On the second episode of Louis CK's new show, Louie, the guys sit around a table playing poker. Louis asks their only gay friend and comic at the table, about gay sex and the term "faggot" comes up. His friend explains that it comes from in the old days when they burned witches at the stake, they piled faggots or bundles of wood around the stake.
But Homosexuals were thought so lowly of that they simply through them on the burning witch's fire along with more faggots of wood. Its a very well done scene and ends with a laugh. The gay guy and the straight guys, are all very cool in their being accepting of one another and being able to laugh at a rough topic to deal with.
Louis later said, on NPR's Fresh Air (7/7/2010) show, that he doesn't care if that is a true story or not. He said, that actor was a long time friend of his, the first openly gay guy he ever knew, and had originally told him that story. But as for the scene, its just some guys talking, its not an educational show but a comedy show. He explained further and I fully agree with him. Its not necessarily up to him to educate the masses. Its up to each individual. Its also up to any who wish to be useful in that realm. And so, I am here to help to educate as best as possible with with little time I put into trying to find out the truth. I found the following, and thought it was sufficient an answer that I will post it here, until I find a better description.
From Etymonline.com:
"The oft-heard statement that male homosexuals were called faggots in reference to their being burned at the stake is an etymological urban legend. Burning was sometimes a punishment meted out to homosexuals in Christian Europe (on the suggestion of the Biblical fate of Sodom and Gomorah), but in England, where parliament had made homosexuality a capital offense in 1533, hanging was the method prescribed. Any use of faggot in connection with public executions had long become an English historical obscurity by the time the word began to be used for "male homosexual" in 20th century American slang, whereas the contemptuous slang word for "woman" (and the other possible sources or influences listed here) was in active use."
And there you have it. Until we meet again....