Himmler: Hey, "Fatso Göring"
Göring: Stop that, Der Henker! Damn those Allied soldiers....
Himmler: Fine, fine, but don't call me the hangman either, "gold pheasant". You guys there now?
Göring: Ja, we're here, you blond beast. For a while now, actually.
Himmler: WHY? Why does he want to visit an insane asylum?
Göring: Who knows? Maybe he feels at home here? But anyway, he's Hitler! But, hey, something funny happened.
Himmler: Do tell.
Göring: we were walking along, all the patients were "sieg heiling" him. One of them didn't.
Himmler: OOooo, I bet that got his panties in a bunch.
Göring: Ja! So, he asked the man, "Why do you not salute!" The man said, "But sir, I am the nurse. I am not crazy."
Himmler: LMFAO. OMG tinsel-heini, OMG LOLOLOL sooo funny....
Göring: Ja! Funny. Ja?
Himmler: All right, I have one. I heard you and Adolf were standing on top of Berlin’s radio tower.
Göring: Ja! We were there yesterday.
Himmler: Ja! Its new, it is going around all over here today.
Göring: So what, what?
Himmler: So, Hitler says he wants to do something to cheer up the people of Berlin.
Göring: Ja? And then what.
Himmler: Then you say: “Why don’t you just jump?”
Göring: OMG! Soooo funny. LOL And then, he JUMPS? Right?
Himmler: No, then he orders me to shoot you and YOU jump.
Göring: That's not funny....
So, too soon? Consider this:
“If you laugh about Hitler, you rob him of the metaphysical, demonic capabilities that the post-war apologists attributed to him.”
-- Author, German film director and screenwriter, Rudolph Herzog
Now...think about Vladimir Putin. He won't turn out well. He just, won't..