Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Errors in a Published Book?

Before I get started...

I just switched internet hosts to Hostinger where I got a great deal and I like their interface more. So, I revamped my websites. I haven't gotten around to being 100% done with them yet (I haven't touched the Purpleism site yet, but I have high hopes there.).
From ChatGPT

Now, on errors in a book...

When asked, "If an author presented you with their book and you noticed editing errors, how would you approach it?" 

My answer depends on several factors, especially the edition and publisher.

First editions, even from major publishers, can have errors. What matters most is whether the book is good. For instance, "The Martian" was self-published and still went on to become a bestseller and a major motion picture.

I had a similar experience with my horror/sci-fi book DEATH OF HEAVEN (which has garnered incredible reviews and won the 2024 NYC Big Book Award Horror for Horror). A reviewer initially criticized it as being “full of errors.” However, the issue turned out to be that the book’s longest story was written from a British perspective, so I used British spellings. Once I explained this, they kindly updated their review.

Ultimately, it all comes down to whether the story is compelling and well-written. Ideally, books should be polished and error-free, but perfection isn’t always the standard. Any student of medieval literature knows that spelling inconsistencies were the norm due to a lack of standardization. Context matters.

That said, dismissing a self-published book outright smacks of elitism and can mean missing out on some incredible reads. Researching whether a book is worth your time is a reasonable first step—after all, not all self-published books are great. But I’ve also read poorly written books from big publishers, so the problem isn’t exclusive to self-publishing.

If an author handed me their book with visible errors, I’d approach it based on the severity. A couple of typos? I’d mention them. Dozens or hundreds? I’d still give feedback but might suggest prioritizing the story’s quality over nitpicking, depending on whether fixing them would be worthwhile.

Finally, my university professor once told us, “Sharing a first draft with anyone is like showing them your shit. Don’t do it.” If it’s in published form, significant errors become less forgivable because they reflect on the finished product. That said, even perfectly written manuscripts can go through the publishing process and still turn up with errors.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Friday, August 30, 2024

The works of JZ Murdock - Where to Find Them today?

A bit about myself and where my works are to be found today, on my birthday. I'm offering for 1 day, my epic ebook DEATH OF HEAVEN for free! 

Coupon (1st 100): C3ULQ

Cheers! Sláinte!

My writings, my film works? As for my social media links, those can be found on LinkTree. Like easy ones such as or

I have been interviewed a few times. Here's my December 2019 Slash Night Shorts interview, a monthly film festival a friend and I created, until Covid hit and killed it. We had local indie filmmakers show up and it was basically a party once a month, with films and on stage interviews and networking of filmmakers and fans.

Below is a photo of some years ago at a gallery in Port Orchard, Washington, during my author reading for my book, DEATH OF HEAVEN.

This is an interview from February 2018.

Regarding my books, ebooks, and audiobooks, they are all available at Amazon, Smashwords, and

Many of my covers are produced by artist Marvin Hayes.

There is more than anyone should ever want to know about me, on my website.

My films, are different...

Some are available on my TheJZMurdock YouTube channel.

Some are on my LgN Productions YouTube channel.

"Gumdrop", a short horror, is currently only available (for $1.99) on the LgNProductions video site. This is a rough film, indie film, but also a film noir/horror film shot with a nod to the film, "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer". Technically, there are interesting things going on in it as well as some things often missed going on in the background. 

And in part because of that, it's also an award-winning film. 17 awards to be exact: Best Noir, several Best Horror/Thriller, and others.

My biggest award-winning film is, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero". Sadly it's in limbo until the primary (and title) song goes into the public domain in January of 2031. It's a long story, I misunderstood the song's public domain status during research and production and was later surprised to find it's still owned by a company). I also started on the film when I was trying to struggle out of a year of long covid, so maybe it's not surprising I made a mistake on something. Still and that being said, it's now won over 60 international film festival awards.

Its trailer, outtakes reel, and "Wars on Earth" videos are available on YouTube.

My first narrative film, "The Rapping" (referring to a sound, not music), is available.  This is an unlisted link so you cannot find it by searching online for it. This film includes NASA InSight Mars Lander audio incorporated into the soundtrack to add to the eerieness.

It is also the long version of the pieces of it used in my next and longer film. That film is, "Gumdrop", a short horror, which I have already covered. It has a trailer. Curious as the entire film lasts only 8 minutes. 

I also have some short silly films like, "Below in the Dark". Or, "Happy Birthday from Dragon Boxer - February 18, 2011". A film I made for my youngest backpacking eastern Europe at the time, and feeling rather low. This cheered them up. How could it NOT? 

Another favorite of mine is the short "Eagles & Crows, a fable". Yes, for a 4-minute film, I did ridiculously make a trailer for it. I had some footage of the eagles in my backyard over months and thought I should use it. One day I watched a crow harassing an eagle and thought it was funny. 

I made one up of some extra video for an audio recording I made of my son and friends playing drums up at Ft. Warden Park in Port Townsend years ago. I called it, "Beyond Abbadon's Gaze. For a while I used that percussion audio for the original trailer for my film, "Gumdrop". I liked the coarse, uneven beatings and noises for the trailer. But when my soundtrack composer Andrea Fioravanti heard it (from the Italian band, Postvorta), he offered to do the music for the trailer, and I went with that.

How dumb DO you have to be to piss off an eagle? So I made a film about why that happens, why a crow would attack an eagle, and made it about the eagle trying to educate the crow. Silly film I thought kids just might like. But I don't think any yet have seen it.

Here's a couple of old pieces from Indies Unlimited:
- Meet the Author: JZ Murdock
- Article on JZ Murdock by LA Lewandowski: "Gender Bender"

I also made up some book trailers for my books. These are from 11 year ago and since I started producing films, my tastes have changed and I would make this very different today. But they are what they are and so I offer them out of nostalgia if nothing else.

Like Expedition of the Arcturus, a generational spaceship story. First published on the online, hard science fiction magazine,

I have several new books out after those above. The sequel to my first collection of short stories is, Anthology of Evil II Vol. I & "The Unwritten" Vol. II. Also Suffering "Long Covid"

And that's a list of where all or most of my works are located, should anyone be interested. Have fun!

Cheers! Sláinte!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

My Writings...

I should say for anyone who was reading my Walking Thoughts series, it's winter now. Between my health being weird (Long Covid, going in and out), and the cold, not walking so much now. And? Soon... maybe.

So, I was writing up a bit to offer in yet another literary management round of seeking representation and I stumbled upon doing this. I'd always wanted to have a survey of my writings and really see what's up with me and what I am saying in all of my writings, even across my screenplays (and my indie films), though mostly in my fiction. 

Which are located mostly here:

Amazon books, Amazon ebooks, Audiobooks, Smashwords (now, Draft2Digital) and...

IMDb, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" ($5/mo & I get about half, you can see my film, outtakes reel, and other indie indie films!). Also, and


I noticed a while back that I've written about young kids (the novella "Andrew", the short story, "Jaonny's Apple Tree", screenplays like, "Popsicle Death") in how screwed up the world is through their eyes, or in how they are maltreated, at times with the best of intent. Which obviously speaks to my own curious childhood in having moved every year, in and out of the country before four, living in authoritarian semi-Fascist Franco Spain in 1958. Then moving almost every year once back in America and from one coast to another, and so on. 

I have a degree from Western Washington University in Psychology concentrating in phenomenology in their Awareness & Reasoning division and so the psychological elements in my writings as well as the observational (phenomenology) are reasonable and obvious. 

Anyway in doing this, it gave me let's call it, a survey analysis light, of my writings, as such:

Just thought I'd share...

Cheers! Sláinte!

Friday, January 12, 2024

JZ Murdock - an update on my writings and works

I was thinking today that I should put out an update of things I've been working on. I have been feeling pretty good lately, my long covid having backed off, I thought maybe it was nearly gone. My expectation/hope was that it would be gone before, on, or near 2 years since last infection (April 2022).

Then this past week it seemed to come back. It was a miserable week with a couple of days ago being especially so. I'm feeling better yesterday and today. The trouble with long covid is it sticks with you in the beginning, then it comes and goes, less and less over time (hopefully) until you start to falling prey to belief it may be gone, then it comes back, feeling more devesting each time. 

It got me to thinking about what I'd done these past few years. And that's when I thought about an update on things. So here it is.

Several of my books are nominated for various book awards this year. More about that below. Suffering "Long Covid" is one of those book, as you can see from the stamp on the cover for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. Kind of wish they'd sink some of their money into redesigning their webpage. 

I just revised my 2022 non-fiction book detailing both my own personal experiences but also long covid in general, Suffering "Long Covid". My son runs a health food store in another city and it's been selling there well enough that they are going to start paying me when they receive the books from me rather than after sales are made. I updated it with new information from 2023.

Long story this updated revision. I've had a few stumbles, continuing to add to the revision. There are now three versions to be found in the world. Original 2020 version, this year's revised version and this week's Revision 1.1. If you look on the copyright page in the front you'll see which version you're looking at. As of now it's published on Amazon in ebook and hardcopy and the books are on the way to me here and a brick and mortar store. 

It is also now available for the first time as an ebook on Smashwords along with other ebooks of mine there. I'm having some trouble with the epub version there, some error about "Frame" duplication, but it mostly looks good. Waiting on their review to continue working on it.

Nice thing about the ebook version, the research links annotated and supplied are easily clickable. I wish on Amazon the hardcopy purchased also included the ebook version. But that requires a setup on there I'm not willing at this time to accept from Amazon. Feels a bit like a bully move on there part. 

I just noticed my audiobook "The Mea Culpa Document of London" (also, Kindle), was in unpublished mode. I'd used a graphic for the cover I later found was not public domain and immediately pulled it, like two years ago. I noticed that this week, found a replacement graphic and now it's back up for sale. It is a story about an Inquisition Judge and witch hunter's crisis of conscience. I had written it for my university Intro to Fiction class toward my minor (my major is psychology, awareness and reasoning with a concentration in phenomenology). 

That professor (and class) loved my writing and admittedly they were a cut above the rest of the class (save for one other classmate). But he said I needed to write dialog and so sent me to playwriting. From there I got selected for a year long class with seven others to learn team script and screen writing (mostly writing TV shows). An amazing time. One of my two profs for that was a massive brain and loved medieval literature. 

I would hang out in his office when I had time just to learn from him. When I told him about my story about the witch hunter he really got into it and helped me with it. It's deeper than you might think. 

And the story is probably better than my voice acting, but I did my best. The story is in my first published book of short stories, "Anthology of Evil" (I have a sequel out to it now, in volumes one and two) of my newer writings, some previously published and some new). 

My WWI antiwar filmic poem and historical documentary, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero", has been internationally awarded a lot of awards (going on 100) and Official Festival Selection status (also approaching 100).

I'm getting closer to finishing my film companion book for it. 

My short film noir/thriller/horror film, "Gumdrop", a short horror - finished it's journey around the world at film festivals and also won a bunch of awards and official festival selection status. Though nowhere near as many as "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero"!

I realized how much time, effort and money I'd put into my films and I should be doing the same for my books and screenplays. And so I've started on that (again). My true crime biopic screenplay, "The Teenage Bodyguard" has two versions. My original and one that got producer Robert Mitas (my IMDb) interested so that he helped me write another version. Robert works with Michael Douglas on films. We spoke to several directors interested in directing the film, but I came to realize, though the new version was shorter, tighter as a screenplay, it seemed to be leading directors into thinking it was a teen film and not a more mature drama. 

As the original producer in London, who first heard about the project and asked me to write the screenplay and let him see it first, he thought it reminded him of the film, 'The Place Beyond The Pines". And I agreed. Problem was, I sent him the screenplay, he said he'd send it to his readers and, I never heard from him again and he has since disappeared. 

I started sending both off to festivals and screenplay contests. I have seven now for my original version, and three for the rewrite. It's won the Brandenburg International Film Festival, honorable mention at the World Film Carnival - Singapore. David Film Festival (İstanbul), Tabriz Cinema Awards (Azerbaijan), Medusa Film Festival, United States Motion Picture Alliance (California), and the International Film & Script Festival Lotus. Also, Semi-finalist in the Page Turner Feature & TV Pilot GENRE Competition.

As for my books, Suffering "Long Covid", DEATH OF HEAVEN (horror/scifi) and Anthology of Evil II Vol. II The Unwritten have all been nominated for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. I've also submitted the last two, to other festivals. DEATH OF HEAVEN received an Honorable Mention at the Halloween Book Festival. Also another one at the Royal Dragonfly Book Award for science fiction/fantasy. It's submitted to and received reviews from Literary Titan and Reader Views. These book awards run through 2024 and I look forward to see the results. It's past time for DEATH OF HEAVEN to receive some recognition as I believe it's a very good book. And reviews are testifying to that.

While I am hopeful I'm at the end of nearly 2 years of my last bout of long covid, it has has made doing anything these past three years somewhat problematic and at times impossible. For one thing it cycles. You think you're good or it's over and it comes back. Until as with my first bout of it, it's just gone one day. Yay! 

For a while I thought I may never be able to write or produce anything ever again. "Mind fog" sucks. Being lethargic for nearly a year sucked. With the second infection two paramedic visits and hours at the emergency department of our local hospital sucked. Wearing a heart monitor for two weeks sucked. Lots of blood and heart tests and xrays and in the end, 

I seem to have come through it all with no findable damages. In fact, I swear two things are better after it. I can remember things now I couldn't remember well before covid and my physical reactions seem better (if I drop something that would normally end up on the floor, I seem better able to, and often do now, catch it first).

But IN these past few years since acquiring that rather devastating first infection in February 2020 (then again, a worse one in many ways in April 2022), I produced the WWI film (it was mostly done but I had to edit it for 6 months), then send it to film festivals around the world (I was surprised how something I did to help me heal from covid, won so many awards!), I published my first collection of short stories sequel in two new volumes of my writings as mentioned above, then wrote and published my book on long covid, revised this past week with updates for 2023,  and published that.

In thinking I'd done nothing since first contracting covid I thought I'd done nothing. Until I looked back one day to realize how much I had actually done. I would have to say myself, under these conditions it's rather remarkable. Honestly, my first edition of my long covid book had some spelling errors in it, which I've now fixed when my son pointed it out to me. Which led me to updating it, which I've been feeling I should do considering the advances and findings on long covid that have happened, even though I didn't motivation to work on that book again (it's hard writing a book about the worst times of your life where you almost died). 

I was at a standstill on my film companion book. Then when I got motivated to update and correct the long covid book...the info was all accurate in it, I'd just not had good attention to minor details like spelling when deeper into long covid than I am now (and even then, there weren't many spelling errors but I'm meticulous about my edits before publishing)...I found myself ready to get back to the film companion book.

So I'm working on it, looking forward to finishing it also. So I can then move onto my next project which I think may be about my grandfather, my mother's dad, who had traveled the world in the 1940-50s and 6os. 

And...that's my update. Now, go out and be happy, be brilliant and productive!

(I used to tell my kids that when they were leaving the house)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts #43

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…June 24, 2023, Saturday

Weather for the day…62-72degrees

Podcast for the day “Prosecuting Donald Trump

Dropped off just now, one of my older (and most epic) books "Death of heaven" (ebook discounted through July 2023 on Smashwords, as with my other writings there, or free) at my local Little Free Library on Lafayette Street today. I signed and inscribed it, “A Lafayette Avenue drop off.” Cool! Someone already picked up the previous book I had left, "Suffering Long Covid" (2022).

Speaking of which, long Covid...last Friday I got to see one of my kids and spouse in Quilcine, Jefferson County, north of me, across the Hood Canal Bridge, which is near to Bangor nuclear sub base/sub pens, tto attend a small concert from Victoria, BC, Canada, a Celtic music trio, Clanna Morna. I had a great time. But the next day it rained (and then for days until yesterday) leaving me not feeling so well. Today it’s sunny and it’s going to be warm and I’m feeling a lot better so I set off for a walk, after days off from walking since last Thursday’s walk.

I contacted my cousin, who also lives in Quilcene, about coming over to visit so we could go through our long late (1874) grandfather's stuff. I’m thinking about doing a documentary on him. It would be fascinating since back in the 1940s, 50s and 60s he was traveling the world. I have his old 8mm footage. For instance one of him walking through what was then Bombay, India. It shows a cow lazily walking down a main street in town. In examining his passport from the beginning of World War II, he was traveling around northern Africa and southern Europe and, South America, back in the early 1940s. 

Why? Just for, fun? Well, he did do that. But were there other reasons? I also have his draft card from about that time. He had already been in WWI. The "Great War", the "War to end all wars". The war my last multi award winning documentary film was about, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero". He traveled to places that may have been just for tourist reasons, but as he worked for the US Government later in life, it has to make one wonder. I'll need to do some FOIA requests (Freedom of Information Act) on him. [Yesterday (July 3) as this blog today is from a while back, I happened to talk to my older sister and tell her about this project and she's going to look through her things to see if she has any of Grandpa's documents or media]

I joined years ago in 2008. I got my DNA done through them a few years ago, and also done by someone else for my ancestry and health info. It occurred to me I know more about my grandfather now, and my grandmother, then she ever knew about her husband, or he ever knew about his own family history. I traced my family line back through to the ninth century. 

DNA then offered me even more and surprising information. For instance, one of our ancestors or a few, must have been a seafarer. One may have gone over with the Conquistadors. Because we have ancestors that show up in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America around those times. I already know among other things, that I'm Black Irish (dad's side). A term that carries confusion and various explanations.

It’s now 9:16 AM and I’m approaching my first half mile of today's walk. It’s not hot yet, but I’m already thinking that before I finish today, I may think I started too late in the day. It’s only supposed to get up into the 70s but…we shall see.

Just passed a half mile and decided to switch over to Pod Save the World because... they’re talking about things I’m a little more interested in today. About India’s Prime Minister Modi visiting the US, and China, and Navalny in Russia who had tried to murder someone in Florida (Putin/Russia, not Navalny), and so on…

What is also interesting in the news this week is that the Pentagon somehow screwed up misplacing $6.5 billion that they still have available for sending resources to Ukraine, to fight against Putin’s criminal war in which he attacked another country without provocation, disregarding international borders like a toxic ex who can't let their once significant other go. War, ignoring history and reality because of Putin's petty, immature ego. Like Donald Trump. Damnaged personlaities.

I know this is nuts, but I have been a speculative fiction writer and reader all my life. And I wonder if it would be useful to have a small group dedicated to eliminating, if not autocracy around the world, its leaders… especially when they get out of hand. Had that been in place around the world, we would have eliminated what Modi has been doing in India? Or what Putin‘s doing in Russia? What Kim Jong-Un‘s lineage has long done to their citizeens? Or the GOP turning MAGA, worshipping Trump, and his cult? 

Arizona (ADOA) selling over 2,000 shipping containers illegally put at their Arizona-Mexico border.
How much has conservative bullshit cost US in recent years?
THIS all cost AZ, $194million!

We’re selling drones to India? India’s long been buying their weapons from Russia to protect themselves from China. India and China having long been at odds in having a border between them. But I have to wonder if our drones are already now long compromised, if Russia has them, and been able to duplicate them? Since now India will have them, that would seem to indicate Russia soon having them, too. Friends, share, right? Just like in Trump having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, it seems pretty clear then that we know China and Russia have at least copies of some of those documents (having acquired them, if in no other way, secretly), as well as probably North Korea, and God knows....anyone else who was interested. 

Because the DAY those documents were moved out of the White House, every interested intelligence agency of every international enemy of America around the world also knew, and they were already planning how to get a hold of them. Possibly setting up plans, even before they moved out of the White House. THAT is how expionage works. In their anticipating ripping off the joke and disaster that Donald Trump is and always has been, and always will be, as he eventually and hopefully dies in prison.

Hey! Whatever happened to Pakistan? Or "migrant caravans" for that matter? How easily we do forget. We used to hear about Pakistan in the news, constantly. Lately? Pretty much nothing. So, nothting is going on there now, right? Uh huh...right. Sure.

About Trump's argument about the classified documents he didn’t give back right away, because as he put it...he "needed to go through them and pull out his personal [golf] shirts and things because he was too busy". OK? Too busy as we all saw, day after day after day playing golf. How long does it take to go through 60 boxes and pull out clothes? Which should’ve been done before they left the White House. Never being mixed with personal items. How hard is that to figure out? When you get a request to return something like classified docs, you drop everything, get it done, then bo back to having a life. Only a criminal, by definition, would view that differently. The boxes were labeled, and like I said, you don’t put personal items in them when leaving the White House. This is 100% on Trump who has no leg to stand on in this. So? Trump, still fat, lazy and stupid. No surprise there.

Trump's upcoming claims in court of his doing bad things because he's either stupid or delusional, can’t hold much water considering he was actually (somehow) President in the United States of America. If you’re that stupid and delusional, Article 15 should have been invoked, automatically. Which also means he couldn't be POTUS ever again. Shouldn't be. Never should have been. Which means he should also be disallowed from any public office. Considering his family's charity was a scam to make him money and of course was dissolved by court order. 

Trump shouldn’t have anything to do with anything public at all, ever again. Including walking our streets. If I were king? I would give Trump his life in prison and in a regular prison, a regular prison cell, with no Secret Service protection. Should he die before his sentence is up of 100 or 200 years? So be it. Because what I would really do would be invoke capital punishment for reasons of treason and crimes against humanity, against our American citizens (and other countries), not to mention his incessant asinine stochastic terrorism, and a bit of direct terrorism.

It should be noted in Trump's narcissism and political desires, that he always does what he can to win the "news cycle". That’s something utterly and totally dysfunctional... in court. He's so screwed. Considering Jack Smith turned over things to him yesterday? You don’t do that so soon, unless it’s a slam dunk case against. What this means is today his lawyers are reading and "shitting bricks" in trying to figure out how to tell Trump. Who again, is so completely screwed. They have got to make a deal. Except, when you have a slam dunk with a criminal of this degree, you don’t make a deal with them. You prosecute to the full extent of the law with all due and deserved prejudice.

"All the best people“ who Donald Trump hired in the first part of his administration. he either got rid of, or they left, and refuse to support him since. They denigrate him at every chance possible trying to point out he should never be president again. Trump's childish ad hominems against these people and anyone he doesn’t like, or anyone who disagrees with him, who he calls "stupid" if they refuse to break the law for him...and yet his sad MAGA crowd does what? They rationalize it all off as him speaking like a “normal person“. Well? That’s... not... normal. And if that’s normal for MAGA? That is just them telling us who they are, and not someone we want as part of our political system, or our citizenry.

I need to update my website and on the front page below the revolving carousel of my books for sale. I need to put a list of interviews and such things on the first page rather than in the "Non-Fiction area. [and...I did play with it a bit after writing this]

I don’t understand how Israeli settlements in the Palestinian area are a good thing for humanity, or anybody, other than Israel. I used to like "Bibi" Netanyahu, but I don’t like his autocratic slant. It reminds me of Donald Trump. I also used to really like Trump, for superficial reasons as I only knew his trumped up and carefully curated bullshit public image. In the early 2010s I got to know him better with his Obama "birtherism" bullshit and his anti-democracy autocratic nonsense and learned more about his (and his family's) bigotry; that he’s basically a toxic narcissistic asshole who’ll destroy everything for his own gratification and benefit. The fact that any Americans support that kind of thing is just embarrassing, utterly humiliating, and on an international scale.

I recently saw a video my son sent me about an African in Africa, complaining about how we always hear about Jews in the Holocaust, but never about what happened in Africa under King Leopold the II. Well, I get that. But his numbers were vastly out of whack. He said "100 million Africans had been slaughtered". The best I can find is 10 to maybe 15 million. Now that’s a lot ! He has reason to be pissed. I appreciate his argument and outrage. Which is basically that white people equel "big travesty, but Black people, nothing". But he doesn’t need to use incorrect information, or maybe he’s just misinformed himself. But it brings up a point I've always wondered about it. With all we’ve heard about the Holocaust all my life, I’ve wondered, every time I heard about another genocide in some country around the world, why I didn’t first hear about how Israel was speaking up about it, leading the outrage? I seldom if ever heard that. Why? Maybe they did speak up, but why wasn't I hearing it? Why don't I remember that? 

One would think those who speaks so much for themselves about something so horrendous, would speak for any and all others, whenever and wherever that happened again, or was even about to. Which leads me back to thoroughly not understanding the whole Israel/Palestine situation. I get it, there’s assholes, apparently on both sides, and both sides have a reasons to hate. But you would think a culture so steeped in such abuse for millennia would’ve figured out a way by now, better than what they’ve fallen upon, and into.

I had mentioned that it rained from last Saturday through this Tuesday. So Tuesday I got on my elliptical and did a single mile. Man, the next day, just 1 mile, I felt it in my calves and my stomach, my core. So I’m thinking if I can do 5 miles every other day, maybe I can do a mile or two on the elliptical in between, for a "rest" period. Such because it seems to be more greatly utilizing certain muscles that are good to use and get into tone.

Netanyahu is starting to look like Israel’s, Kevin McCarthy and the House of Representatives here in America. Making as many deals as he can to retain power. Sometimes it’s best to just step down move on. He stacked his government with right wing zealots, much as happened in our government and at some point one loses control. So even if he means to do well, he’s working against himself in having retained power.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive has not failed regardless what MAGA or RFK Jr. says. I got to say, I don’t see us helping in all and any ways that we should be. Even illegal ways using cut outs so we can't get blamed for it. Look, Putin‘s got to go. If not physically leave this earth, he has to have his reputation ruined with the Russian people. And I’m not seeing a lot of efforts on that.

"Spies, The Epic Intelligence Wars Between East And West" details, the espionage attempt by Russia to murder one of their own on American soil, in Florida. Russian spy, Alexandra Pootie, who told American intelligence about sleeper cells had led to the TV show “The Americans,” as written up in the New York Times. This is also related to Sergei Skripal whose attempted assassination (with his daughter) by Russian intelligence in the UK. Where this is important is that we have long wondered if Russia was willing to assassinate people in the UK, would they ever try it in America. Obviously they would. It’s good to note for our own awareness that the kind of shit Russia and Putin are doing now wasn’t being done during the "cold war". Certainly not so overtly. Something I was involved in, in the late 70s. I have my US government awarded "Cold Warrior" certificate hanging on my wall behind me, as I write this.

Facebook has been getting more and more in bed with an autocratic Vietnamese government against dissidents and citizens. Seems to me we need some laws about that for our multinational corporations involved in questionable government countries. I’m not sure what that could or would be, and for Facebook to just shut down, or Twitter, in some of these countries, where the Internet IS Facebook or Twitter, really is problematic. Vietnam is the seventh largest population using Facebook. 70% of the hundred million people in Vietnam use Facebook. Facebook’s reach and impact there is much bigger than Twitter, and in most countries. The interface in Vietnam for many to the Internet, IS Facebook. Facebook does have some power to push back in Vietnam however, because if the government removes Facebook it’s likely they would have some kind of uprising. Facebook likes touting openness and friendship and community, but really in the end, especially since they’ve laid off people who used to handle this kind of situation, it’s about profit, pure and simple. Facebook has been given a list of government officials by Vietnam who are not allowed to be spoken out against. So I guess if I lived in Vietnam, I would have to speak like Nostradamus did about the royal, the rich and powerful, in his own time, indirectly and encoded.

Interesting to know nowadays, especially in America when you hear the term "kangaroo court" or "witchhunt" by some officials who are being called out "on the carpet" for their bad behavior, that it’s probably not fake attacks against them. On the other hand, when you hear the more reasonable types calling out things like MAGA, as "kangaroo courts", or "kangaroo court commissions", or "kangaroo court hearings", I suspect the Kangaroo population of the planet is pretty offended by that.

America needs a real time office in Congress of Truth and Speech, but only to hold our pubuc office officials to task. And anyone caught lying on the floor of Congress. Which, anyway for now, is out for a month.

Podcast is over, switched over to The Intercepted. They’re talking about Erdegon in Turkey and how his recent electoral win put him as despot of Turkey, evermore, his autocratic government with a failing economy not headed into two decades of his rule and foolish and manipulated support. They are what MAGA could turn America into, what they want to turn America into even (remember CPAC has now been held in Hungary with Viktor Oban speaking). We should also remember the recent devastating earthquake in Turkey, where tens of thousands of buildings dropped, killing their citizens and remember how Erdogan gave contracts to his friends which I’m sure he got kickbacks from. Those builders cut building codes which led to many buildings collapsing and has to make one wonder, if those tragic deaths are actually not murders. Much like the 100,000+ Americans, who didn’t need to die of Covid, who are dead because of Donald Trump. So these leaders are all at least morally and ethically, guilty of crimes against humanity in their personal footnotes of history.

It’s so sad what a democracy gets locked into a downward spiral in supporting poor leaders, such as Erdogan in Turkey or Donald Trump with his moronic MAGA, in America.

America needs some kind of independent commission to fix what’s wrong with our government, at least the broad strokes. Gerrymandering is toxic in too many cases. Voter suppression is a serious problem and dirty tricks have led some perpetrators to guilty judgments and prison in suppressing voting during elections. Including spam political phone calls that our courts have found heavily stacked in favor of anachronistic beliefs and toxic conservatism. Our government or state governments (or national government) have been infiltrated by domestic enemies, and MAGA falls under that heading. To be sure, not all MAGA (or Republicans, although silence is enabling) have made themselves our domestic enemies. But the majority of our current domestic enemies are indeed, MAGA. And their "friends", the White Christian Nationalist and White Supremacisits, and... Neo-Nazis:

""By leaving a definitional vacuum around the word 'great,' it became very easy for groups to co-opt it, ascribing to it the meaning they wanted it to have," Van Brunt says. "The same way a mother rests easy because her baby's food has 'all-natural' written on the jar, Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacists were able to feel good about Trump because 'great' became interchangeable with white, heterosexual, male, hate, oppress, deport."

The ironic thing about many dysfunctional government situations is, if (conservative/Republican) officials would just allow government to work, it could be efficient. Well, maybe not efficient, but functional. And it's what we’ve seen for many decades now, as Republicans try to jam up our government, or even just simply destroy it. Because they know they have bad ideas in their anachronistic beliefs, and they’ve become toxic to America and to humanity.

That’s why I have never been a conservative. Conservatism is for times of dire need and times of war. The belief that we are always in dire need, or always forever in some kind of  war…is ridiculous. Think about that for a moment. When did the "war on drugs" begin? The 1970s. And what did it do but literally destroyed lives...and entire families? And it did NOT get the drug situation under control. Ruling through fear and power is why we have a country now as confused and damanged as we are in America. And yet it's white Republicans have been defaulting, over and over now, for decades. That, is how autocrats function.

 Cheers! Sláinte!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

FREE - All My Ebooks Now FREE on Smashwords!

For those picking up my ebooks to read, Thanks . Enjoy! Been getting emails that they are getting downloaded. All of my ebooks on there are now temporarily FREE until April 20th because of the pandemic. Check it out and then check out their other authors, maybe one of your favorites. Get them while you can! 

From Smashwords to customers:

For one month only, thousands of Smashwords authors and publishers will provide readers deep discounts on ebooks. Discount levels include 30%-off, 60%-off, and FREE.

This sale is a direct result of several Smashwords authors who suggested it. These indie authors want to support readers around the world who face unprecededed anxiety, economic hardship and social isolation as the world community fights to stem the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

More than ever, these ebooks from indie authors and publishers offer readers unlimited hours of low-cost entertainment, distraction, comfort and knowledge during these trying times.

Smashwords is being hammered with downloads. Can't imagine why. But keep trying, they may be up and down with all the requests.

I was just wondering, as all my ebooks are free for a month, which is good (or bad, or bad good?) for pandemic reading?

So I surveyed my available titles. I have a complete other manuscript of new stories as yet unpublished which I've been wanting to get around to, but...not yet.


ANTHOLOGY OF EVIL - a collection of my older writings available in print on Amazon
In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear - Sci Fi / Horror
Gumdrop City - Horror / based on True Crime and my new film
Quantum History - Sci Fi / Humor at MIT
The London Mea Culpa Document - Lead into next story
The Mea Culpa Document - Medieval / Horror
Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer (To A Question He Knever Knew on the knight that the Knight lost all") - Medieval / Horror / Surreal - this comes later from another "Breaking on Cave Island"
Sarah - Horror / Surreal Alzheimer's on Twilight Zone
The Fall - short short Horror that led to an indie industry article written about my writings
Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - Horror / Zombies at a religious commune and ... God
Andrew - novella - Horror / Surreal / Sci Fi the story that led to the next book...

From author and reviewer Michael Brookes: "The book [DEATH OF HEAVEN] starts well and has a Clive Barker, Books of Blood vibe, which really works well. It's in these tales that the author's writing ability shines. He demonstrates a lovely turn of phrase and some of the writing is almost poetic in its beauty."
DEATH OF HEAVEN - epic horror sci fi with standalone stories in it you will understand when you read it. A complex and some have reviewed, a beautifully written book that is hard to describe: Available in print on Amazon
The Conqueror Worm - two 12-year-old boys dig up treasure
Rosebud -beware imposing your mind on your gf
Thirst Divine - terrifying entities from above can be erotic
Harbinger -be good, terrifying entities are watching from above
"Sweet Jane" - be careful who you marry. I wrote this after watching Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians one night back in the 90s when they played on SNL and being inspired.
Marking Time - avoid ghosts in Afghanistan, even if you're special forces. Originally written about my own childhood in the Civil Air Patrol in search and rescue, ported over to adulthood.
Going Home - runaway gets in the wrong car, classic story.
Vaughan’s Theorem - a scary serial murderer story and rather long.
The Mea Culpa Document of London - medieval witch hunter

ALSO other shorts:
EarVu - horror in the lab
Mr. Pakool's Spice - father and 2 young kids in the zombie apocalypse in the back winter woods of Oregon. Originally published in an anthology with other authors.
Expedition of the Arcturus - sci fi on earth's first trans-generational spaceship, originally published in magazine in their second edition ever.. A great hard sci fi mag for free reading.
Xibalba Unleashed - serial murder in a Mayan cave and university campus
Simon’s Beautiful Thought - short sci fi romance I wrote about a guy and his phone's AI, before most or all of the more famous stories like that.

NON FICTION (I have a degree in psychology, thus...)
On Psychology: With Illustration in Psychopathology via Synesthesia and Schizophrenia

Psycho-neurologically Approaching a Field Theory Understanding of Schizophrenia via Research of a Non-normative, Non-pathological Syndrome: Synesthesia, and the need for more information Title Case Recommendation

SO...jump over to Smashwords and look around. Wishing you all the best through this difficult time. But there are options to lose yourself for a time in some great books!

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Online Book Reviewing - Bullies & Short Story Cliffhangers

An author I know recently said the following:

"Yet another disturbing trend. I found out through someone who I met in an online writer's group, that any author online is being told what they're allowed to write based on bullying comments posted on Amazon. Sad. We shouldn't be violating freedom of speech in order to avoid online miniature tyrants posting crap because they can and no other reason than that. But then, I've noticed this growing trend since the beginning of this century. It's the same with any debatable issue. Bullies, abuse, discrimination, sexual assault, racism, hate crimes, the list goes on. Using bullying as an example, instead of promoting "don't get bullied" we should be focusing on simply "don't bully."

"Those who are published online only, [are] completely independent. Mainly through self-publishing, like KDP. I'll be the first to admit that yes, there is a lot of crap out there, but I don't feel any of it justifies playing bully online, never mind suppressing freedom of speech. Amazon's so-called reviews are now riddled with the worse crap I've ever seen from the most amateur self-published kindle."

I can certainly understand hating poor works and wanting to say so. There are too many amateurs and wannabe writers out there who really don't know how to write a productive  and useful review. Or to simply be a decent human being.

"I'm seeing the opposite problem. Mary Sue types, mainly. Those who sound like they could know what they're talking about by throwing around big technical terms, when they are, in fact, full of shit:

This book is badly written because it uses a modifier that's outside of the realm of professional writing.

"Er, how about simply saying that you didn't like the story and be done with it? Or, better yet, don't give amateurs undue attention. Now, this wouldn't disturb me so much if these kinds of reviews were common with ANY kind of story. An author friend of mine who offered a free short story via KDP, was so severely bashed because, zomg, it reads like a short story, not a novel. Obviously...
It seems this huge assumption has taken over. Published and/or available to purchase online, you must be an amateur, by default. No hope for you."

There is a way to write a good review. Without being petty, ignorant, or typical in cutting another down to build yourself up. Typical bully behavior that shows to anyone who can read and clearly understand what they read, just who you are as a reviewer (and a person) and what your worth is in this society of literature.

I recently had something curious happen to myself about a short story ebook I published. I don't really think the reviewer was being a bully. But I did feel the initial reviewer's rating was somewhat unfair. At very least I think it gives an incorrectly colored consideration of the story. One that had done well elsewhere.

I had one review on Amazon for my story, Mr. Pakool's Spice (now also available as an audiobook). That review sat on Amazon for that story alone, for some years. One wonders if that was in part why it was the only review.

Reviewers, amature or otherwise, need to realize that in posting the first review of any work, they have gained a vaulted status. One that can shade how others perceive the story before they read it. IF they even get to, as they may be put off buying the ebook in the first place, by that initial, single review.

First review from 2013:

"I did enjoy the journey portion of the story, of the father and his two children and their attempts to survive a zombie apocalypse. However, just as the story was getting very interesting, I turned the page to find out it was done. A HUGE cliff-hanger? On a short story?"

The reviewer essentially said they had really liked my story, but because they hadn't realized it was a short story when they got to the end, they took umbrage with its length and gave it not at least four out of five stars, but three.

This story by the way, was previously published in an anthology with other writers where it was well received. This reviewer did cause me to go through all my short ebooks and put in the beginning of the description the words: "This is a short story...." Because apparently some need that help.

I did find the review lacking in some ways. Obviously, or I wouldn't be bringing this up here. So, just a bit about reviewing and author's works online:

From Dudley Court Press site:

"Specific Tips For Goodreads And Amazon Reviews
Most review sites like Amazon and Goodreads ask you to rate the book, usually from 1 to 5. Each site uses the ratings a little differently, but keep in mind that a 1 and a 5 should be very rare. For Amazon reviews, a 3 is borderline for success. So, save a 2 for a book you really don’t like and a 1 for complete failure. These numbers can mean a difference between being promoted on the site and falling into a black hole."

Eventually I got another review actually giving my story five stars. But it was also a review which sadly came, five years later! Which gave me a 4.2 rating overall for all of that time that the first review remained the only review. Makes one wonder, if that had any impact on no further reviews or purchases (I don't really know what sales is on that story...actually, I just looked it up... it's sold 230 copies to date with only two reviews. Come on, really? Two?).

The 3 star review pretty much bummed me out as I thought it wasn't really deserved. That story hasn't gotten a lot of attention I'll admit, but I think the new audiobook using a voice actor, really helps to flesh it out and offer the listener even more. The audio version ending gives me chills now every time I hear it.

The newest review somewhat in reply to the first reviewer's rating, which obviously they too believed was somewhat unfair, simply says:

Regardless, I wouldn't actually call it a cliffhanger ending. Not to give spoilers, but the surviving main character(s), though still in the overall situation at the end, there is actually a major resolution to one of their greatest concerns and most deadly considerations.

Also, it was after all priced as a short story, and the pages were clearly indicated on its Amazon page as being only thirty-five pages long, so...a short story. While the reviewer felt it ended with a cliffhanger, really it was an exploration of a piece of the experience the characters were trying to survive in, exploring some unique behaviors of the zombies in the story.

People don't realize, or don't care all too often, just what their comments do both to sales and to the author's feelings. If you want to be a useful part of the life of a story or book, give us productive comments. Give the author a reason to do better. Give them how to do better, offer them useful and productive comments. A reason to strive to do better than you perceive they have done.

We want better writers and authors. Do we really just want to brutalize people for their efforts? Or do we want to be a positive catalyst for change in the literary realm?

One wonders sometimes just why people write such damaging and useless reviews.

Self esteem problems maybe?

The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina gives this advice:

Finally, a few general considerations:
  • Review the book in front of you, not the book you wish the author had written. You can and should point out shortcomings or failures, but don’t criticize the book for not being something it was never intended to be.
  • With any luck, the author of the book worked hard to find the right words to express her ideas. You should attempt to do the same. Precise language allows you to control the tone of your review.
  • Never hesitate to challenge an assumption, approach, or argument. Be sure, however, to cite specific examples to back up your assertions carefully.
  • Try to present a balanced argument about the value of the book for its audience. You’re entitled—and sometimes obligated—to voice strong agreement or disagreement. But keep in mind that a bad book takes as long to write as a good one, and every author deserves fair treatment. Harsh judgments are difficult to prove and can give readers the sense that you were unfair in your assessment.
Huffington Post offers this bit of advice and so I will leave you with this:

"So let’s sum up. Reviews are about books and for readers; they’re not about you the reviewer for you the reviewer. If it’s in your character to need attention, don’t write useless reviews, start a blog. Or better yet, become a cable news anchor."

Monday, October 27, 2014

What is, The Unwritten? Find out FREE on Wattpad. Experience, the cliffhanger, as it's being written!

[ My editor said she had trouble finding links to
my story on her iPad, so just to be clear,
here is the STORY LINK referred to below.
This is now a finished book on Amazon & Smashwords.]
New parts posted to Wattpad weekly, or more frequently
This past summer I started playing with a site called, Wattpad. An author I know from Facebook, Louis Shalako, was posting parts of a book he calls, "The Mysterious Case of Betty Blue". I wasn't paying much attention to things till I started to wonder why he was using Wattpad. So I thought I would give it a try.

I posted a few things, getting my toes wet. I posted the popular story, To End All War. A short story I wrote on Wattpad. I posted my short short story, "The Fall" which previously was only available in an ebook of mine as an additional story. This was a story that led to an article on my writings, in Indies Unlimited called, "Gender Bender" by L.A. Lewandowski, about writers writing both male and female characters and making it work. I wrote, Crashing Indulgence, as an experiment that got more than a few reads. But these were all just testing the waters, until something of substance came about.

Then one day, I came across an old quote on my quotes page here on my blog called, Quotes Along The Murdock.
Currently only 12 parts, more coming, trust me.
Whenever I post something somewhere that I find interesting, I post it on that page. I posted one a while back and saved it in there attributing it to, "The Unwritten". Which actually meant to be a kind of joke and essentially something that I hadn't written, it was a quote from nowhere. I write just about everything: non-fiction, fiction, horror, sci fi, screenplays, whatever. I try to stretch my skill set.

The quote goes like this:

"I want to learn to love you best of all," she said, "and that's just easier if you're dead."
From, The Unwritten

It occurred to me that I should write it into something so that when I said it was from, "The Unwritten", it could actually be from SOME thing called, "The Unwritten". I thought about Wattpad and figured, what the Hell, let's see what happens. Wattpad is a place readers can watch writers as they write something. Some writers have even gotten book deals from publishing on Wattpad, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

You can see how writers think as they develop a story. It's a kind of first draft platform for many, both writers and readers. Some polish their work before publishing on there so their works aren't first drafts, but some of us are throwing our first drafts up there, a  pretty scary prospect, really. Especially for those writers who think it's offensive to show a first draft to anyone, as I was taught by one of my university professors.

For some, they really shouldn't publish a first draft. But for those who can kick out a first draft that's readable, especially if you already have readers, it can be fun and rewarding to see how a writer develops their stories. It's also a good experience for a writer. It can change how you work, it can embolden you and beef up your skills. I do have to go back from time to time to clean up parts to fit the new parts, new directions as things develop, but I've found that I really don't have to do that very frequently.

So, as for the quote, it is obviously some kind of a quote from a horror story, so I wrote part "The Unwritten Part I". I wasn't sure if I'd go on beyond that, or where it may lead.

Right after I posted that first part, I was on Facebook, joking around with some people I know from a group on there and to give a guy a hard time, who I was just teasing, I threatened to name a character in a horror story after him. I thought about which one and well, "The Unwritten Part I" became, "The Unwritten Part I - Tom". I'm not so sure he appreciated it, but there it is, the protagonist's name is now, Tom. And Tom has been immortalized in one of my stories. 

A part II came along and then a part III and I realized, there was more to come. At this point there's eleven parts published and two more in draft stage, with no end in sight.

I seemed to be publishing them on Wattpad at a rate of about one a week. Then it escalated. I work on it as I have time. I create one or a few drafts of upcoming parts and work on them if I have an idea where those part should go. I do my note taking in these draft parts and dabble in them, altering them as they develop, then sit down and write through the next part and publish it.

It's led to some research on things. Like Hell and how it's perceived throughout history and in different religions and cultures.

Okay, SPOILERS now -

If you don't want to know anything about the story till you read it, then go read it. It's free.

You can download the Wattpad app for your phone and within seconds of my publishing a new part (or whatever author you decided to follow), you get notified immediately and can read it right then on your phone. Or whatever or however you like. It's kind of a throwback to the old Saturday movie cliffhangers where you just have to wait for a new episode to see what is happening to our here. Or, our antihero, in some cases. 

Here comes a basic description of what you're getting into with this story, The Unwritten.

The story begins with a guy who wakes up in an old cabin in the woods, strapped to an old kitchen table, with a woman standing over him with a knife. She says to him (you'll never guess what):

"I want to learn to love you best of all, and that's just easier if you're dead."

There. Now that quote comes from somewhere and truly is from, "The Unwritten".

Moving along....

With that, she stabs him in the side. Not to kill, but to torture. And, he's not very happy about it. Finally, he finally passes out. When he wakes up, she's gone, he's still tied up and he can't remember anything. Not who he is, where he came from or how he got there. He just knows that he doesn't want to be there or see that woman again since, his host isn't very nice.

One thing leads to another and well, his day just gets worse from then, and then it gets really bad and finally, pretty surreal. Surreal in a way I don't think you've experienced before.

That is to say, things go downhill for him from there; literally and figuratively.

But they also go up.

You see, there is something up there in the cabin, too. Something, is flowing along the ceiling. That's bad enough but where it comes from, is even worse. But that's not all.

There are some others involved. No, they're not there. All three come together in this story in a bizarre exploration of some very disparate things that interact in unforeseen ways. Unforeseen for us, and unforeseen for the characters.

This is a horror story. It's a slasher and torture story. It's traditional and nontraditional. It's a sci fi. A very dark fantasy. Basically, a little bit of everything and, the kitchen sink.

Well, that's all I'm going to tell you. I may at some point in a future post, explain how the parts came to be.

For once, in writing this, I'm just cutting loose and enjoying my writing process. Usually I have a very structured way of going about things. But with this, as Wattpad allows, I can just go for it and see what happens, let my imagination run wild. Which some might say from past writings, I do anyway, but this is different. Maybe it will come out in a similar way to the readers, but for this writer, it's quite a different experience. 

The few people who have read it so far have liked it and have no clue where this story is going. Because honestly, neither do I. I do even more so than usual, write myself into a corner, then try to creatively write myself back out of that corner. If I do a good job in the end is yet to be seen. But so far, I have a pretty good track record in doing that.

One of the cool things about Wattpad, is that readers can make comments, can connect with the writer as the writing is being done. If I were to see a good comment and it changed how the story was going in an interesting way, I just might incorporate it.

I should say that I do have a path in the back of my mind, as to where I'm going. Up to a point. Which is mostly just one to three parts ahead at any one point with an overall thought about where I'm heading, that changes as I come up with a better idea from time to time.

The story is being honed as I write it. It's odd for me since people are reading it before my editor has a chance to do any editing. I should add that she is enjoying the experience and anxiously awaiting my new parts as I post them. So that's a good sign. Because if it sucked, I'd hear about it, I'm sure.

So if you like this kind of thing, please come along for the ride. Because you'll be on a ride that is free, fun, and a touch foolhardy. No, maybe not so much that last one, but it will hopefully keep your attention and be entertaining on several levels.

So, come on down to the dark side! 

Down? Yeah, you'll see what I mean. If you join us for the ride. Experience what the "cliffhanger" is about!

Come join us reading, The Unwritten
New parts posted to Wattpad weekly, or more frequently