Showing posts with label melatonin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melatonin. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #85

Thoughts & Stream of Consciousness, rough and ready...
Random sane thoughts from an insane mind...from an award-winning filmmaker and author you’ve never heard of, while walking off the remains of long Covid, and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… nice day, starting out, 53° overcast cool breeze starting out, back at home 63° walking day Monday, June 17, 2024

First, Podcast Rachel Maddow presents Ultra Ep 2
Then, Marc Maron's WTF? Episode 1548 - Jude Law .

First up...Happy Juneteenth America, marking the day enslaved people in Galveston, Texas in 1865 found out they had been freed when some did nont wish them to be made aware of that. Shameful people, white people. Unbelievable. 
Two years AFTER Pres. Lincolns Emanipation Proclamation.
What the Hell humans...Americans?

Listening to Rachel Maddow's season two of her Ultra podcast. She’s talking about some of the Manhattan Project scientists on the radio back in 1950. One of them says towards the end of the broadcast that by tweaking the H bomb, which America was only starting to work on, they could wipe out an entire city in being 1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb...tweaking the bomb's casing you would create a cobalt bomb that if exploded in the air, would put a layer of radioactivity around the world that would wipe out humanity. Nice Sunday afternoon talking point.

A very good/disturbing summary of the Trump campaign's orientation of what's going on with them, which hasn't so far made much sense, while his supporters like "this or that" about him, there's something more obvious going on:

Rachel #Maddow on the goal of the GOP, "In real politics, nothing is ever finished. You never take power once and for all. Your enemies are not vanquished. But they [Trump/MAGA] are not trying to win a political contest. They're trying to do away with political contests in the United States."

I posted a meme today about Epstein and Trump, and somebody responded to me telling me something I had not heard. That Trump had barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. I posted back to the guy. “interesting“, and I just now realized I was accepting it as fact. Because it sounded factual. And I decided I wouldn’t post more about Trump on Epstein things. On the other hand, is it true? He supplied a link that goes to a document of way too many references to Epstein. However Copilot offered me this:

"Yes, it is true that Donald Trump barred Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. According to a book entitled “The Grifter’s Club,” Trump banned Epstein after he hit on the teenage daughter of another member. This incident appears to have occurred before Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to state criminal charges in Florida, which included paying for sexual services from a 14-year-old girl. The banishment from the club seems to have happened after Epstein was charged with soliciting prostitution by a state grand jury but before his 2008 guilty plea.

"It’s important to note that while Trump did have a falling out with Epstein, he did not publicly reveal the reasons for it at the time. Trump stated that he had not spoken to Epstein for up to 15 years and that he was “not a fan” of his. Before their falling out, Trump and Epstein had been friends for years."

While authoritarianism and fascism are not mental illnesses per se, they are a form of mental illness, or psychosocial illness. as I prefer to refer to it. It’s not in the DSMx but we see it ourselves, clearly. We see it as it has infected MAGA. We see it as MAGA has infected the GOP.

I’ve been using melatonin to get to sleep for a while. I had tried using some pro brain vitamins a while back and needed melatonin to get to sleep. As a teenager, my mind was always racing and I couldn’t sleep at night. I do have ADHD, since birth obviously. So I stopped using those "enhance your brain" vitamins. They worked, by the way. 

But I don’t think you should use melatonin if you can avoid as it's a hormone your body produces from the sun through vitamin D. Which my doctor said I have a deficiency for so I have to take a vitamin D supplement. I just try to get sunlight. I'd read if you get 15 minutes a day, you’re good.

Starting my 2nd mile…

So my son, who manages health food store, is quite knowledgeable about a lot of things (esp., gaming, and physics). He has a logical mind and I trust what he has to say. Regardless I tend to vet my information, but he tends to be right most of the time. One doesn't vet info just to prove or disprove someone correct or not. You also do it to fill in any gaps in info. When you hear something, your mind should see options, and questions, and then go fill those in. That should then offer you connections to other stored information and make connections to a variety of other things. When that happens, it's pleasing. If it doesn't happen, you're not taking in enough information in life. Or haven't, but you can start at any time.

Apparently, he’s become a local CBD expert and doctor's offices will often refer people to him. He used to work at a cannabis store and read a lot. And.. he’s my kid. And... he’s smarter than I am. Anyway, so far the magnesium seems to be working. I may be noticing some other benefits from it, too. Which I’m keeping an eye on and trying to separate out and narrow down to figure out what’s going on. He had said to take it an hour before bedtime. So I did last night and it helped. Also, I started to feel better in other ways that I didn’t expect. My sinuses started to open up, which is unusual for me.

Anyway, he suggested that if I don’t want to take melatonin, he suggests to people to try magnesium glycinate but not its other forms (citrate, oxide, sulfate, etc.). Since 2020 my long Covid issue made it very problematic for me to try anything new. I'd tried fish oil supplement and it almost killed me. So I tried the magnesium over a few days. Realized maybe I could skip a day. I've done a bunch of things to see what the lowest functional levels were (not doctor-prescribed meds, although I found some are functional at lower levels and historically western medicine doesn't adjust appropriately or see that we're not all exactly the same). I like to take as little of anything as possible. We really need to aid our health in the quality of our human experience through food and exercise rather than synthetically manufactured meds. That's not extreme, it's just common sense.

Western medicine has done too much for many decades with synthetic and semi-synthetics drugs/medicines. So yes, it’s best to live clean and healthy.

Rachel's talking about a guy back in the '50s who used to attend "silver shirt" meetings, which was your basic Nazi meeting in America. Can’t help but correlate somehow "silver shirts" with the kind of disgusting insect you might see in a shower at some institution (gym) called a, "silverfish". No, I'm not saying those people are insects, I'm saying my mind word associates.

It’s good for us to know that leading up to World War II, there was an ultra right wing in America who didn’t want us to join in the war. Which would’ve been extremely bad for humanity. It’s interesting to know today we have an extreme right who doesn’t want us to help Ukraine, but instead support Putin. Humanit's new Russian "Nazi" apparently. Putin said he was going to invade Ukraine to help Russian people from the "Ukrainian Nazis", and then immediately, aside from having previously invaded Ukraine (with an ongoing war), became THE "Nazi" himself. So what does that make Americans who support him, who would argue they aren’t, but are not wanting to support Ukraine?

Considering also how Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine when he was president to dig up dirt on Biden, and he really didn’t care if it was falsified.

It’s interesting how dictatorships, authoritarians, and fascists just love claiming how "decadent" the West is while they have a spar economy and miserable human experience for their citizens while what we have to offer is just freedom and protection from our own government and leaders. While Donald Trump’s MAGA is in support of those dictators, authoritarians, and fascists, not so much the freedom of American or Western democratic citizens. Just those who see us as decadent, foul, or degenerate. 

This whole thing is pretty simple. The Trump side is negative. Those who oppose him are positive. Those attracted to negative support Trump and like him and some love him. And some worship him. And what the holy fuck is that about? That's not American. That's authoritarian. That's a cult. A cult of personality. It's...slimy.

Here’s an easy way to judge yourself. If your beliefs, or your tribe's beliefs, or your political party's beliefs, support the human experience of just you, or them and does not hold up supporting the human experience of all, you have a problem. You the a problem. Your “tribe “is the problem. And all claims made that it’s anyone else? Is just a mechanism, a tool to support the worst in human belief systems. Just sayin'...

Oh, I hope any fathers out there had a good Father’s Day. Both my kids called me and I got to talk to them. The one who I hear from almost daily, actually daily, lives furthest away. The married one, I don’t hear from or see much anymore. But they’re live stage performers and have jobs and I know they’re busy. For those who resent the fact that all they get from their kids is a phone call or a card, at least they care enough to do something. 

Just consider all those fathers (or mothers), who do deserve more from their kids and get nothing. Or their kids hate them or have mental illness or drug addiction, or are lost in things like psychosocial illnesses, like fascism, or MAGA. Then, of course, there’s those parents who don’t deserve anything from their kids, but instead owe their kids for how they raise them so poorly. It’s sad for those kids who still do stay in contact with them.

My mother was just too toxic to deal with in her later years (like the last half of her life). My siblings and I struggled to deal with her and would take turns dealing with her for a while until we couldn’t take it, then passed her off to another one of us. A nightmare round-robin of dealing with Mom. Part of that was her many years of practicing victimhood and taking heavy prescription drugs...opiates.

That round-robin thing went on until I got divorced in 2002. Before that, my wife and I were briefly seeing a therapist until she quit going. At some point, our therapist, listening to me about the situation with my mother and how I regretted my wife having to deal with any of it, told me, “You realize you can cut someone out of your life if they’re being toxic? “ I said, "No I don’t realize that. She’s my mother." And she said, "Look. I give you permission. You don't have to go through that." I just sat there, stunned.

I remember my wife sitting on the couch next to me. Just looking at me. I’d love to have known what she was thinking. But that was close to the last session she attended.

And so the next time my mother called me at work, about some imagined slight by someone or life, I explained it all to her and said, "I’m done." And I pretty much didn’t talk to her again until she died over 15 years later.

I remember once when our youngest brother was diagnosed with leukemia in 1974 (he actually had liver cancer, which they later correctly diagnosed and he died in Manhattan in June 1974). We left Mom and our brother in his hospital room at Tacoma's Children's Hospital and went down to the cafeteria for a break, a breather, some coffee. Sitting around a table talking, our sister summed it all up. She said none of us would ever be able to relax until both of our parents, mom, central to us all (as we had different dads) and her husband, our stepfather, and youngest brother's dad...both died.He died (with Alzheimer's) about 10 years ago a few miles from me at the Retsil Veteran's Home. She died about 6, in Tacoma. Our sister was there with her. And she had been right. Finally, we all felt relieved. 100%. Family is love, family is life. Family is pain. But we do, we can, have some control over that.

For those who are in toxic relationships that make you want to kill yourself, or the other person...don’t. Just eliminate them from your life. It’s not easy. But it’s doable.

I’ve been saying for years, regarding suicide, something that helped me in rough times, to think this whenever one wants to kill oneself, just consider walking out the door and never coming back. While your friends and loved ones will suffer from never hearing from you again, they’re gonna go through that anyway, and worse, if you kill yourself. In this way, in vanishing (leave a note or something though, this isn't a vindictive thing, you are caused pain, and you don't want them to be caused pain because of you), you'd do them a service, and by starting a new life, in moving out of state or whatever, you’ve done yourself and maybe humanity a service.

Starting 3rd mile…

I’m pretty tired of my only exercise being these walks. But there’s not much else to do and the weather has sucked. But it’s getting better. Haven’t felt great the past couple of days. So I thought this walk would start out kind of uncomfortable. But it’s been just fine. I’m getting enough of these 5 mile walks and I’m getting to an equilibrium or something. Feels good to get some exercise.

What the hell is a "hog's head" shaved haircut? Rachel just played a 1940s radio broadcast where the reporter was describing some Nazi's haircut. Looked it up, I can find nothing on it. Maybe it was just that reporter's affectation.

I’ve been thinking about this. I need to ask my friend Ash Black, who has an interview show on public access TV here. My friends, Kelly and Pat, and I were his first three interviews when he started his show. But I never see our reruns. I mean every so often he interviews two or three people. Then you see that new interview on. And they play that three or four times each, before the next new interview. But they haven’t been playing them from the beginning and sometimes his show is not on. So what’s with that? Run reruns. 
[so I asked him, but he had no response on the rerun issue. But he did get nominated for Best of Kitsap (our county) for several things, best citizens, best show ("Afternoons with Ash Black" on BKat TV) pretty damned cool!]

I had thought about going out for lunch yesterday for Father’s Day. I looked at some restaurants online. Thought about the menus. Thought about the cost, which isn’t a big issue with me, but having been raised with very little money, you know that is the rest of your life. Thought about how many people might be out taking their dad to lunch, and then I remembered I had a bag of themed salad that I had bought. Some Thai cashew salad. I had previously mentioned I was trying to lose weight. I’m recently at about 230 and need to knock off at least 10 pounds, pretty quick. Rough winter...

Anyway, I got that bag of salad out, threw in some frozen shrimp I had in the freezer from Costco, added some smoked cheese I had for a cheese, meat and crackers meal the other day, and some other things, and ended up with a pretty tasty Father’s Day lunch. 

I watched "Monkey Man" on Peacock+ streaming it was pretty good, different. I like that actor, Dev Patel. This time he helped write it and directed it. He’s come a long way from "Slumdog Millionaire". Which I thought was a good flick, though some people called poverty porn. Maybe so.

I couldn’t really get all that into the "Monkey Man" movie. I mean I watched it, it was good, had some very clever stuff in it. Rotten Tomatoes gave it 88%. after watching it, I went back to watching Shetland (84% on Rotten Tomatoes) on BritBox. I really like shows like that in Ireland or Scotland or on an island over there. Makes me wanna go back to Ireland. 

The other day I watched “Blue Lights “a police procedural set in Belfast. Sian Brooke, the lead female actor was the short-lived wife of the king in season one of House of the Dragon. Of which season two began the other night. Been looking forward to it. I just recently binged the entire first season again. And I don’t know, for some reason I thought it was a good opening series 2 episode. Either getting their stride or I was just lowering the bar because I wanted to see a new episode.

I had gotten a seven-day free trial with BritBox that I have to cancel or keep for $9/month. I don’t, know I could end up keeping it. There’s some great stuff on there.

About House of the Dragon, I will say that I never much cared for Matt Smith as Doctor Who. But I think he found his place on this series. He plays it perfectly.

Oh, I stumbled onto Le Mans yesterday. The live version as it was being streamed on Peacock+. They have so many cameras and stuff now it’s almost like watching a movie or a video game but it’s real and in the moment. If somebody dies you’re finding out with everybody else. I’m not much into watching cars go around a track but it’s pretty cool at that level. I had it on in the background as I was editing my last blog.

One driver's rearview mirror snapped on one side of its double brackets, holding it to the inside top of the cockpit. I thought, that’s not gonna work. He pulls in for a pitstop, but they couldn’t fix it. A new driver got in. They said it’s an LED screen so it’s not too bad, although it was vibrating, bouncing around a lot. About every other second, you can seethe driver look at the mirror and then out the windshield. I thought that was pretty cool that they’re using an LED screen on the rearview mirror. I never heard of that before. If it had been a mirror, it really would have been unusable.

On Rachel‘s podcast, she’s talking about a Nazi sympathizer who ended up on the Nazi Nuremberg trials of World War II. Even though his coworkers had complained to the FBI, he still got the job and went to Germany to work on the trial. This is a good example of, how things can happen. Donald Trump has, for his entire life, fallen through the cracks.

Fascism & authoritarianism can perpetually serve as a potential ‘grout’ within the framework of democracy. If not vigilantly guarded against, they possess the power to topple that very framework. Their most destructive actions, often occurring out of sight, to disable the system in unforeseen ways. Sadly, this is often misunderstood & unforeseen by those most committed to such ideological changes.

Starting mile four…

Also starting WTF? Marc Maron podcast episode with Jude Law.

As for Rachel’s podcast season 2 episode 2 of Ultra… Wow. It’s really important that pretty much everybody in America listens to this. It’s about our history in the 40s and 50s. But it’s extremely relevant when you look around today about what some people think is funny or not a big deal, but is actually a huge deal.

Marc said he finally won something. He won Cat Dad of the Year from PE TA.

Marc trying to figure out what his cat thinks when he’s gone... He’s up in Vancouver for I think four months total and he's back home on a break wondering what his cat thinks after he’s been gone a few days: "Well He’s dead and that’s over." He said, "I don’t think the cat's that sociopathic but I’m sure his brain processes differently." No doubt. I would say it’s more like when you leave your cat for a few days, it just notices an energy missing in the environment. And it adjusts. 

Then when you come home, it triggers that pattern and it’s an energy of familiarity and things that have been habituated. It feels this rush of energy in the house and a familiarity of returning energy and some habituation and processes that are familiar. I suspect they quickly get tired of it and go back to their normal routine. Which I guess makes them perfect pets for someone who comes and goes?

Just don’t get a parrot that lives 125 years where, if you don’t give it enough attention, it starts pulling out feathers and becoming neurotic. Or when you die and it goes to another owner, it can’t easily handle the replacement.

Marc talking about watching and re-watching movies. Every day on my DVR I scan, while having coffee in the morning, what's on the paid movie channels I have and what’s on local TV between 8 PM and 11 PM that night and select anything I find interesting.

The other day I came across the movie “The Quiet American“. I liked the 2002 remake with Michael Caine though I hadn't realized it was a remake. This one is with Audie Murphy filmed in 1958 about 1952 Saigon. Audie Murphy is labeled by the characters as a "young, very young man." He was 28. The actor. Michael Redgrave is the lead. I’ve only seen 16 minutes of it.

I see Michael Redgrave, I think Michael Rennie. Who was the alien "Klatuu" in the film I saw as a young kid, “The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) on TV. Klatuu, with his robot Gort, and their planet's humanitarian extraterrestrial concept for Earth, saw us as dangerous. Because we are. We do seem to tend toward the self-destructive. People might remember that movie by its most famous catchphrase “Klaatu Barada Nikto“ which was spoken to the Gort to not destroy the planet when Klatuu got shot.

In the 1978 Fantastic Films article "The Language of Klaatu", Tauna Le Marbe, the magazine's Alien Linguistics Editor, attempted to translate the phrase. Her literal translation was "Stop Barbarism, (I have) death, bind;" and her free translation was "I die, repair me, do not retaliate".

Uh huh. Seems disingenuous. As Klatuu is the alien's name, seems more like the translation would be: "Klatuu (says) stand down."

Anyway, I’ve seen Rennie in a few other things, and I always had a fine place in my heart for him because of that movie. His character, actually. I once saw a really old interview of him on the set of some movie and I had to come to realize, he’s just an actor, not that wonderful character from that film.

As for "The Quiet American", it was a very interesting perspective of a 1958 Hollywood version of Saigon that looked a little too clean and Hollywoodish.

Apparently, Marc was in a movie about the talk show radio host who got murdered by some white supremacists decades ago. A guy named Alan Berg in Colorado was murdered by some idiot white supremacists from my Washington state. One of those criminals was tracked down on Whidbey Island and fought back, ending up burned up and dead. Eastern Washington has a higher concentration of conservatives who, along with Idaho and eastern Oregon, way too many white supremacists. Racists consider the dead murderer a martyr.

As for eastern Washington, when I was stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base 15 miles outside of Spokane, Washington, a lot of the guys who were hunters and had lived in the area for a while, refused to go hunting up north because of all the crazy people white supremacists.

I was taken back then by a recent acquaintance on base, to a white supremacist compound over in the Idaho Hills back in 1978 and it scared the hell out of my wife and myself. Especially when they bragged how the local police wouldn't come on their property. All very nice congenial racists, some of them wearing faux Nazi uniforms. Which one said, when I asked about that uniform, said, "No, they’re not Nazi uniforms, because those are a different color." Other than the color it all looked the same to me and they saluted like Nazis. Anyway, we didn’t go back. And the whole reason for the visit was to attend the guy's church. Which just turned out to be a church where they ranted about racist stuff.

So Marc said in playing that Jewish talk show host, most of his scenes were getting gunned down along with a few on-mic scenes. Jude Law is lead in it. Jude told Marc he’s seen it and it’s good. Marc was complaining he hadn’t seen it yet but is looking forward to seeing it on one of the movie channels or streaming networks, as soon as it comes out.

I want to see it too. A book came out about Alan Berg and those white supremacists back in 1987 when I read that book: Talked to Death: The Life and Murder of Alan Berg.
Good book. Eye-opener at the time. I was very unhappy to find out how many people from the south, after the confederacy fell, moved to the Pacific Northwest. Especially Idaho, Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington. Apparently, there’s more than a few extreme-right up here in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. That's up north from where I’m at. 

Sadly my adult trans offspring lives up there. They have some stories that aren’t fun to hear about minding their own business and being harassed. I don’t understand why people can’t just leave people alone. If you don’t like them, go somewhere else, look the other way, move on, and let it go. Let other citizens just live their lives. As they do you. Change the channel. Listen to a different radio station. 

Try not to get radicalized because… did you know fear lowers your IQ? Which the Republican Party, especially MAGA pushes out so much? Fear. Anger. Hatred. Bigotry. What did Trump say? "I love the uneducated." Why do you think?

It's not complicated

Marc says we can train our parents once an adult. Well sure. Unless there’s mental illness or drugs involved. But he said it’s worked for him. Didn’t work for me, or my siblings.

I remember getting into a big argument with my mom in the hallway upstairs at the house. I grew up in, at least since fifth grade. Before that we moved like every year around Tacoma, or to Spain, or to Philadelphia, or back to Tacoma in 1960.

She kept treating me like I was her young kid. She said, "I’m your mom and you’ll always be my kid to me." Hey, that’s fine but I’m an adult. I told her I graduated high school. I’d been in and out of the US Air Force. Responsible for a lot of government property and people's lives. I’d been married AND divorced. And still, she was treating me like I’m 12. It’s really annoying for an adult to have to deal with that.

Her response? "Well, you will always be my child." Kind of missing he point again, mom.


Starting my 5th mile…

Oh damn, Marc mentions the time his orthopedic surgeon father backed over his foot. This was after the ski trip where his top-of-the-line safety ski boot binders kept falling off his boots, so his dad tightened them down too much and he ended up getting a spiral fracture. So of course his dad gave him half body cast, and later a leg cast, which is what he remembers having when he saw George Carlin on stage.

I just mention that because my oldest (then in jr high) and I got home years ago and I was backing up the SUV and I heard a scream because apparently I had backed over his foot. I mean, it wasn’t my fault. He standing outside of the back of the SUV on the right and he had his foot behind the back tire. Either not smart or not very aware of his environment, which I raised my kids to be. Anyway, he yelled at me. I felt really bad and I apologized, but it wasn’t my fault. As I told him. Which didn't help the situation. He was fine, luckily. But he never had his foot under a car again.

Reminds me, we got our adult German Shepherd castrated because his aggression was getting too intense. He almost went through our back glass door one time because he saw another dog.

His scrotum swelled up for a  of days and my son came in during that, old enough at this point to drive the car, he had just been out somewhere and had come in and told me something and... accidentally stepped on the dog's swollen scrotum. So without thinking, the dog whips around and bites him on the hand. The dog would never have done that otherwise.

It put a couple of holes in that piece of flesh between your thumb and forefinger known as the purlicue,  the “thenar web space, or the "web of the thumb." Apparently, it hurt. His reaction was to want to punch the dog. He quickly stepped forward, really angry and in pain while the dog was sitting up by me near the couch, where I was sitting. I quickly put my arms around the dog's neck, with his head on my shoulder, and put my hand up to calm my son down and said, "Hey, don’t hurt the dog. It was an accident. He felt bad as soon as he did it." 

He backed off, quickly realizing what all had happened, and embarrassed, sort of yelled at me, "It really hurt!" I said, "Well, how would you feel if you just had your testicles cut off, your scrotum was swollen and somebody stepped on it? He didn’t mean to bite you." And  my son immediately realized he made a mistake. Actually, both of them had. It was a weird situation. Anyway, he calmed down. I sent him off to drive to the doctor. He came back later saying he was fine, and it was all OK. But it was an interesting experience.

Now Marc saying, "You've gotta find the good things of your parents that you inherited and lean into those."

I’ve always done that. But I’ve also tried to counter the bad things I received from my parents. When I was younger, my mom told me stories about my dad and how he could be jealous. I don't doubt somehow she may have, even if inadvertently, or innocently, aggravated that somehow. It led to some interesting stories she told me about him. They were divorced by the time I was three. So all through my teen years on, I was very aware of feeling jealous about or over a girlfriend. Or a wife.

Marc says he finally caved because of fans asking for him to do it, so he interviewed a guy from the band, Phish. So that’s upcoming.

This just in... Abortion is a human right!
Another's religion shouldn't govern everyone else.
Donald Trump's mother should have had that right too.
We need a time machine.

Marc's also talking about how his dad was manic at times and when he graduated (high school or college? I missed that), his dad didn’t show up because he was in one of those stages and it wasn’t a great day.

Which made me reflect on my high school and college graduations. My only close relative to graduate college was my cousin, my mom‘s sister‘s daughter who I’m three months older than her. She graduated from Eastern in I think Medical Lake, Washington. Just outside Spokane. We were there in/near Spokane together at the same time for a while when she was going to college and I was in the Air Force. So we hung out together a couple of times. 

I wondered if I went to her college graduation. During mine she was in Europe backpacking, as my youngest did decades later through Europe, twice. 

So this magnesium I’m taking to help me sleep. Since it’s good for your nerves, I mean your physical nerves in your body, I wonder if this would’ve helped during my long Covid in the worst part of it? The problem is I took some things that should’ve helped me and it made me feel like I was dying. Because that’s how weird long Covid can be.

Since I’m all over the place on this blog all the time… I mean, at least I use Podcasts as a founding element… maybe I should’ve titled or change it, since I’m pretty much over long Covid now, “random insane thoughts from a same mind“? Or adversely, "random thoughts from an insane mind“?
So now Marc's talking to Jude Law on the podcast and they’re talking about the film they were both in. Jude is singing Marc'c praises for the character he played in the legitimacy he brought to the role. Jude‘s latest movie, I think is "Firebrand", about him playing Henry the Eighth. I saw some video of it and it looks pretty interesting. Jude did some interesting things in playing that character. Trying to be authentic, he walks weird and he needed an obesity suit and a "stunt butt" as Marc puts it. Jude tells a story about going to a perfumer friend to have him make him up a really bad smell since, he said, at that stage in Henry the Eighth's life he had to have smelled bad from rotting flesh, or I don’t know what. He told the Director about it and the Director loved the idea so much, to evoke a response from the actors, he was spraying it everywhere.

I get the "method concept" of acting, but it just seems like abuse to the actors and the crew.

OK, my 5 miles completed for the day. My left foot aches a little bit, but I could hardly walk on it the last walk and overall I feel pretty great. so I think I may have gotten back up to my fitness level I was at last fall. Between where I live, my location, and the weather in the northwest, I tell you this is killing me trying to keep fit. I definitely wish I lived someplace by the ocean, with flater land, and nicer weather year-round. But all those locations have potable water issues or way too damn many people.

A couple years ago, my cousin‘s best friend and my ex-girlfriend from high school, drove her RV down to Tucson, Arizona and wanted to live there. And I said, "Yeah, I’ve lived in Phoenix before and it’s great down there. But too many crazy conservatives there… which she said where she was it wasn’t like that… I continued saying, "You do have to be aware of the water situation as it's getting bad down there and only gonna get worse." Next thing I knew she had moved to Missouri or Louisiana or somewhere. Now I think she’s back up here. So I think that pretty much says it all…

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu.
And leave you with that. 
And soon it's time for lunch.

Cheers! Sláinte!