Showing posts with label Koch brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koch brothers. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Now What?

Thanksgiving Day update (there is another after the main body of the blog):

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day holiday! All the best to you all, both here and around the world. Even to our enemies, I wish you the best, as long as it means we can all get along and learn how to better life for all people and not just any single group. Also, that everyone everwhere will learn to understand and appropriatelay react to reality, not mere incorrect but highly desired beliefs, not myth and fable, but the world we all actually live in. 

Do we owe it to the new president elect once in office to give him a chance to see what he can do and perhaps more importantly to see how he goes about it? Yes. Most assuredly.

However, let's not conflate this issue into becoming his version of reality.

On issues of race, of dividing our country for his benefit, of supporting the wealthy, conglomerates, corporations and industry over that of the majority of Americas who ARE this country, on those issues we need to monitor him as we would a pedophiliac serial killer around kindergarten children, aggressively correcting him as he goes.

People voted for Trump to thrown a monkey wrench into the works, to disrupt what scares them the most, upsetting the status quo. You do not just do that and walk away. You then have the work to do, it's just starting. Then you have to really pay attention, then you have to really act.

You voted. He won. And so, you think YOU'RE done? LMFAO! Oh please, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying here.

Only a true idiot would believe that. Trouble is, now most people who voted for Trump will just go back to watching TV, or whatever, working hard, making little maybe, but most definitely not holding him to account. And that is sad. No, it's pathetic. It's buying a lottery ticket, expecting to win, and spending the money before you win.

George Orwell with his prophetic book 1984 has become our new political bible. Our new prognosticator. In it lay many of the elements currently at play. Thing we desperately need to be aware. To be educated enough to clearly see what is going on around us, what is being perpetrated upon us by those we have given control of us.

Potentially our most important issue today is, education. Not global warming, not income, not anything. Trump is a Godsend to the Koch brothers. If you ask the Koch brothers what one item, if they could have one thing, would they want control over, they'd most likely say, education.

Time magazine, October 30, 2015:

"Almost all of the higher education programs the Koch foundations fund cleave to the brothers’ philosophy of promoting free markets and laissez-faire capitalism in the United States.

"In some cases, the Koch foundations have attempted, or succeeded, in attaching certain strings to their contributions, such as control over curriculum, and more recently, obtaining personal information about students."

From 1984:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell, 1984

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”― George Orwell, 1984

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power” ― George Orwell, 1984

Thanksgiving Day update:

One of the things we have to be concerned about with a President Trump is his being president. As David Reminck from The New Yorker, "good comes from the bully pulpit and the example of the president. A part of my concern about the presidency is What are we telling our children? What will be the example set by this [Trump's] temperment. By this sense of ethos, ethics. By this biography?"

Reminck also said that President Obama told him he thought he may have been 20 years too early from what he saw in the trends of the demographics.
That's a fascinating statement.
It means, we're getting there. It just takes time.
But as is my own personal nature, push things to the breaking point for change, then back off when you need to heal. Then push again.
It is much like working out. Strain to achieve, then allow healing before straining again. Never quit, though some day when you find you are at a happy new baseline, you can take a break. For a while.
Until change inevitably requires you start the process all over again.
Needless to say, we're not at that point yet. Not by a long shot.
Yet, it's good news nonetheless.
How the president acts reflects either well or badly upon the American people, and people of the world.

I have drawn this parrallel before between Trump and a short story I wrote years ago. It was the first short horror story I ever sold to a magazine for pay. In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear. A kind of social horror tale not unlike a Phillip K. Dick kind of story. It is about a man who is very talented and successful, who finds a way to take over the American psyche in his bid for power, and in a way never before seen on earth. He is praised by all for it, loved by all because of it. Save those few closest to him who fear him, who fear letting him know they fear him, who fear his defective view of the world. A view which begins to overtake the nation without anyone seemingly paying any attention to it at all. As if they are all addicts and only he has their drug. Countries world wide want in on what he can do, so amazing are his talents. Save those countries closest to America. Those being Canada and Mexico who quietly strive to begin to step away from all transactions with America. Yet, no one seems to notice.

Here's a few things being discovered about #Trump. He is temporally transaction in nature.
He responds to praise not disdain, which makes him feel embattled and he digs in. He is just like many who run for office, an adulation addict.
But in Trump's case as Frank Bruni of the New York Times put it:
"In Donald Trump, we're looking at it to an exponential degree."
"It's adulation addiction on steroids."
"I think people are going to find he's not the rebel they thought he was on the campaign trail." That is he said, from Trump's body language and in how he said some things, during the NYTimes meeting, he showed he is very vested into finding the praise of those same elites he was running against during the campaign, either directly or indirectly, and being those same elites who people cast their vote for Trump for him to rail against, and not for.
How does Trump define winning? I think it has to do with how much he can profit from any situation\ transaction. Because that's how he views the world, through capitalist filters.
He wants to win every room he is in, leaving those who meet him with a positive attitude about him. He seems at times to become who he has last spoken with, and that is kind of disturbing.
Maybe therefore the way to deal with him in the future is to primarily praise his good actions and ignore his bad ones, or at least temper the backlashes and enhance the praises.
He's smart, but he's emotionally immature.
He's responsive if it means he alters people's view of him in a positive way. This may work well for us in his presidency and it may also work against all of us as it's an ephemeral orientation to business and governance.
Many of his supporters are going to be very unhappy to find what they ignored while he was running, were stagecraft. Much of what they said he didn't mean, but they voted for him anyway, they are going to find out also applies to many things they liked about him.
They saw him as an agent of change and that may be the case. But from what we know so far and so little of, he could just as easily be from what his supporters may find to be, even worse than Hillary.
I have to say, the irony would, aside from the reality of where this could lead the nation and the entire damn planet, be pretty delicious as well as cathartic.
To conservatives I have to say:
Watch what you wish for, you just may get it. Sometimes like with the genie in the bottle, you don't know what exactly it even IS that you wish for.
Cheers! :)


Monday, November 9, 2015

Conservatives fear the DemSoc! Absolutely not, dummy....

In some ways I see Democratic Socialism as a redundancy. Certainly, one doesn't (shouldn't) fear it. Children fear concepts in that way. Conservatives, Republicans do also where fear is a primary focus, rather than intelligent consideration, appropriate actions. And so this is a note to those conservatives and republicans who need to hear these things.

There is literally nothing to fear, but fear itself! 

Well, seriously now. We're living it now, we have been for many decades. So what suddenly is so horrible about i? It's not, it's just a way for conservatives to have a way to have something to sell for people to buy as they have so little. But really you're just buying air from them, animosity, disingenuous diatribe, and ... trouble. 

The idea that socialism is something we should fear, like it's communism in 1950, is ridiculous. 

First, it's not communism. Second, it's not 1950. Third, it's not even socialism. It's a lean away from capitalism and toward fellow human beings. It's not redistribution of wealth, which is a conservative Republican codeword phrase. 

It's paying into government so they simply do the job they have been tasked to accomplish. It's paying for our government to do the jobs we don't want, shouldn't need to deal with, like maintaining the common good across our nation and protecting us so we can get one with our lives.
Good roads, schools, rational healthcare and seeing everyone is taken care of especially those who cannot take care of themselves and others of us as we fall on very hard times. Especially when those hard times are perpetrated upon us by the elite or outside forces. With the dumbing down of America, making education harder to access and more problematic, it makes sense there are now more and more people who cannot take care of themselves. But conservatives would have us ignore them. Cast them aside, because it is easy and cheap. But it is not, either.
Conservatives want people to act like sheep, just do whatever they want and they have been getting their wish, although that comes with a price. Ignorant people lead to people needing more help and guidance and the more you guide them incorrectly, the more you have problems and need to guide them. 
Conservatives have a weird combination of ideals where they don't believe you should teach someone to fish (let them learn it themselves), but then you shouldn't feed them fish either if they don't have it (they should have learned to fish), to refer to an old parable. Then they make it hard to learn to fish.
Bernie Sanders is making sense. It's not news really. It's old information he is just trying to get us to face full on, to stop the nonsense and start the actions leading to making things better...for real.

It's been this long and we still cannot get it:
"The Soul of Man under Socialism is an 1891 essay by Oscar Wilde in which he expounds a libertarian socialist worldview and a critique of charity.[1] The writing of The Soul of Man followed Wilde's conversion to anarchist philosophy, following his reading of the works of Peter Kropotkin.
"In The Soul of Man Wilde argues that, under capitalism, "the majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism—are forced, indeed, so to spoil them": instead of realising their true talents, they waste their time solving the social problems caused by capitalism, without taking their common cause away. Thus, caring people "seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see in poverty but their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it" because, as Wilde puts it, "the proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible." - Wikipedia
Times they are a changin'....

America needs to clear her collective throat of the conservative sputum that has collected there for so many decades now.

We need to be able to breathe through passages clear and free of this miserable Republican asthma. Cough it up and spit it out into the conservative spittoon, America! Yes, it's almost full but it's on their side of the aisle where it belongs.
Times they are a changin'....

Freedom. Feel the change, feel the free air filling your lungs!
Times are a changing....

We don't need a "Big" Brother who beats us down at every turn. We need a Big "Brother" who squares his shoulders and says that we're not too heavy, who will then carry us to safety. Who will care to see we are all safe and able to be successful, not just his friends, not just his lovers, but all of his extended family.
Times they are a changin'....

I use the "he" metaphor but it could as easily be our "sister", right? Right? No. Not really. And it's not so much our brother, as it is our Dad, an old white guy (even if you're no white). But really i is more like our grandfather, those who have the souls of old codgers; in many cases of an old pervert.
Times they are a changin'....

Be afraid, those of you who have abused us for so long. Be very, very afraid. Or then again, don't even bother being afraid (though you're so good at being fearful, you probably can't stop it anyway). Because nothing you can do will stop what is about to happen.
Times they are a changin'....

Instead get on the bus with the rest of us because truly unlike you, we want to be inclusive. We don't want to cut you out. We want a cohesive and rational America who succeeds for everyone. Not just for a few.
Time they are definitely...
a changin'.

And now, this.... Ed Asner's cartoon explanation of America today.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

What does TCMS mean for Republicans and Conservatives

Yet another one of those disingenuous memes from our CBDCFs, Our Confused and Brain Damaged Conservative Friends.

Yes, yes, of course big government is bad.
IF and WHEN it actually IS too big. 

Considering that we cannot now afford or even figure out how to fix our crumbling infrastructure (bridges, roads, rail, broadband connections (cell, internet, etc.)), government and funding (see military budgets, purchasing planes that don't work, funding that the military doesn't want in areas like yet another aircraft carrier, etc.), you certainly can break the government in under funding and shrinking it to the point of sheer idiocy (see TCMS below).

What they can't seem to understand of late in their having raging TCMS (Tiny Conservative Mind Syndrome), is that too small government is as bad or even more dysfunctional than too big government. It is a belief system support and disseminated through right wingnut radio, web sites and cable channels like the notorious Fox News network and their inflammatory twists on the news which does the nation such a great a disservice and really only services the rich and disingenuous.

Fox News leads the mentally infirm and old (no really, check their demographics) down the path to waste and falsehoods with their consistent avoidance of actual fact checked and properly Op Ed information with their "Fox Newisness". That phrase by the way was recently submitted to Urban Dictionary as we really need that phrase to more succinctly go along with Stephen Colbert's wonderful term, "Turthinesss". 

Would I prefer too big or too small? Don't be foolish. I'd prefer a professionally run correct size to run properly, government. Like with our security and intelligence departments. They are way too big and need to be shrunk before America only supplies the world with information as a GDP.

Of course an inflated bureaucracy slows things to a crawl if not just blocking things completely and outright (please refer to our current and recently previous US Congresses).

However, too small of a government also doesn't do a damned thing. Right?

What then is the attraction, what is the difference for conservatives?

In a too big of a government, you can point fingers at those bad apples to cut them, to fire them, to jail them. And conservatives hate that, because they know, they may be next. And they usually are. But they've instead (rather than clean up their act and be good citizens) raised slipping out of the bounds of justice into a new level, a new art form. 

In a too small government we have the same symptomatic and systemic dysfunction. However, you can't blame them as easily and their jobs are somehow perceived as more secure. You can't fire someone because they are overworked (or blame them) or as we see so much, those incompetents (see, Ted Cruz, et al), or criminals, (see Chris Christy, et al).

Of course in how things are twisted up anymore you can't even fire those who are drilling holes in our government either (see protected by big money).

This is also why region (Christian, typically here) and conservatives and republicans go together like chocolate and peanut butter. 

A leading Catholic Vatican Cardinal recently said gay couples shouldn't be invited to family gatherings if children are present US Cardinal Raymond Burke’s comments came in an interview during the Pope’s Synod of the Family in Rome, in which he also commented on the ‘aggressiveness of the homosexual agenda’. You know, the only reason it looks like gays have an agenda is they are struggling to not be treated like second class citizens, mostly BECAUSE of religion. 

Once again, religion as cancerous mind worms in trying to avoid reality for their beliefs, thus trying to alter reality into a preformed way of filtering reality. Surely why should we raise our children to deal with what is, rather than grow up dealing with what should be so we can have more dysfunction and prejudice and bigoted attitudes in the world for religion to disingenuously continue to claim to have the answers for, as they yet again try to side step reality and so it goes....

One thing conservatives and republicans (and granted, politicians in general, but certainly with our New Age Soviet styled Republican party ), know how to do is to fully actualize the Peter Principle. The ability to rise to your personal best level of functionality in a position, then rise above that to where you're completely dysfunctional but allowed to remain there until you want to move on. Rather than being moved back down to where you are fully functional, or simply fired (again, see protected by big money) as would\should be expected where obviously it is, TRTTD, The Right Thing To Do.

It's time the rational people took back their government and pushed back against the ignorant, the disingenuous, the defectively based religious beliefs. Look, I don't have a problem with you "believing" in religion, as silly as I see it is, just allow others to live their lives and we'll leave you alone. But when stupid thought affects others negatively, it's time to stand up and say no.

Let's get back to live and let live.

Remember how smoothly things worked back then compared to now? Really, that's all it would take to cure TCMS and bring republicans and, well I don't know if there's a cure for conservatism, really. You see, conservatism is a way to view things, not a lifestyle and that's where people got off track. They took a concept and made it a lifestyle and as we've seen, that never goes well. Purity in thought tends to be defective (try inbreeding dogs too much and see what happens after all).

Be opened minded, see what is and not what should be and work with that. Surely you can see how things could be better and take what you have in mind to make things better, but then make things better. Because what we have now is people taking what they think and making things worse while they think they are only trying to make things better, for themselves. And therein lay the crux of the matter.

Look, religion (2013, 2014, 2015)and the republican party are both dying off anyway and like Islam through things like ISIS, death throws can be ugly. However I don't see the republican party dying off per se, rather and hopefully, morphing into something better, though I'm willing to bet it will surprise us and morph into something worse to pleasure it's base who are dying off as Fox News polls show (even Fox is changing and becoming more rational though).

We all live on this tiny planet together.

How about we try to remember that and make room for everyone to live. That seems to be something that liberals have figured out and conservatives can't. But you can make TCMS go away. It's really not that hard to do.

Just have compassion for more than your own self interest. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Letter to Religious Terrorists - Not just ignorant ignoble idiots, you are downright stupid animals

This, is going to be a little different, caustic really, but I'm really only talking to terrorist types here....

Obviously (and I'm happy to say), Kurdish TV thinks ISIS are fools and worse. Too funny and so appropriate, though I'm not sure how long that video will remain up. I do have about as much respect for ISIL as they go for male goats, apparently. Actually, not (watch the video).

The majority of them that is. Not just the two educated ones who send 99% of the rest to their deaths while they sit and sip coffee, or booze, hidden behind closed doors with women who service them. And not the wannabe terrorists who act on their own because they have no life and a personality disorder, so basically, no personality to speak of.

First of all, consider that I'm basically a heathen. I know theists basically mean to be good people and some get carried away and harm others, or get into nonsense, I understand that. I'm not talking to those who are basically good people doing good that no one disagrees with. It's you others....

And therein lay the issue with religious terrorists. Religion is bad enough but there can be nothing lower than a religious terrorist.

I don't buy into all the nonsense about God and religion. Poppycock, all of it. That being said, I have many of the same ethics (more or better ethics than many theists actually). I don't hate, anyone. I don't want to kill anyone, although I do think if you want to kill or harm others, and cannot be dissuaded out of your sick delusions, then perhaps you should be shot like a rabid dog that is out of control.

This, is important:

Humanity doesn't need people who want to kill other people. If you want to kill yourself, have at it, though I'd prefer we had a chance to correct your poor mental health issues.

I do not like the beliefs of many people, but I don't hold it against them (too much) unless they go out and force others to do things (especially others with different beliefs), or hurt others over those beliefs. I just think many if not most humans are misguided, improperly indoctrinated into life, or outright delusional.

Perhaps what I have to say should be considered more offensive if I were. I don't consider myself an atheist, Christians were the original atheists against the Roman Gods.

In the beginning, there was no God. Then we allowed our imaginations to run wild and now look at things.

Believe it or not, terrorism is a mental disorder (much in a way as is religion). It's an aberration, or at very least a sociological disorder. Either way, it's a disorder and not a course to a better world. Religion certainly isn't going lead us to a better world in any sense. It's dying, it's on the way out. Has been for a couple of hundred years now.

Yeah, we got your ticket, pal.

Something just occurred to me. Religion originally sprung up for several reasons. As a form of law with authority that could not be revoked, that being a God. But also and this is a very important element in early and I mean, EARLY religions, it was to separate us from the animals we ate. Otherwise, why not eat, us? So you can see the necessity there.

So maybe at some point that was all very useful, though I suspect that age ended long before written history began.

Now, religion is really just a finger pointing at one undeniable fact: that we are animals and that's it. Animals with self reasoning, self awareness, animals who can contemplate their own demise one day. And it is a buffer against that terror of all terrors in creating a belief that we never die, or with the right actions now, we will die and merely go on to another life in the after life.

Really? That makes sense to you? Yes, it's a nice story. A nice children's story that many are now using to kill people over. Terrorists are the most deluded of us all and the closest to being animals, which religion is now pointing out very clearly. No, they aren't eating people, they are doing the next best thing though. Killing them. The only way to distance ourselves now from animals is to allow religion to die a normal evolutionary death and not, people.

Terrorist groups are the new nut case social clubs. A banding together of crazies who in the old days would have either killed themselves or ended up in an asylum. Or their village would have just put up with them and kept them at arms length, until they ended up stoning them to death for their murderous traits.

What is it Islamic terrorists are after? In reality? Not what they are saying, not what they think, but what are their actions actually indicating? Consider that most Muslims disagree with them and many of them are being killed by them.Islamic terrorists will get picked on here because they are at the forefront in recent years by their definition and desires. What is Islam and what do they think it is? Most of their own people have no clue either.

Let me ask this one question:

Are we allowing a new "North Korea" type country to develop its foundation via ISIS in allowing them to have taken land? Those surrounding countries really need to get their own act together and fight their own battles.

We're tired of the Middle East. Tired of their religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism), tired of their tribal bickerings, and their backward ways. We're also tired of being the world's police force and we know the world in many cases are too. Though, some very much aren't and want us there and in those cases maybe we should be there.

But we need to stop being the Middle East's codependent bastard buddy.


Muslim terrorists say they hate America.

We've been called "The Great Satan". We must be horrible. Right? Except, they seem to hate their own, and themselves, too. Is that what happens when you use religion to try and eliminate things like recreational drugs, sex, openness and challenges in life, in having to worship a big sky God every so many minutes of every damned day of your God forsaken life?

How can some people NOT want to kill someone with all that repression of their human nature? Yes, Islam seems to work for a vast majority of Muslims but it obviously doesn't for many others as we see now in terrorists proclaiming such!

How, can anyone not see this?

Is it really that hard to see? Religion to begin with requires us to enhance our desires to remain ignorant, which I've always defined as stupidity; it requires devised, planned stupidity; it requires it be desired and sought after, inbreeding our intellectual sensibilities, all in the name of "faith".

Yet look at all the Muslims who have run to America for the good life, for protection from Islamic leaders, and its idiot children, Islamic terrorists.

The American Ideal is a marvelous thing.

Our actions at times admittedly, have been not so much. But we're fighting for our own sanity here, our own identity, our own goodness. But without a God, because considering all the outliers, on that path lay madness. Madness we are seeing slaughtering people.

If terrorists really want to affect change then why aren't they targeting intelligently? Finding considered targets that do something, rather than just American symbols?

Why haven't they killed the Koch brothers yet?

Can there be a greater symbol of the Great American Satan, after all? But hey, we don't like them either. Is that why? Or are they being supported by the Kock brothers in some way we can't see?

Terrorists said this past week that they are going to cut off President Obama's head IN the White House. Really, morons? What are you, twelve years old? Why is so much of what we hear from terrorists sound like the immature prattlings of spoiled children whining?

Just because you heard some mental defect was able to make it into the white house due to a bizarre set of circumstances (which they've now had time to rectify), do you really think you can depend on such mistakes and happenstances to get into the White House and get to the President of the United States of America? You're even stupider than we have thought.

Good luck mate. Perhaps, stop watching so many western action movies. They're MOVIES, make believe, fiction. Like your beliefs. As President Obama has said just today, your beliefs are medieval, though not medieval Caliphate oriented, as that was an enlightened time, unlike your medieval thinking. You are living a backward fantasy. Let go your foolishness, your childish ways.

Then again, go for it.

Because I suspect if you actually ever got near or even did it, you would bring the desired attention on yourself, your mindset, and turn the entire global Islamic nation against you along with a load of fecal matter made from your own intestines, to come down on you and yours from America and our allies unlike the world has yet seen and beyond anything you can no imagine in your tiny, limited minds.

Really think about that for a moment.

What is America capable of if we put our mind to it? We are fighting hard in our country now to reclaim our America, to become the decent people again we want to be. But we can be a terrible force to behold when we want to be. And you haven't seen anything yet. Killing 3,000 civilians on American soil lead to a nightmare for many. Killing our leader? You are more foolish than even you think you can be.

Do you really think pushing us in a direction to once again be the lowlifes we've been over the past decade is a wise life decision or career path?

Do you really think President Obama is the problem? Or American culture for that matter. Your problem is your view of Islam. That you have nearly the entire world of Islam against you. Maybe your view is wrong. It's certainly stupid. But then that fits, if one thinks about it.

You threats seem especially when we have a new president every four or eight years. Do you really think it isn't people like the Koch brothers who are truly the devious ones and your true enemies, Machiavellian power brokers that they are who are trying to bend the will of a nation to do their degenerate bidding. Do you really think they aren't the problem? It is people like that, we need to weed out of our nation, we need to devalue and remove their power from.

I think perhaps it is time we get back to taxing the rich at 90% again. Some of the money we waste on the rich and military endeavors, we should be using to better our nation, and the poor of the world. Not allow a few rich bastards to subvert a grand ideal into a putrid greedy effort to abuse those not rich and powerful.

Complain about what is the problem, the few, the rich and the powerful, and not a nation of people who have done you no harm anymore than the innocent Islamic people you continue to bomb, shoot, murder out of a misguided sense of poor self esteem issues.

By the way, don't know who Machiavelli is? Good grief....maybe you don't know everything.

If you want to hit an American symbol of the Great American Satan, show me how that is NOT the people like the Koch brothers. Don't know who THEY are? You really need to read a book, or a newspaper. Quit reading the Qur'an as it seems to be doing you no good anyway and read something of true value. Like current news affairs.

Now I'm not saying you should kill the Koch brothers, our national treasures of the American rich, elite, and greediest.

In fact, you don't need to be killing any more Americans and we would come at you for that in killing our worst bastards, those people who should be social and political criminals, just as we would for your killing any decent American citizen. And rightfully so.

I'm just wondering how you choose your targets, because it seems you are either using the toss of a coin, or throwing darts at newspaper clippings (so maybe you do have newspapers). Perhaps try recruiting some educated people who don't just believe your religious crap. Or is that hard to do in a culture of ignorance and religious criminals?

But then, that is in line with Mohammed's sensibility back in the day, right? And about Mohammed, did he even exist? There's question about that. How would you like to kill people over Mohammed, then find out he never existed?

It's not a secret that he wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack. Just actually try reading your own copy of the Qur'an. Yes, it's a pretty book, saying pretty things, but like all religious books, it's filled with dreams and nonsense. But know that first to understand what you are reading you have to know how to read and how to interpret into the more modern language that you speak. So you'd have to have an education to actually understand what it's saying.

Like it's fictional silly tales of teleportation for one.

Otherwise you could misinterpret it and end up killing innocent people, including other Muslims and....oh wait, you're already there, aren't you?

You really are that sad. I forget sometimes.

See, I do that locally much of the time too, thinking people are more intelligent and educated than they really are. We also have many uneducated Americans here, many who think they are intelligent or educated because they watch TV. Sad people, really. you might even have my compassion and understanding, if you weren't murderers and proselytes.

So, welcome to the world of the Koch brothers, Republicans, Christians and conservatives in America and their sad friends who support the buying of our free American politics and buddy, if that happens, you think you have a problem now?

Wait till the rich completely take over American politics as they are trying now to do, have done for he most part, but we are fighting back against on a daily basis which you make more difficult with your stupid actions and pointing to Islam as the reasons for them.

Mohammed as your prophet is an appropriate figure. I point that out in my fiction book, Death of Heaven, as well as that of other historical religious figures, Moses, Jesus and others.

Religion is as ridiculous as terrorists.

Why don't terrorists target the American disgustingly rich elite? Makes you wonder doesn't it/ Look at who they target.

Why don't they use America against America. Why don't they find what we hate about us, and nudge those feelings in their direction? Why haven't they attacked groups like the American Family Association? Why haven't they targeted American conservatives who are against any race but their own, who are against Islam for wont of Christianity?

Why DO they instead attack diluted symbologies of American ideals? Why do they kill Muslims? If they are so clever, why aren't they targeting things and people who will actually advance their ideals? Or are they actually controlled by their own problem elite? Just blindly following their own problem people?

Or do they not really have any true ideals other than thuggery, greed, sexual repression, misogyny, perhaps (at least some obviously) repressed homosexual feelings for fellow terrorists? Just come out of the closet, America will take you in, or plenty of other European countries, I think.

Try relaxing, have a beer, get laid for God's sake. Burn off some of this repression in positive, productive ways and for God's sake and that of your Prophet, and your own soul if you actually believe in that sort of silly thing, stop hurting people.

My suggestion?

Terrorists... just stop, get a job, leave the country if you need to as there are not enough jobs in a millennially, God forsaken desert. But you won't because as all animals know, killing makes you feel powerful, wonderful, and full (you do eat your dead, right, cuz that's part of it). Humans on the other hand, don't kill other humans, just animals do that.

At least strive to be human.

Animals you see, kill. But only a human animal kills with such disregard as to use bombs on innocents they aren't either going to eat, or are in direct conflict with, or even one of their own tribe.

With each death, you merely support my contention that you are no better than the animals your religion was originally designed to distance you from. With you, it is failing. Obviously.

It's sad really, so sad that you can't see that.

So, just stop the killing and being such dumb animals and such really stupid bastards.

Let me close with this....

This is basically what fundemental religious terrorists are all about right? Being God's robots. You can tell from them bouncing their foreheads on the ground, the most devout having callouses on their foreheads, not to mention, possible brain damage from all that "praying".

But hey, God, right?

Okay I jest, but seriously think about it. 

If we had robots walking the world enforcing God's Laws, this place would be a complete nightmare and yet, that is what many want, just without considering what a True hell the world would be if it was all strictly enforced. But hey, God, right?

Think about it.

Religious terrorism is basically cowardice. If you need to kill people from other religions (or atheists) to support your religion, well then you're not brave enough to cohabit with others because your faith (or religion) is just that weak.

I'll give our Goddess of humor the final say, in that....

NOTE: If you've gotten this far...some might wonder why I push on people like this. Why do I challenge "believers" about their beliefs, their religion, their attitudes and their actions or desired actions (which even if they don't do bad things, they support at least intellectually, those who do, or might). Regardless of what you believe, what your religion teaches, or how you interpret it, you have no right to apply your beliefs to others, or certainly not to kill others over it. Just as the very rich have no right to take most of the money on this planet, leaving not enough for all of us others, no theist or religion has any right on this planet to force others into action, or to eliminate them.

You are welcome to move to where there are only your kind, but not to force others out. You are welcome to have delusions, but not to push them on others. I would argue however, that this is a bad form of thought and separation like that can lead to "bad things". Better to support a form of thought that is more inclusive or at least, tolerant, of others. And so that is why I push. In the hope that at some point it will help to dilute negative thoughts about others based upon religion. All others who are theistic or non-theistic need to support that, so that those intolerant theists or non-theists, are more tolerant and allow everyone to have a decent life, to live and to die, in peace.
