Showing posts with label commentary Rapist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary Rapist. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Elderly fight back - Rapist Attack Goes Awry

When I read things like this, I have to feel something reassuring. I do admit I enjoy hearing that some guy was attacked by some other guys and they got beat up for their efforts, because they picked on a martial arts expert, or a special forces guy, or someone like that. I'd love to hear about this being a woman, and then hear that she put them both in the hospital, but that never seems to happen. You also have to love the story, probably a social myth, about the guy that tries to rob a bar and its a cop bar with a bunch of off duty cops sitting around drinking, and suddenly they find themselves pissed off in that they find they have to work even now, when they were trying to have a drink and relax.

I wouldn't want to be that poor schmuck.

I actually feel badly for both of these people, although that isn't the Zeitgeist of such situations. Obviously, I feel sorry for the elderly woman, but then, how many of us get a chance to deal with something like this, and can then live the rest of our lives knowing we won out in the end of a bad situation, almost, an impossible situation. As for the guy, what sorry piece of work did life hand him for him to turn into such pond scum? And what about the friends, he had been staying with, since he was homeless? Here people are going out of their way for him and he pays them back by getting drunk and attempting to rape an old woman. I have NEVER understand ANY one wanting to rape an old woman. Lowest form of life, harming the elderly or the very young for that matter. In a way, I'm not sure I see much of a difference between pedophiles and those attacking the elderly.

I wasn't sure if this were commentary, or entertainment, and since I got so much pleasure out of it, I decided on the latter. This is from December 17th, old news but I found an interesting slant on it, how people report things like this. Basically the story goes like this:

Woman, 71, uses frying pan to fend off alleged attacker

"A man accused of attempting to rape an elderly Hutchinson woman in her home on Saturday spent several days in the hospital after the woman knocked him unconscious with a frying pan."
From: The Hutchinson News 

I do love hearing that a bully, a criminal,  someone who is imposing their will in an untoward way on another, gets their due. Not to mention, this fool has his photo plastered all over the world now, how embarrassing is that?

Then there are bloggers who go this route in reporting this incident
Old Lady Beats Rapist Unconscious from a blog the Blogger likes to call "WriteChic Press"; she's kind of cute, too, I have to admit. blog put it this way:

"Hutchinson Police Sergeant Moore says that soon after gaining entry, Funderburk went on the attack. Eerily showing an unprecedented lust for his would-be victim, Funderburk attacked the woman, who fought back and “beat him down with a frying pan”, according to the report filed by Moore.
By the time police arrive, Funderburk lay in an unconscious pile of mushed depravity, on the floor.
Kevin Scott Funderburk remains jailed on over $55,000 bond on counts of attempted rape, criminal restraint, aggravated battery and damage to property.
Funderburk was wearing the neck brace in court, as pictured above, on Friday.
Police reports indicate the elderly grandmother was injured and would not reveal the extent and nature of her injuries. Moore states the suspect ‘held her down and was attempting a sexual assault.’
“She was fighting for her life,” Moore stated.
The Hutchinson News reports that the woman was injured but Moore did not release how serious her injuries were. He said the suspect held her down and was attempting a sexual assault.
“She was fighting for her life,” Moore said.
Like a weasel, Funderburk is apparently using the “I was drunk at the time of the incident” defense, which is punishable by an all expense paid trip to see Buckin’ Bubba down in County General.
An offended Moore stated:
“When we arrived, he (Funderburk) was unconscious and laying in his own vomit in th back of the house.” Moore continued, “He was in the hospital over the weekend where they stapled his scalp.”
Yes, grandmother busted this guy’s scalp open with a skillet."

Interesting. I detect a slight bias there.

I also found this incident reported in Great Britain... and Japan. When Mom said, go out into the world and make a mark for yourself, I doubt this was the kind of thing she was referring to. Then again, this guy is far more famous than I am. Marshall McLuhan said that once your name is a household word, you can then make money off of it.

I wonder if we'll see this guy on Jerry Springer type shows any time soon. After, he gets out of jail, that is.