Showing posts with label commentary padding money sex health time relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary padding money sex health time relationships. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Padding - The Upside

Is padding good? We pad many things in our lives. Its done at every level of society. But mostly, I see padding as something that is done to us. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. But it happens. And we should give it some thought. What kind of ways can we pad things, and why?


Money. We can pad our wallets. When you get paid, you need to put your money into things like bills, savings, gas, food, healthcare, etc. But you should also pad your weekly allowance. Keep an extra amount hidden from everyone, even yourself. That way, should something come up, you always have extra.


Valmeticulous. Nuwords are popping up all over the internet. Is that okay? Oh I think so. It acts as a buffer, or a kind of verbal or linguistic padding, distancing us from from the real world that we all must adhere to, the proper usages of, the correct grammar for, the spellings, the definitions. Of course, this Valmeticulous, is a word like "apronative" (a prone a tive). It simply doesn't exist. I created apronative in high school. I had people going nuts trying to prove it was real ("she has an apronative personality"). But it doesn't. I made it up.

We need slang. We need fun, fakes words. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had it for thousands of years. Slang, the linguistic virus. Its harmless, like fads; it comes and goes, waxes and wans. Relax. Have fun.


Relationships. We need to keep a buffer between ourselves and others. So, that when there is friction, there is a little room to move between you. Its not lying, just giving yourself a little breathing room. And allow others to have theirs. Take time to breathe, to smell the flowers, notice a sunset or rise. Enjoy the typically un-enjoyed appreciation.


Driving, flying, boating, riding. This one is obvious, keep enough padded room between yourself and your fellow travelers, so that should you need to suddenly speed up, slow down, turn, you are covered, or at least you can minimize the damage.


Time. Don't head off to some event (like work) leaving only just enough time to get there. Leave early enough in case there is a slow driver, an accident, or some other unexpected, unplanned for, event. You don't have to be foolish, but waiting a little once you get some where, in order to not be too early, isn't such a bad thing; especially, if you have something to do with you; a book, or now a days, you can even watch a movie, TV show, or a documentary on your phone.

Try to always have something with you to keep your attention, in case you have to wait for something. Also, don't let yourself be overly stressed about delays. We tend to be upset, when we have cut ourselves too close to a time limit. Don't fall into that trap.


Zodiac Signs. Astrology. Tarot. It may have nothing to do with anything but its a kind of padding for reality. We need a life buffer, and it gives some people hope, something to focus on. What's wrong with that. Its almost as useful as what people call "Real Religion" which is based in even less reality. But then, if that's what you want to believe it, it does give one hope for something better. Doesn't it?


Spying. We're all curious. In some cases, its necessary as in curiosity between companies, or countries. Padding has an obvious necessity here. You do not want to lose tempo moving forward on a topic, especially, one where lives are at stake. If you are just spying on a friend, family member, or neighbor, you really don't want to get caught. And you really probably shouldn't be doing it to begin with. As for countries, padding is a old trait there. Its either good or evil, depending upon your orientation.


Health. Pad your diet, not your belly. Eat less than you need, not more, if you can choose between the two. Pad your diet by eating a little healthier rather than a little less healthy.


Sex. Pad the perception of your prowess, or your sexual intelligence. Whatever you want to call it. Its not cheating, lying, being dishonest. Its giving your partner (and yourself) the greatest amount of pleasure possible to you (and them). It doesn't hurt to research, study, learn a new thing or two. But do it because you care for them, not because you are having an affair. Turn around some of those stereotypes.

And that is padding, the upside.
Live it, learn it, love it.

Try giving back. To yourself.

Try just not taking so much. From yourself.

Be a Hero. Be your Hero.

Tomorrow: Yes, tomorrow....weed. 
Maybe a nice single malt, too. Or just a pleasant Bordeaux.