Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Why Protect Ukraine? Why Not Ask, Why Protect Yourself?

From Nagy Sándor off of Facebook (cleaned up from original, for clarity).

For those who ask...

Why Ukraine Matters?

Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe, with an area of 603,548 square kilometers and a population of approximately 44.13 million (as of 2020).

Ukraine’s Key Natural Resources:

  • Uranium Reserves: Largest in Europe.
  • Titanium Reserves: 2nd in Europe, 10th globally.
  • Manganese Ore Reserves: 2nd in the world, with 2.3 billion tonnes, accounting for 12% of global reserves.
  • Iron Ore Reserves: 2nd largest globally, with 30 billion tonnes.
  • Mercury Ore Reserves: 2nd in Europe.
  • Natural Gas Reserves: 3rd in Europe, 13th globally, with 22 trillion cubic meters.
  • Coal Reserves: 7th in the world, with 33.9 billion tonnes.
  • Overall Value of Natural Resources: 4th in the world.

Ukraine’s Agricultural Importance:

  • Ploughed Land: Largest in Europe.
  • Black Soil (Chernozem): 3rd in the world, making up 25% of the global supply.
  • Sunflower & Sunflower Oil: Largest exporter in the world.
  • Barley: 2nd in production globally, 4th in exports.
  • Maize: 3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter.
  • Potatoes: 4th largest producer.
  • Rye: 5th largest producer.
  • Honey: 5th largest producer globally, with 75,000 tonnes.
  • Wheat: 8th largest exporter in the world.
  • Eggs: 9th largest producer.
  • Cheese: 16th largest exporter.

Ukraine can meet the food needs of up to 600 million people.

Ukraine’s Industrial Strength:

  • Ammonia Production: Largest in Europe.
  • Natural Gas Pipeline System: 2nd largest in Europe, 4th globally.
  • Nuclear Power: 3rd in Europe, 8th globally in installed capacity.
  • Railway Network: 3rd in Europe, 11th globally, spanning 21,700 km.
  • Manufacturing of Locating Equipment: 3rd in the world, after the United States and France.
  • Iron Exports: 3rd largest globally.
  • Turbine Export: 4th largest globally.
  • Rocket Launcher Manufacturing: 4th largest globally.
  • Clay Exports: 4th largest globally.
  • Titanium Exports: 4th largest globally.
  • Ore & Concentrates Exports: 8th largest globally.
  • Industrial Protective Products Exports: 9th largest globally.
  • Steel Production: 10th largest globally, producing 32.4 million tonnes.

It gets down to this: 

Europe and America didn't want to protect Poland when Hitler invaded. 
That, was a mistake.

You do not placate such as  Hitler, Putin...or Trump.
You stand against them. 
You stand up for humanity. 
You do not isolate. Why?

Because it never ends well. You can't see what's going on. You can't protect yourself, or others. You allow those with your and other's best interests to make those their best interests.

Wake up, face your troubles, fight back...for yourself and others. Before it's too late and your fighting only for yourself and yours, and you're losing.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #90

Thoughts & Streams of Consciousness, rough and ready, from award-winning filmmaker/author you’ve never heard of while walking off reality, vestiges of long Covid halflife while listening to podcasts. Walking day: Monday, June 24, 2024.

Weather for the day… nice day, starting out, 59° overcast cool a bit too windy 65° back at home.

Podcast is Rachel Maddow presents Ultra ep., Malmedy Everybody should listen to this podcast. It's our history. It's current. It's a great example of how what is happening today, what has happened before and we should be concerned, aware, and understand, that it can't happen again, or where it failed before, it needs to fail now.

Well, this is interesting. My friend and fellow indie director Kelly Hughes called last night and we talked for a couple hours. He told me about a guy he interviewed who said he found some spare footage lying around, threw it together in a day put it up online and it’s on Amazon Prime now. He’s already made $20,000 off it so far.

I put a lot of effort into my films and it's paid off critically as far as winning awards around the world. But it hasn’t turned into any kind of economic success. In fact, all I’ve been doing is spending money on them.

So it occurred to us both that we may have enough footage just lying around, we could slap something together (separately), and produce something interesting.

My documentary film has issues with music rights. An accident, where I thought I had the public domain but it turned out I didn’t...for one song. For the primary song, 17 minutes of my 28-minute documentary. I tried to negotiate with NAXOS but got nowhere. They were nice however and informative. I did find a free legal service for help on this kind of thing.

For that film and my film noir, the issue seems to be that I’d pushed my video editing software so far to the edge that it caused issues related to configuring for streaming to get up onto platforms like Amazon Prime, or Filmhub, a distributor.

So what if I took some simply produced film and got that online on some streamer like Amazon Prime? We’re looking into that now.

That guy he had interviewed has videos up on YouTube about all this kind of thing and more.

Oh, I noticed MAGA and Trump supporters are pushing out a lot of nonsense that Trump had never said neoNazis and white supremacists are "very fine people", because Snopes has now discredited that. Uh huh...

By the way, in America 1 in 10 are diagnosed with mental illness. According to NIMH 1 in 5 Americans are living with mental illness. The estimate is that 50% of Americans with mental illness are undiagnosed. Donald Trump is one of those. Even his niece Mary Trump, a retired psychologist, author and podcaster, recognizes her uncle's pathologies. Mary Trump worked for one year at the Manhattan Psychiatric Center while working on her PhD research. She is a contributor to the book Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, published by Columbia University Press in 2001. She has taught graduate courses in developmental psychology, trauma, and psychopathology. Thus she has some bone fides, especially in being a family member and knowing Donald Trump very well over her lifetime.

The problem there is that we’re dealing with mafiaSpeak or mobSpeak in how Trump lingo speaks around things, is designed to avoid accountability or legal repercussions. Fundamentally to protect himself as mobsters do, against being recorded or relayed in court, regarding crimes being committed. Damn, has no one seen a mob, mafia, or organized crime movie? Watch any crime film and you see them doing exactly that. Listen to those like Michael Cohen who repeatedly said that’s exactly how Trump speaks... in code.

So when you read what Trump said or watch a video of him saying there were "very fine people on both sides", it doesn’t matter that he didn’t exactly say he was talking about... neoNazis and white supremacists. Even when immediately after that he said the exact opposite, that those people should be prosecuted.

So yes, technically Snopes is right. While fundamentally flawed and 100% incorrect

Therein is the big problem with Donald Trump on our political scene.

When he says things like that, those people clearly hear what he is saying. We’ve even heard they said they heard it, that they got his message and were cheering and celebrating. They had parties over it. The fact that he denied them after his initial comment is something they discredit themselves. It's irrelevant to them. They don’t buy into his denials. They received his message. We received it. But fact-checkers and the law haven't? Can't? That, is a problem. Yes?

So in our supporting his contentions that he never said that or he never meant that, is disingenuous at best and disinformation at worst. We have to get a handle on this. Because he’s walking right over a lot of of our historical protections, social contracts and of course, he’s always abused legal contracts.

As I’ve said in previous blogs about Soviet and Russian disinformation and espionage tactics, I find it a bizarre reality today, and in recent history, that what I read and studied being done by Russia to other countries, even to their own citizens, is now rampant in America by the Right, and has spread among countries of western democracy. When that happens, who do you look to? Enemies of democracy, obviously.

Which brings us back to Rachel Maddow's podcast, Ultra. About how this all happened decades ago, before I was even born, before she was born. But if hindsight is foresight, we’re watching this all come on again. We been here before. We're hearing about it. We have to act to stop it.

Before I make this next brief aside, let me say I took "criminal evidence for police" with a bunch of Tacoma Police Department Sergeants at Tacoma Community College when I was about 18. They were probably looking to better themselves for promotion. Our teacher was Joseph Wambaugh's partner in LA for years. Joe was incredibly famous for writing "The Blue Knight" and "The Onion Field" (made into a film), and TV shows like "Police Story".

I took the TPD police tests (written and obstacle course_ at 19, and was their best time on the obstacle course that day by quite a bit. I made #350 out of 650 applicants. I didn't have a chance, but wanted to take the test anyway. I entered USAF as Law Enforcement that next year (I was going to get a job dammit!). But lost the slot for LE during Basic due to having flat feet which should have kept me from enlisting, but the doctor at my physical told me to keep on my socks if I wanted to get in. I was initially tested and vetted for the USAF OSI which was a lot to was over a month or so. However, once accepted I decided to separate from service and go to college. There's a lot more to the why of that but this is the short version. Finally, my university degree is in psychology. 

OK so, here's what I wanted to say with those caveats now stated...America needs to become more familiar with the signs of both criminal behavior and mental illness. Because when observing (or hearing about) Donald Trump's behaviors and at times speech, all you can see (or hear) are obvious examples of those two behaviors. At least it's obvious to me.

Speaking of Russia, Ukraine has made some great advancements, and apparently some others disconnected and unconnected from Ukraine in having attacked some religious groups recently in Russia. Some Russian government officials are now trying to blame Ukraine for that. Figures. Like MAGA only in Russia, with Putin rather than the dumber Trump. It just doesn’t make any sense that Ukraine would be doing that. When they’re doing things far more effective and taking out Military resources in Ukraine belonging to Russia and as well within Russia

As I recently joked about war criminal Putin's illegal Ukrainian war:
Russia: What can we do to fuck ourselves?
Putin: Let’s attack Ukraine!

I just saw a claim by someone saying that World War III began in 2015 indicating a certain situation had indicated that (sorry, can't remember what it was). I would argue that it started in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine but no one did anything. Or in 2008 when Russia attacked Georgia. Seeing a pattern here?

I learned even in the schoolyard as a child with bullies, if you don’t put them down ASAP, settle in for a rough ride if not a life of abuse and punishment. Punish them or take the punishment. We did not stop Putin before, we’re only starting to stop him now, while we should’ve started pushing back HARD two years ago, at least. For those who claim we shouldn’t help Ukraine or shouldn’t Stop Putin, they might as well not be Americans. I wanted Hilary to win rather than Trump, in part to be someone who would handle Putin and not play out a modern Neville Chamberlain scenario all over, again for all Western democracies.

I know they think they are American and patriots but when you follow the preferences of your country's enemies, how does that make you either American or patriot? It may make you a nationalist or Christian nationalist, neither of those being badges to wear with honor. Certainly not the way they are being executed by the MAGALoon Trump contingent.

SUV just drove by me and I got a strong whiff of vanilla. Perhaps a vanilla latte? Nice.

Starting mile two.

 Wondering if I should start doing 4 miles instead of 3 at some point if I’m walking this daily? Perhaps I should wait a couple of weeks to decide? Because there’s no sense in walking 4 miles if 3 does what I need. It saves me time and it saves me effort. Years ago I was using my elliptical at home doing about two hours at a time. I read some research that seemed valid and said I was wasting my time beyond 45 minutes for what I was trying to achieve. So I cut back to 45 minutes. And it seemed just fine

Rachel’s podcast, this episode about Malmedy is interesting. This often happens with her podcasts. It’s better if you just listen to the whole season because it’s stunning, informative and necessary.

I was just thinking about MAGA who can’t seem to see reality, at times “can’t see the forest for the trees.“ I’ve always seen that as relative to the Republican party. They get so involved in the specifics, the trees, they can’t see where they are any more, or what path they are on, which is the forest.

Which is ironic because they’re so into the "end justifies the means". Do whatever it takes  to win, ethics or morality be damned, as long as it harms any or all others other than themselves...of course.

They do seem to get on a path and ideology, and nothing else deters them, even the reality of them being off course, at times. "Mission creep" can be a horribly dangerous thing. Donald Trump (and MAGA) seem to depend a lot on mission creep as well as “throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.“ This goes back to his “very fine people on both sides“ statement. He throws everything out there and says both sides of the coin, the true and the false, the good and the bad. For others it is seen as insane. When he does that, with his people? It actually supports their belief in his lies evermore.

And that seems to us who are against him, against his lies, against his criminal behaviors and actions, so very obvious.

It’s interesting in this episode of Ultra, how it’s based around a person who saw himself as a Confederate, who was sympathetic to Germany in post-WWII. Who he saw growing up in his American South, how it was once occupied by the North after the Civil War, a similarity with Germany at the end of World War II. And they tossed that guy into the Nuremberg Trial?

I say it’s interesting because so much of the postbellum South held onto their bigotry, racism, and the belief of being right as slaveholders. Having that taken away from them, many remained allergic to those if not merely different from them, certainly people different from them with dark skin.

All of which seems to have been folded into MAGA, either purposely by Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and Stephen Miller. I assume Trump did it inadvertently, though he incorporates those beliefs purposely by his political "button men". These are despicable people, just as Hillary Clinton had stated. Conflating it to those who support them wasn’t wholly incorrect about them. Or their illiberal, authoritarian mindset which she was 100% correct about.

Starting mile three…

Rachel’s podcast episode I believe may be detailing the beginning of disinformation in American jurisprudence. Which expanded into actual Nazi murderers and war criminals in Germany seeking a way out of their crimes.

While disinformation has probably been around for thousands of years, I would say the Russians, then Soviets, and then Russians again, are the ones who really perfected it. Great Britain dealt with this and them for over 100 years and became the experts in counter-disinformation, and counter-espionage against Russian disinformation efforts. If not countering it, certinly being able to recognize it and act accordingly.

America learned from Great Britain about Russian disinformation. But even if you’re an expert at countering it, it’s difficult to contend with. As we’ve seen with Donald Trump, MAGA, and their Republican party, ever since the early '90s really, we haven't been able to figure it out very well at all.

We may even now be experts about it in our intelligence community which doesn’t translate out to our public media, or our individual citizens, or political parties.

We have historically been careful about this information within political leadership. Politicians were historically careful about what they said because they KNEW it's not hard to start trouble or cause harm or death. Trump seems not to care about that, and the same with his MAGA leadership. It has been evolving to show disinformation can profit those like Donald Trump who just happened to hit the scene at the right time, with the right skills of a juvenile bully, and the right utter lack of ethics.

Willis Everett, the Southerner Rachel is talking about, came up with a disinformation idea for the criminal Nazis, to help get them off from being executed, after having been convicted and the case three times reviewed. He should probably have a statue in a museum of jurisprudence disinformation. Donald Trump'sstatue should be right next to him on the political side of things. But also in a museum of mob bosses, in having gotten away with so much, for so long, and as well as a Russian "useful idiot", who actually made it, somehow to POTUS.

To be clear, you know you’ve gone off the rails when you successfully get Nazis off for war crimes. Or Donald Trump off for his crimes as president. Or pardon someone like President Nixon for his crimes. While Ford told us back then, because I remember it happening, that he pardoned Nixon because he feared it would tear America apart otherwiwse. Looking back on it now, I don’t think he was correct. I think he should’ve let Nixon suffer the consequences. Because he was not looking at America, he was not looking at our future, he was looking at our past and he was looking at America during his presidency. And that was vapidly myopic.

Consider that Hitler’s Nazis and German supporters during and before World War II were national socialists. Today we have Christian nationalists supporting Donald Trump. We have white supremacists supporting Donald Trump. Nazis were white supremacists and the actual gold standard for eugenics. Nazis were also Christians. And I would assume Christian nationalists. While not all Trump supporters are religious bigots or proponents of eugenics, all those types do seem to support him.

It’s good to know that softer, more modern neo-Nazis in America claim to not believe in eugenics. But in enabling them under Donald Trump and giving them free license as we’ve seen comes to harm others they don’t like, even to kill them? I would assume eugenics and such concepts have been on the rise with such ignorant lowlifes since Trump in 2015.

Interesting, I just hit my home block in being done with my 3 miles for the day and a light breeze blew an obvious but not unpleasant odor of patchouly.

One last thing...
Hollywood Horror Museum @horrormuseum
Of all the scenes cut from Aliens, this was the biggest mistake.
Sigourney Weaver was furious and hurt, because it was the whole point of her character. It's often said that cutting this scene is what lost her the Oscar.
But Fox insisted.

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu…and wll leave you with that. It’s noon and time for lunch.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Monday, February 12, 2018

What is an Artist?

This is the article that got me inspired to post a comment on Facebook about, just what is an artist? Basically putting up an item as in the photo below, is art?

Danh Vo, Theodore Kaczynski’s Smith Corona Portable Typewriter, 2011.
Artist Marvin Hayes took up the challenge and responded to my initial comments below. He is an incredible mind blowing artist. I can't show you all I've seen of his works over the years, you'll just have to take my word for it. And I've met some very, very good artists, by the way. But no one to the degree he has achieved. You can see some of his works on Redbubble. He has also done many of my book covers.

Here is what I initially had said:

I get that art is in the eye of the beholder, but it seems to me that to get paid for art, to be an "artist" one has to actually produce art, preferably from the ground up.

Which takes away from rappers and musicians who sample other's music and artists using other's art and mediums in their art. This is the same issue that caused such an uproar when musicians (though I wouldn't call some of the first rappers actual musicians if melody was not involved and only percussion and spoken word but, that's another issue), who started sampling other's music, even if out of homage or tribute. I do get that.

I'm just not sure what they should be called. Artist? Perhaps.

I just think there is a difference from the artist who produces art from the smallest denominator with a vast and qualitative skill set, to those who effectively "cheat" in quantitatively using the art of others.

And I don't use cheat in a necessarily derogatory way. I just see a difference between an artist with the skills to produced incredible art from nearly nothing, to one who borrows and actually has little or no technical skills but can conceive and produce.

I do see value in both. I just think we need to call a card a card.

Marvin Hayes:

Although I generally agree. Myself, I don't see it that way overall. I'd say coincidently one of my top pieces is the collage I did for you (see below).

Piece by artist Marvin Hayes
I put about as much work into it as any other pieces I have done (it is a mix of images from magazines and some painted enhancements). I do both from scratch and assembled works. I feel assembled works are made of medium similar as one would do from scratch (not always). In one I would paint or sculpt everything from scratch. In the assembled I'd use pre existing images as my paint medium. Or found objects.

Kris Kuksi
Two of my top 5 artists do or did assemblages. One only does assemblages (Kris Kuksi) the other did multiple mediums (Max Ernst). Although most of the assembled Max Ernst works are not what I like about his work. I like his from scratch work.

Max Ernst
Steampunk is mostly assembled works and one of my fave alltime art styles. Also Junk art I love, made from found objects.

Technical skill is only one part of art. Communicating emotion plays a big part. Some of the worst painters technically are some of the greatest artists. Hitler for instance was a great technical drawer but failed emotionally in his art. And he was a very outwardly emotional person.

As an artist one has to project emotion through the art medium. Hitler seemed to be able to do that not through his art but through his communicating to his hateful base (like Trump). A sort of performance artist. Although I hate even referring to either monster as artists.

So bottom line is technical skill matters but more so the artist's ability to project emotion by any means necessary, matters more. And a core skill set like perspective drawing and anatomy help the artist more easily project emotion. As would a solid knowledge of music theory would a musician. Similar in all arts. Best to have the core skills but not required.

Rarely are things black and white. Mostly things are shades in between.

mechanized metal sculpture by Marvin Hayes
But I do get a little unnerved by those that just throw something up as their art when they had little or no input. Andy Warhol and Chihuly I consider two of the most overrated "artists" in history. Being that they rarely touched their medium. Warhol just regurgitated, took credit for things he never did. Chihuly similarly.

My response:

I agree with what you're saying and you're surely more the expert on this than I am. As you indicated, I have problems with someone taking an old typewriter and calling it art. Effectively making labeling something, or pointing to something, an art form. It's confusing, and disconcerting. Because I do believe you can be an artist in something that does not seem art related but there is still deftness and artistry in your product or actions. And effort.

restoration by Mavin Hayes
My ex (an "artist" and she did make some interesting art pieces, one I even sent to Clive Barker because he liked the image of it I had sent to him, this was many years ago). But something like say, gluing things to a car and calling it art, is or isn't? Simply gluing crap to something is not (should not) be art, unless there is an underlying principle involved that requires one would think, an understanding or an education in art.

Because I can glue things to something and evoke an emotion, I'm not so sure is art. So often that "artist" merely stumbles into it being conceived as art, but not because of any real thought on their part. Art by guesswork, essentially. It has artistic tendencies to be sure. But is it art?  Or something merely to be considered as such, when the person lacks foreknowledge of what they are doing? Not art by erratic action, but shouldn't it be considered and informed thought as an artist?

I do believe it's of social benefit to say, "anyone can be an artist", or a creator (more likely). As it frees one to produce and could lead to an artist who hadn't previously existed until their attempts or efforts come to fruition. But does it do a disservice to an actual artist? I think of those "authors" on Amazon who self publish utter trash and poorly written books.

painting by Marvin Hayes
They have diluted the market and made it harder for actual, effective and talented authors to self publish. And the notion that the best will rise to the top like cream on milk, is mostly trash. There is too much to wade through without the money from the author to bring their works to the attention of the public, or at least the right influencers.

It is a kind of travesty and that is in part my concern on all this about artists.

There is the "artist" for me in different contexts. I'll just say I do not like art in galleries or museums that are actually "placements" or merely collections of random things the artist didn't build but put together in a theme. Though I do get they can be art.

pencil drawing by Marvin Hayes
I just think "art" should be elevated beyond that of mere "creation". I think there should be some competence, technical skill, knowledge and education involved. For the most part anyway. I did a phenomenological study at my university toward my psychology degree about, what is art and my conclusion was, it is creation, in a most base sense. Which, freed me to try artistic things, which refers back to what I had said above, earlier. I do get that.

I don't have a problem with an artist with no education, or learned technical skill. If you look at it and it just says art, and more so if they can explain it to some degree bordering beyond craft to art. Though craftsmanship (craftspersonship?) can certainly be elevated to art.

Dragonfly sculpture by Marvin Hayes
On the other hand I don't have a problem with Warhol or Chihuly. Though I do see there, a difference in what I'm trying to say. Still, they did start out competent and then turned more into managers of art. And as Warhol asked, I think, at what point does it go from art to product? Or product to art?

Seattle Installment of Chihuly glass
Anyway, my main complaint is with the faux artist who really isn't an artist (and may very well know it, some of those being confidence people "conman") but acts and produces as if they are one and worse, when others incorrectly label them as such.

Marvin's response:

I should have said "focussed emotion". Emotion driven by intent not just response. But purposeful response based on some sort of skill, emotional skill or technical skill set... a mix. Best to have an even mix of technical/emotional.

I agree Chihuly had the core benefit of actual skill and production, knowledge of his medium. Later being a supervisor over a crew with skills ( after he lost his eye ).

But Warhol on the other hand was what I call a spinolio. A rather hollow wooden person that others project skills onto. He had little skill, almost no talent and yet ended up being considered one of the greats ;-/ Mostly by misunderstanding. Projecting genius onto an idiot. He is referred to by some to be a sociopath. Not sure I agree with that but he was definitely a manipulator that took credit for things he had little or no part of.

painting by Marvin Hayes
That documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop is a good example of how an "artist" might manipulate or steal others work and pass it off as their own. There is a lot of BS in the art world. In fact most of the art scene is total BS. Mostly the art dealers, collectors. But also disingenuous "artists". Some on purpose, some not.

All artists do a certain amount of "stealing" from others. Not just artists, it:s how evolution of anything works. We build on what came before us. All art is derivative. All innovation is also. A chain of thought.

Myself I'm regretful I didn't take anatomy and perspective courses. I struggle through that because I didn't really think I needed it. I really avoided doing people or buildings, etc., for most of my life. Depended on models.

My advice to any artist is take anatomy and perspective first! Use it as a core.

painting by Marvin Hayes
My response:

You have done some brilliant art though. I know no other artist in your class, not personally.

Marvin's response:

Thanks ;-) This would be a good thing to bring up in an article. Artists struggle with these sorts of questions. It's always a shock when one realises that the questions, what is art and, what is an artist, is so elusive. Everyone wanting a simple explanation. To me it comes down to mostly expressing ideas through a medium.

Marvin then continued in a group where I had also posted the original article and my comments:

This one doesn't piss me off as much as the one with 3 basketballs placed in an aquarium. Like to punch the "artist" in the face! ;-/

One thing I noticed is people tend to align with crapier art because they feel that art generated by extreme skill is out of their reach, their comfort zone. They feel more akin with what they feel they could possibly achieve themselves.

There has been research to back this up. And PunkRock was given as an example. People generally feel Rap, Folk arts and what others might call outsider art or Low Brow art is closer to them. Rather than higher arts, classic music or the masters.

I can relate to that on some scale I guess.
sculpture by Marvin Hayes
My comments after all this to you:

As I say above, Marvin is the greatest artist I have ever met. If you haven't seen his works, you should.

So, how does one close up an article like this? Well, I love Tim Minchin. Let's end with one of his recent tweets:
painting by Marvin Hayes
From Tim Minchin - @timminchin

"An excellent [see video link] review. Really worth watching if you’re interested in the craft of arts criticism."

Uh, yeah, click on the link so you can watch the video to which he refers. Sheesh.

And now let's end with this....

When Artists Move From The Margins to the Center

Cheers! Sláinte!
sculpture by Marvin Hayes

Friday, November 20, 2015

On Mein Fuhrer Donald Trump and American mistakes

So now Trump says we need a database of all Muslims in America. I assume it would be bad for them if they don't register. He said he would get them registered at Mosques and many other places.

Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Absolutely’ Require Muslims to Register

Really. Seriously?

A Jewish group responded to this saying they've seen that done before and it didn't end well. Well put, if understated.

Well, there is at least, this:

Donald Trump’s Call for Muslim Registry Denounced by Democrats

I wonder. What if Hitler never had killed anyone? Just "managed" those "dangerous" Jews. What if he didn't scream and be charismatic with crowds? Trump screams and is charismatic with crowds.

You know, Hitler was really just a good corporate mind. The ultimate corporate mind. Efficiency to the max.

Trump says this country is very poorly managed. We need to better manage this country. He would better manage this country. Trump is the ultimate businessman. Very much a corporate mind.

I used to think we just need a businessman to run this country to get things in order. Then someone pointed out we are a nation of people, not a corporation of workers. There is a massive difference between being president of a nation and being CEO and manager of a corporation. That was when I realized how true that was.

A corporation needs to run and that is the end all be all, to make money, be efficient (see Brazil (1985 film)). A country has to act somewhat like a corporation but then it may have to lose money to take care of people and keep them happy and safe because in this country it is about a nation of people pursuing happiness and quality of life. Or it once was.

I'm sure it will all be all right.

Since I first learned of the Japanese internment during WWII I have said I refuse to ever go back to that kind of chickenshit behavior.

Where are the Islamic countries in fighting off the terrorist threat against the world, against their own in the Middle East?

Where indeed. Is it because they can't be warring on other Muslims? Why not? Isn't that what we need them to do, to stand up and police their own? Is it because they as in Saudi Arabia have something else going on themselves? Like how they are about civil rights and support behind the scenes? Is it because of their tribal nature always pitting one type of Muslim against another, always treating each other badly internally between sects in their gang mentality?

I suspect all the surrounding Middle Eastern countries are concerned about DAESH (ISIS\ISIL). So why does America or Russia or anyone but them have to be the ones to do it all, for them?

It just seems to point out a few things about that region that leads me to wonder why we have to even be there.

Because of oil? Israel? Really. What is so important about the Middle East anymore? We were there so that exactly what is happening would never happen. In order to protect Israel, to have cheap oil, or oil at all (but at any cost?).

Haven't things changed now?

Though now I agree that due to many of our own actions (mostly on the Republican ticket) we now have to deal with humanitarian issues, even though we don't want to. It's like being the bully in a playground to a weak, stupid kid (no I'm not saying Muslims are stupid, this is about America being a bully). Then all the other weak kids gang up on and now you what, run away? Good luck with that now that they have organized and retaliated.

Am I 100% right on all this? Perhaps not. But I suspect you may be able to get the idea of what I'm trying to say.

Republicans like War. War on people in other countries.
Wars on drugs (people in this country).
Wars on the poor (again, this country, very much so through drug issues).

How about we mellow out and work toward no wars?

But if we need any, let's....

WAR on ignorance (Kill Fox News, open up schools to educate our citizenry esp. the poor).
WAR on having to be perfect to run for office or stay in office especially about legal (if not immoral) sexual behaviors.
WAR on lying in public office (that would end politics in this country on at least one side).
WAR on Governors (or politicians in general) doing stupid things that are against their citizenry.
WAR on gerrymandering not being done right (if actually needed for the real reasons it may be needed, to protect our citizens, not to support politicians or parties).
WAR on people abusing the meaning of the 2nd amendment.
WAR on those who are attacking people properly utilizing the 1st amendment, and on those who are abusing the 1st.
WAR on curbing or eliminating voters from voting (this should be a mortal sin for politicians and yet it's practically a branch of the republican party (as is gerrymandering).
WAR on the rich abusing the rest of the country.
WAR on politicians helping the rich abuse the rest of the country.
WAR on abusing other countries for our benefit (especially when they eventually turn about and attack us and caused grief to the entire world).
WAR on monopolies like we're supposed to be doing.
WAR on big money in politics.
WAR on the religious pushing their agendas on a secular government that supports a mostly non-secular country.
WAR on fake religions.
WAR on religions who dabble in politics without paying for the right to do so through taxes.
WAR on those abusing immigrants through American politics.
WAR on those cutting taxes to where the government fails it's purpose as in maintaining our infrastructure and the esp. then saying that government is too big but only in the ways that are needed, or broke by their actions but not the big government that actually exists and is over funded.
WAR on a minority (think Tea Party conservatives) perverting a major political party (think republicans)
WAR against good ideas.
WAR against calling government plans for the people as socialism and calling that anathema to our country.
WAR on those who are warring on others and calling positive progress and evolution of an entire nation as a WAR on them, just because people are waking up and seeing the abuse of some of those groups disingenuously as a WAR on themselves.

But really let's stop this near sexual addiction to WARs, extreme conservatism and Donald Trump types and start seeking out the facts, recognizing them, and then building functional systems upon those findings without letting extremist ideologies and idiots subverting our beneficence and pursuit of happiness.

Let's stop making mistakes.

Let's start thinking and making better choices.

Let's end this on a positive note.

At least a rational one based in reality:

Attendees of the Cairo International Film Festival speak out, with the event's president speaking of a war "between civilization and barbarity."

Okay, perhaps we can end on a positive note after all....

I'm an American.

And as for Christians....