Showing posts with label Gina Haspel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gina Haspel. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2018

SPECIAL - Gina Haspel and Her First Female Director CIA Nomination

I don't feel good in supporting someone Donald Trump does, but he's bound to get something right as POTUS. And I think this is one.

Being an intellectual and with knowledge of the CIA and covert intelligence mechanism in general as well as how covert operations work and the dynamics therein, I have the following orientation on this topic. IF I did not, being the progressive I am and have been, I would possibly be against Gina Haspel.

For I see others like me, who are against her. But I feel in their good intentions, they are simply ignorant overall of how and what we're dealing with here. Even in the knowledge and intelligence of them of them, such as Kamala Harris, who unlike Fox News' juvenile opinion, had very succinct and direct questions, unlike some of the confirmation hearing.

I agree with Michael Hayden who said we NEED someone who will stand up to our questionably qualified POTUS. With all his people whittled down to the current YES men and women, who is telling this child president what reality is? Whomever you'd name, they're not enough. And who from intelligence would really push back on Trump's childish rantings?

That's Gina. Flat out.

If we really want to re-litigate CIA overreach in enhanced interrogations, then it should be those who ordered it, not those who were in the trenches and abandoned or abused later. Look, if you treat someone like Gina this way after what America demanded back in the day, then stop asking those things of our people and later abusing them for it.

As she has said today when testifying she would not follow an illegal order from the president. Odd that is actually a serious potential concern with Donald Trump but we've already seen that to be a serious concern. When you do put people in harm's way, as Gina was, don't later disingenuously claim ignorance and damn them for it.

And that, goes on up the chain right to George W. Bush, the #Republican party and their toxic #GOP methodologies of subverting America.

If you think this is a bad idea, you're just not fully informed and have only a Fox News level and mediocre orientation on this matter.

Let me give you another perspective on Gina Haspel, who, if she gets the position, will be the FIRST FEMALE head of the CiA!

Here's my point.

We had a chance for a woman to become the FIRST AMERICAN FEMALE PRESIDENT..

But NO. People allowed themselves to be easily swayed not to vote for her, which played right into Russia, Putin, Republican party and Donald Trump's grubby little hands.

Remember, if you didn't vote for her, you are part of that. Whatever your reasons.

NOW we have an opportunity for the FIRST HEAD OF THE CIA and what happens?

People are finding reasons not to let that happen. Again. Another women cvould lead but no, a woman has to be perfect to lead, unlike most of the make leaders.

WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Are you children? Religius with juvenile views of reality? Virgins? I really don't get it.

We're losing to Republicans and conservatives repeatedly because of crap like this!

You don't get to have the perfect person to be the first.And this is really so very important.

On top of which she really is a very good, excellent choice even. But not, not touchy feely enough for you because of following orders at a time that was patently schizophrenic. And now people want to judge when they are calm, feeling safe, not terrorized, as happened back then and I SAID BACK THEN, THIS WAS THE KIND OF CRAP WE'D SEE AND...HERE WE ARE.

We demanded things of the military and intelligence communities I didn't want, they didn't want but it was shoved down their throats. I knew, and they knew they would be the ones to suffer later, and right then if they refused and would be called traitors. Don't remember what it was like then?

JUST THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. I get not wanting her because Trump chose her, I fully get that and I hate he agrees with me. But that's how it is. You don't get a perfect situation to make a woman first in anything and that's how it's going to be UNTIL YOU START PUTTING WOMEN IN CHARGE OF THINGS.

No! De Vos was a horrible choice, but hey, she's there. Now we have a woman I'd bet my life on, but she's not good enough? I wouldn't trust De Vos (or her brother, Erik Prince) to hold my lunch money.

What pisses me off about all this is I said this would happen and here we are, throwing those under the bus who did what we demanded.

Shame, America. All that talk about "Thank you for your service", but this. What do you think soldiers do in war? Hypocrites.

Stand behind the people you send out into harm's way who sacrifice to protect us.

Don't treat them like trash later when your senses return, when the Zeitgeist changes, and when you feel you can now feel pretty and judge others for our acts.

That's it. I'm done. Just consider the next time a woman, appropriate for an important position is up for it, will you support her, or pick at her to find a reason for her to not take the position.

Then wonder if you REALLY DO want women to have positions of importance.

Good grief. America gave Donald J Trump the presidency. And Gina can't head the CIA? Hillary couldn't be president?

Give me a break!

It's weird watching the Gina Haspel hearing and feeling on the side of mostly Republicans.

Surreal, distasteful considering their behaviors of late. It's like that hearing doesn't remember America just a few years ago.

Dems are playing Devil's advocate and that is good, but some very stupid questions, redundancies, lack of reality and history and I find it, disconcerting.

I'm used to Democrats not being bold enough, not fighting hard enough, while not being this foolish. In the most part they're asking the wrong questions. If feels like they don't like her just because Trump does, but let's not act like Trump as he does against Obama. Let's make the best choice.

As for those videos (echoes again of emails?), when I heard they were destroyed years ago, I said good! Because in the future there WILL be a REAL witch hunt, and... here we are. As the Bush administration was forcing things onto our intelligence community, I could foresee the future abuse of our intel officers in the future, it was obvious it would happen. The point being, if  they were going to ask too much, then stand by your people. Who are now being thrown under the bus. It was bound to happen.

I was against torture from the beginning, but if Bush was going to force it, as he did, then let's not wipe out our intelligence community now over leader's damages to the CIA and democracy. This, is ignorance. IF you want to do something now that is decent, put Bush on trial for the murder of thousands and thousands of Iraqis and Americans and others because of an illegal war they knew was illegal but had plausible deniability over. Which they built into it. But let's not now take it out on our foot soldiers.

Yes, we should be pissed, we should not ever have been torturing. But we were scared, we were afraid, and acting as such. Remember that. We acted like frightened children, striking out in the dark. I was embarrassed for us at the time. I still am. And this makes it worse because the reality I saw coming, is here.

We also have to protect and serve. Just let them do that. And don't ask of these people, what you will later chastise them for.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Contracting out spies, etc.

The contracting out of government civil service or military jobs, certainly to the degree it has gotten to needs to stop. I keep hearing that in 2011.

It's been stated that we had already figured out in the 19th century that this was a bad thing to do and if we are so much smarter now, how come we cannot now see this? Especially when we've already been through it.

Consider the situation with Pakistan and the shooting by private contractor Ray Davis.

Raymond Davis
This was not looked well upon by the host country. In this case, Pakistan. We are outsourcing to secondary agents, indicating to the host country they are not that important, and alternatively, that we are there as if we are at war with Pakistan.

Four Pakistani officials spoke to ABC News on the condition of anonymity saying that the two men who Raymond Davis killed in Lahore last month were working for Pakistan's premier intelligence service, and they were following Davis because he was spying. He probably was. They definitely were, but then, it's their country.

According to ABC, in late January, those officials say, Davis was asked to leave an area of Lahore restricted by the military. His cell phone was tracked, said one government official and some of his calls were made to the Waziristan tribal areas, where the Pakistani Taliban and a dozen other militant groups have a safe haven. Pakistani intelligence officials saw him as a threat who was "encroaching on their turf," the official said.

In public and in private, U.S. officials say they do not believe reports that the two men Davis shot and killed were working for the ISI. They say the men had robbed another person before they approached Davis' car. U.S. officials dispute the story. Davis came to Pakistan on a diplomatic passport and is a "member of the technical and administrative staff" of the embassy in Islamabad.

Although the White House insisted that Davis was a U.S. diplomat covered under international immunity agreements, the Times, as well as the Washington Post and the Associated Press, learned soon after that the 36-year-old Virginia native was really a CIA contractor who was part of a surveillance team gathering intelligence in Pakistan for at least a year.

Davis’s cover was blown, however, when The Guardian newspaper in England reported the CIA connection on Feb. 20. The American media followed suit two days later. (See reports in the New York Times and the Washington Post.)

We are, in another country's view using mercenaries for money without an idea in their mind, or so it's thought. There is frequently a conflict of interest, or a conflict in producing for money, where to stop your work when it's needed, is to cut your own pay.

I have been writing and complaining about this for a couple of decades now back when we thought we don't need HUMINT (Human Intel) because we had ELINT (Electronic Intel). You cannot get the same quality of info from a bird in the sky that you can a guy on the ground that understands what is happening around him, in the speech of a coffee shop, in the nuances of a group of people, in the sly glance someone gives someone when they say something, meaning something else.

It was foolish for Reagan to cut back on spies in the Middle East and look where we are now. But it wasn't just him, he was being advised by others. They thought they could look good in saying we can cut expensive Human resources, operatives in theater, locals on the dole, Saddam Hussein is our friend, we don't need assets in the Middle East, but they were wrong. Weren't they.

We need to have our own people on task. Not just Americans, but government employees, not contractors. Contractors, like any other tool, have their place, but it's not on the forefront. That is OUR responsibility as a nation. Yes, times are a-changin', but we have to change smartly, not through ignorance with a push button fix mentality to things. Like with anything, something that sounds too good to be true simply is. That is, it\s not true. It's folly.

We need to pay attention to things. Look at what happened with Blackwater, what a nightmare they turned out to be for us. And the writing was in the sand with them, it wasn't a secret, people should have seen it coming. But they didn't because they allowed themselves to be deluded, clouded by ease, by money, if not in making it, then in saving it. But in the end, it is more costly, like many things we do nowadays, we save money, only to pay it out tenfold in the succeeding decade(s). So wake up! Hey, you! Yes, you too, citizen.

Because it's when the citizens know what's going on that the government has to pay attention too. If we are ignorant, if we turn out backs on what's going on, the government will do whatever they like. Won't they? Haven't they? Repeatedly?

Do you know who Blackwater is (their name caused such controversy that they changed their name to Xe Services LLC (pronounced,  ˈziː/ zee))?

Check out Jeremy Scahill's book, "Blackwater", a very interesting read.

Do you know who Triple Canopy is?

"Triple Canopy, Inc., is a private security company that provides integrated security, mission support and risk management services to corporate, government and nonprofit clients. The firm was founded in May 2003 by the U.S. Army Special Forces veterans, including former Delta operators." -Wikipedia

Also check out the book: "The Company We Keep" by Robert and Dayna Baer, the real-life story of CIA operatives who met in the field and later married and quit clandestine services to write about it. Interesting couple, interesting read. Did you know the CIA requires the agents to take a gun along on some meetings, missions? They mostly don't like to because you have to pay too much attention to the gun, what if you get stopped or searched. This couple says they feel for Davis as you are taught to move not think so that you have about half a second to decide and shoot.

She first met her husband when she was tasked to support him in his meetings, heavy undercover, as an arms merchant in the Middle East. She would enter after him, sit, act like she was alone but should something happen, she was to pull her gun and get him safely out of there. Women it seems are very useful in this way and it's not a secret. Women are easier in and out of situations more frequently, get harassed less, in the ways a man would. The woman being up for harassment in a male-female but not male-male, one being more deadly than the other more frequently. I just sent for it, should be a very interesting read.

The point of all this is, we should train and put our own out there in the field. Yes, it's expensive, but yes, it's our responsibility. And it makes us look better to the host countries, something we need to think more and more about in these always confusing times.

Update: in 2018 Gina Haspel was made CIA Director. Finally a woman in charge, and this time around an agent who rose up through the ranks. We needed this, ignoring the uproar against her. The CIA needed this. In my understanding, the uproar is ignorance by the masses, unaware of what we as a country need. There is certainly room for political correctness, but that tends to end at the doors of the CIA, and the military. Just not in the way most see it.

There is finally a discussion about HUMINT along with SIGINT, ELINT and other forms. The belief in the 1980s that electronics could do the work of HUMINT was ridiculous as a costcutting measure. If not a "Russian plot" it was massive ignorance in a Pollyanna view of our clandestine endeavors, that certainly damaged America. For decades.

If it did not lead to 9/11, it certainly crippled us in its aftermath in not have a single HUMINT entity in countries we sorely needed it and definitely led to other acts of terrorism happening.