My thoughts, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts...a blog designed and meant to be freely associating, on the run, and not perfectly edited:
Weather for the day… 47° 99% humidity overcast.
Podcast for the day is Rachel Maddow‘s "Ultra" podcast episode four
Instagram post for the day and second post.
I'm a little late posting this blog as I walked a few days ago...then this happened:
I just heard that Patrick Haggerty has passed away last night. Life long friend of my friend and cartoonist, Pat Moriarity. Haggerty was a founder of Lavender Country, who put out the first known gay-themed album in country music history. His band started back when I was in high school in the early 1972. I only met him a few years ago through Pat. Tonight is Pat's and his Son Jack's annual "Sausage Fest" party (sausage referring to a BBQ event with live music). Patrick was at previous years' events. I last saw him not long too ago and he looked healthy. He was always a pleasant and happy guy. Tonight's event will be a little less, without him.
We will all miss him.
Pat Moriarity with the late Patrick Haggerty
Second podcast for the day is Pod Save America: “Fetterman vs The Phony Sociopath.”
Just to reiterate what they just said at the beginning of the Pod Save America podcast about the Oz and Fetterman debate, the media did not do its job in explaining to the public about stroke recovery. The moderators explained at the beginning about Fetterman using a teleprompter to better understand questions, they should have explained more about the process of healing from a stroke. They dropped the ball. Just because he’s having some issues right now, generally speaking people heal from this and their mental processes are not impaired. I agree with the podcast that this was gross negligence on the part of the media in days after the debate, if not just the commentators at the debate.
All the doctors that were interviewed about Fetterman's stroke said that he was being very normal in stroke recovery, he didn’t peer to be impaired mentally, and actually, considering when the stroke happened, he's doing better than most people would. That’s kind of an important thing to know. When you have an issue with your neuronal brain pathways, the brain is very plastic in the ability to build new pathways, but it takes a little time. Which in this case has nothing to do again, with mental processes, just some communication issues. Which for the most part, isn't an issue. When you consider some of the Congressional Republicans who don't have issues like this having happened to THEM, but they still sound on the Senate floor like they are mentally deranged or damaged, I just don't see this as an issue of any substance. Certainly not by comparison.
Another good point from the podcast, if you take someone who broke their leg who has to then, weeks after that, go up against a professional runner, is that gonna look like a questionable candidate at that point? Yes. But as the Bone mends will he then be able to run at the level he could before, as many people do? It’s just the process of healing and physiotherapy in the case of a broken leg. All of which Fetterman is doing toward getting back to his optimal level. I'd take him even as suboptimal in comparison to someone like Oz.
It should also be mentioned that Fetterman has some big brass balls going for that debate. Ask yourself how many Republicans would’ve backed out? Quite a few.
As for “Doctor” Oz, it’s been put in the record by other scientist at the University he was kicked out of, that he has a “disdain for science and evidence based medicine.” Oz has made millions off of other people's suffering.
They also have a good point about the Democratic strategists who gave quotes and how they’re worried about Fetterman. And their comments about this in the podcast are true. Republicans don’t do this kind of wimpy shit. Especially when they should say something, but they wont because it's party first, over America. Their career first, over American citizens. Their money and power first, over the US Constitution. And no, I don’t want Democrats doing that. But they should have some rational cohesion and perspective. It’s like Republicans don’t have the compassion. At least not in their political and career fields. While Democrats do. Which is why they tend to buckle sometimes and fear looking bad. They care. Republicans just don't. Real Republicans still do. But there's fewer of those every day as they abandon their party or retire from politics. Forced out by the Gran Stupid. Everyone should fear looking bad if you’re doing the wrong thing. But when you want to believe you’re doing the right thing in doing the wrong thing? Fuck me, people. Good grief…
Just to mention something about the process of walking to get in and maintain physical conditioning and health... Today it’s been a week tomorrow since I’ve gone for a 5 mile walk. I really wanted to go for a walk today, weather is amenable, so I am. But when I got out here, it was really hard to get started. I did my first mile and I wanted to give up. I did my second, and I really wanted to give up. But as I’ve seen before, when this happens, if I can get that 1st mile or two, or three, down, it gets easier. But if I give up because it’s so uncomfortable, then I gave up and I don’t achieve anything. Obviously one or two, or 3 miles is better than none. But going the limit to actually achieve your goal, really is important in so many ways.
Let’s consider what Dr. Oz said about abortion and how it should include a woman, her doctor, and her... local political officials(?). What you’re describing is a Soviet Union kind of State. They had political officers who could wreck your life and career. They could end you up in a Gulag in Siberia for some really stupid shit. "Mind Police", stuff. That is what Dr. Oz and this Republican party under Trump's America are proposing we be turned into.
Speaking of hypocrisy, if abortion is murder as Dr. Oz has said, what Republicans purposely are pushing out is anger to build into violence for the Trump MAGA effort. We will honestly never know how many have already died from that because, that connection wasn’t made. Or that connection was made, even by the police, but the attacker wasn’t found. Or they were found, but it wasn’t covered in the media. When we see how unprotected our congressional Democrats are because, they’re not given protection unless their in the leadership, or under very specific threats... While this threat to many of them. If not all of them nowadays, as a general threat and one that can come to a head very quickly to end in pain or death of one of our congressional or government Democratic leaders. If not also a threat to their families, who have been consistently threatened. Who threatens a 12 year old girl, or a five year old boy? MAGA Republicans do and are. How is that being on the right side of anything? And just to mention speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi‘s husband Paul. Someone actually broke into his house and attacked him with a hammer so he had to have surgery and could’ve died, but apparently his going to do OK. But this shouldn't have happened. This should have evoked outrage from the entire Republican party. But all we heard were very few making comments. And why? Because deep down they fear it happening to them. Or if Democrats finally ever have enough of this Republican nonsense and were to turn the tides, it could be them next. This has to stop. All should speak out on this. All. Everyone. Stop tearing America apart. And, for what? Not what those who are doing this, think. It is beliefs in the Netherworld, that doesn't even exist.
It kind of boils down to this, if you want America to be a theocracy, ban abortion. That’s step one. Even in Ireland, abortion is legal. Ireland! America needs to get this shit together. We need a secular government. Because only that will allow theists to have the religion they want. But personally, NOT by government decree! Forcing us into their religious beliefs and into our government, never ends well.
Let's be clear about Trump's, Truth Social. Those aren’t “truths“ being “tweeted“ on there. Since he and the MAGA and Republican have turned reality around... to be accurate, they're “tweeting“, “UnTruths “. Or "MisTruths". Or, "DisTruths". But sure as hell not "Truths".
Back to Fetterman, there’s a lot of people who’ve loved him for a long time, who voted for him before, and will vote for him again. Whose comments on the debate were, yeah he had difficulty speaking, or answering questions. But he got out what I wanted to hear, and it’s still him and what he believes in, and what we know he’ll fight for. That is why I am still for him and would still vote for him. But, I haven't lived in Philly since I was a kid. But I still have an affinity for the state, as well as other's I've lived in like NY & NJ.
I just started my 4th mile. I’m feeling better than my second and 3rd mile starting out. I still just want to go home. As of right now, I know I’ll make my 4th mile. And then I just have to get started on the fifth. and last mile.
I just shot my Instagram post for the day. And I mentioned about my book “Suffering Long Covid“. Which just went live in the e-book in book format on Amazon yesterday. That was a lot of work. It was hard to do. When I started it there was still a lot of brain fog from long Covid. Although I’m still not over it, I am feeling better, as long as I keep exercising. Yesterday, I got my flu shot and a tetanus shot. They were out of the pneumonia shot and I’ll have to go back next week, when they get more in. Good times! Never say die, never give up!
Republicans hatred of Nancy Pelosi is bizarre. How is that right in any way shape or form? How? What if someone didn’t like your job and someone went to your house and killed your family? How does that make sense.? America, you got to get your shit together. You don’t attack people's families for what they do for a living. You don’t attack people in government for doing their job. We’ve built a country to be nonviolent. I know 20 years of war and decades of violent movies haven’t helped. But we have a choice. Resolve things through litigation and elections in politics. Or constantly be going to war against one another. And if you choose the latter, you’re really, REALLY stupid. If you take offense to be called stupid, then really look at what I just wrote above, and think about what your position is. And if you can’t see what I’m saying here, stupid may just be the definition you’ve selected to be.
We need to decide. Are we pro-truth, pro-democracy? Or are we pro-autocratic propaganda and pro-pseudo-theocracy to be wielded against us for the power of the few and the elite who many of you think you’re against in loving someone like Donald Trump and his cadre of wannabes? This bizarre MAGA logic is warped when placed up against the light of reality.
For those who buy into the MAGA bullshit. Do what I did when Trump was running for president. And I did again after he took office. Pick out your top 10 political favorite items. Then really go out and dig into if they’re true or not. Avoid your little bubbles of "I like this information" to find whatever it may actually be. And really dig into substantiated facts. Or just take five. What I found out myself was about nine out of 10 things I believed were true turned out to be true. While one wasn’t true and one was half true, or actually maybe a couple were half true. But doing that changed my mind a little bit. I saw some of the other side's point of view a little bit better. If I find something is true I don’t wanna believe in it, and the other side's right...yes, I will change my mind. The trouble is, I suspect for people who say they have done that, and yet still believe things that aren’t true, that they’re not very good at research or vetting their information. They just think they are. I've met so many people like that. On both sides, actually. It’s either that, or they've bought into a cult-like mentality. And whenever that happens? Nothing will convince them, no matter how true or provable something is. Sadly, that’s where we are with far too many people. The only reason we had an insurrection on January 6, 2021, inspired by a pathetic, failed president who was about to leave office, but couldn't bring his ego to let go. THAT's who people want to follow? Wow, unbelievable, truly.
About the paragraph above. If you wonder why my number of 10 items I believed were true remained so high after double checking on them, that’s not proof I have a cult-like mentality, too. I’m actually just very careful about things I believe in because of my past, my history, and my education. Which was not only very good, but I worked at it harder than anyone I knew back in college at that time. And that’s the thing. If you’re careful about your initial beliefs and update them and correct them, no matter what you feel, or how bad it makes you feel if you’re it. Then when you vet that information you’ll find that you’re right on a lot of things. And not “right“ just on things that the Right wishes to believe and in against all odds, reality, proof and evidence.
I’ve made this clear many times so I’ll do it again… For what he’s done and what it is going to do to America, I fully believe Donald Trump should be indicted, should be tried, should quite obviously be judged guilty, and should be quickly executed. I do not actually believe in capital punishment. I do not think the state should be killing its citizens. But I do think there are times where someone needs to be destroyed. But very, very few times. Someone killing one person, isn’t enough. Killing many, as a serial killer may not be enough. But it could be, it depends on the case, on the individual. But when you affect things that are on national and international levels… When you have obviously gotten citizens killed as a leader, a national leader, then you deserve our highest punishment. And when you’re someone like Donald Trump who can’t keep his mouth shut, who spawns sedition and insurrection, and doesn’t know how to say things that are truthful or good for the nation or humanity at large, well, then you destroy things like that. For the sake of the Nation and humanity.
And with that downer paragraph or two out of the way… I’m starting my fifth mile somehow. I feel good enough to do it, though I’m beat the hell and I don’t wanna do it. Although I kinda do. My left ankle which I’ve had problems with this summer is starting to ache, even with the support sleeve on it. But I think I can make this last mile so I’m going for it...
One of my kids and spouse and puppy came over last night. Did some sound engineering on my video desktop workstation and then played some Fallout New Vegas on their Xbox. As I was telling my other son yesterday, I have played games so little because a long Covid this year, that I felt like playing video games just wasn’t warranted. So I have now written and published one book on long Covid. I’m starting another book (which is already mostly written, on my documentary, “Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero“. About its history, how it came to be and what all it means as a filmic poem. After that, I’ve got a finish creating the DVD for that movie. Which is also mostly done. And then, I might go back to finish up Fallout Four, which I’ve got some 700+ hours into, from over the past two years of healing from long Covid. Last night, watching them play Fallout New Vegas, it give me the urge to want to waste some more time playing a video game again. I take that as a good sign. Healing up from a long nightmare. I’m playing now near the end of the game and I just need to make one final decision and then go for it. And then maybe back into the beginning of Skyrim.
Right now they’re interviewing someone on the podcast about elections and election workers. And she says, people have a lot to do with our election now and are interested. And even some high school seniors and juniors are involved because they’re worried about their future. And it occurred to me that over the course of history Humankind has physically pushed adulthood into older ages and as we’ve become more intellectual and knowledgeable, kids are intellectually becoming adults sooner. But we’re still limited by factors such as when our brain physically finishes developing and how we still don’t know that much experientially speaking, until we get enough experience out in the real world and on her own. So we’ve gone from marrying kids off to making them wait until they’re 18, except in some southern states out there. But we lowered the voting age to 18 because kids could handle it. A draft is set at 18. And as this politician on the podcast just mentioned, kids in high school are much more motivated about politics now, because they’re very aware of the world anymore. Albeit I'd argue, a bit too superficially, far too much of the time. We’ve seen that before though, in the 1960s. But I suspect, this is a lot more dire situation.
Now about physical conditioning… I think what I’m experiencing is months or even weeks ago, had I missed a day, it was hard to get back to my base mileage, which was 3 miles for a while. This is taking a lot out of me today to do 5 miles, after a week off. But I think my conditioning has gotten to the point where I could possibly do this once a week. And after a little while, it won't be taking so much out of me to do that. Which is all good news overall. (Note from later...Yeah, I'm hurting, so many for a while (or forever) I'll need to exercise more frequently, unlike when I was younger...nuts)
I know we vote for whoever we want and we put them in the House or the Senate in Congress in Washington DC. But I really think we need some kind of standards. If the past few years has taught us anything, it’s that some people should never be anywhere near our government. Just like where you think it’s your second amendment right or not, some people should never have ownership of a gun and sure as hell shouldn’t be allowed to open carry it and most especially, some shouldn’t ever be able to conceal carry. Not to mention SCOTUS in 1886 made it very clear that the Second Amendment had nothing to do with private militias in that they’re unconstitutional. To wit: ""§ 5. It shall not be lawful for any body of men whatever other than the regular organized volunteer militia of this state and the troops of the United States to associate themselves together as a military company or organization, or to drill or parade with arms in any city or town of this state without the license of the Governor thereof, which license may at any time be revoked..." But that’s another mess altogether…
OK! Hey there is a fawn up ahead about half a block for my second Instagram shot of the day! Cool. Two fawns. And a deer! :)
Cheers! Sláinte!