Jesus (to Peter): did you pick the stuff up for dinner tonight? Judas is complaining you never get enough olives
Peter: Yeah, yeah, I got enough olives! Tell Judas he can suck my olive pit
Jesus: He said, you already did that for him. Whats that supposed to mean?
Peter: Oh, Elohay! I'm gonna kill that little bastard. I'd stone him but you know, he holds the purse. Who's idea was that anyway?
Jesus: Don't be such a sore Simon. Be nice to Judas. 1 day he'll do great things for us. He does manage our money, no 1 else can
Peter: Well, fine. Whatever. So, who's coming tonight
Tomorrow: Gasland. FRACing.
Jesus: Usual suspects
Peter: Will Mary be there?
Jesus: Knock it off!
Peter: I'm just asking
Jesus: Yes, she'll be there
Judas (to Peter): Did you get enough olives?
Peter (to Judas): I would have but I wasn't given enough...MONEY!
Judas (to Peter): Bitch bitch bitch