Showing posts with label commentary Northwest Orient Delta Airlines Flight Attendants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary Northwest Orient Delta Airlines Flight Attendants. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Delta Airlines - Time for a boycot

I received this email from someone very close to me today. I'm not surprised to hear this from an airline that started as a bunch of dust croppers. I had always received the best service with Northwest Orient and I was very sad to hear the day they were bought by Delta, that basically, Joe Bob Clampett was buying Tifini's. So sad.

The email said the following:

"As you all probably have heard by now, on November 3rd the Northwest Flight Attendants at Delta Airlines lost our union and our 63 years of collective bargaining rights and protections by the slim margin of 165 swing votes.   I am outraged at the level of interference conducted by Delta management during the representation election.  They spent millions on an anti-union campaign which created a hostile work environment, caused division in our ranks, and made a mockery of the voting reforms recently implemented by the National Mediation Board.  We are asking the NMB to investigate the election and the interference. 

"We have helped build the second largest airline in the world, making significant contributions to Delta's success, for which they are now benefiting with record breaking profits; yet our pay remains less than it was 20 years ago, and we are now subject to the possibility of them outsourcing our jobs, or any policies Delta feels like implementing.

"I am asking all of my friends and family to please sign the petition, "Tell Delta to Stop Union Busting"  At   If you are so inclined, a letter to your state Senators and Representatives via mail, phone or e-mail requesting their support, could greatly help our chances of gaining a legal contract with Delta Airlines in the future.  I would be happy to send a sample letter if you are interested. 

"Thank you all so much for your support, it is very much appreciated."

Please help the Delta (ex-Northwest Orient Airline) Flight Attendants.