Showing posts with label Niger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niger. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts #59

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts… August 3, 2023, Thursday

Weather for the day… 61° starting out, 65° when I got home

Maybe we need to find a way to change the Wagner group from Russian to something else to stop the growing conflict there helping in Africa?

So the crew leader in Niger, threatening Bikina, Faso, and Molly if his coup is interfered with, he’ll attack them, people playing that North Korean game as they do with South Korea, and Japan really need to be attacked. If not with military with something and be brought down. As with Putin in Russia, we have to stop putting up with his bullshit from these petty little fucking dictators and holding the world hostage so they can do their little crimes and murder people, and in some cases people in other countries.
This is yet just another reason to bring Putin down hard and ASAP to stop the crap going on in Iran and Africa and who knows where else next? Not to mention what Russia is doing is emboldening these petty autocrats around the world.

So one Russia expert when asked about the Wagner group, said they’re opportunistic, and where they find a foothold they’ll go for it and exploit it. So that’s a perfect condition for setting them up to throw in all their resources with promise of great wealth and power and then... eliminate everyone of them. Or give them a chance to join the other side (good luck with that).

Niger has 7% of global uranium production

Pres. Biden's agreed to give information on Russian war crimes to the ICC. Let’s move this along. I’m sick of criminals getting away so long with things they do anymore. Like Trump, also.

Elon Musk helped Putin’s war in Ukraine by cutting off Ukraine from Musk's Starlink satellites. Then the US bought Ukraine some Starlink satellites so that now Musk can’t pull that kind of crap again.

Finally, we’re seeing more drone strike on Russia hitting military and government installations and Pres. Zalensky admits it now and that this was inevitable and I agree... and have been saying for a while this needs to happen. Russia also says Ukraine is using sea drones to attack their ships. Keep it up guys.

I had said that Ukraine needs to use those drones within Russia, indirectly against the civilians. to wake them up. It would have to be done carefully because you don’t want it to backfire, but it has to be done in such a way so as to have Russians blame Putin for the war, to stop the war, and that kind of thing. Maybe Ukraine were hitting offices that supply citizens with checks, or banks, or some sort of data centers, something that would make the people angry. Against Putin, firing off propaganda against Putin and their own Russian military for their illegal war against another country all to please Putin.

North Korea needs cash. the Russians need artillery munitions which they've long been giving to North Korea. for years now. You draw the conclusion.

The FBI and its own report said that America’s biggest domestic problem is extremism. The world's biggest problem is extremism and, religious extremism. We’re seeing that played out in Israel under Netanyahu. It’s obviously a factor in America Christian white nationalism as repugnant and layered within the Republican Party, white nationalists, and all through Trump's MAGA insurrectionist sub party of a poisoning GOP..

How about that religious thing… I’ve been complaining of, worrying about that for decades, and warning about it. I was also warned about Russia and Putin for decades. I didn’t have to learn about the USSR decades before that. Everyone knew about that. But it’s odd how little they knew in decades since the "Iron Curtain" fell. People didn’t laugh at me decades ago when I worried about Russia and when I worried about Putin, but you could see their surprise at times and their disbelief, wondering if I was one of those… Some crazy political nut. Nope. I think we mostly all know that now. Except for those who support Trump, and even some of them know. I had long warned about Republicans using old Soviet KGB disinformation tactics and propaganda. That was back in the early 90s. I’ve been warning longer about religious extremism, since I experienced it firsthand when I was in the Air Force and taken to one of their white Christian nationalist compounds in the hills of Idaho, across from Spokane, Washington, near the SAC US Air Force base at Fairchild where I was stationed. I had no idea where I was going that day when a guy from the base said he'd take my wife and I with his wife and him to their "church". We never wanted to go back there again, once we got away from there. They were very nice people, nice Neo-Nazis. Nice Neo-Nazis (NAZIS still though, right?) I did some reading on who those people were and they’re fucking scary. If they ever aligned with a political party, they would be trouble. And now they’ve aligned with the Republican Party since the decades since then, and there is most definitely trouble. Trump weaponized them to get elected throughout his election and later his insurrection, once he lost because America finally rejected him.
So my score is doing pretty good and being pretty correct over decades now. There’s a few things I didn’t factor in that have happened, making things worse. Because I can’t do and think of everything and I’m not after all a professional political analyst. But I do have a degree in psychology, and I do understand psycho-social elements And societal issues at their base levels.

Have you heard about this deal? We’re offering Saudi Arabia a mutual defense pack? Giving them some weapons and stuff if they pull out of Yemen. in a war there om which they want out of anyway? And they have to be nice to Israel, and Israel has to agree to not annex Palestine? There’s some good stuff in this but I agree with the podcast if we’re not gonna get Israel to set up a Palestinian state, then the current autocratic religious fascist Netanyahu admin are going to do then, what exactly? And considering leadership in Saudi Arabia. while yeah they're good to have as friends, if they turn dark over the next years? Then what? Are they going to come to our defense in a “mutual “defense pact"? Are they going to help us with Taiwan against China? Yeah, no, probably not.

Cheers! Sláinte!