Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Those who Advocate For Wiping Out LGBTQ

One of the most compelling arguments against those who advocate for wiping out LGBTQ+ representation through media and enacting discriminatory laws is the importance of equality, human rights, and inclusivity as part and parcel of living in modern America. 

Now we have a POTUS-elect in convicted felon Donald Trump who is all in for disrupting much of what advances have been made (Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity). Has there been overreach by recent administrations on the side of "progressiveness"? A good word for humanitarians and those involved in societal advancements while decreasing abuses by the many upon the few, but a bad word to those on the right who just can't see that's a thing.

I agree there may have been some overreach but not to the degree being sold by the right. Part of their issue is not having been allowed to catch up, or some things feeling imposed upon them not only against their will, or awareness, but beliefs, culture, religion, and indeed, part of that is historical misperceptions, bigotry, and racism. Some of THAT is wrapped up in their history, culture, and politics.

There should have been more persuading, more educating, more awareness, and coaxing. But to be fair, many on the Right vehemently thwarted that, and some of that will never, ever work with some of those people and in those subcultures whose substance is built upon a rejection of certain lifestyles or ways of thinking. 

To some degree, that's fine. Except, this is America and they need to catch up to who we actually are, a country of acceptance even the Founding Fathers didn't fully realize the full impact of that. Some, they would go against many today on the right. Some could never come to terms with it because of the climate of the times they lived in. 

But it's up to us to realize how this is at odds with moving forward, and also how they, the Framers and many today stuck in their cemented anachronistic beliefs, need to either get with the program or be dragged kicking and screaming into the present.

Much of this is based in religion, the religious Right, Christian Nationalists, and others pushing what should remain private. Enjoy your beliefs, just leave others alone. We're not all theists or at your level of devotion. THAT's America!  So let's not be doing this and let's return to "your religion is private". Stop being so aggro. Got it? Okay, OK? 

This dovetails very well with my long-held overly reasonable belief that we need to stop with the "In God We Trust" nonsense everwhere, certainly as our American motto, and return to our original, "Out of Many, One" (E Pluribus Unum), for what is truly inclusive and doesn't lead to abuse of others. As we see today. As we see in these anti-"other people" movements by the Right. I don't want to get down against the religious. I want them to have their lives. Just as the rest of us want to.

Here are several key points one can make on these issues of being anti-LGBTQ+:

Diversity and Inclusion for LGBTQ+ individuals and workers are an integral part of society, and their diverse perspectives, talents, and contributions enrich our communities. Media representation and legal protections enable LGBTQ+ individuals to be recognized, respected, and included, fostering a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone.
  1. Human Rights: LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity, equality, and fairness, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Discrimination and erasure based on these factors undermine the fundamental principles of human rights and deny LGBTQ+ individuals their inherent worth and value.
  2. Mental Health and Well-being: LGBTQ+ individuals have historically faced higher rates of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidality, due to societal stigma and marginalization. Media representation and legal protections help reduce stigma and create a supportive environment, positively impacting the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  3. Authentic Representation: Media plays a powerful role in shaping public perception and attitudes. By portraying diverse LGBTQ+ characters and storylines, media can challenge stereotypes, dispel myths, and promote empathy and understanding. Authentic representation allows LGBTQ+ individuals to see themselves reflected positively and helps foster greater acceptance and support within society.
  4. Freedom and Autonomy: Everyone has the right to live their lives authentically, free from societal pressure and discrimination. Restricting LGBTQ+ representation and rights infringes upon their freedom of expression, personal autonomy, and the pursuit of happiness. Upholding these freedoms is crucial for a just and democratic society.
  5. Social Progress: Over the years, societies worldwide have made significant progress in recognizing LGBTQ+ rights and equality. Rolling back these advancements would not only perpetuate injustice but also hinder societal progress as a whole. Inclusivity and acceptance lead to stronger and more vibrant communities where everyone can thrive.
  6. Economic Benefits: Embracing diversity and inclusivity has economic benefits. Studies consistently demonstrate that LGBTQ+-friendly policies and environments attract and retain top talent, stimulate innovation, and contribute to economic growth. By embracing LGBTQ+ individuals, societies can harness their skills, talents, and purchasing power, resulting in a stronger and more prosperous nation.
It's essential to engage in respectful dialogue, providing well-reasoned arguments backed by evidence and personal stories to foster understanding and empathy in the face of opposition.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Compiled with the aid of ChatGPT

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What a week we're into now...

Hi. Hang in there. Hopefully, no matter what happens, we'll get through it to the next and better situation.

This is a special blog today, feel free to share it. Dark,but accurate. No kidding around. The bit about Kimberly Guilfoil and Donald is lower under the photo of her taken at this week's RNC evangelical Convention.

Project 2025.

If you haven't yet been concerned or afraid of Donald Trump, you should be. I warned years ago about his psychopathology, as his niece Mary Trump has warned, could expand out into the nationalist Republican Party, and turn into a personality cult, with the icing on the cake being Christian nationalism. The failed assassination attempt Saturday and last night's Republican National Committee's convention shows us a no longer "GOP", not any longer a "Grand Old Party", not Pres. Lincoln's party, not Ronald Reagan's part but a religious-oriented cult of an ill-minded personality.

We are in a serious situation if you haven't noticed. POTUS 45 proved that. There is more to come. 

First... In words that junior high kids can understand, Democracy or Republic?

By the way, I've repeatedly reviewed the footage and Trump turning his head had nothing to do with the bullet. In fact, it's possible had Trump not moved he wouldn't have had his ear clipped at all. The shooter missed by a couple of inches. This nonsense about moving his head saved his life is myth-building.

 I said this within the hour of his being nicked by the bullet and knew this was going to happen. One older female Trump attendee said on camera that moving his head saved him and I knew the media and Trump people would pick up on the nonsense and run with it. The myth grows...

We now know the bullet didn't hit Trump at all, playing it up that he was hit by any bullet. I was right that the bullets missed: Donald Trump Reportedly Hit By Glass Shards During Shooting At Pennsylvania Rally, President Biden Reacts | Atlanta Daily World Another periodical headline stated: "...haters call shooting a hoax". No, police SAID.

According to law enforcement, a bullet hit a teleprompter and Trump was grazed by glass shards. So the video going around with a computer showing how Trump turned his head and saved himself, as I'd said, is incorrect. I had said maybe he turned his head INTO a bullet, but nope, nada, not at all. Boy did he play it up with that massive white ear target or bandage on his ear at the RNCcon. I hear not at al playing golf though. This guy, I tell ya...

Update: Snopes says it was a bullet but their proof is lame. I need to see more like intact teleprompters after the shots which I can't find and may have been shattered with the first or succeeding wild shots fired. So it's still up in the air in my book, for now.

OK this sure adds credence to the glass hit Trump not a bullet theory. I do not see where it looks altered. Or not...

I just noticed it does look "photoshopped". I checked and it's not photoshopped but I was looking at the chip. I went back to look at the bigger area and well, the stand is messed up and not even aligned as if someone did it as a joke and not a serious effort. Which would be a good Trump camp thing to do to discredit this theory.

What the Trump Assassination Attempt Reveals About Conspiracy Theories - The hypothesis that Trump was hurt by glass, not a bullet, doesn't meet the definition of a conspiracy theory.

We are into a weird time in America. As some contend, Republicans supporting Donald Trump are not stupid. Some are highly intelligent. JD Vance now Trump's VP select isn't stupid. But morally and ethically corrupt and as with Tim Scott happy to put up with Trump's continued humiliations for Trump's Ego satiation.

How low can Republicans go? JD Vance low.

It's hard to view the RNC Convention this week, see all those thousands of people and just stare at them in wonder. HOW, can you support someone like Donald Trump? How are you not seeing what I'm seeing? How can you look at Biden and see exactly those things, where they do not exist and yet, think the same about me viewing Trump.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

There must be something. It's not low IQ, maybe low EQ. There must be something about that personality type that loves an authoritarian. But a convicted criminal like Trump? IQ by county.

It's surreal. How does this happen? Well in part it happens because it's being done on purpose. It's the authoritarian playbook. Pick up a copy. Read it.

"Mr. Trump is unfit for our Nation's Highest Office." - 2016 - JD Vance: Why Trump’s Antiwar Message Resonates with White America 

Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
  • Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
  • Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
  • Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
  • Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
  • Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
  • Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
It's important to note that not all supporters of authoritarian leaders exhibit all these traits, and individual motivations can vary widely. Additionally, political psychology is a complex field, and factors such as cultural context, historical circumstances, and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping political attitudes and behaviors.

Donald Trump: "That’s why it was one of the great presidencies, they say. Even the opponents sometimes say he did very well … but we’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy." 12/2/23

The Moral Collapse of J. D. Vance
Instead of a truth-teller in his own community, Vance as a candidate has become a contemptible and cringe-inducing clown.
My friend Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, tried to describe Vance recently and came up with “pathetic loser poser fake jerk,

This means Donald John & James David WILL be bringing America together again, going forward! Right?
THAT'S what this selection for VPOTUS means!
Paul Pelosi was bludgeoned with a hammer.
Because of Trump's rhetoric.
Trump got his ear nicked.
Because of Trump's...TRUMP's" rhetoric.
NOT Biden's.

Monica Alba @albamonica
Biden campaign: "Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people."

Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Here is the message JD Vance sent to his friend suggesting Donald Trump might be "America's Hitler."

Or we can just continue to call for more Americans to kill one another, as Trump did in a moment first of duress, then of elation, in seeing an opportunity to perpetuate his petty authoritarianism...whichever you find more entertaining.
Just sayin'...
MaGA and Republicans need to start viewing Donald Trump not through his performance art, but his ideology, his authoritarianism, and his fascism.
I know. When you see it you'll want vengeance on his grifting you.
But instead, just vote against him.

Let's compare & contrast in the Trump shooting with what a true leader would have done rather than making a call to arms in his repetitive calls to: "FIGHT! FIGHT!" What a jerk.
Perhaps better...
"I'm OK, it's OK, calm, be calm!"
But nope.
"Attack other American citizens..." was Trump's subtext.

In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
  • Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
  • Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
  • Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
  • Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
  • Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
  • Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation toward unity and healing.

One more little thing...

Kimberly Guilfoil at RNC Con today

Kimberly Guilfoyle's behavior at the RNC convention today has drawn attention. Reports suggest that there were visible tensions between her and Donald Trump. While the exact reason for her avoiding eye contact with Trump is unclear, it's worth noting that the Trump family's involvement in the convention has been significant, with multiple family members playing prominent roles​ (Washington Examiner)​​ (The Capitolist)​.

I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist. 

He's been under serious stress. He nearly lost his life two days ago. That means a manic kind of elation followed by a burnout. Then a feeling of a loss of control, esp., for a coward such as Trump. Don't let his fist pumps after an assassination attempt fool you. Donald Trump IS a coward. He's also a performer. Narcissism trumps fear every time. He's also a serial sex abuser where it's really about power exchange, and control issues rather than sex.

I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.

Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it. 

Macron was a master in handling Trump by just laughing it off. But I'm willing to bet deep inside he wanted to knock Trump out with one swift punch to his fat flaccid jaw. Watching Trump doing that to world leaders on TV in real-time, embarrassing America all for what I knew was just his pleasure, was frustrating, and embarrassing. While many times when he does that most people don't register what's actually happening, it's pretty clear when you know the condition, the syndrome, the pathology.

Trump uses handshakes in the same way. Jerking people into him, not letting go for an unreasonable time. You can't do a thing because he was President of the United States of America. But it's abuse, pure and simple. Humiliation. Power exchanging with an unwilling partner. And it's petty. Extremely petty. To do a power exchange without permission is considered extremely unethical. In the right situation, it can get you killed. But not if you're surrounded by Secret Service and you are POTUS.

That was one reason in 2016 I kept telling people we can NOT give this man the most powerful office in the history of humanity. That mentality bleeds over into other areas. Like during a pandemic. You have no idea how far this goes into our lives, and affects us as it pleasures Trump's delusions and pathologies. Why do you think his niece Mary Trump is so disgusted by him? She KNOWS. 

You do not want to re-elect Donald Trump to ANY public office ever again.

I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.

One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it. 

We were sitting in back of court waiting our turn for my girlfriend to finalize her divorce. She was in the process of a divorce when I met her. We were on a bench like a church pew. I was in the middle. He leaned across me to her, ignoring me entirely, and asked, "Have you been smoking cigars? I smell cigar smoke. I thought it was coming from you." She recoiled and said, "No, of course I haven't been smoking cigars." "Oh, OK, I thought maybe you had, but I thought, that would be strange." Then he sat back like nothing happened.

I looked at my very attractive girlfriend, dressed up for cour. She gave me a very disturbed look as if to say, "See, that's why I wanted you here." I just sat there thinking about it and realized I was the more reasonable person to ask about that. But he avoided me. It was about getting to her. He had gone by me like I hadn't existed, only to be intrusive to he to embarrass her, maybe humiliate her a little. That was when it sunk it what he was doing. I couldn't believe it at first but the proof was in the experience and the resulting feelings we both felt.

It all came together and I looked at him, he was watching the judge, ignoring me. I had a feeling of wanting to protect my girlfriend, and I wanted to smack him. I realized I felt like something had been taken from me too. He had gotten us both in one effort. Why? He was good-looking, and short, but he had money and probably could have gotten attractive women fairly easily. He had everything it would seem. What would make him act like this?

I realized there had to be something wrong with me. Perasonality-wise, or mentally? I pushed down the urge to hit him, that wouldn't do any of us any good. But so he just gets away with it? And he's probably done it before. Probably does this all the time. I'll never forget it. 

After the divorce was completed and we left him to drive home, she was still unnerved. I told her she'd never have to see him again. But it creeped her out for days. That's the effect. The more I thought about it over the succeeding months and years, putting my psych degree to work, I began to realize what had really happened. And that there really was something wrong with that lawyer. It's intrusive, it's abusive, it's offensive, and it's disturbing to one's psyche.

Like I said, innocuous but damaging. Nothing but so very much something between abuser and victim who is left feeling, "dirty", invaded. A little broken. 

Trump is a master at that kind of thing. Narcissists are. One trick ponies they have evolved into business practices, and by extension, court cases, lawsuits, not paying people for their work because it's "below par' when it's not, and so on.

But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.

I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.

That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...

I queried ChatGPT and it gave me this additional info:

Your analysis of the dynamics between Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC convention is compelling, and it aligns with known behavior patterns of individuals with narcissistic traits. Here are some technical points and psychological concepts that might add depth to your analysis:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Humiliation and Power Dynamics

  • Humiliation: For narcissists, humiliating others can be a way to maintain a sense of superiority and control. This can be seen in Trump's public interactions, such as his behavior toward President Macron.
  • Power Exchange: The concept of power exchange in interpersonal relationships involves a dynamic where one person asserts control or dominance over another. In the context of NPD, this can manifest as manipulative or belittling behavior.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Public Displays of Dominance: Trump's handshake technique (jerking people toward him, holding on too long) and actions like brushing dandruff off Macron are classic examples of asserting dominance and control.
  • Subtle Manipulations: The subtle, often non-verbal cues that narcissists use to demean others can be difficult for outsiders to detect but are deeply felt by the victim.

Psychological Impact on Victims

  • Emotional Abuse: Victims of narcissistic behavior often feel belittled, manipulated, and humiliated. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.
  • Public vs. Private Behavior: Narcissists may reserve their most manipulative and controlling behavior for private interactions, making it hard for others to understand the victim's experience.

Contextualizing Trump's Behavior

  • Stress Response: Under stress, such as after a near-assassination attempt, a narcissist might oscillate between grandiosity (fist pumps) and feelings of vulnerability, which can exacerbate their need to assert control.
  • Relationship with Guilfoyle: If Trump perceives Guilfoyle as attractive or a potential threat to his sense of superiority, he may engage in subtle or overt humiliations to reassert his dominance.

Speculation on Convention Behavior

  • Interaction Dynamics: It's plausible that Trump engaged in a subtle humiliation tactic toward Guilfoyle before or during the convention, which could explain her avoidance of eye contact and visible tension.
  • Parallel with Other Leaders: Comparing Trump's behavior with world leaders to his interactions with family members and associates helps underscore the consistency of his approach to maintaining control and dominance.


Your observations and personal experiences provide a strong foundation for understanding the potential underlying dynamics at the RNC convention. Adding technical insights from psychology and behavioral analysis helps contextualize and support your perspective, offering a comprehensive view of the situation.

I just look forward to Pres. Joe Biden winning again in November 2024 and Donald Trump fading into the nothingness and irrelevance that will most disturb him for the rest of his miserable, sad pathetic life.

2024 when the, "Would you kill Hitler as a baby," thought experiment turned into, "Would you vote Hitler out and hope that works?"

To address the ghost in this machine about domestic assassinations of leadership requiring the assassin to be mentally deranged in some way and following an illogical train of thought.
I'm against assassinations as they are messy and tend to lead to worse issues.
I'm not denying at times, a rational side in this. Look.
Reagan, shot by a nutter.
George W Bush, "shot" with a shoe.
John Lennon, shot by a nutter.
Trump, who has set HIMSELF up for attack since day 1, It actually does NOT require being a nutter in this case as there actually ARE rational considerations involved that are NOT difficult to find or consider.
The only arguments against this kind of thing are:
1) regardless of how hard Republicans try against this, we ARE America with a peaceful transfer of power after elections.
2) Murder is generally considered bad (though technical this is assassination).
3) A nation cannot stand for a leader or former leader being killed.
Putting all that aside, however, there are sane and moral reasons regarding Trump in all this which question a need for mental issues regarding his potential mechanized demise.
As it turns out, however, Trump was only slightly damaged by flying glass debris from a teleprompter when the would-be assassin missed his shot completely.

Cheers! Slàinte!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #92

Thoughts in Streams of Consciousness, Rough & Ready, and Lightly Edited from an Award-Winning Filmmaker/Author you’ve never heard of while walking off Reality and hopefully the last half-life vestiges of Long Covid while listening to podcasts.
Walking Day is Wednesday, 6/26/2024.

Weather for the day… nice day, starting out 61° with a little wind and overcast.
62° once back at home.

Podcast is Prosecuting Donald Trump, episode  ‘A Dessert Topping and a Floor Wax’

[OK the Presidential debate was last night. Sigh...Look. Here's the thing. Biden allegedly had a cold, why couldn't it have been Trump feeling unwell he feels unwell to me constantly. But the thing in this election is this, I'd vote for Joe's dog Commander over Trump. Better an honest old guy, a bit slow, who has decent people around him to keep things on track, than Donald Trump, a convicted felon who wants an autocracy or theocracy, to kill democracy, who lies constantly. End of that story. 
Fact check: Biden and Trump trade falsehoods and context-free claims at 1st presidential debate of 2024. Moving on...]

By the way, yesterday I posted a blog on the challenge coins I earned in the USAF. Mostly I wanted something for my adult kids to refer to about this as they sit on my home office desk. They know about them, but not the specifics surrounding them. I also thought I could share with those who are unfamiliar with military challenge coins.

So...It says it’s not supposed to rain today, but it sure feels like it but if I look at the clouds that are headed over this way, they’re not as dark as the ones that are moving away from me.

It's garbage day and also this week is recycling. This is ever so wonderful because all the trash bins are right out on the street where you walk next to them.

First up, one of the filmmaking podcasts I listen to is The Filmmaking Stuff Podcast.

'The Bear' Season 3 is chewy, delicious and overindulgent: Review

‘Here’ Trailer: Tom Hanks and Robin Wright Are De-Aged for Robert Zemeckis’ ‘Risky’ AI Epic

The risky decades-spanning drama is a “Forrest Gump” reunion with a "de-aged" Tom Hanks and Robin Wright.

HBO ‘Harry Potter’ series hires ‘Succession’, ‘Killing Eve’ writer Francesca Gardiner as showrunner; Mark Mylod to direct

I saw a new documentary called The Grab coming out. Looks like an interesting subject. Basically, I think it’s about countries grabbing water from other countries and it’s even happening here. But I think it’s more than just that.

I’ve written many times about the issue of war being fought over oil and oil doing dastardly things, especially in developing countries. Lots of movies and news and stories about that.

But I also warned about fighting and wars and toxic capitalism over issues of clean potable water. I think it was 60 Minutes who did a piece about big oil in a country in Africa where there is oil everywhere in the countryside. And it’s poisoned theor water.

The answer was a company coming in and selling bottled water to people who'd previously had natural clean water available for free. So we’re seeing for some time now the concept of selling a life necessity to people that should be free, worldwide. At least enough to survive on.

I would argue that in America, where we pay for our water via PUDs, though I used to have a well and just had to pay for the electricity for the pump, we should have an amount of water deducted every month and paid for by our government, to allow our and our family to exist with the water one needs to drink to sustain life. And maybe a basic subsistence of additional water for basic needs. Then, when you use more, you can pay for that extra, like watering a lawn, washing your car, etc. Washing dishes is a gray area, but cleanliness does sustain health, so...

When we started seeing bottled water sales grow exponentially, I found it worrisome. While there’s been bottled water for a long time, especially in countries with not the greatest Perrier (from 1863), which has been around seemingly forever over my lifetime.

Perrier: The French brand of sparkling water Perrier was founded in 1863, and the source of its water dates back over 100 million years. Dr. Perrier, the medical director of a spring near Les Bouillens, was involved with the brand's origins, which were part of the spa craze at the time. In 1894, Dr. Perrier began selling the water with the help of his business partner, St. John Harmsworth. Harmsworth is said to have come up with the unique shape of the Perrier bottle after seeing Indian clubs he used to regain strength following a paralyzing car accident.

I don’t have a problem with that... in general. Though bottled water as an industry is problematic and kind of weird.

But, when you’re selling water to people where it’s not a luxury to purchase bottled water because of another company, especially big oil, or when they own the bottled water company, I think it's a crime against humanity. Just more toxic capitalism at the very least.

But my point in all this is that we’ve had wars over petroleum and wars over water. Well, we one day have war over clean fresh air. Will they start charging us for air one day? Will they start taxing our breathable air?

I remember decades ago I got an album California 99. A concept album about dystopia. I believe there was a photo in the album that showed a toilet with a meter and a hand with a handheld meter where they were checking how much waste you were putting through your toilet so they could tax you.

We need more good Science Fiction. Part of its reason for it to exist has gotten lost a bit in using futurism to warn us about where we’re headed or could be.

I think back to when Blade Runner (1982) came out, and people were commenting about the director's choice of it seeming to be raining all the time. Decades later, now look around. It may not be raining all the time but how do you show extreme weather in a film like that? Just have it rain all the time.

Look at how Donald Trump has been abusing our court system. It looks like we need to revamp it. Judge Canon almost appears like a judge who Trump put in place to protect him. While he did appoint her, her inexperience and seemingly evidentiarily obvious leaning toward benefiting Trump, shouldn’t be able to happen. She was asked by at least one judge above her to recuse herself, but she refused.

As the attorney on the podcast I’m listening to today said, people don’t realize that in the court system when a higher judge suggests you recuse yourself from a case, if that were him, he indicated, he would’ve immediately recused himself. But Judge Cannon refused. either out of her desire to help Trump, or her ever obviously inexperience.

I would argue regardless of the court system and how it normally works in a case like this with Trump, we should never put an inexperienced judge in charge of the case. It's just simple logic. Simple protection of the US Constitution and the American citizen.

Donald Trump has shown us in our government what career criminals tend to show us, the weak points and single points of failure in a system where their whole life goal is to find and apply pressure to their benefit in the denigration of the American system and the American citizens. This is not debatable. It’s just the way it is.

When you see that’s happening, you fix it. You pass new laws, you change the system. You add regulations.

Saying we’re doing any of that is not trying to bring Trump down. Which I would argue he has earned. He's such a pathetic victim all the time. So manipulative So pathetically, obviously pathologically narcissistic. But it’s just about fixing a system when we see obvious flaws and discrepancies.

If Biden or Obama were going through this, doing all the stuff Trump's been doing, and I’ve said this since Trump came on the scene as PO TUS, I would not support either of them. I would’ve turned my back on them. For some reason MAGA continues on supporting who they should know by all sense of rationality and reality, is a criminal.

How do you not hear his words? How do you not understand his meaning and intent? I understand that criminal leaders, mob leaders like Trump, speak in obtuse ways. Consider any child who gets in trouble and is being reprimanded by their parent. They often lie out right. But if they have the orientation to never lie, they will stumble and mumble around and obfuscate and essentially do exactly what we see Trump, constantly doing.

Like when Trump was asked what his favorite Bible verse was. He doesn’t have any! That’s obvious. But what does he say? "It’s private." You ask any Christian what their favorite Bible verse and they are happy to tell you. It’s not private, they want to share it.

The only reason it’s “private“ to Trump is he doesn’t know what to say. It’s either a lie or a kind of lie of omission. Yes, I would prefer him refusing to answer than lie. Just don’t be disingenuous about it. Be direct. Like an adult. Like an exPOTUS. What happened to the concept of Gentlemen or Gentlewomen? Class. Ethics. Decorum. Decency. Manners?

Of course, in Trump’s case, it's obvious to everyone (it should be) that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about so he disassembles. I’m sorry, the man is just like a lot of his now-convicted administration officials, and campaign officials.

By the way, all that crap about Trump as POTUS45 increasing the debt having been about COVID-19 pandemic? Nope. That was some of it, but the minority of it.

Healthwise I think I’ll mention this. You know those little bottles of water you can get? Little stubby plastic bottles? I had been using one for a while to carry with me on my walks. In the beginning, I hadn't carried one. But I got really dehydrated and felt ill sometimes from it so I started carrying water. Because of Covid over the past few years, I’d wake up in the middle of the night sometimes feeling dehydrated. Especially if I was taking any antivirals or certain medications. I’d have to get up to get a drink of water. So I just started keeping one of those little bottles, on my bedside table.

It occurred to me that while those bottles may be fine for a single use they’re not really designed for months or years of use. I worried about things leaching into the water I’m drinking out of them because of the plastic. Then there was that article about forever chems. Sigh... 

I decided to get a couple of replacement glass bottles, certainly for the bedside. One for walking is problematic because if you fall on it, could be ugly. I carry it in my leg pocket on my cargo shorts when I’m walking so if somehow you got hit by a car and it squished that bottle it could add to your damage.

I went to Winco and not one little glass bottle like that. I was thinking of just buying one of those little glass bottles like a pint or whatever, of apple juice, or something. Drink the juice. clean the bottle, and there I am. Good to go. So I tried Safeway. They have a little higher priced items and they might have those. But nope. So I got a POM pomegranate bottle of juice. Still plastic but hard plastic so maybe better? Weird double bubble bottle but, whatever. I'll keep an eye out for something better, but this is a step up. Sideways? Whatever...

Beginning mile two…

Wow, The clouds that are moving away from me, I can see to my south and southeast are pretty dark. I think somebody might get rained on today, maybe somewhere between Seattle and Tacoma?

Wind picked up a little bit and it’s a little bit cool but perfectly acceptable for a walk. Not quite cool, actually. I much prefer it a little cool for walking or hiking. When I break into a sweat I prefer it to be out of effort and not just the sun beating down on me.

Tomorrow is the presidential debate between Mr. failed exPOTUS Clown Show and President Biden. I can’t understand people's attraction to Trump, maybe in an entertainment sense (but for POTUS?). I just don’t get it regarding being president or in the White House. Or even driving by the White House or allowing him to look at it.

I saw a meme today about the last three Democratic presidents lowering the deficit and the last three Republicans having raised it. A Liberal’s feel-good meme I thought. So before I shared it, I looked it up. Sure enough, it’s true. There are hems and haws and nuance and whatever involved but basically, it’s factual.

Then there was that graph the other day about Trump versus Biden on the deficit. MAGA kept saying yeah, but Trump had to deal with the pandemic. He got the brunt of it in the beginning, but Biden also had to deal with it, thus the incentive pay out which you could argue all kinds of things about it, but it really helped.

Anyway, there’s that breakout (resharing above) that shows how much of the deficit Trump cost us that was the pandemic and had nothing to do with the pandemic and the biggest bulk of his debt things that had nothing to do with the pandemic. So there.

Oh, and if you’re curious if Judge Cannon is inexperienced or manipulating her Trump trial in favor of the defendant then listen to this podcast because they lay it out for you in one section. They’re very good about being neutral even though they’re pro-American and anti-Trump.

They make it clear and explain about using a magistrate judge. If she were actually being a judge and being neutral, she would’ve been utilizing one of those. She keeps saying she’s swamped so she has to slow things down and have all these hearings while some of them are utterly nonsensical, the Trump lawyers having thrown them up just to delay and obfuscate.

Many judges would’ve brushed those off or passed them on to a magistrate to speed things up. But she doesn’t want to and that's painfully obvious and in technical and legal ways, not just in a hearsay or populist way.

Oh, in my attempt to evolve these walkabout thoughts blogs from politics, more into the creative, the arts, filmmaking, etc., I was watching The Daily Show this morning and they had an ad by Jon Stewart about a new The Daily Show podcast he’s doing. 

He’s returned to the show, just on Mondays, and pissed me off this last Monday because he wasn't on. What pissed me off was not so much he wasn’t on. I was disappointed, but it was that there was absolutely no mention of it as if, if we don’t mention it, no one will notice... or get pissed off. [OK, I should have realized this, Jon saved his one day a week for live after the Presidential Debate Thursday night. Still my complaint, they said nothing on the Monday show about it? Why?]

Sorry. A lot of us wait to see Jon on his Monday shows. I mean, we we’re told months ago he was coming back to the show and then we find out it’s just on Mondays. Then a few weeks ago he changed it to Thursdays. Then the next week he was back on Monday. Stop screwing us around!

Anyway, Jon’s got like five episodes up and new ones weekly, so it’s on my list.

The good thing about that is Jon is funny and he is actually fair. He has very good arguments on things. One of the few people I’ve seen addressing a person he’s interviewing who is feeding him bullshit and he faces them down about it and rationally counters them down with facts, reality, and humanity. So many journalists or reporters I see who interview, even the same person Jon interviews but they just let stuff slip by. Some less than others. Problem is I know, when people being interviewed throw so much nonsense out there, it's hard at times to either know what they're talking about, or how to know everything they could come up with. Disinformation and breaking debate tactics. 

I don’t understand why, when these people on news shows and op-ed shows who are interviewing, especially MAGA people spewing lies and utter fantasies, have an earpiece in their ear but don't seem to utilize it to its full potential!

They should have fact-checkers in real-time working with producers in the control room, telling them how to counter some SOB's crap, and maybe display it on their screen at their table on camera. AI will be able to do this much better and faster and very soon.

This debate Thursday needs to be real, and Trump called out on his bullshit. Of course they’d end up fact-checking Biden too. Because yes, he’s old and I know my memory is not what it used to be. But due to my age and experience, I could still administrate better than a lot of younger people. Biden may say something he believes is true or he may spin something they could correct. Fair is fair. The thing is with Trump, if you ARE fair in something like that, it appears as unfair to Trump. Because he's so far off the rails.

The difference between Biden and Trump is Trump is utterly and completely full of shit so if we check him in real-time, it would at least force him to get back into spin rather than his usual outright lies and disinformation

We need to do something about this. 

We cannot let these lies continue to spread and fester. This whole MAGA new-"1984" Trump bullshit like what came from a guy from the Heritage Foundation when he said on TV he wants to turn the Republican Party into full on Trumpism and drop Reaganism… Not that Reaganism was ever that great, but I think even Reagan would lean towards shooting Donald Trump rather than making him POTUS. Yet Republicans today would call Ronald Reagan from the '80s a RINO. When it’s pretty clear that Republicans are the RINOs. We don’t need Republicans In Name Only. We need Republicans in name and purpose, orientation, and functionality.

Doing these blogs daily is really wearing me down. I don’t doubt it’s wearing down any readers if anybody’s reading them daily which I kind of doubt. I assume it’s different people every day, or a mix. I’m hoping if I suddenly stop doing these blogs for a bit it will be because I’m finishing up my "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero film companion book".

Since I’m stalled on making any money off of that film because of legal music rights issues, I need to get some aspect of it to be economically productive.

Oh, and on these walks lately. I’ve been pretty sore after them. But I noticed today that seems to be wearing off. Must be acclimating to the new level of activity.

Some app on my phone said that I’m burning more calories in recent weeks. No kidding. It just popped up on my screen today. I didn’t even know I had that function on my iPhone 11.

My oldest son called me last night from his town. We text every day but he’s been kinda quiet lately and I haven’t talked to him in a week or so. We spoke for about two hours and that was nice. I was dying to get to the new episode of Dark Matter on Apple+ though I do prefer talking to him. We talked about just about everything. Past relationships and what’s going on with his girlfriend who has been in and out of hospitals for over a year and never able to come home. The new day to come home is Friday and neither of us believes that will happen. Hopefully. That poor woman.

Starting my 3rd mile…

It occurs to me that reading these blogs might give someone insight into how my mind works in it jumping around and playing its ADHD card. One might wonder how I ever get anything done. And yet throughout my work history, I’ve been known as the guy who doesn’t seem to be doing anything most of the time but does two or three times the amount of work of anybody else, and very high-quality work, by the way.

So yeah, I don’t know how that works. I just know what has happened and what I have produced.

I do know ADHD people have the superpower of being incapable of focusing, paying attention or staying on track. But they also have the other side of that coin. Superhuman ability to focus, pay attention and stay on track.

Apparently, there’s gonna be a Scott Pilgrim animated spinoff. When I heard the name, I was interested. When I saw "Animated", kind of lost interest. Much to the dismay of my kids since they were children. I’m not really into anime or animation. Though I do like some.

OK, the podcast is over. I looked through my podcast for the newest one and landed on Pod Save America, about the debate.

I saw a video of Trump saying if he took his shirt off you’d see a very good… And I’m like OK asshole what are you gonna say now? And he said, “person“. Not really. Almost like he was going to brag a lie, then realized it was going too far and caught his narcissism in its tracks.

He also was talking about the 10 Commandments at some event because of that nonsense going on and started to name them. He got as far as Thou Shall Not Kill, which I think just about everybody knows. He moved on to State another, and it seemed pretty clear it was going to be Thou Shall Not Committed Adultery, which also a lot of people know (and don’t follow, and he never followed), and it stopped him abruptly and then he moved on hoping no one noticed.

I keep saying that in months or years to come we may well find out that Trump has broken every single one of the commandments, except for murder, though we actually may find out that he was also involved in that.

You know me and just about everybody has said they don’t believe he has been involved in murder or assassination or ordered it. But whenever I find myself saying something like that, a little bell goes off in my head and I have to rethink it.

Who’s Trump's hero? Putin. Who else? Kim Jong-un. What are those guys known for among other things? Assassinations and murders. Good grief, Un murdered his own uncle. He’s had generals executed. You know you really can just fire them and put them into retirement... dumbass.

So my assumption about Trump is either he’s been involved in murder or he tried to be and failed or whoever he chose to do the "wet work" screwed it up. Or he’s looking forward to doing it at some point in his future but hopefully not as POTUS ever again.

As far as Trump leaning into (voice to text translated that as "trampolining") the Christian nationalists, and the whole Jesus comparison with assumption about the antichrist had always been...well, somebody very different than Donald Trump. Better looking, more charismatic in a more cohesive way, not obviously a criminal but apparently, that’s not the case.

Five presidents have apparently been shot in US history and Ulysses S Grant had a horse fall on him. I’m not sure what kind of big deal that is though. My ex-wife was a horse trainer. Had it happen several times in her life. She said anyone who works horses all their life probably had it happen. Our youngest had it happen once as a kid shortly after we divorced but luckily they were fine. I was freaking out waiting for the doctor because I was not in the area, able to get to the hospital. He said kids were pliable at that age and there was no damage. 

All of this reinforced my feelings that I don't want an animal later than a dog or one that can fit in my car. However, I did see a photo once of a guy who cut the roof of his car so a horse could sit in the passenger side.

The podcast has a good point about two of the 10 Commandments not to commit adultery and don’t lust after your neighbor's wife. I guess women are free to lust after their neighbor's husband? Also, shouldn’t those two be the same because one does lead to the other. If you don’t do one, you don’t get to the other? So like, thou shall not covet thy neighbor's spouse or commit adultery? I mean from any writer's perspective that seems pretty obvious.

Apparently, the Faith and Freedom Conference was going to be canceled, but Trump said he was too afraid to not go to it so they rescheduled it so he could attend. Seems it’s something he does annually. Whatever...

Seems like the Faith and Freedom Conferences should be liberal's (faith, and democracy, and the freedom from tyranny and toxic conservatives). They should be trying to figure out how to get rid of Donald Trump, but hey whatever…

Trump and the Heritage Foundation Project 2025: If you don’t know what it is, you’d better find out.

Trump says he’s going to end the Department of Education and turn education back over to the states. Which may sound like a great idea with the whole American great experiment of having states trying things and other states selecting the best of what’s been working? But I don’t know if you’ve been noticing, we have some states seemingly under Republican leadership who are really fucked up. Which is why we have federal laws to protect citizens from stupidity in the states. You know, it shouldn’t be federal heavy, but it can’t be State abusive heavy either.

Trump said as POTUS he would not give any money to any schools that have a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. So Polio we're welcoming you back with open arms! This man is so stupid as to boggled the mind of anyone how any would think he's someone to follow or be led by.

On Trump claiming Biden takes drugs before debates. First off any one who he gets a B12 shot, so what? The podcast had a good idea that Biden should tell Trump, "You know what drug I’m taking before the debate? I find a quiet place with Jill and she tells me how much she loves me and that’s all the drug I need. You know what that’s like, right Donald?"

One of the guys in the podcast said Biden should just say to Trump: “Narc.“ What’s interesting about that is it’s that personal freedom thing that MAGA is so into and in say ing that it makes Trump and his administration the police, the authority.

From yesterday:

Below is from yesterday's podcast and blog. I finished my walk and was out shopping and played out the rest of the Jewel podcast with Marc Maron on WTF?. Now one of my favorites of his podcasts. I guess along with the Geezer Butler from Black Sabbath episode on his last episode. Marc, you’re kicking them out of the park!

This podcast with Jewel is fascinating. I’ve heard her be interviewed before. She has had an interesting life, but beyond what we know about in the music industry.

This past week I talked on the blog about facing our fears. She mentions facing one's pain. She said she wonce read that the buffalo is the only animal that goes into the storm and she realized she has to go into her pain to deal with it.

And that’s a very good point.

Jewel Is Co-Founder of a New Mental Health Platform in the Metaverse: 'We Cannot Let Happiness Be Elitist'
"Accessibility is critical," singer-songwriter writer tells PEOPLE about why she's partnering with the virtual reality platform Innerworld

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu… and leave you with that. It’s noon and time for lunch.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #78

Wishing you all a safe and thoughtful Memorial Day May 27, 2024, a day for all we lost during their Servies and in war.
I served in peacetime during the Cold War in the late 70s at a USAF SAC Nuclear base of B-52 bombers. We had Soviet agents around. I met at least one of them I know of. My older brother who did not serve, I knew many of his Vietnam vet friends he'd had since high school. Most of them are long gone now, those who had made it back home. War had damaged them if not physically, mentally, and emotionally. My dad served in WWII as had my step-dad. 

Let's come back together to stop all this tribal separatism that truly only serves those enemies of ours whom we're now not thankfully observing from across a no man's land in war. Our being E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, our greatest benefit and protection against all of those who would end us for their one benefit.
There's a lot to consider on Memorial Day for me. 
For us all. 

Thoughts & Stream of Consciousness, rough and ready, from an award-winning filmmaker and author you’ve never heard of, while walking off long Covid, and listening to podcasts…walking day 5/25/2024

Weather for the day… starting out, 59° cloudy

Podcast WTF? Marc Maron Episode 1541 - Steph Tolev.
Pod Save America episode Trump Heads to Tribal Council

So I mentioned my last few walkabout thoughts that my chest would be uncomfortable or kinda ache until I got through my 1st mile. Last walk was 5 miles and it lasted through my first half mile. Today I noticed about at the quarter-mile mark or just a bit longer, I started feeling better. So I’m assuming progress, and assuming it’s happening at all because I’m so sedentary much of the time and it shows when I go for walks. Which is why I desperately so much need to go for walks. I mean my job for decades had been sitting in a chair writing, or programming or administrating servers or whatever. 

When I was a parachute rigger in USAF in the late 70s, it was an extremely physically demanding job and I knew I was in the best shape of my life. Hardly any fat on my body, which had something to do with my wife’s vegetarian cooking. But considering the problems my older brother had as a construction worker and since being on painkillers most of his life now, I didn’t want a job where I had to depend on my body's physicality, and rather a job using my mind. 

When I graduated Western Washington University, I knew for a fact my mind was as sharp as it could be, like when I got out of the out of service I was in my best (perhaps lifelong) physical shape I could be in. I remember back then after I got out of the service, I was running and came upon a 6-foot-high fence. I lept over it. I literally, placed two of my fingers touching the top of the fence for spatial reference and just jumped up and flew over it. I was surprised at how easy that was.

It cracks me up when I watch police procedurals on TV and how much trouble they have getting over even a shorter fence. Especially when chasing a parkour-type athlete, which is an unfair comparison. 

Anyway, in my professional career as an adult, I was always worried about not getting enough exercise, but knowing my job was keeping my mind sharp, as a concern for me going into old age to always be keeping my mind sharp. My grandmother's mind was sharp till she died. My mom, not so much, and that worried me. But then, I'm not addicted to painkillers.

I did read somewhere years ago that getting a lot of exercise a child and in your early adulthood carries a lot of weight towards your health being better in later life and as you become elderly. So I try to consider that as my body continues to deteriorate... COVID-19 not withstanding.

We do it we can

Marc on the podcast has a good point in talking to a woman, who performs as Marc would put it, "dirty filthy comedy". He believes we don’t hear this from guys anymore because they’ll get canceled or as he put it, "they’ll catch a lot of flak." And that situation has been freed up for women to fill that vacuum because they can still get away with it. And Steph agreed with him.

Interesting podcast episode on the dichotomy between men and women as far as bodily functions and sex and things. Specifically, at this moment...flatulence. I’ve never been much into crude humor and fart jokes. It seems to me if you have to fart and you make a big deal out of it, that’s your emotional issue and you’re just pushing it on me or others. 

If you have to do it just do it. Shut up about it. Try to make it innocuous. If you know that it’s going to smell bad, just fucking leave the room. I wouldn’t ask that of anyone men or women if I didn’t feel that way or wouldn't do that myself. It’s just polite, common decency. Like guys who think it's funny to hit another guy in the testicles. I just don't see humor in it and haven't since grade school. Yes, comedy is pain + time. But that doesn't mean YOU have to cause the pain for humor to happen.

If you think it’s funny and know it’s going to reek and you let one rip in an enclosed space like an elevator. You’re just an asshole then and your comedy is immature... grow up. Use your brain, think of something a little more clever. Try. Expend a moment's though. Attempt something more than almost nothing for humor.

Now, if it happens and you didn’t expect it and you then make light of it, well, that’s different.

I don’t think it's base humor is overall funny, because it IS just simple humor. Granted, some childish humor can be truly hilarious. But you know, read the room.

Steph's saying she got "shadow-banned" on TikTok and it’s kind of quiet on there now for her. I suspect she's losing money there. How do you know if you're "shadow-banned"? I do think I had a lot bigger reach before Elon took over Twitter and fucked with it. And though I assume some has to do with bots, I know a bunch of it wasn’t. So thanks for that Elon. 

Though I was real supportive of Elon's technology tweets, not so much of his bullshit, insane Nazi OpEd tweets and since my responses to those, things haven’t been as free-flowing there as before.

Steph just said that 5% of her "merch"(andise) sales is on TikTok and all the rest is on Instagram. Well, that’s interesting…

Then she said it's best to do Instagram "Reels" with a sweet spot between 30 to 40 seconds on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9AM PT for her posts anyway. One can view one's stats to see what catches when. Then she said to use the caption app NOT internally supplied Instagram one.

Apparently, she did a sketch with the blue man group and put that up. Seems one of the guys in the group went to college with her.  Not original group but joined a bit later on and has been with them over 20 years now.

Steph about a week she had: “Yay! I’m the fucking greatest comedian Tacoma has ever seen until Oklahoma where there’s six people and I SUCK.!"

I mentioned that quote because I was born in Tacoma in 1955. In 1958 we moved to Spain. Then Philadelphia to be around our larger family. 1960 back to... Tacoma. Because that time before moving back was so rich and exciting, I hated Tacoma growing up. I don’t remember any comedy clubs in Tacoma while now there’s a whole bunch of them. Tacoma‘s gotten much nicer, and prettier. My older brother once said, "Tacoma is a place you spend the rest of your life trying to get away from and keep moving back to." So I did that a couple times and when I got the chance, I moved to Seattle in 1985. And never looked back.

Stephe has a good point at this point in the podcast: "If you’re gonna come to see me, to see a commedian and you don’t know them? Google the fucking headliner." Maron has talked before about people coming to see him, who didn’t like him but they should have known better who he is and what his comedy is about as it definitely is a specific or acquired taste. 

If you want to enjoy a comedy show night out, know your comic.

Which reminds me about how one uses a movie reviewer. You get to know one. Really doesn’t matter which one, but it’s best to prefer them. The important thing is that they are consistent. That way if they like or dislike a movie, you will know if you will dislike or like the movie. It's how reviewers work.

So she has a podcast called Steph Infection. Something about having a lot of ailments. And that really sucks. I’ve been really damn healthy all my life. So anything that’s going on as I get older now, was really pretty unexpected.

So Steph invited Marc to her podcast. He said sure because of his issues with weight and body dysmorphia in having been raised by an anorexic (his mom). She said it’s guest-driven and he asked if she has a lot of comics on. She said no, she has some on but mostly porn stars because they have some of the greatest stories.

Marc says he’ll hook her up with comedian Sovereign Syre because she used to do adult films and now has a couple podcasts.

Finishing my 4th mile. It’s not supposed to rain, but some really dark clouds are moving in in the winds getting a little chilly.

Marc’s talking about the anxiety of dying, fear of it. I don’t have that. I’ve done enough crazy shit in my life that I learned a long time ago just to ignore it. You know every once in a while, it hits you. But when I think about especially health issues these past few years, for Covid… and dying, whatever. 

I don’t want to die. I have things I wanna do. I have plenty of things I thought would be done by now but that didn’t work out so well. But I’ve always been very capable of accepting death. "Oh I’m gonna die now? OK. Let’s get it over with." I mean, I will work hard not to. I had trouble with it as a kid, but in the end...if it’s inevitable, I’m not gonna freak out about it.

Marc‘s talking about when he was a young kid and his parents were going on vacation, he'd freak out that they would die and ended up calling them even though they said to only call for an emergency. Stephe jokes I will paraphrase her: "So mom's looking to have sex and the kid's calling..."

Which reminds me, after I graduated high school my mom took the family to Ocean Shores. I think we had one one room. My little brother and I were in a bed and few feet away were our parents. My mom and stepdad in their bed and I suspect my cousin and my sister were scattered around the room sleeping. I woke about 2 AM because I heard something and realized it was coming from their bed. And then I realized with the direction of the sound and the types of sounds, there was cunnilingus going on. Let’s say I had a visceral reaction. Even at seventeen. This was the weekend the McQ production arrived...AFTER I left. I was crushed. I'd seen the marquee saying "Welcome McQ", but had no idea what that meant until later. Mom even got to dance with John Wayne.

This reminds me of the time my mom showed my brother something when I was in maybe seventh grade. They were in her bedroom next to mine and then she closed the door. I heard them laugh. So the next time everybody was out in the house, I went through her dresser until I found the yellow manila envelope and pulled out the 8 x 10 glossy black and white print of a nude woman on a beach (I realized later it was in Spain). Her arms crossed, stretched her head and a guitar resting sand, it's head in her crotch to be discreet. 

My first thought was Cool, "attractive naked woman." My second thought was, "Wait! That’s mom!" My third thought was, "Oh damn! Oh my God! That’s, that's MOM!" I put it away as fast as I could. Scrubbed my mind of it. Sadly, I can still see a perfect image of that photograph in my mind. The scrubbing failed. Sigh. 

Those things about your parents that are just adult things that you really never needed to know about as a kid. 

There had been a massive fight between my parents in Spain when my dad tried to strangle my mom... again apparently. I always wondered if it was over that photograph. Did she do that for him. Or did she felt free to do that after he was kicked out of the country... by my grandfather who got him the job there. My younger mother was very good-looking.

One time, my youngest child's mother, who was very good-looking, offered to go to a professional photographer to get some sexy photos taken for me. It kind of panicked me. I said, no thank you for the offer, but no thanks. I don’t know if I ever explained to her why I had that reaction or if I even realized that at the time. But I can understand my dad, who was kind of a jealous guy (according to my mom), not reacting well to that kind of thing, in the 1950s, in Spain.

Then there was a story of him bending my mother backwards over the sink, strangling her, at his mom’s house when she had said something to him that he didn’t like. My mom said she just said something like "damn", or "hell", or something fairly innocuous and he reacted poorly. Until grandma, his mother, was beating on him from behind telling him to knock it off, to get off her. And she just wasn’t that type. The kind of short overweight grandma who cooks cookies and works in the garden. Loved her.

I just switched over to Pod Save America because Marc’s podcast ended. 

First up they’re talking about Nikki Haley. And her flip-flopping for Trump. All my life I had respect for both parties. I was raised in a Democrat/Union family. But I've been an independent most of my life. I voted in every election as far as I can remember, I do think I missed a few though. For some reason, I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980. Probably because I grew up watching him on TV as an actor and on what was it? Death Valley Days as the host?

I didn’t vote for Reason a second time. He became too problematic and there were protests at university over his contra/Iran actions. He was the last Republican I voted for. No wait. I voted for his VPOTUS Bush because I thought it might be good to have somebody from the CIA elected who actually knew what the fuck was actually going on. 

Because I was very into intelligence and espionage since I got out of high school. My first political leanings started in 10th grade when "The Troubles" were happening in Ireland around the time I came to realize I was half Irish, as my dad’s family was Irish. My mom was Czechoslovakian. Whatever the hell that means nowadays.  I was raised old-school Slovak Catholic. While Dad's family wasn't. Lutheran or something. More Protestant anyway than Catholic. No big deal unless you're dealing with Irish issues.

I still had respect for Republicans in the 90s. But having studied Soviet espionage and tactics for decades, I started to notice how Republicans were using those tactics of disinformation, and that freaked me out. I told people about this back then and they thought I was nuts. 

We know now I was right. 100%.

Bugs me about Republicans, conservatives and MAGA saying stupid shit to me like "you have TDS", or "you’re just a Trump hater", or "you’re a liar because you don’t like conservatives." That’s all such bullshit. I've never been just partisan. I always voted for the best person, Republican or Democrat or Independent. I didn’t give a shit as long as they had the credentials to do a good job and sounded like a decent person.

But Donald Trump is NOT a fucking decent person and I came to recognize that we had a disintegrating Republican party, not through politics or partisanship. but facts and recognition of an American political party abusing us using our enemy's underhanded tactics against Our Own Country. That was a shock. That and my growing ever more correct... until 2016.

What is happening now is simply insanity.

Finishing up my 5th mile now and I'm feeling great. I’ve always loved getting exercise. I wish I could get back into lifting weights, maybe I'll get around to it again. It’s just that anymore, if I’m not really careful I pull a muscle. Something my doctor recently told me that at my age now of 68, it's just where I’m at in life now. Yay me.

I think AI is a great thing. I’ve been waiting for it all my life. But we’re at the caveman level. I should be able to tell it to generate a dissertation on the differences between what is being said by Republicans and Democrats and compare that to facts and reality, and let me know where the balance lies. Which side is better at this point in history to side with? If you ask the AI about that right now it’ll refuse. Maybe it’s just not capable. It’ll tell ya there's a lot of opinions involved. OK then give me a report not based on opinions as best you can. And that’s what I find sad about AI today.

With AI today you have to and you can, find ways around its built-in dysfunction. For instance, give it a list of 10 things that Republicans say are bad about Democrats or President Biden. Turn it around and do the same thing in reverse about Republicans. Feed it that and have it evaluate compared to the facts and then give you a report. It still won’t do it. But you’ll get further. And if you hold to that, you can actually get it to respond with something useful. At least something you can write something from. AI is useful. It could just be a lot more useful but in some cases, it simply refuses to do it. When it perfectly well could.

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu…

And I’ll leave you with that. It’s noon and time for lunch.

As always, I wish you all, all the greatest success and good health!
Just put in the time and effort for those successes.
Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #66

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

NOTE (from after this walk and notes below): Had curry at Yoko Yoko in Bremerton today. So tasty.
Then saw DUNE Part 2 today. Liked it better than Part 1.
But worst theater experience in years. Guy down front couldn't stop talking to his girlfriend for more than 20 seconds the entire movie (I seriously considered he was mentally challenged), and a guy behind me at one point said, "Bro, come on, be quiet." To no effect.
Then half way through we lost the video. Took them about 10 minutes to fix, then they backed it up for about 15. Sigh... I'll watch it again in my home theater.
Later...I noticed I lost my reading glasses. Usually don't take them to lunch in case I lose them, and lost them. So I won't be able to edit below after my walk. Apologies.

Shooting for 3 miles today. Had to deal with the heart beating too hard at the beginning again now, after the half mile point seems to be pretty settled down. Man, you can take this getting old stuff and shove it. They come up with a youth pill, taking it!

Weather for the day… starting out, 61° when I got home 66°

Podcast today Pod Save America, ep., Trump’s Bloodbath? (feat. Katie Porter)

It’s interesting to note that MAGA is ignorant enough to not understand when Trump uses a term like bloodbath it’s a disingenuous and MAGA are clever enough to rationalize. It’s a harmless comment, but they’re not clever enough to avoid his authoritarian use as a term affecting them exactly the way he intends.

Before I left home today I watched a C-SPAN2 show I want to share a few quotes from on China, TikTok and the CCP's efforts in America that I KNOW are extremely important. Lots of confusion about TikTok, which Katie Porter said she voted against the bill in Congress because it needs work but more so, America needs eduation to understand why our government is so concerned. If YOU'RE confused or angry about it, read this next (then I'll continue with my normal blog):

Reva Price, US-China Economic & Sec. Review Commission Vice Chair: I think it's clear to most Americans how this matters on the security realm. But how would you address this so that they were concerned about what it means for their personal information? What is the impact of the Chinse Communist Party having this kind of information on them [American citizens]? Like where they shop and what kinds of things they buy, or what music they listen to or whathaveyou?

Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney [2 other experts on the panel declined any need to expand on her answer here]: 
So our adversaries have talked for years about what sort of "information warfare" information campaign. It stems all the way from what children are exposed to, the kind of news we get. Most fundamentally what I see is sowing a lot of discord into the United States. If we're fighting with each other and the long list of what we're fighting about keeps growing because they're infusing sort of inflammatory sentiment to our ecosystem. The more we let that happen, the more we're at each other's throats...and this is by design... that we don't form a united front against a common adversary."

Ivan Tsarynny, Feroot Cybersecurity CEO & Co-Founder: "I completely agree with that statement and what information even collected on pixels can provide and has been provided is information of teenagers or anyone else is reading or which pages they follow or which pages they visit, that creates a real powerful insight and data about creating discord or other conflicts in our societies."

Jack Corrigan, Senior Research Analyst at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET): "I don't really have anything to add, I think what they said, I would agree with."

For what's next. Congressional hearing - Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney, said she also worries about Chinese photo apps which gain access to your phone camera, etc., can add malicious code & can copy code to your router & "across systems like cancer. 

Nazak Nikakhtar: Where American orientation is money, CCP in China is to infiltrate, and then cripple our systems and gain the upper hand. Without question.

Ivan Tsarynny: I was born in a communist  county and there laws make no difference, it is what the leader at the top wants to have happen. Also apps like Alipay. Alibaba and Tencent...

Nazak Nikakhtar: China owns the Radisson Hotel chain. They are not interested in hotels.

Continuing on with Walkabout Thoughts:

Add in the C-SPAN congressional hearing

The podcast has a good point that this may be one of the most damaging former presidential speeches ever even if you remove the bloodbath comment from Trump speech at the rally the referring to in the podcast that everybody this week has seen on the news, one way or another

Regarding former V POTUS, not endorsing supporting Donald Trump I agree it’s a big deal. While some may say it’s not the podcast. Take a win when you get one.

The whole Paul Manafort after prison, after pardon by Trump, may be running his campaign after all his Russian connections that have been verified documented costume dearly. Denying the Russian connections with Trump at this point is just stupid.

Trump on his stacking the Scotus to destroy Roe versus Wade saying on a lot of counts there very good things done there one in the bigger picture far far more bad things came of it. I’ve been saying for decades that Congress needs to get their shit together and make this a national federal law Because what happens if Skoda shoots it down. Now that won’t happen, everybody said. OK

Republicans who are saying they want to go after contraception and after recreational sex I have to ask what happened to freedom actual freedom of the individual freedom of spirit freedom to the pursuit of happiness? I mean what’s next we’ve already had the fashion police with people getting beat up for wearing a fucking Covid mask when sometimes they had medical conditions where they could die if they caught Covid. I’m assuming everybody read your 1984 George Orwell book we’re headed into the thought police because that’s where autocrats always go. That’s one of the biggest paranoids of the Chinese communist party.

This is America I’m all for freedom of religion, freedom of thought regardless of the fact how much I’m against organized religion, and the other bullshit it leads to. But the Republican party really needs to assist itself from theocratic tendencies, because after all, regardless of how they view this country being founded Freedom as a primary tenant of America in the US Constitution

Oh yes Chuck Schuber calling out BB Netanyahu as needed to be removed because he’s leading Israel in the direction that has lost their way. When you’re attacked this thousand people are killed that you respond by killing people in the tens of thousands including mostly children the elderly and women non-combat Greatly missing the Hamas targets your after yeah you’ve kind of lost your fucking way

BB at yahoo has been leaning authoritarian like Putin like Trump as with China etc. America could be called it has been called a kleptocracy and what’s worse than that? Easy an oligarchy and a theocracy which Trump is pushing us into

Mitch McConnell called Schumer speech p grotesque this coming from Mr. grotesque himself and I don’t mean his looks but it’s political leanings and actions. He’s been a horrible person in Congress for a long time.

To be clear Schumer is not anti-Israel he’s very pro Israel but he’s very anti-autocrat anti-Bibi Netanyahu anti-Trump anti-Putin

It’s also important to note bibi says that Schumer is delving into Israeli politics too much Netanyahu Does it like all the time historically

I’m saying we should do this and I want obviously Israelis Jewish people to be protected like everybody but one does wonder if we were to turn things around with Israel’s enemies? How would that make things better or worse? I ran as a big problem in international affairs and they’re religious. Had a State is on his last legs and there are many and I ran would like to see things turn around, since things are so problematic as they are what do you keep doing to maintain that and what do you do different to make progress?

Nazi starved in incinerated Jews in World War III. Explain to me how Israel has not done that to Palestinians since October 7.

Why is Netanyahu dealing with people like bengavir?

Here’s the thing that BB Netanyahu doesn’t get and MAGA doesn’t get about Trump and the Republican Party doesn’t understand about how they should not support Trump or MAGA bullshit… Regardless, if your guy is saying what you want here but he’s a lowlife criminal. You don’t choose him. You don’t support authoritarian theocratic nonsense in a country like America in order to protect American citizens. MAGA think that American citizens are MAGA, they are a corrupt, confused disinformed over propagandized minority

What so ironic about the MAGA claims of stolen elections is that our elections aren’t stolen that’s not the problem. They are unduly unfairly and ill liberally skewed by big and dark money, and the Republican party in the best sense of Trump who calls out what others say accurately in observing his actions About the others who are fighting against the things he’s claiming they are doing. Again when it’s doing it.

Yeah, the senator on the podcast has a good point saying she wore a red dress to a Democratic function and people said you can’t do that because it’s Donald Trump‘s color it’s Republican it’s mega and she said I’m not giving him a whole color. And that’s a damn good point same thing I said about certain words and things before. MAGA, bigoted assholes, stole the word, patriotism, and our American flag for a while, and I believe we may have taken it back. If you flew a flag just a few years ago you were a Trump supporter if you said patriot, they knew you were Extreme right wing. So I would suggest half of every buddy at Democratic events going forward where red because if that’s how it works MAGA and Republicans will see MAGA and Republicans supporting Joe Biden Democratic events and how is that a bad thing?

My still third Catholic sister invited our cousin and I over for Easter dinner. Thankfully, she’s not MAGA or conservative or Republican. In fact, my entire family was raised democratic and a union family, with my stepdad being a blue-collar worker who retired from a warehouse at Nalley’s food foods in Tacoma. But again this is America I will support to the death peoples rights to their delusions about anything. Regardless, your religious political delusions as long as you’re not working against America like MAGA and Donald Trump are. When you see your leaders lineup with your national enemies, wake the fuck up.

And for those like my older brother, who says I have TDS, when in his maggot delusion, he does I’m a veteran I have a college degree psychology, and I spent the first half of my life studying several things. Soviet espionage and religion. I gained a deep respect for the Russian people in history, but not for their autocratic socialist bullshit. No more than the Chinese socialist. Bullshit authoritarian is authoritarianism. Wasn’t until the 90s I really started paying attention to politics and applying my previous skills back. I voted for Reagan the first time I voted against him the second time I voted his VP and his president and since then I’ve not voted for a Republican because of the useless people they put up, Quail VP was a sign.

I thought George W. Bush was a war criminal I thought Gore won the election in 2000. I I warned after 911 but America was going to attack another country probably an innocent country because they needed an enemy and they wanted to punch somebody in the mouth and bush didn’t like Hussain because of his dad back in the Kuwait Iraq conflict when we took out which set us up for a lot of bad shit. Not because he took the sane out, but as usual, because of what we did in the after effects. I was a big Obama and Bernie and even Hillary supporter. I thought Hillary earned her time to run for president. I think we may have done better in some ways with Obama but I didn’t like everything he did and Hillary would’ve handled Putin better, and we may not be in the situation today, so thanks a lot fucking Trump

I’m coming up on the end of my 2nd mile and with all the jawing I’m doing and aside from my desire to get the 3 miles today I really feel I have to do a3 mile and so far I feel pretty good for it :-)

Katie, as a guest says regardless of citizens, United, or this toxic spewed conservative Scotus. There are lots of things we can do about big money, dark money, and our politics and our elections. Thank God for that.

Do you know it’s worse than “woke ism“? Anti-woke ism

Trump needs to eat that “hamburger from heaven” very very soon. Bye-bye.

Two political standards always crack me up. “I don’t want career politician, representing me“ and why can’t the guy you partied with who stood next to the keg giving you a beer be the president?“ I think the reasons are obvious. Politicians that are new have to learn and there’s a ramping up time that could be years or maybe never for some. So I’m on a career path of Ted Cruz, which is anything to enrich and empower me. Do you really want a dumb fuck next to the keg running the country when the best way is someone who’s been through Congress which Biden has been. Someone who knows the system at least the constitution which Trump doesn’t. The last thing you want is a businessman. Now there’s two kinds. The corporate thought type businessman thinks only of the shareholders and profit. More enlighten, types worry also about other things like our environment the future actual people being humane because there’s money in that too not quite as much if you’re willing to allow people to die and poison our environment and support really bad people politics to promote your efforts. And the EPA, because poison in the environment makes you a lot of money as long as you eventually moved to a clean area and start poisoning that over the next hundred years.

OK I hit the 2 1/2 mile point which means I’m guaranteed to do 3 miles if I ever want to get home again. I actually walked a little further today progress!

Representative Katie Porter has a good point and that she voted against the TikTok bill in Congress because she thought the American people needed to be better educated and understand why and it wasn’t a great bill. So she hopes the Senate corrects that or votes it down. She said it’s kind of screwed up that we don’t want to talk about American companies and their data collection. We should probably very closely adopt the EU law because they seem to be ahead of us on all of that stuff to protect their citizens. Our toxic capitalism is such that we don’t care so much about protecting citizens and if MAGA Trump gets in he wants to dissolve the EPA. So enjoy your filthy air and filthy water.

We need to really look at things and not just technologies and protections but but we should already have high-speed rail all over the country if we’re so great. We should have cellular service that you can get from just about anywhere like you can in Europe and Asia. we should have a population that’s more savvy about using the technology when so many of us don’t know what the hell they’re doing or how to do it

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!