Showing posts with label hallucinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hallucinations. Show all posts

Monday, December 24, 2012


First off, Happy Christmas Eve Day!

At the end of this blog article, I'll be talking about a free ebook for the holiday.

One thing the internet has pointed out to me is how different some people's views are from mine. So different at times, that one or the other simply has to be demented, or delusional.

And we all think it's the other, don't we?

But I do think it depends upon what you base your beliefs on. I too base many of my beliefs on books of ancient sayings. For me, it's Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, and others of that type, including the Buddha Dharma.

So actually, I agree that ancient books and sayings can be good. But basing your beliefs on ancient superstitions are generally and specifically problematic as they are based on a specific people at a specific time and a specific set of, well... superstitions.

Superstitions are generally not good for living things. Any set of beliefs will have some good in them, no matter how ridiculous or false they are. But to set your base beliefs on belief, and not rational observable facts, leaves yourself open to all kinds of nonsense and problems.

So there is some friction between superstitious "believers" and philosophical believers based on logic. Logic is a mature and founded belief system. Superstitions are an immature belief system we are born and develop into, fed by dreams, fears, darkness, overwhelming power (the sun being the first), hallucinations, and coincidences.

Religions were born from superstitions, then exaggerations toward an agenda, and to achieve control over a group. Once it's realized that someone has to be in control, in charge, the leader of the group, power issues come to play and direct power corrupts. Logic involves indirect power, the observable and the reproducible. Thus, anyone can be in control because anyone can reproduce these beliefs. In religion, there are always some few who are in control of the information and therefore the power.

Priests and scientists do not make for a good comparison. That is something theists dream up to fallaciously support their case. Much of theists' attempts at "proving" their beliefs have to do with jumping forms of logic, and just saying they believe, which is proof of nothing. Other than that you have nothing to base your beliefs on.

If you believe in something that wasn't based in reality, that was based in unprovable hearsay. Jesus said this or that, is hearsay and unprovable; Aristotle said this or this, and if you can prove it through logic, although it is hearsay, it is provable. If you believe your reality, having started it upon superstition as a base to grow from, well the evolution of that is obvious and you are going to run into issues and conundrums. Something that we see a lot in modern society today.

All that being said, even if you do follow and believe in a religion, do try not to involve superstitions in your beliefs as that seldom works out well for anyone. Go back to the texts and origins and don't just listen to what others say you should believe  Because sometimes? They are wrong, or simply mistaken. Don't govern your life by someone else's mistake. If you're going to believe in something,  just be sure that you know what you're believing in.

And so, here we are today, in America.

It takes many kinds to make the world go round and I do appreciate you all. Just consider that the more you can be rational, basing your "truths" in verified information, the more smoothly life will go for you and for those around you. So believe as you will, but do try to make real world decisions using real world facts and then govern them with your heart. Not the other way around.

Happy Holidays!

I'm offering my short story ebook, EarVu for free on Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day. I'll be offering another each day this week. Keep an eye out for them. Cheers!