Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

What IS Trump selling?

 What is Trump selling through his MaGA concept/contempt?

Memories. The Past.

What are the rest of us involved in?

Life, reality, progress.

It is in THAT gap between, wherein Trump has weaponized reality against US all.

All "that" IS our lives.

Not the past.

Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) concept taps into nostalgia for a perceived better past. It suggests that this longing for the past can overshadow the realities and challenges of the present and future. Here’s a breakdown:

Trump’s Selling Point: 

Nostalgia – MAGA is centered around a romanticized vision of a past that many see as simpler or better. This focus on “the past” can evoke strong emotional responses and a sense of identity tied to bygone times, which can be potent in political messaging.

The Present and Future – In contrast, being “involved in life, reality, and progress” involves addressing current issues and preparing for the future. This often requires confronting uncomfortable truths and working towards change, which can be more complex and less immediately gratifying than nostalgia.

The Weaponization of Reality – By leveraging a nostalgic view of the past, Trump can create a narrative that frames current realities as problems to be solved by returning to an idealized previous state. This can be seen as a way to weaponize reality, turning it into a battleground between the idealized past and the challenging present.

The Gap – The difference between a nostalgic vision of the past and the reality of the present. This gap can create a disconnect, where solutions based on outdated views might not address current complexities effectively.

By focusing on the past, Trump’s narrative can sideline the more nuanced and necessary engagement with the present and future. This dynamic is a powerful tool in shaping political discourse and public perception.

It is counterintuitive and counterproductive. But it gives Trump and MaGA leadership, power. It leads to an imbalance as power must come from somewhere. Which is where the rest of us come in.

Donald Trump is actually a very poor debater. But he seems to win debates. Why?

That phenomenon is often referred to as "rhetorical manipulation" or "demagoguery." These terms describe tactics that sway audiences not through structured argumentation, facts, or reasoning, but by exploiting emotions, distractions, or other forms of persuasion that deviate from traditional debate norms. Some of the tactics Trump has used in this context include:

  • Ad hominem attacks: Attacking the opponent personally rather than addressing their arguments.
  • Appeals to emotion: Using fear, anger, or pride to rally support.
  • False equivalence: Presenting two unequal things as though they were comparable.
  • Gish gallop: Overwhelming the opponent with numerous rapid claims, many of which may be false or misleading, making it difficult for them to respond.

These strategies can allow someone to "win" a debate in the eyes of an audience without adhering to the logical structure typically expected in formal debate.

There is more involved in all this mess we've been led into today. Things that MaGA and Trump are pushing so hard into the Republican Party that they are no longer the once "Grand Old Party", the GOP they once were.

And it began long ago...

Did you know, Rutherford B. Hayes’ decision to remove federal troops from the South in 1877 played a significant role in shaping race relations in America and has lasting implications. When Hayes withdrew the troops, it effectively ended Reconstruction and allowed Southern states to enact Jim Crow laws, which institutionalized racial segregation and disenfranchisement of Black citizens.

This set the stage for nearly a century of oppressive policies, including limited voting rights and economic inequality, that continued to fuel racial tensions well into the 20th century and still resonate today.

The removal of federal protection for ex-slaves led to widespread violence and intimidation, often perpetrated by groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which sought to maintain white supremacy. Many of these groups, or the broader movement they represent, have ideological ties to today’s problematic militias, which see themselves as defenders of a particular social order.

Back then, “gun clubs” and paramilitary groups often formed to protect white interests, especially as federal oversight waned. Some of the anti-government militias seen today claim lineage from these 19th-century movements, though modern militias are more fragmented and diverse in their motivations.

Turning out backs on these militias, ignoring their misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment, esp,. in modern times has allowed a counter narrative to grow into a political entity that has set the stage for some very untenable and ridiculous beliefs, infecting a major political party.

1991 interview on The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour Chief Justice Warren E. Burger: “The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud — I repeat the word ‘fraud’ — on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies — the militias — would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.”

In short, Hayes' decision to end Reconstruction gave rise to segregationist policies and violent white supremacist groups that evolved into organizations that still influence race relations and militia culture today.

Had Hayes not been president, perhaps today the bigotry and racism would be far, far less apparent. We are a nation of mixed cultures. We can work together. We can be pulled together by our similarities, rather than praise politicians and religious leaders who sell us on division and irritation, fanned into fear and hate, all for their personal agendas and success.

We can do better. Obviously.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day 2024

Happy Mother's Day, 2024!

Our mom has been gone for a few years now. She's definitely in...what she would say is, "a far better place". Incredible mom the first part of my life. A very odd character the last half. 

Or maybe I just didn't notice it so much as a kid.

Mom's are our wives who mother our children, and...more.

They have to put up with a lot...

When my 1st born was yet to be born, I did a Tarot card reading for my pregnant wife and I which came out saying that he would be a "he" (which was correct), and a "demon" (which was also correct). "Demon" in the sense of a child that never ran out of energy, while his parents did, feeling far older than they were. 

You had to follow him, everywhere. "Out of sight, out of mind"? That was insanity. For us, and his safety. But just a good time for him. So I did wnat I could to enhance that for him, and for his safety. 

He was much as I had been as a child, apparently. My mother, over visiting one day pointed that out to me saying that it was like watching a little me running around. About the level of energy he and I had, she added: "If I put you down for sleep at 5AM, you'd be back up at 6AM!"

My comment back to her was, "Well, I just want to thank you for not killing me as a child. Because now I understand what I must have put you through." Honestly, I think I was the worse of the two of us.

My wife and I were often exhausted... but he was an amazing, happy, fun bundle of mostly never ending energy & happiness. 

I could talk here about my youngest too, but this isn't about kids per se, and they were both pretty pleasant to raise, so... what I will say is that I apprecaited my youngest having a more quiet demeanor and greater ease of handling. Still, both were a joy to raise, honestly. Though both were still "kids". So, there it is.

As for my siblings and my mom, there were a lot of issues with her over our lifetime together. And apart.

But the mom I remember best is the one whom I dearly loved...this version in the photos strip, above. 

The adventures we had with her as kids...through many different homes and schools, in different states, even different husbands and in different countries. 

That is the mom I prefer to remember.

Many of us have experineced such problematic things with our mothers. Some simply cut them off. Interpersonally, mentally, emotionally. I did myself from time to time. As did my siblings. They and I had a round robin over the years of who would take the lead to deal with her. 

Between having some form of mental issues and her self-medication, life was seldom ever simple or relaxed around her. I used to say within 15 minutes of being in her presence, she would start in on us. It would then take a day (or days) to try to recover from. Not a massive issue, but it wore on you time and time and time again.

Anyway, try not to do that to  yourself. IF you can find it in yourself, for yourself, to enjoy the once beloved "Mom" side of your mom whom you wish to remember. 

Remember, HER.

Just remember THAT person. Feel free to love that version you most perfer to remember. 

Especially if that was your first version of your mom that you knew. 

Because they were the "mom" who formed you. So? Love...HER.

And Love Your Self.

Happy Mother's Day. To us all.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Frank Zappa & the Mothers Of Invention

Monday, September 18, 2017

Epiphany - Note to self: September 2, 1994

I have been consolidating my old files lately. I have bins and bins of papers from my own writings and notes and just historical archives of stuff. In looking through this, I've found some very interesting things from previous decades.

Regardless what you think about this blog today, let me take a brief aside and offer support to a great project I am involved with from the British based Dark Chapter Press. The A-Z Horror Anthology. Stories are being regularly released on Amazon where different authors are assigned individual letters. This month (9/17) has seen two letters released for I (Imprisoned) and J (Judicator). The entire anthology will later be released as a book once they have all been individually published. Here is my blog article about this project. I'm updating it as each story is released. I have been assigned letter X with a story I titled, X-The Unknown about a Seattle FBI agent who stumbles across a serial killer. As you can see, it will be a while before my story hits the shelves. As I explain in the blog, I had originally written a great story titled Xibalba Unleashed, but I went over the word limit and had to write another. Thanks for excusing this interruption. 

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Here is one I had sent to myself to my home email address, which at that time I was accessing at home from my first purchased home in Covington, WA, right after having gotten married, from my work email address at US West Technologies in Bellevue, WA.

Just to show how far we have come email address wise since then, I think, my work email base was:

I am transcribing this as I found it in the print out and without any editing. Even though hopefully, I have since become a better writer. To understand some of what I wrote, some time after I graduated Western Washington University with a degree in psychology (minor in writing) I found I had a new skill. One that I verified whenever I could as it was, fun, to be simplistic about it.

I found I could ask someone to tell me about their life and I could then tell them in general, quite accurately about their childhood experiences. I could alternatively ask them to tell me about their childhood and I could then tell them quite accurately in general about their life experiences. Yes, it may be nothing more than what a con artist or fortune teller does. But then I didn't used to be able to do that, certainly not so accurately. I remember leaving quite a few people speechless in doing this.

Before I go on just let me say what I was doing was harmless. It was for my amusement. I wasn't offensive to anyone, I didn't abuse it, I didn't use it to scam girls for sex, I just thought it was harmless fun.

But there is one especially humorous situation I remember at a party I attended. It was a party at my friend Liz's apartment. There was a woman I immediately became interested in and Liz knew that. She told me to go talk to the woman and I did. It was myself, some guy and the woman talking together amidst a crowd of people, having drinks, in the living room. Of course I then proceeded to delve into having some fun.

But things didn't go the direction I had expected and was used to. She listened to me for a few minutes, and then she verbally ripped me to shreds. She did it with a sense of humor., a sly grin on her face, and if I hadn't been so stunned, I might have found it funny myself. No one else really got what was going on, not even the other guy in our little threesome. He just stood there stunned himself. I didn't quite know what to do. I'd never had the tables turned on my like that before, because she proceed to tell me who I was and what it was I so enjoyed doing.

I couldn't understand how she could be so full of knowing exactly who I was as a person. She was even better than I was. It was as if... looking for help I turned around looking back down the hallway to the bathroom, hoping to catch sight of Liz and that she might come and swoop in and save me.

However instead I saw my dear friend Liz, hurrying to finish fixing her hair or something, leaning out into the hallway, obviously to see what was happening between myself and this woman. Sigh... Liz. I suddenly realized, I had been set up.

After extracting myself from the woman, I sought out my friend who herself had a razor sharp tongue and a very impressive wit. I loved her for it. In sharing my obvious and cultured confusion, List dropped some obvious hints to me as she tried not to laugh, until I finally came to realize she had fully informed the woman (who by now I was now completely enamored with) about me; about who I was, my history and so on. Needless perhaps to say, this, which was Liz's intention, stopped me from doing this ever again. I realized that even though to me it seemed completely "harmless", it was perhaps in some ways, not.

I remember one other woman who breezed by me. Quite attractive, not exactly beautiful but the kind of person who has much more attraction coming from her sapiosexuality (sexual attraction to one's intelligence). Her apparent intelligence and knowledge fully researched before she needed it, gave her an edge up.

This woman was obviously pushing my buttons, buttons she somehow knew instinctively, stunning me. She had her say, then simply disappeared into the crowd. I didn't quite know what to think. Until my friend who had invited her to the party, pointed out she was a "professional" woman. Not a professional who was a woman but a woman who was a professional at being a woman (i.e., a call girl). I have to say, it wasn't an unpleasant experience in those few moments.

When I asked how she had known things about me, Liz just said it was her job to know things about me, about men. I didn't at first understand until she explained the professional part, and I never saw that woman again. Liz said, probably because at that time in my life I was broke, having just graduated recently. college. As for the other (first) woman, I did see her again, several times, and though we openly discussed what had happened, I never could get a date out of her. Sigh....

Liz died some years ago. Obviously I will miss her always. Her and another special friend of both of ours, Rose. I also just found a 1991 birthday card from Rose while looking through all my old papers. Bittersweet memories, I must say.

Regarding the martial arts reference below, a true martial artist needs nearly to be a mind reader. To be able to walk into a room (or a battlefield) and surmise the situation instantly. Not far removed from using psychology (or the skills of a con artist) in order to read a situation, or a person, and act appropriately to either save oneself or defeat the other. I could walk into a room or down a street and quickly assess the dangers, the people to be wary of and how to skirt problematic situations. Whether I should attack things head on, or simply avoid something or someone. And so I assume my skills learned through my studies in psychology worked hand in hand with my already pre existing skills from years of martial arts going back to a very young age. And so that explains my reference to it below.

I suppose I'd also have to add into that mix my childhood. As I understand it children raised in an environment such as I was and my siblings, but especially myself (see, my step father really didn't like me) requires one to constantly be hyperaware of things. That and other things create in the child an ability to be quick and smart (even though I was seemingly quite stupid about some things). It's also why we see street urchins who make great con artists or criminals.

All that being said, this writing I had found isn't too bad as it is. Here is how it goes:

You know,
I was just thinking:

I get these little spurts of feeling, or imagery at times.
Similar in nature to a "Deja Vu" experience.

I'm not nuts. My degree in psychology was in
Awareness and Reasoning Division,
Phenomenology, Alternate States of Consciousness.

Between that and martial arts training from childhood, it may be easier
for me, than for many, to "see," into their thoughts.
To "feel" things in their mental and emotional processes.

Things that many people don't realize are there, but things that
ARE there. In everyone.
Really, it just takes looking "inward."

I know there are people I've talked to in the past,
that think they were talking to a real screwball (me);
especially, some of the more banal types that I've spoken with.

And it occurred to me, that the only times I'm really happy,
are when I am writing away at a project, when I am deeply involved in
a novel I've developed. Or a project that I have fully conceived;
or, a project I've developed along with a significant person in my life.
As opposed to a project at work, or one given by an instructor.

I get these little flashes of really... good... feelings, that I can only
attribute to being "feelings-of-well-being."
Or euphoria.

Feelings that I can link pretty much, only to heightened emotional
experiences; events from my temporal past.

A moment's "Deja Vu" from being in the mountains; or,
looking out over a spectacular sunset on the ocean,
as viewed from a scenic beach; or,
watching a waterfall unraveling in the middle of nowhere,
while I sit, all alone, with no one around for miles, with
the sun glistening off the cascading flow of water; or,
droplets on the moss in the mountains in the early morning, with
the crisp moist air hugging you, and the fresh smell of life,
biting, deliciously, into your lungs.

These Little Flashes of Moments,
Moments that give me this feeling,
feelings that I can conjure up while writing,
while creating, making a universe
that I've created,
while watching something come to Life.

You know, it just occurred to me,
there must be a reason I like to write,
one, other than the pedantic reason of
simply being able to do it well.

Perhaps, it was taking those little sojourns,
brief intense stays of exotic journeys,
gleamed from books read at a tender young age,

Maybe that has something to do with it.

No matter how I look at it, though,
I will never be happy until I am making a living writing,
and writing whatever I want. What feels like it is being
born from my chest, separating from my heart, springing from
my mind, leaping from my soul.

It's just a thought.
Just a moment.
Just a comment.

An Epiphany upon the Downs.
Thoughts upon the Velt,
in Revelation.
A Splendor in the Grass.
A Triumph at Dawn.

For that is all it is.


This ends that print out that I so recently found. The footer in that email indicated me as a "Contractor/Systems Consultant-Technical Writer" [this was before I was given Senior Technical Writer status]. The last line in the email footer was this:
"The preceding has been a personal comment only, which does not reflect the affectations nor the policy of the US West Technologies organization."

And as they say, that's all she wrote. Well, all he wrote.
Peace. Be well.

Or as I always used to tell my children in parting from me...

"Go out now and be brilliant."
