NOTE (from after this walk and notes below): Had curry at Yoko Yoko in Bremerton today. So tasty.
Then saw DUNE Part 2 today. Liked it better than Part 1.
But worst theater experience in years. Guy down front couldn't stop talking to his girlfriend for more than 20 seconds the entire movie (I seriously considered he was mentally challenged), and a guy behind me at one point said, "Bro, come on, be quiet." To no effect. Then half way through we lost the video. Took them about 10 minutes to fix, then they backed it up for about 15. Sigh... I'll watch it again in my home theater.
Later...I noticed I lost my reading glasses. Usually don't take them to lunch in case I lose them, and lost them. So I won't be able to edit below after my walk. Apologies.
Shooting for 3 miles today. Had to deal with the heart beating too hard at the beginning again now, after the half mile point seems to be pretty settled down. Man, you can take this getting old stuff and shove it. They come up with a youth pill, taking it!
Weather for the day… starting out, 61° when I got home 66°
Podcast today Pod Save America, ep., Trump’s Bloodbath? (feat. Katie Porter)
It’s interesting to note that MAGA is ignorant enough to not understand when Trump uses a term like bloodbath it’s a disingenuous and MAGA are clever enough to rationalize. It’s a harmless comment, but they’re not clever enough to avoid his authoritarian use as a term affecting them exactly the way he intends.
Before I left home today I watched a C-SPAN2 show I want to share a few quotes from on China, TikTok and the CCP's efforts in America that I KNOW are extremely important. Lots of confusion about TikTok, which Katie Porter said she voted against the bill in Congress because it needs work but more so, America needs eduation to understand why our government is so concerned. If YOU'RE confused or angry about it, read this next (then I'll continue with my normal blog):
Reva Price, US-China Economic & Sec. Review Commission Vice Chair: I think it's clear to most Americans how this matters on the security realm. But how would you address this so that they were concerned about what it means for their personal information? What is the impact of the Chinse Communist Party having this kind of information on them [American citizens]? Like where they shop and what kinds of things they buy, or what music they listen to or whathaveyou?
Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney [2 other experts on the panel declined any need to expand on her answer here]:
So our adversaries have talked for years about what sort of "information warfare" information campaign. It stems all the way from what children are exposed to, the kind of news we get. Most fundamentally what I see is sowing a lot of discord into the United States. If we're fighting with each other and the long list of what we're fighting about keeps growing because they're infusing sort of inflammatory sentiment to our ecosystem. The more we let that happen, the more we're at each other's throats...and this is by design... that we don't form a united front against a common adversary."
Ivan Tsarynny, Feroot Cybersecurity CEO & Co-Founder: "I completely agree with that statement and what information even collected on pixels can provide and has been provided is information of teenagers or anyone else is reading or which pages they follow or which pages they visit, that creates a real powerful insight and data about creating discord or other conflicts in our societies."
Jack Corrigan, Senior Research Analyst at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET): "I don't really have anything to add, I think what they said, I would agree with."
For what's next. Congressional hearing - Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney, said she also worries about Chinese photo apps which gain access to your phone camera, etc., can add malicious code & can copy code to your router & "across systems like cancer.
Nazak Nikakhtar: Where American orientation is money, CCP in China is to infiltrate, and then cripple our systems and gain the upper hand. Without question.
Ivan Tsarynny: I was born in a communist county and there laws make no difference, it is what the leader at the top wants to have happen. Also apps like Alipay. Alibaba and Tencent...
Nazak Nikakhtar: China owns the Radisson Hotel chain. They are not interested in hotels.
Continuing on with Walkabout Thoughts:
Add in the C-SPAN congressional hearing
The podcast has a good point that this may be one of the most damaging former presidential speeches ever even if you remove the bloodbath comment from Trump speech at the rally the referring to in the podcast that everybody this week has seen on the news, one way or another
Regarding former V POTUS, not endorsing supporting Donald Trump I agree it’s a big deal. While some may say it’s not the podcast. Take a win when you get one.
The whole Paul Manafort after prison, after pardon by Trump, may be running his campaign after all his Russian connections that have been verified documented costume dearly. Denying the Russian connections with Trump at this point is just stupid.
Trump on his stacking the Scotus to destroy Roe versus Wade saying on a lot of counts there very good things done there one in the bigger picture far far more bad things came of it. I’ve been saying for decades that Congress needs to get their shit together and make this a national federal law Because what happens if Skoda shoots it down. Now that won’t happen, everybody said. OK
Republicans who are saying they want to go after contraception and after recreational sex I have to ask what happened to freedom actual freedom of the individual freedom of spirit freedom to the pursuit of happiness? I mean what’s next we’ve already had the fashion police with people getting beat up for wearing a fucking Covid mask when sometimes they had medical conditions where they could die if they caught Covid. I’m assuming everybody read your 1984 George Orwell book we’re headed into the thought police because that’s where autocrats always go. That’s one of the biggest paranoids of the Chinese communist party.
This is America I’m all for freedom of religion, freedom of thought regardless of the fact how much I’m against organized religion, and the other bullshit it leads to. But the Republican party really needs to assist itself from theocratic tendencies, because after all, regardless of how they view this country being founded Freedom as a primary tenant of America in the US Constitution
Oh yes Chuck Schuber calling out BB Netanyahu as needed to be removed because he’s leading Israel in the direction that has lost their way. When you’re attacked this thousand people are killed that you respond by killing people in the tens of thousands including mostly children the elderly and women non-combat Greatly missing the Hamas targets your after yeah you’ve kind of lost your fucking way
BB at yahoo has been leaning authoritarian like Putin like Trump as with China etc. America could be called it has been called a kleptocracy and what’s worse than that? Easy an oligarchy and a theocracy which Trump is pushing us into
Mitch McConnell called Schumer speech p grotesque this coming from Mr. grotesque himself and I don’t mean his looks but it’s political leanings and actions. He’s been a horrible person in Congress for a long time.
To be clear Schumer is not anti-Israel he’s very pro Israel but he’s very anti-autocrat anti-Bibi Netanyahu anti-Trump anti-Putin
It’s also important to note bibi says that Schumer is delving into Israeli politics too much Netanyahu Does it like all the time historically
I’m saying we should do this and I want obviously Israelis Jewish people to be protected like everybody but one does wonder if we were to turn things around with Israel’s enemies? How would that make things better or worse? I ran as a big problem in international affairs and they’re religious. Had a State is on his last legs and there are many and I ran would like to see things turn around, since things are so problematic as they are what do you keep doing to maintain that and what do you do different to make progress?
Nazi starved in incinerated Jews in World War III. Explain to me how Israel has not done that to Palestinians since October 7.
Why is Netanyahu dealing with people like bengavir?
Here’s the thing that BB Netanyahu doesn’t get and MAGA doesn’t get about Trump and the Republican Party doesn’t understand about how they should not support Trump or MAGA bullshit… Regardless, if your guy is saying what you want here but he’s a lowlife criminal. You don’t choose him. You don’t support authoritarian theocratic nonsense in a country like America in order to protect American citizens. MAGA think that American citizens are MAGA, they are a corrupt, confused disinformed over propagandized minority
What so ironic about the MAGA claims of stolen elections is that our elections aren’t stolen that’s not the problem. They are unduly unfairly and ill liberally skewed by big and dark money, and the Republican party in the best sense of Trump who calls out what others say accurately in observing his actions About the others who are fighting against the things he’s claiming they are doing. Again when it’s doing it.
Yeah, the senator on the podcast has a good point saying she wore a red dress to a Democratic function and people said you can’t do that because it’s Donald Trump‘s color it’s Republican it’s mega and she said I’m not giving him a whole color. And that’s a damn good point same thing I said about certain words and things before. MAGA, bigoted assholes, stole the word, patriotism, and our American flag for a while, and I believe we may have taken it back. If you flew a flag just a few years ago you were a Trump supporter if you said patriot, they knew you were Extreme right wing. So I would suggest half of every buddy at Democratic events going forward where red because if that’s how it works MAGA and Republicans will see MAGA and Republicans supporting Joe Biden Democratic events and how is that a bad thing?
My still third Catholic sister invited our cousin and I over for Easter dinner. Thankfully, she’s not MAGA or conservative or Republican. In fact, my entire family was raised democratic and a union family, with my stepdad being a blue-collar worker who retired from a warehouse at Nalley’s food foods in Tacoma. But again this is America I will support to the death peoples rights to their delusions about anything. Regardless, your religious political delusions as long as you’re not working against America like MAGA and Donald Trump are. When you see your leaders lineup with your national enemies, wake the fuck up.
And for those like my older brother, who says I have TDS, when in his maggot delusion, he does I’m a veteran I have a college degree psychology, and I spent the first half of my life studying several things. Soviet espionage and religion. I gained a deep respect for the Russian people in history, but not for their autocratic socialist bullshit. No more than the Chinese socialist. Bullshit authoritarian is authoritarianism. Wasn’t until the 90s I really started paying attention to politics and applying my previous skills back. I voted for Reagan the first time I voted against him the second time I voted his VP and his president and since then I’ve not voted for a Republican because of the useless people they put up, Quail VP was a sign.
Add in the C-SPAN congressional hearing
The podcast has a good point that this may be one of the most damaging former presidential speeches ever even if you remove the bloodbath comment from Trump speech at the rally the referring to in the podcast that everybody this week has seen on the news, one way or another
Regarding former V POTUS, not endorsing supporting Donald Trump I agree it’s a big deal. While some may say it’s not the podcast. Take a win when you get one.
The whole Paul Manafort after prison, after pardon by Trump, may be running his campaign after all his Russian connections that have been verified documented costume dearly. Denying the Russian connections with Trump at this point is just stupid.
Trump on his stacking the Scotus to destroy Roe versus Wade saying on a lot of counts there very good things done there one in the bigger picture far far more bad things came of it. I’ve been saying for decades that Congress needs to get their shit together and make this a national federal law Because what happens if Skoda shoots it down. Now that won’t happen, everybody said. OK
Republicans who are saying they want to go after contraception and after recreational sex I have to ask what happened to freedom actual freedom of the individual freedom of spirit freedom to the pursuit of happiness? I mean what’s next we’ve already had the fashion police with people getting beat up for wearing a fucking Covid mask when sometimes they had medical conditions where they could die if they caught Covid. I’m assuming everybody read your 1984 George Orwell book we’re headed into the thought police because that’s where autocrats always go. That’s one of the biggest paranoids of the Chinese communist party.
This is America I’m all for freedom of religion, freedom of thought regardless of the fact how much I’m against organized religion, and the other bullshit it leads to. But the Republican party really needs to assist itself from theocratic tendencies, because after all, regardless of how they view this country being founded Freedom as a primary tenant of America in the US Constitution
Oh yes Chuck Schuber calling out BB Netanyahu as needed to be removed because he’s leading Israel in the direction that has lost their way. When you’re attacked this thousand people are killed that you respond by killing people in the tens of thousands including mostly children the elderly and women non-combat Greatly missing the Hamas targets your after yeah you’ve kind of lost your fucking way
BB at yahoo has been leaning authoritarian like Putin like Trump as with China etc. America could be called it has been called a kleptocracy and what’s worse than that? Easy an oligarchy and a theocracy which Trump is pushing us into
Mitch McConnell called Schumer speech p grotesque this coming from Mr. grotesque himself and I don’t mean his looks but it’s political leanings and actions. He’s been a horrible person in Congress for a long time.
To be clear Schumer is not anti-Israel he’s very pro Israel but he’s very anti-autocrat anti-Bibi Netanyahu anti-Trump anti-Putin
It’s also important to note bibi says that Schumer is delving into Israeli politics too much Netanyahu Does it like all the time historically
I’m saying we should do this and I want obviously Israelis Jewish people to be protected like everybody but one does wonder if we were to turn things around with Israel’s enemies? How would that make things better or worse? I ran as a big problem in international affairs and they’re religious. Had a State is on his last legs and there are many and I ran would like to see things turn around, since things are so problematic as they are what do you keep doing to maintain that and what do you do different to make progress?
Nazi starved in incinerated Jews in World War III. Explain to me how Israel has not done that to Palestinians since October 7.
Why is Netanyahu dealing with people like bengavir?
Here’s the thing that BB Netanyahu doesn’t get and MAGA doesn’t get about Trump and the Republican Party doesn’t understand about how they should not support Trump or MAGA bullshit… Regardless, if your guy is saying what you want here but he’s a lowlife criminal. You don’t choose him. You don’t support authoritarian theocratic nonsense in a country like America in order to protect American citizens. MAGA think that American citizens are MAGA, they are a corrupt, confused disinformed over propagandized minority
What so ironic about the MAGA claims of stolen elections is that our elections aren’t stolen that’s not the problem. They are unduly unfairly and ill liberally skewed by big and dark money, and the Republican party in the best sense of Trump who calls out what others say accurately in observing his actions About the others who are fighting against the things he’s claiming they are doing. Again when it’s doing it.
Yeah, the senator on the podcast has a good point saying she wore a red dress to a Democratic function and people said you can’t do that because it’s Donald Trump‘s color it’s Republican it’s mega and she said I’m not giving him a whole color. And that’s a damn good point same thing I said about certain words and things before. MAGA, bigoted assholes, stole the word, patriotism, and our American flag for a while, and I believe we may have taken it back. If you flew a flag just a few years ago you were a Trump supporter if you said patriot, they knew you were Extreme right wing. So I would suggest half of every buddy at Democratic events going forward where red because if that’s how it works MAGA and Republicans will see MAGA and Republicans supporting Joe Biden Democratic events and how is that a bad thing?
My still third Catholic sister invited our cousin and I over for Easter dinner. Thankfully, she’s not MAGA or conservative or Republican. In fact, my entire family was raised democratic and a union family, with my stepdad being a blue-collar worker who retired from a warehouse at Nalley’s food foods in Tacoma. But again this is America I will support to the death peoples rights to their delusions about anything. Regardless, your religious political delusions as long as you’re not working against America like MAGA and Donald Trump are. When you see your leaders lineup with your national enemies, wake the fuck up.
And for those like my older brother, who says I have TDS, when in his maggot delusion, he does I’m a veteran I have a college degree psychology, and I spent the first half of my life studying several things. Soviet espionage and religion. I gained a deep respect for the Russian people in history, but not for their autocratic socialist bullshit. No more than the Chinese socialist. Bullshit authoritarian is authoritarianism. Wasn’t until the 90s I really started paying attention to politics and applying my previous skills back. I voted for Reagan the first time I voted against him the second time I voted his VP and his president and since then I’ve not voted for a Republican because of the useless people they put up, Quail VP was a sign.
I thought George W. Bush was a war criminal I thought Gore won the election in 2000. I I warned after 911 but America was going to attack another country probably an innocent country because they needed an enemy and they wanted to punch somebody in the mouth and bush didn’t like Hussain because of his dad back in the Kuwait Iraq conflict when we took out which set us up for a lot of bad shit. Not because he took the sane out, but as usual, because of what we did in the after effects. I was a big Obama and Bernie and even Hillary supporter. I thought Hillary earned her time to run for president. I think we may have done better in some ways with Obama but I didn’t like everything he did and Hillary would’ve handled Putin better, and we may not be in the situation today, so thanks a lot fucking Trump
I’m coming up on the end of my 2nd mile and with all the jawing I’m doing and aside from my desire to get the 3 miles today I really feel I have to do a3 mile and so far I feel pretty good for it :-)
Katie, as a guest says regardless of citizens, United, or this toxic spewed conservative Scotus. There are lots of things we can do about big money, dark money, and our politics and our elections. Thank God for that.
Do you know it’s worse than “woke ism“? Anti-woke ism
Trump needs to eat that “hamburger from heaven” very very soon. Bye-bye.
Two political standards always crack me up. “I don’t want career politician, representing me“ and why can’t the guy you partied with who stood next to the keg giving you a beer be the president?“ I think the reasons are obvious. Politicians that are new have to learn and there’s a ramping up time that could be years or maybe never for some. So I’m on a career path of Ted Cruz, which is anything to enrich and empower me. Do you really want a dumb fuck next to the keg running the country when the best way is someone who’s been through Congress which Biden has been. Someone who knows the system at least the constitution which Trump doesn’t. The last thing you want is a businessman. Now there’s two kinds. The corporate thought type businessman thinks only of the shareholders and profit. More enlighten, types worry also about other things like our environment the future actual people being humane because there’s money in that too not quite as much if you’re willing to allow people to die and poison our environment and support really bad people politics to promote your efforts. And the EPA, because poison in the environment makes you a lot of money as long as you eventually moved to a clean area and start poisoning that over the next hundred years.
OK I hit the 2 1/2 mile point which means I’m guaranteed to do 3 miles if I ever want to get home again. I actually walked a little further today progress!
Representative Katie Porter has a good point and that she voted against the TikTok bill in Congress because she thought the American people needed to be better educated and understand why and it wasn’t a great bill. So she hopes the Senate corrects that or votes it down. She said it’s kind of screwed up that we don’t want to talk about American companies and their data collection. We should probably very closely adopt the EU law because they seem to be ahead of us on all of that stuff to protect their citizens. Our toxic capitalism is such that we don’t care so much about protecting citizens and if MAGA Trump gets in he wants to dissolve the EPA. So enjoy your filthy air and filthy water.
We need to really look at things and not just technologies and protections but but we should already have high-speed rail all over the country if we’re so great. We should have cellular service that you can get from just about anywhere like you can in Europe and Asia. we should have a population that’s more savvy about using the technology when so many of us don’t know what the hell they’re doing or how to do it
I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!
Cheers! Sláinte!