Weather for the day's walkabout, clear… 40°
Instagram post for the day [with two follow ups below]
Podcast for the day is John Heilemann’s "Hell and Highwater" podcast, finishing up the Jordan Klepper episode.
Podcast for the day is John Heilemann’s "Hell and Highwater" podcast, finishing up the Jordan Klepper episode.
Second podcast is Heilemann's next episode with Joe Scarborough
Instagram post for the day [with 2 more updates below, you'll see]
It’s interesting on the Jordan Klepper podcast episode talking about the time last summer he went to a MAGA rally and actually showed people January 6 committee videos of people like Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump saying clearly things against Donald Trump. And yet these people are the delusional state where and they can’t even believe their own eyes and ears. "Ivanka must be a clone." "Which she says must be edited." The stupid involved in this is so immense, it’s hard to see any way back down from it. “Double plus good“, right? People really need to go read or reread “1984“. Because ge stated, George Orwell clearly warned us, he pointed out in a fictionalize novel, just what we’re facing today, how autocracy takes over, how it functions once it is put in place. We’re in a place where a third of our country is in a paradigm shift beyond (below) the rest of us, into delusions manufactured and manipulated by authoritarians (Trump and Republican MAGA Party). It’s like Trump read Hitler's speeches (which he admits to and his wife indicated), and "1984", and thought, “Weeell there’s a plan for action. Fuck America. All praise Donald Trump. Because there is no greater reflection in the mirror than mine!“ Uh huh...
Jordan Klepper: “It’s not that MAGA are the majority. It’s that they won’t believe that they’re NOT the majority. “
OK, this isn’t good. My Instagram post for the day was walking by a fire department truck. But now I’m on the way back from my first lap and a police car drives up. We’ve had the fire department show up before. They showed up twice in April for me for long Covid... tachycardia and then again a week later for high blood pressure. Between then and now, down and across the street from me they showed up for someone else. But the police didn’t show up. The police are usually called in when there’s a crime involved right? Worse? There’s no ambulance. What does that mean.? A death?
I got so wrapped up in the police showing up, I walked almost all the way home.
Firetruck and police Instagram vid 2. Well maybe it’s some light spousal abuse and the paramedics from the fire truck patched them up and they didn’t need to go to the hospital, so they called the police. That’s being optimistic.
“Team democracy“, does not have MAGA members. Whether they realize it or not. I mean they, and unconstitutional private militias, believe themselves to be patriots. Some of them just because they were in the military and maybe actually were patriot before they got brainwashed by toxic conservative “America First“ Trump MAGA delusions. Attacking fellow citizens for political reasons, isn't patriotic. Attacking your country or her democracy, isn't patriotic. Your intentions may have seemed "pure" to you, but your actions and reality, count.
If democracy becomes dead, and you just can’t get yourself to "do autocracy", or kleptocracy, or Trump's version of oligarchy, what then do you go for? And how do you remain then in what once was the United States of America?
So I finished the Klepper episode, now skipping to yesterday's episode of Hell and Highwater.
O00h! I forgot, a few blogs ago of my walkabout I said I wanted to start talking less about politics and more about phenomenology. Either the psychology phenomenology, or the phenomenology of psychology. But the midterms were coming up. Well yesterday, that was over and now there is this ungraceful period where they’re counting for the next week, or weeks. But, I did look up phenomenology podcasts and found only two that seemed reasonable to me. A podcast with one episode on “the phenomenology of illness“, is not absolutely not what I’m looking for. While one does have to practice things like in order to study phenomenology. Which is what I concentrated on at university towards my psychology degree, phenomenology, I mean. I'm saying, to study phenomenology, you have to study the application OF it.
Here’s a question, what if the Republican Party stopped being the Party of big business and stopped slurping down their lobbyist money and stopped focusing so much on immediate pleasure, instant gratification and power, every second of their lives? And just vociferously and utterly became advocates of small business? It would be a paradigm shift, it would be a painful shift and we’d probably lose a lot of Republicans in Congress etc. But what if the Party instead of cohesively going for utterly anti-American ludicrous bullshit like the seditionist MAGA agenda as a Party and actually went instead for the citizens? That is, small business and individuals? They can’t get out of their mindset that large multinational corporations are very citizen oriented and good for the country. No doubt they are but only up to a point and then they become toxic which makes their supporters, the Republican party, toxic, which makes their supporters in the electorate toxic, which opens the door for mindfucks like Donald Trump to rise to power. Just sayin'...
Remember that humanity is designed by nature to raise up specific individuals as a populist, almost cult leaders, and then after a time, when they discover they’re not perfect. or that they’re not the Gods (this in the primal "lizard" brain part of the human brain), humanity had evolved in the beginning, remember that religion and "Gods" didn’t exist in the beginning… And so they kill those leaders, now considered, false Gods, or false prophets, or false leaders. Plus, when you have a great idea and try to evoke change, you're ASKING to be brought to an end. Changing the status quo, even to save lives, can get people killed. Jesus, is a perfect example of this.
Normally on election day, because I vote by mail and as soon as I can, and because it’s a smart thing to do… I like to...especially since I’ve been retired... get some food for the day and drinks and monitor the election, even late into the night. Kind of like I would do with the holiday. Which election days should be. A national fucking holiday! Like in some countries who truly respect democracy. We’re so screwed up in this country. Especially with Republicans trying to skew the vote, curb the ease of election voting for their opponents… if you look at Republican election activities, they’re all oriented toward decreasing their opponents' votes and increasing theirs. Though sometimes they screw that up, really badly. ("badly", yeah, I know...) But that shouldn’t be happening. We should all be voting. We should all be voting easily and with accurate information. Anyway, because of long Covid, I can’t really drink alcohol for now. Or I can drink maybe one beer, or one glass of wine. But the next day my vagus nerve suffers for it. Same thing with sugar. So I eat non-sugar things, which are pretty good nowadays.
Yesterday I bought some lobster tails, cooked them up for lunch in my air fryer and then phad Thai for dinner. And bought some sugarless candy and some cookies and had his best time as I could have under the circumstances. Today I woke up with my vagus nerve feeling irritated. Probably from the shortbread cookies which had sugar in them. Sugarless shortbread cookies kind of suck, except for one brand I found at Fred Meyer (from VOORTMAN Bakery, well I like them anyway).
Instagram post for the day [with 2 more updates below, you'll see]
It’s interesting on the Jordan Klepper podcast episode talking about the time last summer he went to a MAGA rally and actually showed people January 6 committee videos of people like Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump saying clearly things against Donald Trump. And yet these people are the delusional state where and they can’t even believe their own eyes and ears. "Ivanka must be a clone." "Which she says must be edited." The stupid involved in this is so immense, it’s hard to see any way back down from it. “Double plus good“, right? People really need to go read or reread “1984“. Because ge stated, George Orwell clearly warned us, he pointed out in a fictionalize novel, just what we’re facing today, how autocracy takes over, how it functions once it is put in place. We’re in a place where a third of our country is in a paradigm shift beyond (below) the rest of us, into delusions manufactured and manipulated by authoritarians (Trump and Republican MAGA Party). It’s like Trump read Hitler's speeches (which he admits to and his wife indicated), and "1984", and thought, “Weeell there’s a plan for action. Fuck America. All praise Donald Trump. Because there is no greater reflection in the mirror than mine!“ Uh huh...
Jordan Klepper: “It’s not that MAGA are the majority. It’s that they won’t believe that they’re NOT the majority. “
OK, this isn’t good. My Instagram post for the day was walking by a fire department truck. But now I’m on the way back from my first lap and a police car drives up. We’ve had the fire department show up before. They showed up twice in April for me for long Covid... tachycardia and then again a week later for high blood pressure. Between then and now, down and across the street from me they showed up for someone else. But the police didn’t show up. The police are usually called in when there’s a crime involved right? Worse? There’s no ambulance. What does that mean.? A death?
I got so wrapped up in the police showing up, I walked almost all the way home.
Firetruck and police Instagram vid 2. Well maybe it’s some light spousal abuse and the paramedics from the fire truck patched them up and they didn’t need to go to the hospital, so they called the police. That’s being optimistic.
“Team democracy“, does not have MAGA members. Whether they realize it or not. I mean they, and unconstitutional private militias, believe themselves to be patriots. Some of them just because they were in the military and maybe actually were patriot before they got brainwashed by toxic conservative “America First“ Trump MAGA delusions. Attacking fellow citizens for political reasons, isn't patriotic. Attacking your country or her democracy, isn't patriotic. Your intentions may have seemed "pure" to you, but your actions and reality, count.
If democracy becomes dead, and you just can’t get yourself to "do autocracy", or kleptocracy, or Trump's version of oligarchy, what then do you go for? And how do you remain then in what once was the United States of America?
So I finished the Klepper episode, now skipping to yesterday's episode of Hell and Highwater.
O00h! I forgot, a few blogs ago of my walkabout I said I wanted to start talking less about politics and more about phenomenology. Either the psychology phenomenology, or the phenomenology of psychology. But the midterms were coming up. Well yesterday, that was over and now there is this ungraceful period where they’re counting for the next week, or weeks. But, I did look up phenomenology podcasts and found only two that seemed reasonable to me. A podcast with one episode on “the phenomenology of illness“, is not absolutely not what I’m looking for. While one does have to practice things like in order to study phenomenology. Which is what I concentrated on at university towards my psychology degree, phenomenology, I mean. I'm saying, to study phenomenology, you have to study the application OF it.
Here’s a question, what if the Republican Party stopped being the Party of big business and stopped slurping down their lobbyist money and stopped focusing so much on immediate pleasure, instant gratification and power, every second of their lives? And just vociferously and utterly became advocates of small business? It would be a paradigm shift, it would be a painful shift and we’d probably lose a lot of Republicans in Congress etc. But what if the Party instead of cohesively going for utterly anti-American ludicrous bullshit like the seditionist MAGA agenda as a Party and actually went instead for the citizens? That is, small business and individuals? They can’t get out of their mindset that large multinational corporations are very citizen oriented and good for the country. No doubt they are but only up to a point and then they become toxic which makes their supporters, the Republican party, toxic, which makes their supporters in the electorate toxic, which opens the door for mindfucks like Donald Trump to rise to power. Just sayin'...
Remember that humanity is designed by nature to raise up specific individuals as a populist, almost cult leaders, and then after a time, when they discover they’re not perfect. or that they’re not the Gods (this in the primal "lizard" brain part of the human brain), humanity had evolved in the beginning, remember that religion and "Gods" didn’t exist in the beginning… And so they kill those leaders, now considered, false Gods, or false prophets, or false leaders. Plus, when you have a great idea and try to evoke change, you're ASKING to be brought to an end. Changing the status quo, even to save lives, can get people killed. Jesus, is a perfect example of this.
Normally on election day, because I vote by mail and as soon as I can, and because it’s a smart thing to do… I like to...especially since I’ve been retired... get some food for the day and drinks and monitor the election, even late into the night. Kind of like I would do with the holiday. Which election days should be. A national fucking holiday! Like in some countries who truly respect democracy. We’re so screwed up in this country. Especially with Republicans trying to skew the vote, curb the ease of election voting for their opponents… if you look at Republican election activities, they’re all oriented toward decreasing their opponents' votes and increasing theirs. Though sometimes they screw that up, really badly. ("badly", yeah, I know...) But that shouldn’t be happening. We should all be voting. We should all be voting easily and with accurate information. Anyway, because of long Covid, I can’t really drink alcohol for now. Or I can drink maybe one beer, or one glass of wine. But the next day my vagus nerve suffers for it. Same thing with sugar. So I eat non-sugar things, which are pretty good nowadays.
Yesterday I bought some lobster tails, cooked them up for lunch in my air fryer and then phad Thai for dinner. And bought some sugarless candy and some cookies and had his best time as I could have under the circumstances. Today I woke up with my vagus nerve feeling irritated. Probably from the shortbread cookies which had sugar in them. Sugarless shortbread cookies kind of suck, except for one brand I found at Fred Meyer (from VOORTMAN Bakery, well I like them anyway).
I’m not sure the president can do this but, when Joe Biden gave his address to the nation the other day, about the Trump Republican MAGA bullshit we've been subjected and subjugated to, and about voting for democracy, it would’ve been nice if his presidential address was on every single available channel. Because as we’re discovering, and as we’ve known, MAGA, and as well a lot of non-MAGA, who don’t ever vote, or know anything about the news, or politics, who are not involved in our nation's orientation or managing even though they live here and benefit from it... completely don’t know what’s going on, or that what they understand is going on is actually a MAGA manufactured, 180° skew from reality. They say "Patriot", we see sedition. They say America, we see domestic enemies attack our democracy.
It’s OK. It’s chilly out and this coat I wore last time, which is perfect for the last walk with cold and rain, it’s just a little it too warm for today. But that’s growing up in the Pacific Northwest...layer your clothes or suffer. So I'm carrying the coat now and damn, it's bulkier and heavier than you'd think.
Something weird just a occurred to me. I just walked by an older couple holding their little dog, talking to a guy in a truck. So I go to the left and walk by their garbage can now on my right, sitting there waiting for the garbage truck today. What occurred to me is, if they looked at me as I walk by, it might be polite to look over and nod, to give a greeting. But they were busy talking and I didn’t want to interrupt or disturb them so I just kept looking in front of me. What occurred to me, is what is considered normal or acceptable behavior in this case. What if I just angrily knocked over their garbage can and stormed off? What would they do? Some people might yell at me. But nowadays I’m beginning to suspect most people wouldn’t do anything. I guess this is the phenomenology of proper action, or of action as it may be. Because, let’s say most people would do nothing, because I know I wouldn’t want to deal with some person who may be mentally deranged. I’ve seen this situation in Seattle for years. You don’t wanna deal with these people who are mentally ill, when they’re being violent. I had though, at least once. Walking down the street commuting into work one morning, I walked by a tall guy in camo fatigues. Suddenly he just "clocked" this shorter Asian guy in the face who was walking along minding his own business. I stopped to watched, also unsure. I started to move forward to help the guy off the ground but then the guy in the fatigues jumped on him! And started trying to wale on him. The guy was trying to protect himself on the ground. I ran over and just as I was about to grab the guy on top he jumped up and ran away! I stood there shocked. I looked at the guy in the ground who refused to look at me. He got up. I asked him, "Are you OK?" He said, "Yeah, I’m fine", rather angry. I said, "Hey, we got to tell the cops." He said, "No, I’m fine!" And he stormed off. I didn’t know what to say. There was nothing to do, so I walked around the corner headed to the Starbucks before I hit my company for work, a few more blocks away. Turned out, there was three or four cops standing on the front of Starbucks, talking. I went over and told them what happened. They asked, "Where is he, the attacker?" I pointed at him down the street, still visible to me. They said, "All right thanks. We'll take care of this. We know this guy. We know who he is." I said, "OK, but you don't need my statement?" "No, it's all good, thanks, have a nice day."At the end of the block, as I was about to turn, the corner (I had decided to go to Torrefazione Italia, a better indie coffee shop around the corner. It’s much better coffee. Or it was before Seattle's Best bought them. Then Starbucks bought Seattle's Best, years ago. Anyway, I saw the cops talking to the guy in the camo‘s. So my point in all of this? Had I knocked over that garbage can, what would I have felt... if no one said a thing? I examined that as I walked by those people, past that garbage can. And I felt a rush, an exhilaration. Of breaking mores, shattering norms, fully getting away with it. Where would that lead? Then I thought about Trump and how he grew up in an overly controlled childhood. Sent to a boarding school because his parents didn’t wanna deal with him and his father didn’t know how to love a child. His abusive Nazi loving father, by the way. And how Trump obviously would’ve tried to get away with anything back then. And then met his idol one day. The gay lawyer Roy Cohn, who taught Trump everything about not paying your bills, skirting the law, abusive lawsuits, and being a complete and utter asshole. And then I thought about how that transferred to MAGA. And the joy experience in breaking mores and norms. Especially if you think you’re gonna get what you want after your voice has been silence for so long. Because your ideas were bad, or toxic. Which is why no one wants to hear what you have to say and why your view of the world isn’t in existence. They tried that in Hitler’s Germany. The majority didn’t like it. The majority of the planet. Except the Nazi MAGA or their version of the make Germany great again, crowd. My point in all this is that there’s a release or a joy and what Trump has done to America, and that’s what we have to counter. Like any other junkie to get them off of their junk. But until they’re ready for it, you really can’t do anything for them, or for those around them, who they damage, who they make to suffer. Good luck America!
Humans are naturally a little OCD and are pattern recognizers. That kind of OCD isn’t a disease (so not really OCD, but it makes a great explanatory shorthand). But it is a very normal orientation. It helped us before we were humans, to survive. It helped us later as we evolved into being human. When we find something that works well, we repeat it. When we see a pattern we recognize it, we know later what it is before we fully recognize it. Those two things however, can go horribly wrong. When we see patterns that aren’t what they look like, and it sends us into fight or flight or freeze, or we join a cult because of fear from it. Or when we repeat something incessantly that was good once, in one situation, but then never again in any other situation. We abuse and misuse or overly use certain things, because of that. When you apply that to things like politics, which is not affecting just you, and I just those around you, but an entire country, or millions or billions of people in other countries too… That is highly dangerous. And it explains a lot about MAGA type delusional groups or private militias who go off the deep end, or simply mass shooters in some cases.
OK. Instagram vid 3, the fire department's gone, like I said, the police showed up like I said, and now there’s a dark SUV with a gurney. I’m thinking this was a death. And I believe if someone dies, the police have to show up and write a report. Lotta retired around here. So this could just be that. Death by natural causes. Here’s hoping.
I think if I labeled myself, it would be as a Scientific Humanist with Scientific Integrity. Though according to Kurt Vonnegut, religions label was Secular Humanist (Secular Humanism Defined, Secular Humanist Declaration, Affirmations of Humanism). Never really a Democrat, sure as hell not a Republican or advocate of the disturbed conservative belief system. Conservatism normally, is to be used in emergency for short periods. But Republicans claim, that's all day ever day, which is damaging to society and the human psyche. And, American conservatism has been warped. I thought I was an independent for a bit, until I met independent back in the 90s. I thought I was a libertarian, for about a month, until I met libertarians. Nice people but, good grief. I prefer reality. It's good to have an ideology, but better if you live your life in reality. "Orient" not force defectiveness in place. If you believe in any pure political ideology, you’re misguided. Even if you’re over educated. Use what works best. Hybrids. Too much capitalism is toxic. As is too much communism, too much Socialism, too much authoritarianism, almost any authoritarianism actually. But if you take a good solid societal theory as base, which I would suggest... democracy, because as has been said, it’s the best we’ve got, or the wort, except for all others… Then add a smattering of social programs and don’t overdo the capitalism, as we have… that's pretty good. Understand that quality is generally better than quantity.
It’s really bizarre how Trump denigrates people in Congress and yet, they then adhere to his ass. He shreds Latinos but then he gets more voters from them. People especially who have lived under socialism and communism, freak out about American social programs. Yet they vote for Trump because they like a “strong man“? What the fuck? What’s the problem with these communist and socialist nightmares? What was the problem with Cuba? It was a strongman in Fidel Castro as their absolute ruler and supreme leader. Bullshit. What the fuck are these people doing? Democrats are for democracy. Republicans are not. Certainly not how, this year. They've long been headed in this direction. And those people say they are moving over to the Republican Party because they think the Democrats haven’t done enough for them. Because Democrats have done a lot for everybody and haven't made a big deal about a single group. Which Republicans would then make a big deal about as being...who knows. Bad. But they think Republicans will maybe, hopefully, might do something for them? When that’s not what Republicans are about. They’re about doing things, for themselves. For power, for money.
By the way, these nonsensical comments about Republicans and Democrats are the same, because... "politicians" is just ridiculous. You cannot equate these two parties. Certainly not since Trump was elected. And actually, literally not since the early 90s.
Interesting. Joe Scarborough is saying on the podcast that a lot of Latinos and Spanish language people see the Republican Party as what we so often hear them profess to be… "Patriots". Which most of us know now is just bullshit, hype and propaganda. IF you don't know that, man, look around.
It’s OK. It’s chilly out and this coat I wore last time, which is perfect for the last walk with cold and rain, it’s just a little it too warm for today. But that’s growing up in the Pacific Northwest...layer your clothes or suffer. So I'm carrying the coat now and damn, it's bulkier and heavier than you'd think.
Something weird just a occurred to me. I just walked by an older couple holding their little dog, talking to a guy in a truck. So I go to the left and walk by their garbage can now on my right, sitting there waiting for the garbage truck today. What occurred to me is, if they looked at me as I walk by, it might be polite to look over and nod, to give a greeting. But they were busy talking and I didn’t want to interrupt or disturb them so I just kept looking in front of me. What occurred to me, is what is considered normal or acceptable behavior in this case. What if I just angrily knocked over their garbage can and stormed off? What would they do? Some people might yell at me. But nowadays I’m beginning to suspect most people wouldn’t do anything. I guess this is the phenomenology of proper action, or of action as it may be. Because, let’s say most people would do nothing, because I know I wouldn’t want to deal with some person who may be mentally deranged. I’ve seen this situation in Seattle for years. You don’t wanna deal with these people who are mentally ill, when they’re being violent. I had though, at least once. Walking down the street commuting into work one morning, I walked by a tall guy in camo fatigues. Suddenly he just "clocked" this shorter Asian guy in the face who was walking along minding his own business. I stopped to watched, also unsure. I started to move forward to help the guy off the ground but then the guy in the fatigues jumped on him! And started trying to wale on him. The guy was trying to protect himself on the ground. I ran over and just as I was about to grab the guy on top he jumped up and ran away! I stood there shocked. I looked at the guy in the ground who refused to look at me. He got up. I asked him, "Are you OK?" He said, "Yeah, I’m fine", rather angry. I said, "Hey, we got to tell the cops." He said, "No, I’m fine!" And he stormed off. I didn’t know what to say. There was nothing to do, so I walked around the corner headed to the Starbucks before I hit my company for work, a few more blocks away. Turned out, there was three or four cops standing on the front of Starbucks, talking. I went over and told them what happened. They asked, "Where is he, the attacker?" I pointed at him down the street, still visible to me. They said, "All right thanks. We'll take care of this. We know this guy. We know who he is." I said, "OK, but you don't need my statement?" "No, it's all good, thanks, have a nice day."At the end of the block, as I was about to turn, the corner (I had decided to go to Torrefazione Italia, a better indie coffee shop around the corner. It’s much better coffee. Or it was before Seattle's Best bought them. Then Starbucks bought Seattle's Best, years ago. Anyway, I saw the cops talking to the guy in the camo‘s. So my point in all of this? Had I knocked over that garbage can, what would I have felt... if no one said a thing? I examined that as I walked by those people, past that garbage can. And I felt a rush, an exhilaration. Of breaking mores, shattering norms, fully getting away with it. Where would that lead? Then I thought about Trump and how he grew up in an overly controlled childhood. Sent to a boarding school because his parents didn’t wanna deal with him and his father didn’t know how to love a child. His abusive Nazi loving father, by the way. And how Trump obviously would’ve tried to get away with anything back then. And then met his idol one day. The gay lawyer Roy Cohn, who taught Trump everything about not paying your bills, skirting the law, abusive lawsuits, and being a complete and utter asshole. And then I thought about how that transferred to MAGA. And the joy experience in breaking mores and norms. Especially if you think you’re gonna get what you want after your voice has been silence for so long. Because your ideas were bad, or toxic. Which is why no one wants to hear what you have to say and why your view of the world isn’t in existence. They tried that in Hitler’s Germany. The majority didn’t like it. The majority of the planet. Except the Nazi MAGA or their version of the make Germany great again, crowd. My point in all this is that there’s a release or a joy and what Trump has done to America, and that’s what we have to counter. Like any other junkie to get them off of their junk. But until they’re ready for it, you really can’t do anything for them, or for those around them, who they damage, who they make to suffer. Good luck America!
Humans are naturally a little OCD and are pattern recognizers. That kind of OCD isn’t a disease (so not really OCD, but it makes a great explanatory shorthand). But it is a very normal orientation. It helped us before we were humans, to survive. It helped us later as we evolved into being human. When we find something that works well, we repeat it. When we see a pattern we recognize it, we know later what it is before we fully recognize it. Those two things however, can go horribly wrong. When we see patterns that aren’t what they look like, and it sends us into fight or flight or freeze, or we join a cult because of fear from it. Or when we repeat something incessantly that was good once, in one situation, but then never again in any other situation. We abuse and misuse or overly use certain things, because of that. When you apply that to things like politics, which is not affecting just you, and I just those around you, but an entire country, or millions or billions of people in other countries too… That is highly dangerous. And it explains a lot about MAGA type delusional groups or private militias who go off the deep end, or simply mass shooters in some cases.
OK. Instagram vid 3, the fire department's gone, like I said, the police showed up like I said, and now there’s a dark SUV with a gurney. I’m thinking this was a death. And I believe if someone dies, the police have to show up and write a report. Lotta retired around here. So this could just be that. Death by natural causes. Here’s hoping.
[on my last length of 4 miles and headed home, the body was in the SUV and another black SUV had showed up, who I assume was the medical examiner/coroner or their assistant.]
Starting my 4th mile. Feeling pretty beat to hell today. Maybe I overdid it yesterday with something. So I think I’ll finish the 4th mile and head home. Again, this isn’t being wimpy, it’s wondering what I will feel like tomorrow. With long Covid, you don't want to push it until you’re regressing. Stop before that starts. So I’ll probably feel a little rough tomorrow from this today. Which was a little rough today because of yesterday. So I don’t wanna continue this. But 4 miles is a good walk for me. I was feeling really good yesterday at Safeway. Safeway! I was feeling Safeway. So I’m thinking, I’m at least halfway through this long Covid. I see it as I think I mentioned in my book "Suffering Long Covid", I healing from it as a "halflife" issue. Long Covid goes away half way and then half way again, and then half way, in half, in half, in half again and again... instead of just decreasing and disappearing. Which is why it lasts maybe two years, or less if you’re lucky. More, or forever, if you’re really unlucky. But Since Covid has only been around for a couple years, we simply cannot know that yet, or that for some it may be permanent. When it damages your organs or ages them, which apparently it does for everybody, that’s not long Covid lasting forever. That’s the lasting affects of having had long Covid, from having had Covid.
Interesting long Covid thing, I always bring a small bottle of water with me on these walkabouts. In case I have to take a Benadryl, to lower my blood pressure. Or just rehydrate. But I never drink any before the 3rd mile. I save it for the fourth or 5th mile. Frequently, I'll drink some or all of it on the last leg of my final, hopefully 5th mile. Getting a headstart on getting home and drinking a big glass of water over the next half hour to hydrate. I use this water like medicine. As doctors have always known, especially when you take meds, if you start to feel ill sometimes on the meds, drink a glass of water to hydrate you enough so that the concentrations in your cells decrease and you'll feel better. I've felt incredible horrible on meds before, drank a glass of water and it instantly went away and I felt great. Just as we should be eating food not just as a culinary delight, or for satiation, but as medicine. I think we long ago lost count of the number of ill or dead people who ended up that way because they ate food using the opposite theory of using food as medicine. Or they only ate the same thing day in and day out and even with vitamin supplements, couldn’t get the sustenance their body needed to continue to grow healthily, or fight off diseases or conditions or illnesses.
From the podcast, Joe Scarborough is saying he remembers and 1998-99 Carl Rove, not democracy's friend, was telling him and Jeb Bush, and George W. Bush, and others to get their demographics right. Because if you don’t pay correct attention to the Spanish and Latino electorate, they will wipe you out. Seems like that’s what we’ve been seeing with the Democrats lately. Too many, I would say, confused people in that group, who have lived through socialism or communism and despised i, But think an American version of that is the same thing, or would lead to the same thing. And it doesn’t and it won’t. Because we’re not a socialist or Communist country. We're capitalists and sadly toxic capitalists at that. So our social programs are not those things. A country, a state has a responsibility to take care of its citizens and not kill them. To help them not die. That’s not what Republicans are doing in how they view protecting our citizens. Best they think that voters die if Republicans stay in power. That’s not American. That’s Putinesque, that’s authoritarian. That's Trump ism. That’s dictator/tyrant bullshit. That’s theocratic. And that’s our Republican Party today. They’ve known since 2012 with their OWN Republican "autopsy" not to double down, but back off and re-evolve into something America needs. But instead they got on their slide and found Donald Trump on their way to the bottom.
Starting my 4th mile. Feeling pretty beat to hell today. Maybe I overdid it yesterday with something. So I think I’ll finish the 4th mile and head home. Again, this isn’t being wimpy, it’s wondering what I will feel like tomorrow. With long Covid, you don't want to push it until you’re regressing. Stop before that starts. So I’ll probably feel a little rough tomorrow from this today. Which was a little rough today because of yesterday. So I don’t wanna continue this. But 4 miles is a good walk for me. I was feeling really good yesterday at Safeway. Safeway! I was feeling Safeway. So I’m thinking, I’m at least halfway through this long Covid. I see it as I think I mentioned in my book "Suffering Long Covid", I healing from it as a "halflife" issue. Long Covid goes away half way and then half way again, and then half way, in half, in half, in half again and again... instead of just decreasing and disappearing. Which is why it lasts maybe two years, or less if you’re lucky. More, or forever, if you’re really unlucky. But Since Covid has only been around for a couple years, we simply cannot know that yet, or that for some it may be permanent. When it damages your organs or ages them, which apparently it does for everybody, that’s not long Covid lasting forever. That’s the lasting affects of having had long Covid, from having had Covid.
Interesting long Covid thing, I always bring a small bottle of water with me on these walkabouts. In case I have to take a Benadryl, to lower my blood pressure. Or just rehydrate. But I never drink any before the 3rd mile. I save it for the fourth or 5th mile. Frequently, I'll drink some or all of it on the last leg of my final, hopefully 5th mile. Getting a headstart on getting home and drinking a big glass of water over the next half hour to hydrate. I use this water like medicine. As doctors have always known, especially when you take meds, if you start to feel ill sometimes on the meds, drink a glass of water to hydrate you enough so that the concentrations in your cells decrease and you'll feel better. I've felt incredible horrible on meds before, drank a glass of water and it instantly went away and I felt great. Just as we should be eating food not just as a culinary delight, or for satiation, but as medicine. I think we long ago lost count of the number of ill or dead people who ended up that way because they ate food using the opposite theory of using food as medicine. Or they only ate the same thing day in and day out and even with vitamin supplements, couldn’t get the sustenance their body needed to continue to grow healthily, or fight off diseases or conditions or illnesses.
From the podcast, Joe Scarborough is saying he remembers and 1998-99 Carl Rove, not democracy's friend, was telling him and Jeb Bush, and George W. Bush, and others to get their demographics right. Because if you don’t pay correct attention to the Spanish and Latino electorate, they will wipe you out. Seems like that’s what we’ve been seeing with the Democrats lately. Too many, I would say, confused people in that group, who have lived through socialism or communism and despised i, But think an American version of that is the same thing, or would lead to the same thing. And it doesn’t and it won’t. Because we’re not a socialist or Communist country. We're capitalists and sadly toxic capitalists at that. So our social programs are not those things. A country, a state has a responsibility to take care of its citizens and not kill them. To help them not die. That’s not what Republicans are doing in how they view protecting our citizens. Best they think that voters die if Republicans stay in power. That’s not American. That’s Putinesque, that’s authoritarian. That's Trump ism. That’s dictator/tyrant bullshit. That’s theocratic. And that’s our Republican Party today. They’ve known since 2012 with their OWN Republican "autopsy" not to double down, but back off and re-evolve into something America needs. But instead they got on their slide and found Donald Trump on their way to the bottom.
When Russia started bombing Irpin, a woman called her sister in Moscow & told her.
Response: "Why are you lying to me? You're bombing your own people!"
In America, Republicans want to know of Democrats:
"Why are you so bad, murderers, pedophiles, stealing our elections?
Autocracy does what autocracy does. It's in Russia. It's in America. Delusion manufactured.
I think if I labeled myself, it would be as a Scientific Humanist with Scientific Integrity. Though according to Kurt Vonnegut, religions label was Secular Humanist (Secular Humanism Defined, Secular Humanist Declaration, Affirmations of Humanism). Never really a Democrat, sure as hell not a Republican or advocate of the disturbed conservative belief system. Conservatism normally, is to be used in emergency for short periods. But Republicans claim, that's all day ever day, which is damaging to society and the human psyche. And, American conservatism has been warped. I thought I was an independent for a bit, until I met independent back in the 90s. I thought I was a libertarian, for about a month, until I met libertarians. Nice people but, good grief. I prefer reality. It's good to have an ideology, but better if you live your life in reality. "Orient" not force defectiveness in place. If you believe in any pure political ideology, you’re misguided. Even if you’re over educated. Use what works best. Hybrids. Too much capitalism is toxic. As is too much communism, too much Socialism, too much authoritarianism, almost any authoritarianism actually. But if you take a good solid societal theory as base, which I would suggest... democracy, because as has been said, it’s the best we’ve got, or the wort, except for all others… Then add a smattering of social programs and don’t overdo the capitalism, as we have… that's pretty good. Understand that quality is generally better than quantity.
It’s really bizarre how Trump denigrates people in Congress and yet, they then adhere to his ass. He shreds Latinos but then he gets more voters from them. People especially who have lived under socialism and communism, freak out about American social programs. Yet they vote for Trump because they like a “strong man“? What the fuck? What’s the problem with these communist and socialist nightmares? What was the problem with Cuba? It was a strongman in Fidel Castro as their absolute ruler and supreme leader. Bullshit. What the fuck are these people doing? Democrats are for democracy. Republicans are not. Certainly not how, this year. They've long been headed in this direction. And those people say they are moving over to the Republican Party because they think the Democrats haven’t done enough for them. Because Democrats have done a lot for everybody and haven't made a big deal about a single group. Which Republicans would then make a big deal about as being...who knows. Bad. But they think Republicans will maybe, hopefully, might do something for them? When that’s not what Republicans are about. They’re about doing things, for themselves. For power, for money.
By the way, these nonsensical comments about Republicans and Democrats are the same, because... "politicians" is just ridiculous. You cannot equate these two parties. Certainly not since Trump was elected. And actually, literally not since the early 90s.
Interesting. Joe Scarborough is saying on the podcast that a lot of Latinos and Spanish language people see the Republican Party as what we so often hear them profess to be… "Patriots". Which most of us know now is just bullshit, hype and propaganda. IF you don't know that, man, look around.
OK, that's it for the day.
Cheers! Sláinte!