I like giving on my birthday, so in that frame of mind....
I'm letting you know that tomorrow is the official re-release date my book, Death of Heaven (coupon code AE78W ) and I am offering it for free through this weekend. That is the downloadable ebook version; here, is the print version of, Death of Heaven on Amazon. I have also lowered the ebook price on Death of Heaven, from Monday on to $4.99.
Death of Heaven has been put through a rigorous re-editing and was getting good reviews even before that.
Death of Heaven has been put through a rigorous re-editing and was getting good reviews even before that.
Also starting today through the weekend, you can get ebooks versions of most of my ebooks for free. Check them out, I hope you find something you like.
Also, a short short sci fi story of mine on Wattpad, To End All War.
Also, a short short sci fi story of mine on Wattpad, To End All War.
See also this week's past blog on all this. Enjoy my birthday tomorrow!
And, have a great weekend!
And, have a great weekend!