Showing posts with label Humor life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor life. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ever create a universe?

Creating life.

My son has been trying to create life in our kitchen. Some metal rods, water, container, electricity, aluminum and saran wrap (hey, I don't know).

He ran it all together and came up with many bubbles. In a few hours, there was some kind of goop. It looked similar to the description given of what two scientists found in the 50s when they did something similar and created the basic building blocks of life on Earth, enzymes.

So we joked that maybe he had created life. or a Universe. But I had to pose the question, so if that makes you their "God", what does that make me? I mean, I pay the electricity here, you used things from my house to create this, "life".

Then it got us to thinking, how WAS our universe created? Was there a guy in a room in a house, and he created this universe? Sitting there partying with his friends, did he say, "Hey, check this out." And poof, our universe appeared?

And so if "God" created all things (in this universe, remember when life was less complicated and you just said, "God created all things, everywhere", but now "He" is limited?); what does that make his Dad? You could say, in the Catholic way, that "God" and His, Dad, are part of the Holy Trinity, the mysteries of God (etc., etc.,).

But what about "God's" "Dad's" "Dad", and His "Dad", and so on, and so on (and they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and....).

Anyway, it makes one a little crazy to consider all this.

But still and again...what if?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have you every had this happen?

Have you every had this happen?

In an alley, you run up against a wall.
You can't get over that wall.
You can't get around that wall.

You're standing on concrete.

You hear a soft gentle sound over the other side of that wall.
Something melodic, familiar, unique, different and you want to capture it, put it in a box, store it in your ipod, play it for your friends, keep it for yourself, discover what it is that is making that beautiful damn sound; but you can't get to it.

When you try to capture it, it plays all static back and its hard to hear. So you know you have to get through that wall, to see what that is, face to face; try to capture it in your hands, or on video; realizing you couldn't put it in a cage.

But you know you have to do something. You can't go back, you can't go forward, and it can't come to you either; because you feel like its singing that song to you, because you can feel it, and you know that is your song and, it knows that it it your song.

Trouble is, you can't be sure of so many things. So, what do you do?

Best you can, I suspect. Maybe with a little help from the other side.

But, you have that wall staring you both in the face.

The cold war must have been Hell on those Berliners....