It was reported "Putin fell down some stairs and involuntarily released his bowels." This is interesting in several ways. I'll give you the wrap up first. In being released in ANY form, it indicates a turn against Putin, he is weak, and an end to his regime as, there is blood in the water... finally:
Former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele said in June that Putin could become medically incapacitated within three to six months and then ousted as Russian leader. Steele told BBC Radio 4’s The World at One: “This is a strongman regime where people have to have fear of the leader and if the leader is incapacitated medically then there will be a move against him, I'm sure.”
There are all sorts of reports out there on controversial figures, such as Russian president Vladimir Putin. But it’s strange to see a really bizarre one picked up by an outlet with the size and reach of The New York Post. That’s what happened Friday, though, with the Post producing a video and a tweet claiming Putin fell down some stairs and involuntarily released his bowels. That’s based on a post from anti-Kremlin channel GeneralSVR on social media service Telegram:
“A Telegram channel that claims links to his bodyguards said Putin ‘involuntarily defecated‘ due to effects of ‘cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.’ The post claims Putin landed on his coccyx, fell down five steps, then rolled onto his side and slid down two more.”
Now about all that...
Who would replace him? Chaos may well ensue once Putin is removed. And i don't think those who would replace him would want to remain in a failing war in Ukraine that Putin started and refuses to end.
All the new leadership would need to do once Putin is gone is be open about reality, share information with the Russian people for a change and give them some freedoms. Sanctions could end. Their economy could start to recover. Much good could come from all this.
Or they could continue the Russian form of organized crime in government.
Or join the planet at being part of the human experience and have everyone in Russia benefit, not just the few criminals at the top. In a form of government only the likes of Putin and Donald Trump would want.
And now, this...
Jon Cooper @joncoopertweets
BREAKING: Putin and his cronies have an evacuation plan in place to flee Russia in case he loses the war and is stripped of power, according to a former aide. High-ranking Kremlin officials have begun buying up real estate and working on getting residency rights in Venezuela.