Showing posts with label conman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conman. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Donald John Trump: Evangelical Corporate Con Man

 I've been waring about this for so long I can't remember when it started. You can search my blogs here and you'll find whole blogs devoted to both of these things.

Corporate Thought, or Corporate Thinking. And, Evangelism. I've complained about these forms of human and environmental abuse for years, written blogs about them, and now we're all living them and don't even realize it.

The first has cost us in so many areas and it has invaded everything. The second, well...the same.

And with PRES. Trump (and i use that term lightly, and inaccurately..."Pres." I mean), both are involved, deeply.

Corporate thought is about profit and using it in areas you should never use it. It's invaded our schools, government and religious institutions. 

The later of which, let's face it was already capitalist. You do something on earth you find profit in HEAVEN. But it is Evangelist movement, a very American born institution of grift and profit that has settled everywhere and is now massively in the Republican party. 

Put the two together in Donald Trump and you have...The Trump Administration. It's also why he leans so deeply into Putin, Autocrats and crime. Profit, because that is deeply entrenched in both of those forms of thinking, and cons. 

And that's the third, a hybrid of the first time. Confidence schemes. The Con. Which Don the Con has now perpetrated the biggest con on US in US history. 

A con requires using your emotions and decency, your good nature, good manners, anything good about you, against you and for the benefit of the criminal using it to harm you. And enhance their lifestyle. Typically done by sociopaths and/pr narcissists. Thus, Donald John Trump. 

So yeah, keep voting for him. Keep thinking he just has your best interests at heart.

Like any con's good "Mark". 

#Vote. And for God's sake, and YOUR OWN, NOT for Donald Trump! And NOT for some thrid party useless candidate. NOW is NOT the time for a "protest vote"! Decent Joe Biden, our only choice to rid ourselves of the Rat in the White House and his no longer GOP, his Conservative Populist Nationalist Racist Republican party.

The old GOP you may have voted for? It's now dead. Deal with it. They researched themselves in 2008 and again in 2012 and found themselves lacking. They suggested a massive reworking and they did...NOTHING. So now They, and we, have Donald Trump. He corrupts all he touches. 

The GOP, who gave us George H.W. Bush, who was a VP, head of the CIA once. Then his son, George W. Bush, who took us into an illegal and vastly regionally destabilizing war in Iraq that has affected the world until this day. From that descent long down the GOP slide of disgust to now Donald Trump who took over the GOP in a "hostile takeover" (Donald Trump, Jr.'s words) and strangled it to death so that now it's not just the zombie part it came to be known as in 2008, but the Donald Trump Puppet Zombie Party we all know and love to hate today.

As Grover Norquist said about the American Government and we now prefer to use against the GOP, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." And that ladies and gentlemen and all what we now need to do to the once and no longer, GOP.

And Its Zombie Manufacturer, Donald John Trump. The US President with the three word serial killer name. 

Look. It's simple. Vote. For your future. For the future of America. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Trump Blind

How can Trump supporters not see Trump for who he is? It took some very gullible misinformed, disinformed, low information people to elect him and now, to still listen to him. to be fair, many of us are low information people. Today's life is all about lots of information at very shallow degrees of dissemination. We are today, the most educated, best informed, and yet most ignorant people in human history.

Whether it's a massive need to switch to vote by mail-in ballot, or to social distance while some protest it, America is a morass of confusion, aided by Pres. Donald Trump.

Let me share this incredibly well-stated article I heard of from one of my favorite actors for decades now, John Cusack, from Fintan O'Toole from The Irish Times:


Filters. Trump is adept at getting people to use filters of his own sad design.

Conman. Mesmer. Donald Trump.A new American disease brought on by a longer-term conservative and Republican disease.

Do NOT get me wrong. We NEED a Republican party. We need a representative for the conservative voices in America. But we do NOT need THIS defective faux democratic lobbyist's dream for big money and power-grabbing at any and all costs to not just America but their own base. A base mostly of middle and lower economic classes, but seen to the party as the big and rich and powerful. The party is there to support business, big business because that's where they see the money and power are.

I'm really now seeing it as Trumpblindness. We have heard Trump cult followers label anyone shoving facts, reality, or truth about Trump in their faces as victims of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), which does not exist.

Which actually is Trump Delusional Syndrome in never seeing Trump do anything wrong and any facts about him showering light and truth about him as "Fake News". TDS does not exist on Trump opponent's side, but the other TDS most assuredly does. We've all seen it.

As for Trump Derangement Syndrome, it could really be referred to as Trump Dissemination Syndrome as people angered justly about how Trump acts, try very hard, and passionately to share the facts about Trump, which his supporters turn a blind set of eyes and ears and mind into the darkness. Yes, when people do that, and it's dire, it's frustrating and angry invoking, but in a deranged fashion but in a rational and justified fashion.

It's as if someone is attacking your neighborhood, lying about it, claiming those trying to stop it are actually doing it, and those who are trying to stop the attacks are being called deranged, and liars, as at they watch more and more damage and irrational behaviors. That SHOULD make you angry, that should invoke action! But how is it deranged? And how are those ignoring reality NOT deranged?

This is a religious near-cult style belief system. Why is this happening? What is going on?

Trump has been supported by some church organizations. Trump has paid them back for their support. Their foolish and yet productive support. Why has he turned so Christian when he is obviously not, even by his own supposed "Paster's" comments.

What is all that about? No one has known. I have however talked about this kind of thing before. I've talked about many of these things involved with American Evangelical Christianity and Mega Churches and the Republican party and the past few years, Donald Trump. But I never quite put them all together as well as one person has in her book.

I highly recommend anyone interested in this, in what's been going on, WATCH this video interview from C-SPAN 2 with Katherine Stewart. It's a real eye-opener.

Katherine Stewart
The Power Worshippers

Journalist Katherine Stewart argued that religious nationalists are waging political war on American democracy and institutions. This was a virtual author program.

This information may well stun and shock you. It's a real eye-opener, It's not conspiracy theories. It's not Fake News. It's not TDS. It's reality. I'll also bet many who watch this will also have a feeling of epiphany. "This makes so much sense! Finally!"

 Like I said, I've been sharing this information for years. I just never put it together like this until now. My first blog on this Christian connection goes all the way back to 2015! It actually goes back even further to I think 2011. I started this blog in 2010 and I know I was talking about it even before that.

There is a video with Trump and Acosta which is pretty much a Trump training film. You can see the good questions. You can see how Trump answered them in such a way so as to give his believers, and this is a near-religious belief, offering them just the basics of plausible deniability so they can go wait, what? OH, OK, we're good and yeah, Jim, what kind of question was that. Why are you the creep? ETC.

NOTE how Trump in this video never answers the question, he deflects, he blames, he bullies and turns things around. But doesn't face his own reality.

It's really a good study in this kind of delusion, forced delusion, desired delusion, evangelical power implementation. Confidence work (as in conman). I really wouldn't say Trump's a pro, but an Adept. Trump really isn't a genius, but is very functional as a one-trick pony of sorts.

It's an interesting confluence of disorders and abuse. Trump uses his natural propensity as a bully, along with his narcissism which sucks people into a kind of Trump reality bubble. If you've ever been around those people, ti's amazing and disturbing. At times, frightening.

You become delusional with the person. Until you walk away leaving their realm of influence and you wonder, what were you thinking? With Trump as president remotely manipulating... some people never get that chance to walk away.

Plus, it's simply the Republican culture. The conservative culture. That bubble where, when the needle approaches to prick that manufactured reality, to deflate it, those inside the bubble simply say their mantra of "Fake News" and move on feeling catharsis and having neutralized the reality invading their dream.

And we're dealing with the syndrome of victims of the authoritarian personality.

Others bang their head on the wall because in talking to Trump supporters it's like talking to someone who is drugged, insane, or completely unaware of reality. Or simply incapable of seeing anything Trump did wrong. You see, Trump never does anything wrong. For one thing, he tells you he never does anything wrong. How can he say that and it not be true? Right?

Here's a book by a retired professor of psychology that is very interesting. It may help YOU from going nuts too, albeit in a completely different way.

Why do Trump’s supporters stand by him, no matter what? Read, The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Trump offers things people want, lies, or not. Trump lies are easier and massive, and as has been documented, very well used and abused. Desperate people cling to them. Something that, thanks to the GOP who for years now, has built up an environment that was ripe for a Donald Trump.

For a conman who took over their party and forced it to devolved ever further, ever faster into whatever Trump wanted, and needed. In Republican efforts to slow down, and kill progress, ni our not having the advancements and money we need, people have become desperate. In the "frog in a boiling pot" way then haven't really noticed, until so far underwater, they see no hope.

The lies from a Republican party, The "Grand Old Party' who people once trusted. A party that people used to be able to trust. But no longer.

We've been completely set up for this.

I don't think it's a conspiracy. I think it's a lot of greedy, self-interested people following a questionable faux conservative ideology, who came together and set the stage, one step at a time, never looking much forward, for a leader, unknowingly for a conman, a Donald Trump if you will, who would be attracted to this situation, so very obvious to the right person.

"OMG," Trump said, "there are all these 'marks', a country full of easily fleeced people, begging to be ripped off, and they would be so damn easy to fleece. AND they would THANK me for ripping them off!"

And so we have and are seeing it, daily, right before our eyes. So obviously none of his supporters can believe it, or anything like it is happening...TO THEM. While the rest of us watch in wonder and disbelief and it happens again, and again and again. Then they turn to us and say, "You are really so very stupid. Ignorant. Low Information people." Really? We are? I'm so glad to know that finally. Thank you, so very much.

Just as some bad guys are attracted to certain women, and those women to them who life has pushed them into being victims who then become victimized. It's not unique, it's not a surprise. Only to those involved. Yet, not always. And yet, they become victimized again.

Welcome to Trump America, today.

I'm serious here, there will be white papers and doctorate thesis about this situation for many decades to come. Hindsight consideration about this time in American history will be exemplified by a very serious disbelief that any of this could ever have happened. And yet it has. We''re living in it right now.

And it has happened before. It most likely will again.

We are human beings, you see.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Great Terrorist Trump Con or America's Greatest Shell Game

Let's face it people, Trump, is a terrorist. And not a very bright one, regardless of his narcissistic view of himself. He's earned the venom some feel for him as well as the ridicule.

No. No sir, it is not. I'm sure it's mostly average if anything.
Terrorist: the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims.
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

He is using terror to divide us in calling on other nations to do his bidding. Calling for insurrection even political assassination. Using the violence of others to intimidate and terrorize us into voting for him. Something that would only work on a child, or someone with a childish mentality.

I really see no way in which he is not... a terrorist.

Even excusing or ignoring all that (as his supporters actively do)...America is being conned in the biggest bait and switch shell game ever. Here is what is so embarrassing about our Republican party and its presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump (who has called for assassinating Hillary Clinton) as well all his supporters. Most especially Republicans officials who support him... but won't even vote for him.

Regarding what he said on August 8th, 2016 about the 2nd Amendment people:

From my point of view, when Trump (AKA, Mr. Slimy) said what he said about Hillary and the "2nd Amendment People" yesterday, he claims it was political and not violence based (i.e., referring to voting, not assassination). And BTW Hillary is not anti 2nd Amendment anyway. it just points out that how much he's disingenuous, a political hack AND a moron of sorts. People are saying it was a call to violence.

However, when he ended it with "that will be a horrible day", he wrapped up that it was indeed about violence and his inference IS for a call to arms, not a call to the polls.

"2nd Amendment People" acting against Hillary (voting or otherwise non violent actions) would not end in a "horrible day", not to mention that would be after the fact of her becoming president.

However since the assassination of an American president would be, regardless of what Trump (AKA, Mr. Slimy) says, "a horrible day", that IS what he meant and intended. He's incessant references to questionable things such as this are disgusting, moronic, and lazy but give people a blank slate to write in whatever they want to believe. And so my blog this week in fact is about this fool, this conman, this BS artist. Apparently people left his speech that day, so maybe there are some reasonable people who had supported him. But are they any longer?

But this one was quite clear to me. As well as the former head of the CIA who said if you or I said this we'd have been arrested by now. Even Dan Rather got into it about this. And Wolfe Blitzer. Just to name a few. Someone on Facebook yesterday said they called the Secret Service who said they knew about it, were "getting a lot of calls and were looking into it." Apparently even the FBI is now interested. Some people's children, I tell ya. Give them enough rope and they will indeed hang themselves.

Many have called the Secret Service over this and they have said that yes, they know about it.
Not that anything will come of it. But wouldn't it be interesting if they acted upon it and arrested him for insurrection and soliciting a Presidential assassination.

Secret Service are smart guys. When Trump said that they should all have just walked away from Trump and disappeared when he said that, called in for orders, then returned... under protest. Though it would seem a political statement by a non political entity, it would have been a legal issue. Do you protect, or arrest a presidential candidate who breaks the law in public to such a harsh degree?

And let's face it, that would have made for awesome entertainment value.
I mean, delicious, comes to mind.

He's tapped into conservative's fears, but there is more going on than just that.

We are all being conned by a professional conman who has ripped people off all of his life. And he is being propped up by Republicans. Utter insanity. Now he is reading a script, pretending to be presidential, to hide the nutcase he is, in order to achieve our highest office. What do Republicans think is going to happen if he wins?

When you are being conned the best thing you can do is to realize it and then as soon as you realize it, admit it, and then walk if not run, the other direction. Possibly, find a police official to do something about it.

Though a good conman, which Trump seems to be, usually cannot have anything done to them because they either skirt the law, or they vanish in a puff of paper dust from your cash as it disappears with them.

Republicans who like Trump, in having it pointed out he is conning them, do what? Nothing. Or worse.

"Trump has hit a nerve with the American people. They are tired of cronyism and the government doing for their individual selves and people want a change." No there's an excuse to support a charlatan, a bully, an authoritarian, a wannabe dictator, and a fool.

First of all, we allowed our government to grow in that fashion. We are to blame for our lazy attitude to politics. But only so far. How culpable is a victim after all to the process of being conned, year in and year out, decade after decades. Being lied to not only by leaders but those we trust?

One president cannot change that. Without support. Stop voting for people who side with the few against the masses, first of all; who do the least for the most and the most for the least. And yes, Republicans are at the top of that list.

Second, a conman goes for that "nerve" he knows you have, where he sees your weakness. IF you then rationalize into his argument as you are being ripped off you are then following his agenda to rip you off. Not to mention, saving his butt in prosecution if he doesn't take that one half step into illegal channels.

Who is stupid then? Trump's own staff is suicidal? He doesn't pay contractors. Last year I was visiting my own cousin on the way back from Ireland. He used to work with a carpenter's union and had to deal with Trump in New Jersey and he hates Trump for ripping off their union, saying some didn't do good work, then turning around and asking for them to do more.

Trump's a conman and BS artist. Plain and simple. It's how he got to where he is in business and life. And now he's offering to do what he has done for himself to the American people? That my friends, is not good no matter how you cut it.

America doesn't and shouldn't rip people off. Reputation is everything.

>Trump has practically stood up and pointed at himself and said, I'm ripping you off stupid! And you smile, and hand him your wallet?

We are watching the GOP and Trump supporters being ripped off before our eyes and when we try to tell them, when they try to tell themselves, they hold their ears, screaming "LALALALALALA!" as they run toward election day.

I think chump and "a mark" are the terms for people like that.

The GOP is now one big chump in being Trump's marks. The Pleasures of Deception
, gives a humorous illustration of a how con-artist manipulates his victimScams, Schemes and Swindles: In a large and elaborately staged con, such as that portrayed in the movie The Sting, the big secret of the con is not that the victim is being taken by another person, but that the entire social situation surrounding the victim has been created specifically for the con.

“We can be fooled simply because our perceptions are dulled by habit, and we look at things through half-closed eyes,” writes Moss. “We see half a picture, and assume that the rest is there.”

I do not see where it makes any sense that if elected Trump is going to do any of the things people think he will do. It's not what con men do. What do they do?

Convince you they are wonderful, feed your greed whatever form that may take so you throw what you have at them, what it is they want and then, they walk away, putting themselves in the driver's seat, with your resources, and... your happiness.

Then one day you wake up and realize you have lost everything, and you have been a complete idiot. Only then do you see that you have been obviously taken but you couldn't, no, you wouldn't allow yourself, even in the midst of so many others trying to warn you, to see you were being ripped off.

Which makes you not a patriot, but a very, very sad individual indeed.

The rest of us would laugh at you because it is so ridiculous, because you are so delusional, so lost, if it wasn't something that was affecting us all in your foolishness.

And don't give me that Hillary is evil crap. She is the same old thing with the potential for SOME change while Trump is utter insanity and you're only making yourself look even more stupid if you follow that logic to it's conclusion.

Actor and comedian Patton Oswalt, always a straight shooter has this interesting consideration he posted recently on twitter:

Bret Stephen's in his weekly Wall Street Journal column talks about Go Along Republicans and called Trump a "sinner", accusing him of sadism, and suggesting he is a sociopath. He's not the only rational individual to do so as others who are qualified to know have said similar things about Trump. 

By the way, Russian President Putin likes what he sees in the media about Trump. As does the leader of North Korea. One Has to ask themselves about that. Some top espionage officials have said Trump is acting as an agent of foreign powers, either knowingly or unknowingly. Either as conscious agent or delusional dupe.

Fareed Zakaria this week on his show pointed out that Trump is not so much a liar, as he is and as Fareed said then and I say here and now, a "bullshit artist". He explained that the eminent moral philosopher and professor emeritus of Philosophy at Princeton University, Harry Frankfurt back in 1986 wrote a brilliant essay titled, "On Bullshit". He has also written about Trump in a May 12, 2016 Times magazine article, "Donald Trump is BS, Say Expert in BS".

That article starts with:

"And that makes him [Trump] even more dangerous. Donald Trump provides a robust example of someone who is, with respect to matters particularly relevant to the exercise of high political authority, neither well-informed nor especially intelligent...."

In his essay, "On Bullshit", Frankfurt says:

"Telling a lie is an act with a sharp focus. It is designed to insert a particular falsehood at a specific point... In order to invent a lie at all, [the teller of a lie] must think he knows what is true. neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all... ...focus is panoramic rather than particular... with more spacious opportunities for improvisation, color, and imaginative play. This is less a matter of craft than of art. Hence the familiar notion of the 'bullshit artist.'"

The only way out of a con is to first see it, then walk, no run, the other direction in as diametrically opposed to their path as is possible for you. A bullshit artist also relies on your good nature, as well as your bad nature using the techniques of both con and BS. Trapping you in your own desires for what they are selling, and keeping you from seeing reality clearly; countering your worries before and when they appear. It is a contest between your abilities and acumen, and theirs.

However the BS artist by the nature of their behavior always and eventually, when considered not even that carefully, loses all connection with reality. As we have seen lately with Trump.

"By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are." - Harry Frankfurt

I am currently looking for a new house to rent. I just sold my house of sixteen years and I have to be out of here by a certain date. I found the perfect house for me and I traveled on the ferry to Seattle to see it. The empty house had a tenant, a sigh for lease out front and had no idea about the arrival of my friend and I.

The emails from absent "owners" on a trip to a religious event in New York had all the right answer. Even through a few soft "red lights", they had all the right BS answers. Until finally I realized I was being conned. Then I noticed there were many other similar type cons with homes for rent. Deal with what has substance, what has physical access, I learned. They were taking my need to move soon, my desire for a deal almost too good to be true, using my own words against me for their benefit, until they finally went far enough over the edge that I called, BS.

I see the same kinds of behaviors in Trump, ever since the beginning of his presidential campaign last year and even before that when he dabbled in previous elections from a far. The "Birther" movement about President Obama's birth certificate, sowing deceit and confusion into our American political arenas. He could easily be someone sent by our enemies to disrupt our national stability. And yet, I don't think he was.
I think much of what is going on with him is more deep seated, and involves psychology or psychopathy.
Either way, really want to fix things?

Vote Democrat. Even if you are a Republican or anything else. Why? Because ti would devastate the Republican Party. Slap them in the face. Wake them up. Though granted after the 2008 and 2012 elections they seem incapable of waking up to their disastrous political agendas. Though they could easily break the downward trend in abandoning the NRA and the Christian evangelical right as well as evangelical tactics altogether.

They appear to be a zombie party, a party that has long been dead and still acts on the political stage. One now what a zombie leader in Donald J. Trump. One who appears to want only to stagger and and eat our brains. Forever wandering among the American political landscape seeking more victims and sowing more dissent and damage.

In no one or very few voting Republican, it would finally send a message, forcing them once and for all back to being the true party of Lincoln, no longer only in name.

That WOULD send a message. Though it isn't likely to happen.

It would however, after twenty some years since Newt Gingrich started the downward spiral in the GOP and polarity between the two parties, force them to see what losers they have become. Show them that we all DO see what they are doing.

AND it would send a signal to the Democratic Party saying the same. Then if Democrats don't wake up and smell the coffee too, Republicans just MIGHT in the next election in 2020 come up with a good candidate for change. Not a Trump, not a Cruz, but an actual and truly viable for the American people, candidate. If you voted then for that change, we just might get something going in kicking both parties to wake the hell up.

Voting Republican now though, in choosing Donald Trump, is only asking for not only the same, but so much more of the same that you will find you want to vomit every time you see him address the media and the nation as President of the United States of America.

Don't be a Trump Mark.
Be an American Citizen.

I will leave you with this from President Lincoln ending his first inaugural address:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."


Monday, July 18, 2016

Our Worldwide Carpetbaggers - Saudi Arabia, ISIS and Trump

Loyalty. Something that has become archaic now a days. It suffers because of profit, because of corporate thinking...profit of die. It suffers because of confusion for what direction, what level, that it should be aimed toward. Confusion from a lack of education, information, an ability to ascertain reality.

I'm going a bit off the deep end here, but hang in here with me. In fact, now that the RNC is on this week, and considering the hate speech of the speakers like Chris Christie, Dan Savage pointed out Wednesday night (Dan Savage Compares RNC Hillary Hate To Rhetoric Before Yitzhak Rabin Assassination) on a special edition of Real Time with Bill Maher that this kind of thing was done to Yitzhak Rabin years ago in Israel too, just before someone shot and killed him.

OK. Here we go.

Trump says we're losing to ISIS. I say we're losing with Trump.

But then Trump isn't very bright, except where it comes to promoting himself. One person said his father had dealings with him years ago and after the meeting said it was obvious Trump hadn't at that time, read a book in twenties years.

Now he's just an old, bloated twit who would have been one of the first carpetbaggers and scalawags to have entered the South after the Civil War had he lived back then. Those confidence men from the north who back then had been hated by most of those whom now are his supporters.

Carpetbaggers are defined as such:
- a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.
- (in the US) a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
- a person perceived as an unscrupulous opportunist.

Some may have had good intentions but so many didn't, it set a new standard for what is an individual of low integrity. Kind of like people like Trump, or Cruz, Newt Gingrich or, well...there's a lot of them anymore in the zombie Republican party that no longer as anything whatsoever to do with the party of Abraham Lincoln.

"During and immediately after the Civil War, many northerners headed to the southern states, driven by hopes of economic gain, a desire to work on behalf of the newly emancipated slaves or a combination of both. These “carpetbaggers”–whom many in the South viewed as opportunists looking to exploit and profit from the region’s misfortunes–supported the Republican Party, and would play a central role in shaping new southern governments during Reconstruction.

"In addition to carpetbaggers and freed African Americans, the majority of Republican support in the South came from white southerners who for various reasons saw more of an advantage in backing the policies of Reconstruction than in opposing them. Critics referred derisively to these southerners as “scalawags.”

Carpetbaggers were men who arrived in the south after the Civil War with their bags, luggage made from carpets, who proceeded to rip people off for their own benefit. Taking advantage of others with no concern for them whatsoever and therein earned the only honest thing they did, a reputation for being some of the vilest people in the world.

And yet, Trump supporters cannot see that in him. That is as stunning as things he has said, things that are blatantly said only for the purpose of getting him into office, of winning, at potentially any, and all costs. As long as he doesn't get caught. But maybe he will. Some of the court proceeding against him are very unsettling.

Like those scalawags of old, Trump lies. He says what you want to hear like a true confidence man. Then he will take what he wants and be damned how it leaves you, leaves us all, in the end. Trump is in this to win, regardless. With no concern or respect for his actions, other than to win. A very archaic, outdated way of doing politics and one that needs to die a quick and painful death. One that it seems to be doing in the zombie Republican Party as they continually eat their own.

What was once a highly despicable type of person has somehow to our conservative brothers and sisters, become a revered and supported one. One spiraling out of control toward the office of president of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. These new (Republican) carpetbaggers aren't just after money as were those in the old days. They're not just after power. They're after ideological power.

From the outside Islam seems in many countries to be afraid of their own religion, their own people. They do not seem to believe in fighting other Muslim countries even when they are bad people (ISIS, Boko Haram, etc.), or they would have policed their own Middle East by now. They fear enforcing laws doing what they claim they are trying to do, what they say they want to do, in order to stop these kinds of practices. And yet it all continues.

But the women are fighting back. Someone there has finally had it. They are risking their lives and but affecting changes themselves. And they may succeed.

You would think people would have more sense, would feel more responsibility, would want for more than just their own selfish, petty beliefs and desires. But no. That is not who they seem to be. That is our new World Conservative.

Extremists and proud of it. They are a disease and we need to irradiate it and inoculate against their arising ever again. They have used religion as the agar in a Petri dish to grow their suffocating, flesh eating bacteria within, but then have moved out into pure terrorism.

Like the stock traders of the 80s these people all still think, "Greed is good", a mantra we should all take to heart and concern. Yet that has proven to be the definition of insanity. Not for the individual but for the whole of humanity. And for our nation. Seeking greed (of money, power, control over women, etc.), destroys and yet, they think they can build a nation, or a religion on it. But you can't. If you do, you are building it on a house of cards. Cards made of an unstable material.

Trump has convinced his people and then as he knew they would, they have convinced themselves (and truth be told, Trump, oddly enough too). He has shown that displays of idiocy such as his are more valued than that of common decency, real knowledge, and the wisdom to use it appropriately. Not just for their group's "benefit" but for all.

If you don't believe any of this, then I would suggest taking in several things right here right now.

A Frontline special titled, Saudi Arabia Uncovered (S34E5 - 2016).
Washington Post, Inside ISIS: Quietly preparing for the loss of the ‘caliphate’.

An NBC News report, Donald Trump Lays Out Foreign Policy Plan, Including How to Fight Terrorism (March 26, 2016):
"If elected, Trump told the Times he might also halt the purchase of oil from Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies because they've been unwilling to send their troops in on the ground to fight against ISIS despite efforts by President Barack Obama to have them join a U.S.-led coalition.

"Hours after the interview was published, the former head of Obama's Auto Task Force, Steven Rattner, tweeted that Trump "has no idea how oil market works. We take only about 10% of what Saudi Arabia produces."

Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producer in the world. While Trump is after money and power the royal Saudi family and friends are after power and ideological control. All while a quarter of the Saudi people are in poverty. Poverty they said they'd get a handle on in a few years, which has now long passed.

Still, with the change in oil commodities worldwide and new sources of energy, it's projected Saudi Arabia could go bankrupt within five years. Then what? It won't be pretty.

They are a highly welfare state. While their oil fields are worth trillions of dollars, their monetary reserves are shrinking. With war in Syria and Yemen, their money is further dwindling and they still have far too much poverty.

Their issue is in supporting Sharia Law and the mindset of many of its people. A mindset that is exported to the world at large, and to terrorist types in particular. It is surely a complicated issue, but one we ourselves as a nation need to get under control to our satisfaction and the world's, in dealing with them, and with their continued existence.

They have religious police who shout things such as, "You can only find peace and joy in God." They do this while curbing individual freedoms, individual's choices in life. There are prejudicial teachings in their schools that say among other things, Christians should be killed.

Any religion that requires people to go around and enforce their religion is really no religion at all. If a people cannot choose on their own what their religion and intensity within that religion should be, then it goes against the concept of free will and so devalues any attempts by others, by religious police, for that religion to be viable or potentially, anything other than anti-human. Certainly it is anti-humane.

It is a mindset that has in part spawned those such as ISIS whose so called caliphate this year has shrunk so far by 12%. If we are to kill ISIS, we cannot avert our eyes from Saudi Arabia. We can no longer ignore the applications world wide of Sharia Law, of misogynistic religious laws, or ancient and foolish beliefs systems, all simply because people hold these beliefs so dearly and as such an intricate part of themselves and their identity.

Extremism needs to be killed when and wherever it shows it's ugly head. Not all forms of extremism are bad to be sure. But when it is exposed to be, it needs to be addressed and dealt with accordingly.

I welcome people to practice their delusional or disillusionment, even their silly beliefs, their ancient religious practices, as long as first and foremost they treat all people as human beings and not just those of their special class. In allowing them to continue, in not doing SOMEthing to dilute and dissemble such beliefs in our own country and worldwide, we have given a nod and a smile to the incessant proliferation of these types of beliefs.

IF you say your religion is not as we see it is in practice, then what is it about your religion that is allowing these things to happen and when will it be rectified? It requires speaking out against at least that form of your religion, to get it under control, to bring those people doing bad things up to modern times. That means picking and choosing better, for yourself, and for those bad people abusing your religion, what is truly important from your ancient religious beliefs and books whatever it is you should be doing and in what you shouldn't.

In my mind a true religion would not allow for people to misinterpret it.
I would argue then, there are no true religions. Just, religions.

We too are responsible and will continue to be as long as we support this ubiquitous stupidity, selfishness and sectism in governments. Including even our own.

Electing elitists and fascists such as Trump are the antithesis of any kind of rational answer. But that would take people voting who are compassionate for the right reasons, using actual wisdom to see beyond their own pettiness, beliefs and desires.

We ARE however getting a handle on ISIS.

Once ISIS falls, for the time being they are going to go underground like cockroaches, become harder, smaller, to deal with. Until we get a handle on not just ourselves, but also on how our government deals with foreign governments like Saudi Arabia, people like Trump and his conservative followers and the Republican zombie party at large are going to have to be dealt with. Dissembled and dispersed. That way of thinking has to be put into the ground, irradiated, salted, fired, and sterilized.

We are America!

Let's make that mean what it should and get back on our rational and useful track. For us. For the world. If we are to continue as a world leader we need to lead. Not business as usual, but business as inspiring as we can make it. We need to be progressive, inclusive, strong, and persevere to see it all one day finally, functional for all. But that means many of that all will need to adjust their beliefs also.

Conservatives fear change. That they will have to change. Let the others change they say. We all however have to change. And that, is OK. I'm OK, you can be OK. But it's a two sided coin. Flip it, and we are both involved. Try to force which side is up, and you are a fascist and you therefore ARE, the enemy. The enemy of Humankind.

Don't be our enemy. Be our friend. Work with us. Stop working against us. Work against the system, not against the people. Work against stupid beliefs, work for beliefs that serve Humankind. And if you believe in God, then it would be working toward God, because as you are taught, he created all things.

If people are going to hate America, let it be only those the entire world wants to see dispensed with.

Then the rest of us will be able to get along with living our lives together, in safety, in prosperity, and in a way that all may pursue happiness for themselves and their loved ones.

Let's put the Scalawags and Carpetbaggers of the world, of our nation, in their place. Prison. If not a prison of the body, then a prison of their mind, their actions and their power and money.

This planet is for us, The People. Not a few wealthy, powerful, religious, or terrorists.

We are the World. Let our feet march on them, trample them into dirt so that we can grow things for everyone and not just those who are bullies enough, terrorists in action and politics enough, to frighten us into submission.

Just as happened this weekend in Greece when the people came out flooding into the streets of Istanbul, overwhelming the military junta's soldiers with masses of people supporting their elected government, we have to take control. Through our voices, our votes, our calls to freedom. To a freedom that is real freedoms and not just words. Human Rights. Civil Liberties. Women's and minority rights. People's rights.

They say a con man, a confidence man, can only work his magic to steal what you have by relying on your own innate greed, ignorance and stupidity. Don't be that guy or woman.

All is not hopeless. Hope is truly everywhere. We just have to apply it. We just have to help.

And have Loyalty. To ourselves, to our people, to our entire human race.