Showing posts with label flatearthers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flatearthers. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Climate Change And The Humans Who Deny

Climate change deniers are on par with the flatearthers. They are purposely ignorant and refuse reality. It's a human based mindset that evolves along the lines of man made religions. And yes, they are all man made, or human if you prefer. Though if I were a woman I wouldn't want credit for what men mostly did in the past and are still doing today. But hey, equality brings with it responsibility. Sometimes even for things you aren't at all responsible for. Though to be fair, women do have some responsibility in the evolution of religions. Even though they seem to be the most abused by them.

As for climate change today you truly are simply stupid to deny it. Who denied it for so long? Conservatives and Republicans, and those who even passed laws denying it in places like South Carolina.

As for humans being responsible, perhaps not just for climate change, but to be sure for excessive climate change, the evidence is clear and again, you are of the mentality of those mentioned above if to deny it. Best case? You're ignorant of the facts.

So let's skip the facts.

Consider this. that humankind once killed one another directly, manually, with sticks and bludgeoning weaponry. When your enemy felt the impact of your attack, you were directly through that weapon connected to them.

Now let's modernize. Mechanize. Which we do so very well.

Once humankind realized they could use simply machines to kill, the thrown implement came into being, the rock, the spear, the arrow. In some ways that began our decline, but also our evolution and our rise to the top of the food chain.

Let's advance that a bit.

We invented the musket, then mechanized it further into the cartridge, beyond that to the bolt action, to the semi and full automatics. Along with this obviously there were explosives.

Then, the atom and nuclear bombs came on the scene.

So to think humankind cannot affect even a planet sized environment when they have mechanized pollution through industry and individual polluting devices such as cars, boats, planes and so on, not to mention, industrialized animal product production, is to exhibit a vast lack of understanding of our history and capabilities that literally boggles the mind.

Not to mention we have extracted fossil fuels from the ground which laid buried for millions of years and we have then used those to energize our lives, releasing into the ari ancient carbons which are quantifiable and qualifiable.

That is, we can track them.

There is no question about it. Humankind is escalating climate change to a massive degree with our 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year intensive world wide mechanized polluting systems which have gone on now for over a hundred years.

We couldn't have done a better job if we had actually been trying to pollute and affect massive climate change. Even polluting massively poisonous substances into our own living spaces, the air we breathe, the water we drink and more.

IF you still deny humankind can and has evoked excessive climate change, then it's only fair and reasonable for you to be labeled: stupid. Sorry, but you're denying reality does not mean the rest of us have to, and as well, die because of it.

It does mean however that we do have to fix this as best we can, altering our current course of progress, or lack thereof, entirely perhaps without you.

Even to your detriment if you stand in the way.

It's your choice really. Help or get out of the way. Or be run over with our progress and positive changes.

Think about it.

#gOP #Republican #conservative #climatechange #climatedeniers #flatearthers #TheIdiotElite #POTUS #realDoanldTrump #VPOTUS