Showing posts with label Entertainment Sci Fi News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment Sci Fi News. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

Arnold, is Back! Sci Fi News

I'm sorry, but I find it extraordinary that an actor became a politician (shades of Ronald Reagan, and then some) but then went back to acting (because, I'm sure, he can't become president now having been born here). :)


Well I never thought this day would actually come, but the day he left office there was hope and Arnold Schwarzenegger has confirmed that he is ready to return to the screen.The guy who starred in such classics such as Predator, The Terminator, Total Recall, The Running Man and Commando. Schwarzenegger took to his Twitter page and announced he is ready to return to the screen; "Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today.

"The possibilities are endless for Schwarzenegger, I've heard he has read through a couple of scripts, one titled With Wings as Eagles, in which he would play an older officer who gets ordered to kill a bunch of kids. Of course he doesn't and gets them to safety risking his own life, which is said to based on a true story. Now I say get rid of that horrible CGI Schwarzenegger in Terminator 4, Cameron step away from the 3D camera and give us possibly a True Lies 2 or a Terminator 5. Either way I can't wait to see him back on the screen.


Check out Andrew Garfield in full Spider-man Clad on this link to our photos section-

Columbia Pictures announced today that the title of the next Spider-Man film will be The Amazing Spider-Man. The studio simultaneously released a photo of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, the first shot of Garfield in the famous full mask and suit.The film, which is now in production and is being shot entirely in 3D, will be released on July 3, 2012. The film stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, and Sally Field.

The film is directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay by James Vanderbilt and Alvin Sargent and Steve Kloves based on the Marvel Comic Book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Laura Ziskin, Avi Arad, and Matt Tolmach are producing the Marvel Entertainment production for Columbia Pictures. The executive producers are Stan Lee, Kevin Feige, and Michael Grillo.The film's official website is


Don't believe the rumors, Michael Rosenbaum will indeed be back as Lex Luthor for the 2-hour "Smallville" finale on May 13. His deal to return was signed tonight."It feels like the stars are aligning, literally. We couldn't be more excited about having Michael back," Smallville executive producers/showrunners Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson told Deadline. "And as far as the way he returns … there'll be no doubt about how Lex becomes the great rival in Clark Kent's life. He is the villain of the story."

"I'm simply doing it for all of the fans out there who made Smallville the great success it is," Rosenbaum said. "I appreciate all of their passion, their relentlessness and even their threats. Ha ha. I can't wait to hug the old crew back in Vancouver one last time and see all of my old friends once again..... Oh, and for Lex to become the badass he's destined to be."


Serving as producer on next week's I Am Number Four, Michael Bay spoke with MTV News from that film's premiere about his other big 2011 project, directing Transformers: Dark of the Moon.While Shockwave has already been confirmed as the film's villain, Bay added a bit of information, saying that he's "got a much bigger gun" and is "more vicious" than Megatron."Sentinel Prime is great," Bay added, confirming the character, "He's great. I can't tell you anything else, other than he's great."Bay also reiterated that this entry would be his last for the franchise."It does have an end, yes," Bay said, "Because I am finished doing this." Transformers: Dark of the Moon will hit regular theaters and IMAX in 2D and 3D on July 1st.Am I the only one who Thought ‘Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen’ was overblown and very dull??


Nu Image and Millennium Films' Red Sonja appears to be back on track with Simon West (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, The Mechanic) at the helm and an eye already given to the casting of Amber Heard (who next appears in Drive Angry) in the lead."Amber is the new Red Sonja," producer Avi Lerner told Empire today, "but she doesn't know it yet!"The catch there is that, while Heard is eyed for the role, negotiations have, apparently, not begun. As such, the role sounds like it is Heard's to lose.

The character of Red Sonja, a fiery-haired warrioress in a chainmail bikini, seeks vengeance on those who destroyed her family. In her path of destruction she discovers a larger purpose for her unearthly powers: to save all Hyrkania from the villainous Kulan Gath.Long in development, Red Sonja was once announced to star Rose McGowan and would have featured Robert Rodriguez and Doug Aarniokoski directing. (Officially, Aarniokoski would direct, but Rodriguez told a crowd at Comic-Con in 2008 that that was the result of the tricky ins and outs of dealing with the Director's Guild and that he'd be very much hands-on behind the camera).

The project even went so far as to receive teaser posters and other promotional images.While the character is often credited to Robert E. Howard (creator of Conan the Barbarian), she only takes her name from another, unrelated Howard character and was primarily designed by Roy Thomas to appear in Marvel Comics' take on Howard's Hyborian Age. "Red Sonja" comics are currently published by Dynamite Entertainment.

Red Sonja will presumably spinoff from the upcoming Conan the Barbarian, hitting theaters on August 19th.


How To Train Your Dragon was unquestionably one of the best animated films of last year, even if Toy Story 3 keeps pipping it to the Best Animated prizes this awards season. So it's with a song in our heart that we bring you the latest news on How To Train Your Dragon 2, with co-director Dean DeBlois confirming that all is shaping up well."What I presented to them was the second act of a much larger story," says DeBlois. "So the film takes on much more breadth, it's really quite epic. We leave the first film with these Vikings on the backs of dragons, so the world just opens up and expands exponentially.

"The main voice cast was already confirmed to return, including Jay Baruchel (Hiccup), Craig Ferguson (Belch), America Ferrera (Astrid), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Fishlegs), Jonah Hill (Snotlout), TJ Miller (Ruffnut) and Kristen Wiig (Tuffnut). But now the last major holdout, Gerard Butler, has signed on according to DeBlois, and cinematographer Roger Deakins (a BAFTA winner last night) is back to consult on the lighting. Check out the full interview below.All sounds promising, eh? How To Train Your Dragon 2 is out in the summer of 2013, which by our count is not nearly soon enough.


He most definitely is, according to JustJared. It’s not like I visit JustJared a lot or anything, so I don’t know how they do with breaking movie news. Usually they just post celebrity pictures, don’t they?Anyways, here’s the word from JJ:James Franco is in talks to star as the lead role Kaneda in the live action feature-film Akira, has exclusively confirmed.The flick will be based off of anime artist Katsuhiro Otomo’s six-volume cyberpunk manga (Japanese word for comics). The film is set in New Manhattan, where the leader of a biker gang saves his friend from a medical experiment.

Obviously if Franco lands the gig, you can kiss teenager Kaneda goodbye.The Hughes brothers have been attached to direct for some time, with Leonardo DiCaprio’s shingle producing.

If this thing ever gets made, what are the chances we’ll see this scene play out in live-action?


RICH (El Jefe) Uncle Dale,Rockin Reggie+David (all around badass)
From Rich Goellnitz February 16 at 1:45pm