Showing posts with label commentary writing alias non de plume gender bender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary writing alias non de plume gender bender. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2012

Gender Bender article

I was recently in a writer's group on LinkedIn and was contacted by another writer about something I had posted regarding a story of mine, and Rutger Hauer. She was very curious about the story that Mr. Hauer had liked so mcuh, and I ended up sending her the story and another I had just finished.

She found the whole story about Rutger and my story intresting and asked if I minded if she posted an article she had in mind. I pleased to hear what she had in mind and told her to please feel free to write and post it. She has. It was fun and very pleasing to read.

I thought you might find it entertaining too and I wanted to share it with you. If you go to her aticle Gender Bender, on, you can read what she wrote and see my reply posted beneath it. The two stories of mine that she references will be in a book I'm preparing this week to release, so if you are really curious, it won't be long before you will be able to find out what all the fuss is about.

As posted in her article, the stories in question are "Poor Lord Ritchie" (short title) and I had also sent her "The Fall". Both stories will be out in my new book any time now.

It's a very nice article. I hope you check it out. I've been on IndiesUnlimited for a little while now and it's a pretty cool site.

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Stephen Hise