Showing posts with label Sandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandy. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sounds Familiar - Her - a film by Spike Jonze

A while back in February of 2012, I published a sweet little short science fiction story that I titled, "Simon's Beautiful Thought". It pleasantly turned out to be one of my more popular stories. I had wanted to write something a bit more sci fi oriented, that was a lot less dark than my usual Horror tales.

It's about a socially somewhat inept but charismatic and good looking young man who just can't keep a relationship with a woman going. He ends up trying various things and finally falls for his smart phone AI, its Artificial Intelligence (yes, kind of like Siri, but not quite) "digital assistant", he called, "Sandy".

I knew several things when I decided to write this story. I knew that its time had come for such a story. I thought people would at first assume it was Horror, and you do just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop throughout the story, but it just never quite does. Or does it? I guess it depends upon your own orientation.

At least it doesn't in the way you might expect it to. Simon falls for his AI and the AI knows it and she is quite fond of him. Will she become jealous of any "real" women showing interest in Simon? Will she respond in a highly intelligent but jealous rage should someone show Simon romantic intent? Being a sophisticated AI she could make things highly interesting for Simon, either in ways that would be useful to him, or quite dramatically detrimental.

There were many ways I could have gone with this story. I knew if I didn't write it at the time, that someone else would. It's not like I was the first to write a story like this, it just seemed timely that I write one like it. I knew someone would come out with another eventually and it would be bigger, probably better, and get a lot more attention. There is after all only so much you can do in a short story. I just wanted to know that I had already gotten one out there. As I wrote it there was a sweetness that developed in the story line that I really liked. And, the meaning of the title fell together quite nicely in the end.

Anyway, someone finally did make a story about this concept. I mean, it was bound to happen and it did in Spike Jonze's new film, "Her", which is getting very good reviews. "Her" was chosen the best film of 2013 at the National Board of Review Awards. Good work guys. The film has also received three Golden Globe nominations for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, Best Screenplay and Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy.

Staring Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly, the guy smitten and Scarlett Johansson as Samantha, the voice of the guy's computer operating system.
Joaquin as Theodore Twombly in "Her"

Both actors I enjoy watching a lot and I look forward to seeing the film, even though, sadly, you never actually get to see Scarlett, which is a lose in my book. Still, she has a great voice. Funny how the names of these things seem to start with an "S" (Siri, Sandy, Samantha).

Scarlett Johansson
Well that's really all I have to say. I am very much looking forward to seeing, "Her".

Just for fun I had to add this, preview of the film, "Him" (spoof of "Her").

Friday, November 2, 2012

Heavyweight Republicans Now Endorse Barack Obama

Guess what? Some serious heavyweight Republicans are very Pro President Obama this week and some are decrying Mitt Romney.

A Republican, Colin Powell, a man I respect so much that were he to have said that I should vote for Mitt Romney, I would have had to give serious consideration to changing my opinion, has endorsed President Obama. He endorsed him for the 2008 election but it wasn't going to be that close then, and I think many voted for our current President because either he is obviously educated, and was African American. If he'd been a woman, it might have been the same thing. After all, when the passion is up, how do we pass up doing something so historical when it could have happened, to vote in a first in politics, in America like that?

Now Michael Bloomberg, a one time Republican and now Independent, and Mayor of New York City, who wasn't going to endorse anyone, has now endorsed the President big time and pointed out how Mitt Romney simply will not give us the leadership this country will be needing these next four years.

Republican Governor Chris Christie who had been a banner boy for Mitt Romney up to this point, who was the key note speaker at the Republican convention, is also singing the praises of President Obama, very much to the GOP's consternation.

Essentially what has happened is this: Nature, has taken a very large gun and pointed it right at the heads of the Mayor of New York and the Governor of New Jersey and others, and they finally had to face the fact that President Obama was the only one of our two presidential candidates who has pushed for climate change controls and the need that we have to do something, proactively, about it. Whatever that may be.

And where Governor Romney has made fun of climate change and it's associated dangers which we've seen a stark example of with the superstorm Sandy (do YOU remember ever before hearing about a "SUPER" Storm?), and said that he would see to it that Americans are taken care of, though not the polar icecaps. Insert laugh here and guess what now Mr. Romney? It's really not very funny to an awful lot of America. I certainly don't think it's funny. I have a lot of my own family in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I've sent of my Red Cross donation of money (please see my previous blog post about donating), something far more important than donating food and clothing locally right now.

As we have seen this week, thirty million Americans out of power, many now homeless, many dead, in order for our President to take care of Americans from here on, he will have lead, to deal proactively with these terrifying new climate change issues. Whether that is to be by dealing with carbon emissions, green energy, or fixing our infrastructure, our levies, our protections from the ocean and the elements, Mitt Romney has stated repeatedly that he is not the man for the job.

Just remember that when you vote this year.

Also, remember this weekend to roll back your clocks, but don't roll back this country next week, come election day.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SuperStorm Sandy - The Healing, The Giving Begins

[Update] This is from our friend, the brilliant and beautiful (and sexy) Courtney Zito ("Hollywood Girl"):
"I called to verify this number before posting. Its legit. If you have lost power & your food has gone bad FEMA is issuing $200 checks for food. The number is 800-621-3362. If you are able to get online on your phone you can also go to the website to file for help at 
God Bless. ♥"
If you need help, call!

[Update] How to help, from TED.

Usually we have been told as Governor Mitt Romney had mistakenly said yesterday, that we need to donate food, clothing, etc. Traditionally that's how we understood was the way to help. We are all learning that is not the case.

Actually... the Red Cross is asking us to please not donate solid goods. Instead please donate your money, so that they will not have to pay the costs of planning for the logistics to transport food and goods, to sort all the clothing, and waste the time it takes to transport all these solid goods across the country rather than simply being sent the money that they can simply transfer these sorely needed resources with the click of a button; so that suddenly the goods will be available in those desperately needed areas; so that the food and clothing can move quickly to the areas where people are homeless, hungry and cold.

Wow, that was a mouthful. But I'm in a hurry and the people waiting on these resources are cold and hungry and traumatized. They need help now!

Reports now are that within days there will be yet another storm to hit the area with winds up to 50 miles per hour and temperatures down to near freezing levels. American citizens need help now, ASAP.

If you would like to, if you can donate, please call 1800-red-cross, text redcross to 90999 or, go to and donate on their web site. I just made my donation thought their web site. Took about a minute.

Katrina was bad for New Orleans and so much of the US Gulf coast. The tsunami in Japan was massive devastation. Now we have our entire northeastern coast ravaged, with some of our oldest historic landmarks and structures, with so many people displaced or hurting, that we have to yet again offer what we can to help those who are now in dire need of this help.

No one is asking for anything that will cause you or your family pain, but so many others now are in pain, simply do what you can. That is all anyone can ask. And if you can do more, please consider doing it.

Thank you so much for your time.

PS Not to take away from our own disasters, but Fareed Zakaria has a point in hosting an article on his site by John Campbell, CFR about the current flooding in Africa:

Why is Western media ignoring Nigeria flooding?

John Campbell, CFR is former U.S. ambassador to Nigeria and Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.