Showing posts with label promotion Andrew novella Death of Heaven Clive Barker Stephen King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promotion Andrew novella Death of Heaven Clive Barker Stephen King. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Horror novella, Andrew, FREE to download on Amazon Kindle July 6-7th

My Horror novella, Andrew, will be FREE to download on Amazon Kindle July 6-7th.

Cover - "Andrew's Last Battlefield Vision" by Hannah
Andrew is the story of a very young boy, the child of a very brilliant married couple who were also rather unusual scientists. It is a horror story about how Andrew tries to deal with an event more traumatic than anyone should ever have to experience, no matter what age they are. Juxtaposed with how he learns to deal with it as an adult, we are able to see who he developed into by that point in his life, and where his parent's efforts end him up. Everyone seems to want a piece of him. Those who once "loved" him cannot protect him, from themselves. No one, except one. Yes, there is certainly a lot more than that going on. This is horror in its most dark and fantastical. Not, for the light of heart or easily offended.

Andrew sets up my epic Horror book, Death of Heaven, a "story of stories". You might find it more entertaining however to read Death of Heaven first (also in paperback) as they are intimately interlinked, but in markedly different (and many) ways.

I'll say this again differently, if you are a Stephen King fan, you might want to skip these works. If you loved Clive Barker's "Books of Blood", then these are right up your alley. I'm not trying to compare these to Clive's works, but they contain a similar intensity in Horror elements. I'm also not comparing Andrew (which is a bit "lighter" in nature) to Death of Heaven.