America is bleeding. America is waiting. Waiting to heal. Waiting to be fixed, to stop the abuses, the corruption by the alt-reality crowd. Stop the madness!
Who is doing this? Conservatives, Republicans, Donald Trump as POTUS. It is social media companies and their platforms being used, abused, and plied to support the ridiculous, the outrageous. We need as a new high tech country, to grow the hell up, mature into our technologies.
Why? All for POWER. Greed. Profit at any or all costs to any or all others. That means most of us in America.
Look. It doesn't matter what you believe as a Republican, or Democrat, a conservative or a progressive. Though I would argue it's better to be progressive than regressive.
What matters is REALITY. But we need to agree at least somewhat on just what that is.
We in America are the Great Experiment. A secular government experiment that allows for religious beliefs. Honestly, no matter their debasement of reality apparently, and too often questionable entities are 9such as religion fundamentally are) such as Scientology, evangelical Christianity, and capitalistic mega-churches.
That means when we try out a theory, and an experiment fails, we note that, and then we move on, learning from it, and hopefully not repeat that experiment. Or so goes that theory. And yet we have a Republican party and conservative minority who seem to continuously repeat the same mistakes (trickle-down economics for instance), again, and again and again.
America is a great experiment. IF we would just let it happen. For the country. Not just one foolish illiberal tribe.
We are not a locked-down system or government, or the judiciary. Though Conservatives have tried to do just that by stacking and packing our court system with their desired younger, long term backward thinking judges. It's like a social cancer we can't seem to battle down, wrest under democratic control for our Republic.
Conservatives, Republicans, Christians and so much so Evangelical Christians, have subverted our nation, our government, and the spirit of our grand experiment.
It has now failed.
Donald John Trump will be a blood-red footnote in American and world history. His damages and harm will, like their conservative judiciary, live on for decades.
That all needs to change. We need to change. Now!
Here's the sad fact about the 2020 election. IF Donald Trump wins re-election? American democracy has failed. Get ready for a new America, and you're not going to like it. We already don't. You ain't seen nothing yet.
We need to be better than we have been. Too many now are continuing their delusional beliefs, too often manufactured out of ancient mythologies and magical thinking. In this country from the Abrahamic religions, the Middle Eastern religions, the desert religions. And yet so many denigrate the Muslim believers.
It's bizarre really, how this Middle Eastern tribalism has been transported here to the planet's future, to America. An America that Christians, all part of these Middle Eastern religious beliefs, don't seem to understand.
It is obviously time to stop all this childish nonsense. All can see that. Even the delusional, they simply rationalize their beliefs as they do so often, into something far aside from our actual and shared inarguable reality.
And! At a minimum, we all need to do that one thing.
But not as I have been saying for months now, to vote early, to mail it early.
TO BE SURE...Vote early. But take it and put it in an official ballot drop box.
Do not trust this Trump administration and the corrupted, overtaken Trump Republican party. Or for now, OUR US Postal Service as it's been compromised by Donald Trump as president in a very Putinesque, Russian anti-American domestic attack that even Pres. Putin couldn't pull off.
But we are not lost. Not yet. We still ARE, America!