally, but for this technology, only if there are enough discrete breakdowns and available storage. Typically, digital doesn't work for this in real time as nothing is yet fast enough to convert and record. It is best if done in bulk , using analog formats.
Thus, in turning physical movements into electrical impulses, playback can reproduce audio tones, and with a sophisticated enough system, recreate the dimensions of the original sound quality, depth of field, etc. That is, you can hear each instrument recorded in an orchestra, played back so that you can spatially “see” in your mind where each instrument would have been located, within that setting via the reproduced sound spectrum. It’s more amazing than it sounds.
What I only recently realized was that the recordings on magnetic analog tape, produced by magnetizing particles of either Iron or Chromium oxides, can record astonishing amounts of information. If then linked together with a good processor, it can reproduce far more than sound waves of limited range. We can enhance this in a variety of ways for example, by using analog video; or with LASER tapes, but not in the standard, digital way.
As noted, this is not yet workable using digital formats of storage as the speed of transfer and the amount of bytes required for storage are still quite limited. Whereas on analog recordings, magnetic storage medium is nearly unlimited in the amount of data it can store, “dimensionally”. This is something that was to a degree previously known, though access to retrieving the data was simply unavailable.
Ear Vu technology has drastically changed this retrieval limitation.
I lowered the journal and thought about that. Interesting to hear it put that way, but nothing I didn't really already know. I flipped forward a bit.
Tomorrow, Part 3
Ear Vu,
Part 2,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Ear Vu, a Sci Fi Horror story - Part 1 - Beginning
Last week I posted that today I would start a ten part series through this week of my latest short Horror/Science Fiction story, "Ear Vu" (7,185 words).
So, with this being an election year and more importantly, the Halloween season, I thought we could use some entertainment and a brief aside stretched over a week's time. Also, I'm planning on opening up my book, Death of Heaven, on Friday for free for one day in celebration of the release of this latest tale of my macabre tales. What the heck, I"ll also set up my novella, Andrew on Amazon for free on Friday and Saturday.
So, let's get going....
I woke up late. But then I hadn't slept very well. So when I
got to work I wasn't exactly on time. As it turned out, no one really noticed.
The building was empty when I got there; except of course, for the Guards.
Several hours later, still no one had shown up for work and I had to wonder. What
happened to Garrison and Johnson? Johnson hadn't come in yesterday, either. No
one seemed to be at home when I called later. No one called and no one answered
their cell.
“Dynamic design,” the architects had called it.
I opened the door to the hall. Nothing, no one in the hallway. I closed the door, hesitated, then went to Johnson’s office. All the offices faced the main lab and had glass walls with curtains bordering them in the event there was any need for privacy, or darkness; but there seldom was. I tried the doorknob. It was unlocked as it naturally would be. After all the lab was well secured so we had no need to lock our offices within the secured room. There was nothing interesting inside.
So, I went to Garrison’s door and entered the plush office with its electronic debris scattered everywhere, pretty typical of all our offices. I walked over to the desk and plopped down in the chair. Garrison’s diary was in the middle of all the confusion there on the desk. He loved writing with pens and used a digital pen so that whatever he wrote into his journal was automatically transcribed into his laptop and then onto the lab’s NAS drive.
He had gotten us all into using those pens. They were pretty cool, actually. I kept mine in my jacket pocket. They would store a certain amount of data buffered that would transfer wirelessly as needed and as it could be configured for. There were many of these types of devices around the lab: digital whiteboards, iPads, etc. We were fully stocked with the latest and greatest.
I looked Garrison’s journal over more closely. The last entry was for last night.
"Will make a mag tape of the things for all to see. Interaction is affirmative. Johnson had said he would try. So, where is he?"
There had been a tape beneath the top of the journal. I picked it up, but it was unremarkable. It just said, “test” on it in Garrison’s handwriting. Looking around the lab through the glass wall of his office, I decided I might as well read the journal. After all, no one was around to interrupt me and besides, maybe there is a clue as to where everyone went.
Later today, Part 2
So, with this being an election year and more importantly, the Halloween season, I thought we could use some entertainment and a brief aside stretched over a week's time. Also, I'm planning on opening up my book, Death of Heaven, on Friday for free for one day in celebration of the release of this latest tale of my macabre tales. What the heck, I"ll also set up my novella, Andrew on Amazon for free on Friday and Saturday.
So, let's get going....
"Ear Vu"
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Image by Marvin Hayes |
If there is no word by tomorrow, I’ll have to assume something
significant is at play here. Could it be some kind of industrial espionage, kidnapping?
If so, then why was I still here? Or, was I next? Certainly, this research is important
enough. But for people to-- disappear?
If that’s the case then why one at a time?
About midday I spoke in the hallway with one of the Guards making
security rounds. He told me that Johnson hadn’t signed out the night before
last and it was the same for Garrison last night. So, where were they? I had
left a little early yesterday for a dental appointment so I didn't know when
Garrison might have left. Then the Guard said that still there were no signs of
my coworkers today. I thanked him and he continued on with his rounds
throughout the rest of the facility; our lab being only one of eight buildings in
the complex that they canvassed on a semi-hourly basis.
Back in the lab, through the windows I could see the
facility’s octagonal shaped center court with its eight encompassing buildings.
Others were visible working in those buildings across from ours, quite oblivious
to my concerns. There was nothing else to do but return to the day’s research.
Actually, it was mostly paperwork today and most of that was number crunching.
Hours later, dusk began its quick decline. Those across the courtyard
had mostly left for their homes and families. Though I was alone, I kept
feeling a presence and I began to look over my shoulder from time to time. Tired,
I had tried to take a nap at lunchtime, I just couldn't relax long enough to
sleep. I stopped my review of the data on my monitor and looked around at the
empty lab with its five walls and various offices and supply rooms.
`Where the hell are they?' The thought kept nagging at me.
Who should I call?
I picked up a pack of Garrison's cigarettes that were
sitting on one of the lab tables and absent mindedly removed one. I scouted
around for a lighter. Finding none, I suddenly realized I had quit smoking years
ago. My temper flared momentarily, inexplicably, until I remembered that it had
after all, been my decision to quit. My nerves were on edge. I picked up my pen
and tried once more to write the thoughts which these past few hours had
continually eluded me; but I only found myself doodling, again. So I dropped
the pen once more.
The lab seemed to grow quieter, emptier.
My thoughts drifted as I wondered what this new technology
would bring. I found myself staring at the front lab door. Looking around I saw
scattered bits of hardware, wires, fiber optics, microfluidics, and all the
other junk we found easy to play inventor with. We had found a way to redirect residual
heat into power which was redirected into cooling. The more it heated, the more
it cooled and the faster the CPU cycles ran in an ever growing loop that
increased in power until finally, it hit a plateau. But at that level of
processing, the speeds were incredibly fast.
Applications of this technology alone would revolutionize
computing power. But that wasn't what we had been working on. I looked around
suddenly feeling very alone; yet, not feeling alone. Like someone was there in
the room with me. It was eerie, bordering on fearful.
"Hello?" I said, feeling tired, finally giving in
to the feeling. No one answered.
I went to the main door. Grabbing the knob, I turned it. Then
I turned, looking back around the lab. Of the eight doors in our rather large
lab, three of them went to offices for the bachelor scientists, us. This door
led to the main hallway, several others to storerooms and one to a vault. There
were “ALON” windows looking out on the center court of the complex. Each
building was sealed off from the rest for security and safety.
‘Security, as well as beauty,’ I thought. It was a dramatic
“Rats in a beautiful cage,” we called it among ourselves.
“Dynamic design,” the architects had called it.
I opened the door to the hall. Nothing, no one in the hallway. I closed the door, hesitated, then went to Johnson’s office. All the offices faced the main lab and had glass walls with curtains bordering them in the event there was any need for privacy, or darkness; but there seldom was. I tried the doorknob. It was unlocked as it naturally would be. After all the lab was well secured so we had no need to lock our offices within the secured room. There was nothing interesting inside.
So, I went to Garrison’s door and entered the plush office with its electronic debris scattered everywhere, pretty typical of all our offices. I walked over to the desk and plopped down in the chair. Garrison’s diary was in the middle of all the confusion there on the desk. He loved writing with pens and used a digital pen so that whatever he wrote into his journal was automatically transcribed into his laptop and then onto the lab’s NAS drive.
He had gotten us all into using those pens. They were pretty cool, actually. I kept mine in my jacket pocket. They would store a certain amount of data buffered that would transfer wirelessly as needed and as it could be configured for. There were many of these types of devices around the lab: digital whiteboards, iPads, etc. We were fully stocked with the latest and greatest.
I looked Garrison’s journal over more closely. The last entry was for last night.
"Will make a mag tape of the things for all to see. Interaction is affirmative. Johnson had said he would try. So, where is he?"
There had been a tape beneath the top of the journal. I picked it up, but it was unremarkable. It just said, “test” on it in Garrison’s handwriting. Looking around the lab through the glass wall of his office, I decided I might as well read the journal. After all, no one was around to interrupt me and besides, maybe there is a clue as to where everyone went.
Later today, Part 2
Ear Vu,
Part 1,
sci fi,
science fiction,
short story,
Friday, October 19, 2012
Last note before Monday's Ear Vu story release
Happy Friday! Well, this week has been fun putting together all this background on my story.
This will be my last note before the actual release of my macabre new Horror / Sci Fi story, "Ear Vu".
In a week from Monday I'll publish my original draft of this story. Then you can see how it had changed between the original concept notes that I wrote a couple of decades ago and my by then, released story. I will also offer a gift at the end.
But first a bit about my "process".
I've always had a strange way of writing drafts. When I was a technical writer I would have to gather all my resources, talk to the SME's (Subject Matter Experts), then write a draft up; write another draft, show it to my manager, make corrections; then write another draft, show it to the manager at which it was usually about 90% done, make final corrections and usually then, turn it in. I've had more than one manager question if I was going to get the paper done on time or completed fully and correctly. But for some reason, the change from the second to the last draft to the final, was usually quite remarkable.
One new manager I worked with was very concerned but I said not to worry, it's just my process. When I turned in the final draft, she was surprised at how well it all came together and incorporated so many changes so quickly and had became so polished.
It was just my "process". In tech writing there were frequently massive amounts of information needing to be compiled from a variety of individuals that all needed to be drawn up and finalized in a very short amount of time. Sometimes, to get the information from people, some of whom wanted nothing to do with talking to you, you almost needed to be a therapist to draw out what you needed from them. At times you needed to sooth their own time concerns (or ego), in order to get what you need to write the piece.
Why do I bring all this up here, and now? Because all of this had a lot to do with my writing process now. However in this case I'm now the SME. I'm using my mind, my past experiences, my remembered research all leading up to putting "pen to paper" (fingers to keyboard just doesn't have the same ring, does it?), for the current story I was writing, along with some new research and the story developed.
My transitions now from draft to draft are somewhat smoother than when I was tech writing, but those past writing experiences have still all added up to how my stories come together now. I did a lot of research for this little short story leading to a foundation for what exactly the "Ear Vu" technology is.
One recent reader/reviewer remarked how, "this technology actually sounds, reasonable." Which is a big compliment to the work I put in trying to support the contention of the tech for this story.
So. All that being said, just what IS "Ear Vu" technology?
Well, you will only have to wait till next week to find out....
This will be my last note before the actual release of my macabre new Horror / Sci Fi story, "Ear Vu".
In a week from Monday I'll publish my original draft of this story. Then you can see how it had changed between the original concept notes that I wrote a couple of decades ago and my by then, released story. I will also offer a gift at the end.
But first a bit about my "process".
I've always had a strange way of writing drafts. When I was a technical writer I would have to gather all my resources, talk to the SME's (Subject Matter Experts), then write a draft up; write another draft, show it to my manager, make corrections; then write another draft, show it to the manager at which it was usually about 90% done, make final corrections and usually then, turn it in. I've had more than one manager question if I was going to get the paper done on time or completed fully and correctly. But for some reason, the change from the second to the last draft to the final, was usually quite remarkable.
One new manager I worked with was very concerned but I said not to worry, it's just my process. When I turned in the final draft, she was surprised at how well it all came together and incorporated so many changes so quickly and had became so polished.
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"Ear Vu" by Marvin Hayes |
Why do I bring all this up here, and now? Because all of this had a lot to do with my writing process now. However in this case I'm now the SME. I'm using my mind, my past experiences, my remembered research all leading up to putting "pen to paper" (fingers to keyboard just doesn't have the same ring, does it?), for the current story I was writing, along with some new research and the story developed.
My transitions now from draft to draft are somewhat smoother than when I was tech writing, but those past writing experiences have still all added up to how my stories come together now. I did a lot of research for this little short story leading to a foundation for what exactly the "Ear Vu" technology is.
One recent reader/reviewer remarked how, "this technology actually sounds, reasonable." Which is a big compliment to the work I put in trying to support the contention of the tech for this story.
![]() |
"Ear Vus" by Marvin Hayes |
So. All that being said, just what IS "Ear Vu" technology?
Well, you will only have to wait till next week to find out....
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Monday's Ear Vu story - characters
Monday next week will see the release here of my story, "Ear Vu".
I thought perhaps you might like a little non invasive back story on a few of the main characters. There are three scientists working in the lab together at the Sonni Facility. Dr. Michaelson, the protagonist and narrator, Dr. Verne Garrison, the lead Scientist and inventor of "Ear Vu" technology, and Dr. Johnson, their final teammember and fellow scientist.
Michaelson has had a diverse background in physics and quantum mechanics. He worked at NASA, and then JPL where he was loaned out to the CIA for a while. He then went to Bell Labs working on charge-coupled device (CCD) semiconductor imaging sensors. Then he worked at Great Britain's National Physical Laboratory and most recently came to the "Ear Vu" project directly from a Quantum Information Visiting Fellowship at the University of Queensland. Since he has been outside of the US for so long, neither Garrison or Johnson have met him. But they had heard of him and he is highly qualified. Personally, he has had multiple and somewhat disastrous relationships partly because he has moved around so much and partly because he simply can't settle down.
Leader of the team, Verne Garrison, taught for a short time at MIT and then worked at Sandia labs and then, CERN. Having done well in the stock market in the dotcom boom of the late 1990s, at that point he simply built his own private lab at his home which is situated on some beautiful and remote acreage. He finally hit a point where he needed access to equipment that he could never afford, so he shopped around and found a home with the immensely powerful Sonni Corporation. Personally, he had once been married and had a family with three children. Though he hasn't seen them in years, he stays in touch with his adult children, all of whom have prestigious positions in the sciences.
Finally, Johnson has a solid background in astrophysics, magnetic and string theory. He knew Garrison before their current work together and had studied under him at MIT. Personally, he has no relationship outside of his work. He is your basic nerd/geek type who finds all the emotional needs in his life supplied by his science and his work. What no one knows is that he put himself through college by making drugs, though he never himself used them. The fact that he compartmentalized well enough that he never got caught and never had a file built with the police, is a sign of his ability to remain calm and manage highly stressful situations.
This is the team that Garrison put together. He has always been absolutely sure of his ability to look into someone to see if they would be trustworthy and dedicated and, up to this point he's never been wrong. He fully believed he had put together the exact team he needed to complete their work. Loyal to one another, tight lipped, nothing they were working on would be getting out. Security was supplied by the Sonni corporation in a secure building and so, all they needed to do now, was finish their work.
At this point Garrison was quite sure there will be nothing ahead but the joy of working out puzzles in quantum mechanics and building the electronics to play out the puzzles they would all solve together.
His planning had been impeccable. There would be nothing going forward, he was quite sure, but smooth sailing....
I thought perhaps you might like a little non invasive back story on a few of the main characters. There are three scientists working in the lab together at the Sonni Facility. Dr. Michaelson, the protagonist and narrator, Dr. Verne Garrison, the lead Scientist and inventor of "Ear Vu" technology, and Dr. Johnson, their final teammember and fellow scientist.
Michaelson has had a diverse background in physics and quantum mechanics. He worked at NASA, and then JPL where he was loaned out to the CIA for a while. He then went to Bell Labs working on charge-coupled device (CCD) semiconductor imaging sensors. Then he worked at Great Britain's National Physical Laboratory and most recently came to the "Ear Vu" project directly from a Quantum Information Visiting Fellowship at the University of Queensland. Since he has been outside of the US for so long, neither Garrison or Johnson have met him. But they had heard of him and he is highly qualified. Personally, he has had multiple and somewhat disastrous relationships partly because he has moved around so much and partly because he simply can't settle down.
Leader of the team, Verne Garrison, taught for a short time at MIT and then worked at Sandia labs and then, CERN. Having done well in the stock market in the dotcom boom of the late 1990s, at that point he simply built his own private lab at his home which is situated on some beautiful and remote acreage. He finally hit a point where he needed access to equipment that he could never afford, so he shopped around and found a home with the immensely powerful Sonni Corporation. Personally, he had once been married and had a family with three children. Though he hasn't seen them in years, he stays in touch with his adult children, all of whom have prestigious positions in the sciences.
Finally, Johnson has a solid background in astrophysics, magnetic and string theory. He knew Garrison before their current work together and had studied under him at MIT. Personally, he has no relationship outside of his work. He is your basic nerd/geek type who finds all the emotional needs in his life supplied by his science and his work. What no one knows is that he put himself through college by making drugs, though he never himself used them. The fact that he compartmentalized well enough that he never got caught and never had a file built with the police, is a sign of his ability to remain calm and manage highly stressful situations.
This is the team that Garrison put together. He has always been absolutely sure of his ability to look into someone to see if they would be trustworthy and dedicated and, up to this point he's never been wrong. He fully believed he had put together the exact team he needed to complete their work. Loyal to one another, tight lipped, nothing they were working on would be getting out. Security was supplied by the Sonni corporation in a secure building and so, all they needed to do now, was finish their work.
At this point Garrison was quite sure there will be nothing ahead but the joy of working out puzzles in quantum mechanics and building the electronics to play out the puzzles they would all solve together.
His planning had been impeccable. There would be nothing going forward, he was quite sure, but smooth sailing....
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