Weather for the day… starting out, 56° broken clouds, nice sunny day
Podcast, Prosecuting Donald Trump, ep., The Fair Administration of Justice
Second for the day, Pod Save American, ep., Trump's Veepstakes Begin
NOTE: This is the next day when I'm ill with the flu now (see the end note). Rather than edit this, I just can't...this is what it looks like without editing in one read through. Most of the mistakes are voice to text errors due to environmental noises or stream of consciousness issues. Probably be a while before I feel well enough to edit this so I'm just tossing it out there for reasons of timing. I wish you well!
So after I regretfully, took half of a melatonin at 2.5mg to get to sleep last night as usual, I woke with “wet” lungs, and not feeling that great. Thank you on Covid and who knows whatever else might be going on. But I’m out walking. Wish it was just a tad bit less cool.
Just want to mention something about energy. I’ve been a strong believer as a long time computer “power user”, being someone who utilizes all and more of what a computer and program can supply, an energy power user believer. Yes, I do believe in Green energy, and I believe we need to conserve under our current circumstances. But I also have a belief that we should be utilizing all the power we can access. And the reason for that, is we need to solve the issues about the power grid being updated and as much energy as free as possible to every human being. That might sound counter to the paradigm with green energy but I would say it’s parallel to it. If tomorrow we solve cold fusion and we upgrade our power grid and our battery situation for peak usage times and somehow it’s so profitable it’s free to everybody than everybody would be able to use all the power they want and we would be able to enhance the quality of the human experience overall as well as the ecology and through time we would become ever more green with more usage price goes down and cost goes down as in the cost to anything.
The film many should be seeing, rather than the propaganda they are...
Against All Enemies goes deep inside the violent extremist movement in America, with members of the Proud Boys, 3 Percenters and never before seen footage of the Oath Keepers. These groups -- organized and led by highly-trained, highly-motivated military veterans -- pose the greatest threat to the United States today. And while most veterans are successful in their transition to civilian life, after the longest wars in our nation's history an increasingly radicalized element has been drawn into the insurrectionist movement.
That being said, I got onto green energy with Puget Sound Energy along time ago and they first offered it. It was a little more expensive and I only did a parcel. I then built up to half of my energy being green and went full green as soon as it was available. That being renewable energy sources and avoiding fossil fuel energy production.
Something called Arcadia came up and I signed up for that along time ago. They recently changed over to Sal systems. Whatever that is. And now we’re at a point where this is all just confusing me. I just got notified that I had a double energy bill. I paid it and reset up automatic payments. Still not sure what happened with that but in reviewing my energy situation, I’m finding myself a little confused. So I’m completely. Signed up with Puget Sound Energy again and trying to figure out what the hell is going on and what I should be doing.
I just wanted to mention that in case anyone else is confused or interested in going more or completely Green because I’m pretty high-tech and I’m finding this confusing. Not because of the technology, but because of the bureaucracy.
I’ve done well in digital currency. I got about that same amount in my stocks. For various reasons my 401(k) from retirement is gone. But I still have Social Security and my retirement from the company I retired from. I will never understand what the hell Republicans are doing making so much noise about things like Social Security when it isn’t what they’re selling it as. But then again, they’re in this information and keep it alive the Spectre of the old Soviet. That’s not partisan banter that’s commentary from someone who studied the KGB and the Soviet system for decades and noticed in the 1990s it suddenly, I saw the GOP evolving using KGB tactics, including this information that is only gotten worse until they served us a Donald Trump.
The podcast is talking about the gag order on Trump and how would that works with most people. And one thing in certain conditions is you can’t possess a gun or carry a gun anyway. I just like to say from someone who has been trained in Firearms beginning in 1968 I was in the military And has played the role of bodyguard armed bard bodyguard multiple times in the past when you have Secret Service protection in the last thing you need to be doing is carrying a guy because who you gonna end up shooting if you ever need to pull your gun. Show how often People are shot with their own gun, but my concern here would be a dumbass like Trump and a coward, such as he is accidentally shooting a Secret Service member or a civilian. Even if he shot a criminal, I would not be surprised to hear. But the bullet went through and hit, or killed a Secret Service agent, or a civilian. Because that’s who, and what Trump is. Cowards tend to not do well carrying firearms in dangerous situations. Which is why we need more controls over who’s allowed again and who’s allowed to conceal carry again or who’s allowed to open carry gun.
That wasn’t about a gag order above but more than a gag order, which is being considered because of Trump‘s ill behavior. Trump doesn’t act like a ex president in this court situation he acts like he thinks he’s king. For those people who think that’s admirable it’s not. Extreme lowlife act better in court, which says something about Trump‘s character. Trump acts like a poor person who thinks he’s rich acting how he thinks a rich person should act which is basically like an asshole because he can get away with it. That is a bully. Nobody likes a bully. But those it or not favor authoritarianism find that person as a positive positive role model of an alpha male, or a leader. Trump is one of the most horrible leaders I’ve ever seen in my life and the type of person I have always avoided.
It’s been accurately noted that since this trial stuff has begun, Trump has attacked judges, 117 times and threats against the judiciary has doubled.
That’s not the behavior of a former United States president. that’s the behavior of a spoiled, petulant, oppositional behavior, tight child
My older MAGA brother, who is bought into toxic conservatism as labeled me, repeatedly live tired, and TDS, which the joke is on MAGA because that’s what they have. I just find it interesting that throughout my life, my studies into things like the KGB, who are much more professional than anyone like Trump or the GOP, although very underhanded means… All those people I have understood to be, and learned by behaviors to be the worst possible types of leaders, and people is exactly what Trump is and many of those who follow him.
From the beginning, when Trump started running it, POTUS, I didn’t care about his politics. In fact, I didn’t care if he said and promised everything I want in a president. Certain types of people you do not hand power to. Pathological narcissist is one personality type. And I don’t say this is a partisan, it is someone who studied psychology and from my objective point of view, Trump is the last person you give the most powerful office in history of humanity to. I mean, if you have a clear head look at what he’s done and all the damage he’s fomented, and what he’s promising to do more of.
I keep saying this. People who are complaining who like Trump are complaining from a point of democracy and how this country is now. If they hand power over to Trump, he will take it this time in his final second term with no fear of either being elected again or ever leaving office and these people will be living in will not be with their complaining from now where they have the freedom to complain.
As someone said, business leaders, and the wealthy who are now supporting him to get what they want, and to enriching themselves need to face the reality that all it takes for them to be in serious trouble or their company, slandered, and ended for themselves jailed or some MAGA supporter killing them, is to have a child who posts on social media something against Trump. And Trump taking this favor to them or their company or cause. And suddenly they will wish they had never heard the name Trump. Now is the time to not want to hear that name not when it’s too late.
Who is the most dangerous people on the planet? Theocratic extremists. And Trump is siding up to them and they are supporting him because as they say in their own words, he’s doing this for us and he’s being prosecuted for us. And in the whole Christian religion, we feel that deeply and support him even though he’s a sinner in fighting for us.
That is so much nonsense it borders on mental illness
I was posting elsewhere today that to debate requires common ground of reality. Until we were, they heal from their psychosocial illness we have no common ground on which two debate with MAGA or some of the GOP and that’s kind of a problem. Luckily they’re in the minority. But when you have an entire political party who refuses to follow rules or decency or ethics from morality that put those in the correct lane of the national highway following the rules of the road while others are taking potshots and ignoring the speed limits.
All of America outside of MAGA needs to understand and actualize. This is not standard operating procedure or up against, and that has been weapon against us.
In 2000 I voted for vice president Gore as POTUS. While I knew George W. Bush wanted to go to war against so I’m Hussain in Iraq. He had no recourse to do so. When America elected Bush, I threw up my hands but I realize they’ve been duped. It takes us back to the Awareness I had from early 90s that the GOP was tired of losing and had taken on underhanded tactics if not glean from the KGB definitely paralleling them.
The 911 hit and all bets were off and Bush could do whatever he wanted. The Intel community told him there were no WMD. Every time they told him the Oval Office sent them back out “to find some.”
Until finally, they found someone who would and did, and we went to war with an Iraq.
up to that point after 911 hit, I kept telling people America was hurt and they were frightened, and they’re going to punch some country in the mouth most likely one who had nothing to do with 911
In case you haven’t noticed that exactly what happened
When they reelected bush, which is expected during a war, I really threw my hands up and gave up on America. Once I get that fool me twice you’re lost cause
And then we elected Barack Obama, and there was hope again. And eight years of that made us complacent just like decades of Roe versus Wade protecting women’s rights made us complacent.
I graduated high school in 1973. I went in the Air Force in 1975 as Vietnam era. my last semester of high school was civics and world problems by a person who had actually worked in that field who had met Chag KI Shek in an international working group in Taiwan. I received a good education just in that. Looking back it was probably the best things I learned in all of high school so I didn’t think so at the time I love the class because of the teacher.
When Rovers Wade happened it was much rejoicing, and from that point on, I started to think OK good but now you have to have Congress actually make it a national federal law don’t rely on a court case which we did. And now we regret that.
Of course, having three conservative justices elevated to Scotus, who swore it was a done deal and they wouldn’t mess with it when they got the opportunity they did exactly that and again here we are today
Just turning around at the one and a half mile mark… Yay, it’s warming up. Whenever I make this walk, I leave the house and head south on the peninsula. When it’s cool, cold wind hit me in th when I turn around and head home in the half mile. It’s at my back and sometimes I don’t even notice if it’s cool. Today one of those days were both directions I’m in the face with the wind.
Where is all those MAGA second amendment nutcase is out there, whose children have been slaughtered in a mass, shooting to say that those are crisis actors, or to continue their support of insanity or to continue believing the faucets of things like trickle down economics, and only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, both of which have been proven fall so many times it really does border on mental illness to continue on that toxic capitalistic path actually. Because if you dig down into any of this, it’s all about power and money for the right or power and money for the wealthy or power and money for the powerful. And while you can poke fingers that Democrats are independence is only one party of big business who overly claims to be that, the GOP who are no longer grand and haven’t Been grand for going on 40 years now
From the podcast: they’re saying this is essentially what Trump is claiming in his court situation: “I’m running my mouth, so I shouldn’t have to go to trial.”
So do I ever get sucked into conspiracy theories? No. Not since I first stumbled across them in the early 70s. I came across my first conspiracy theory reading the book struck me something is not right. And it was written by very high military leader. So I couldn’t disprove what he was saying which has since been disproved, and in fact, that book is completely disappeared. But I did learn about conspiracy, theories, and from that point on, I’ve never fallen for conspiracy theories. A few times, I may have it lasted only as long as I vetted the information and found it false and that has been literally took me 30 seconds a couple times to disprove typically a few minutes and it’s never gone on longer than a few days or a week, and I actually can’t remember it lasting a week but maybe. What I discovered about MAGA when Trump took off his POTUS and there were so many conspiracies and lies and bullshit MAGA denigrating the rest of us who were based in reality what I found is a university, trained researcher and a previous senior, technical writer, you can get more based in reality than that not to mention degree in psychology, was that I would vet the crap that people threw at me and I would find the first thing I found, supported it, and sometimes the second layer down, supported it, but almost never the third or fourth layers down. And I took that to. mean one thing. That conspiracy theorist I was dealing with either did not vet their information and believe the memes they were seeing or the information thrown at them, back, then the misinformation, and soon they’re after the disinformation, and that is nationally where, as internationally Russia was hammering us with disinformation tactics, but so was the GOP. That if you could even find someone who said yes, I vetted my information. Especially if they said I do my own research. That’s a huge red flag. Because most people doing their own research is vastly different from someone like when I do my own research. Because it’s childhood my aim has always been truth not my beliefs.
Starting mile three…
Anyway, when I would ask these conspiracy divers, did they vet their information? And into what they did for those who would admit it, they would go look it up somewhere typically on a conservative info bubble website. But not going out as you should at least three disparate information sources who would typically disagree with one another. Because that’s the gold standard. If enemies agree on reality, you’re probably somewhere near to it.
I would say, most of these people did not vet their information at all. “I believe my source “ sometimes I’d ask who’s your source and they’d say Donald Trump. Did I say more? For those who vetted it was they go to one website maybe two and that was it. There is a few times that I mean very very few times where someone would say yes, I vetted my information. And I would go out and vet their information and they would be correct. It would disagree with my beliefs. It would rankle me. But I adjusted my information and my orientation to fit what I found to be reality. Those people were very very few and far between.
On exercise and long Covid: i’m lucky, I’m retired. I don’t know how lucky I am, and that I worked my tail off my entire life through a lot of family issues and emotional situations and bad managers and bad jobs… No, I’ve been lucky that I’ve chosen mostly good managers, and good jobs. but when I decided I need to exercise for my life to help camp down long Covid couple years ago my attitude was as I’ve discussed before with other things. My life is now about getting those miles in. That’s how I got to college. Nothing in my life mattered as much as graduating. Nothing mattered as much as finishing that quarter of school, I did not worry about grades. Of course I tried to get the best grade I could, but I often found I was up against learning a lot in a class or getting a good grade and I opted for learning a lot. I don’t think they were many who studied as hard as I did, or who was at the library as much as I was. researching. Because I knew once I graduated if I didn’t go on to post graduate work and get a masters or a PhD… My mind would likely never be as sharp as it was at graduation, and I would never have the kind of freedom within the constraints of the class structure and the degree structure to learn as much as I had the opportunity to learn at that time and over those four years. since I went to summer school each year and I took enough credits each school year if I’d stay around for less than another year I would’ve had 2 university degrees. I thought about it but I was kind of burned out. I thought about going for my masters, but I really just wanted to be a writer.
Why did I get a psychology degree if I wanted to be a writer?
Maybe a literature degree would’ve been better. But I had enough problems from childhood that I wanted to resolve. I figured a psychology degree was a free therapy session that lasted years. And it worked out plus when you’re a writer you need to understand character development. Who understands that better a Lit major or a psych major? And so that’s why I got a psych degree. One quarter was a class that was basically a three month group therapy session with students and a professor. I refused. I didn’t want to feel exposed and paranoid. I talked to my professor, and we debated it until he finally said look if you want to psych degree you have to do this that’s the end of it. And so I did it. It was difficult for the first few days and it got easier. I’ll tell you, at the end of that quarter? I was a more relaxed and open person.
Two weeks until jury selection for Trump’s trial. I don’t know why it’s so hard to get this guy through the court system like all the rest of us would have had to go. If this was any of us, the trials would be done and we’d be in prison by now.
This is kind of sad. I’ve been looking for one of my best friends from high school for decades. People complain about Facebook? And yeah he’s got problems. It’s caused a lot of problems nationally and internationally in one country. People even died because of it. But I’ve been able to reconnect with a bunch of old friends And stay connected to distant family.
Brother has kids. His son has a friend. One day they were talking and I don’t know how it came to be but his friend contacted me on Facebook and asked me if I knew his stepdad. And it turned out his stepdad was at best friend from high school and afterwards. This is a guy who’s older brother and I went skydiving the day after his I want to say 19th birthday? I was younger than him. When I graduated all my friends were 18 and 19 and I was 17. anyway my friend in the screenplay “the teenage bodyguard “, is mostly this guy. Sweet guy. We have some adventures to tell. Like skydiving that day with hangovers for the first time. Skydiving the first time, not having a hangover.
Anyway, this guy that reconnected me with him is pretty MAGA. Like my older brother. Like his son as happens with sons and dads. my kids are not MAGA because I raised them with an open mind and a sense of reality and education. They don’t follow my lead by any means they have their own views, and we have interesting discussions and debates. But we have a great relationship.
This guy I’m so grateful for reconnecting me with his dad attacked one of my posts on Facebook couple days ago. And it’s just been hammering me about you you know whatever MAGA people say when you disagree with them. About how bad Joe Biden is for instance. You know I’ve looked into all these claims about him that MAGA professors to be true and You don’t even get past the first level of vetting before it proves false. So my intention of late because I quit debating these people before the end of the Trump administration because it’s useless and a waste of my time. I got sick of prove me wrong! Or show me where I’m wrong! I spent three fucking years doing that and no one believed anything I said even though it’s solid information solid sources solid facts. So now I just know that the issue is my latest blurb, which is basically MAGA in the GOP have a psychosocial poor health issue that we, and they mostly they need rectify before we can ever have common ground like reality, to debate from, and that’s it. That’s all there is to it.
America has a split personality and while this side is annoying and a very small minority extremist not like the right portray at all, but they do have a cycle, social mental health issue, and a leader, who is pathologically narcissist.
There should be no need to say anymore ever about that. I like Obama a lot. But if he acted like Trump, I would’ve turned on him in second. When we have a POTUS, they are people they make mistakes. Hopefully they try their best. But when all you do is present is play golf, as opposed to those who stay up late into each night, studying world issues, national issues who actually do something and try and have a party behind them who wants to do positive things, they are the better party. The GOP likes to sit back to as little as possible. Maintain their positions and blame the Democrats for screwing up. Here’s a news piece when you do things you screw up then you fix them. You don’t do nothing or try to break things defund which they’ve been doing a lot longer than BLM decided to defund police which wasn’t about finding the police but properly funding them and getting them help as they’ve been begging for 40 years. I grew up a blue-collar family, a Teamster union family, a theater, workers union, and I was a wrap in the early 70s in high school, and a democrat. Soon as I turned 18 I voted in the next election. All of my life I voted for the best candidate and I didn’t bother with party. That is new to me.
We have to do better.
Starting my 4th mile…
So John Eastman, Trump’s buddy was judged guilty for helping Trump conspire against the election. That can’t be good for Trump and his trial. This is from the podcast. They judging this trial, so it said there was clear and convincing evidence not merely a preponderance, which indicates over 50%. So he’s saying the Donald Trump absolutely did what he’s charged with. So it’ll be interesting if they can use this trial at all in the other trial and the way things are going probably not.
I don’t know if you’re aware of this? But the one national entity and state entities who have supported the law in all of his trumpets, is the bar associations. And they’re removing the license to practice law from those criminal Trump supporters who are now convicts they are doing a patriotic and substantial duty to America and the law. And this actually includes many attorneys, who agreed with Donald Trump, or supported him, but did not sign up for breaking the law, or losing their law license like those who have supported Trump in an insurrection already have.
This was bugging me last night. If anyone reads this blog and wonders why from time to time I mentioned my health or my physical progress on this walk. That’s just for those out of shape, wanting to get into shape and those with Covid or long Covid who are suffering and can see how at least one person is handling it. And they can see how I push myself but then I mindfully consider when to give up and take a break for the day or whatever. So this really isn’t ego or narcissism on my part. If you know me, that’s just not me. I was raised with plenty of reasons to have poor self-esteem, and have to fight through that grown-up, but with a very critical mind that could compare Social reality to actuality that surrounds us.
Just thinking about Covid. If I had not caught Covid in February 2020, and again end of March 2022, I would have so much more done. I might have another couple books published. I might even have another couple of films produced. I hadn’t thought about that till just now, I was just remembering novel I started a while back maybe 10 years ago I’d like to finish. And I realize it wasn’t for Covid right now. I probably could have the time and enough projects behind me that I would feel comfortable spending on finishing another novel. I thought all the age would find me in better health. And I could travel more have more energy. Get more done. Wow. Not so much. But I’m positive and hopeful always and optimistic. And I hope I’ll hit a point where I am again doing well. Healthwise. Regardless I’m still getting older every minute.
How is moving forward. Always trying to do better. Remember that to maintain equilibrium and to maintain your position requires progress and movement. And to think that you can “standstill “movement is to have no observation whatsoever of your own history and knowledge of the world, or humanity or physics.
Ha! I haven’t mentioned this a long time… I grew up in the 50s and 60s and 70s in watching old movies and adventure movies and eventually Indiana Jones and all my life. I’ve tried to find Native American arrowheads or prehistoric hand tools or whatever. I’ve been around the country and I’ve Backpacked The superstition wilderness in Arizona for days. I can’t remember ever finding any kind of historical artifact until I moved to Bremerton Washington. And within a year I found two certified hand tools on the street just in the gravel on the side of the road.. verified by an actual archaeologist. Funny that. I assumed maybe somebody dropped it who knew what it was and was sad they lost it or what seems more reasonable to me is the city trucks in road gravel from outside the city and it was probably just in one of those dumps from out in the woods somewhere or wherever they get gravel originally.
On the podcast she says there’s always been bad lawyers. Well there’s always been bad presidents. But with the advent of Donald Trump, putting Nixon to shame there is now only one bad president in American history. And it will take a lot and possibly Trump again or someone far worse in the future to be the second worst president of our bad presidents which will most likely require the ending of the United States of America for something far far worse as Trump is trying to do now. I say let’s not let him.
Now up on the podcast, Jeffrey Clark, who is worse than John Eastman because he had a position in the DOJ
Just a reminder, Donald Trump is POTUS45 over 30,000 lies to the American people. And took the fifth amendment over 400 times in his deposition.
Starting the 5th mile…
15 year old Transgender Day visibility fell on Easter this year. Biden has said something about it on that day the past four years. But literally anything Trump can whine about and his Maga GOP can be pissy about they will be. We fear and hate what we’re ignorant about. Which are transgender people to conservatives but not MAGA to the rest of us. Whom we know all too much about thank you very much.
Trump and GOP the leaders in manufactured outrage
Here’s what I don’t get about the transgender evangelical Christian bullshit. Didn’t Jesus meet a leper in the Bible? Was he mean to him? I bet anything he met a person who today would be transgender and was he mean to him? I bet he was kind. Because that was kind of his thing. Transgender is a minority. There’s not many of them around. I have some fucking compassion if you’re angry about them learn about them so that you won’t be angry anymore and you’ll feel sorry for him and have some empathy. Thank God I’m not Gay or an ethnic minority, other than white or saying, maybe Muslim or trans or any of those things I didn’t have to suffer through other people of using me over that is none of their business. If you don’t like something, turn your head or turn the channel. This anti-white racism bullshit is exactly that. When you’re the majority and you start seeing yourself as a minority and you start feeling butt hurt because other people are starting to get a little of the light of the world, and of course you’re gonna lose a sliver it’s not half it’s a sliver. And if everybody gets there do sliver at a time you know what that sliver after sliver adds up to? Just a bigger sliver. But it’s still a sliver and it’s not really a piece of the pie. So shut the fuck up. I don’t understand this Christian nationalist white wing extremist we despise compassion and empathy, but we like to call ourselves Christians nonsense. The way I see it, your Christian or you’re not or your American or you’re not and I’m seeing a lot of people claiming to be religious or patriots and they’re just not supporting with their actions and beliefs.
By the way, I use the term oh my God once in a while. I grew up with it. I was raised old Slovak school Catholic in the 1950s and 60s and that’s my right I earned it just as I earned educating myself to understand how abusive religion has been historically, and how, especially Christianity and Catholicism literally murdered people to stop religions replacement as that of science and psychology and sociology and education in general, which has traditionally been an asthma to religion. Because the more you know the more you know. Trump said white? I love the uneducated. It’s not for the reason you think.
Wow! I am now turning around to head home at the 4.5 mile mark that means I made 5 miles plus today. For the first time this year. On a day I woke up not feeling good and my lungs are being kind of weird. I don’t feel too bad. I feel beat to hell. But not as bad as when I finish 4 miles two days ago. This is definitely progress now I just need to make the next two walks over the next week each 5 miles and I’ll have pretty much locked in for the rest of the year.
It’s 12:20 PM, so when I get home… Lunchtime!
Listening to the pod Save America podcast now because the other one finished. They’re just talking about what I mentioned above which they were talking about the Eastern transgender thing. And one of them said in a statement by I don’t know if Trump or somebody they mentioned Christians and Catholics. And one of the pointed out Catholics are Christians. I would point out Christians I’ve known generally don’t say they are Catholic. I know a little about the history of Christian and Catholics. I learned even more when I wrote my story that may culpa document of London. Which I mentioned in my last blog.
I would just like to mention that if your religion not only doesn’t allow for gay people and trans, people, such and non-binary, and you have trouble with non-binary, thinking the problem there is it with those people but with your religion and the way you think. I known plenty of Christians who are just fine with all of that, but they’re not binary Thinkers.
I discovered after a few years of marriage to my youngest mom, and now ex-wife. We were very different people. She was very cowgirl and a professional horse rider, trainer and instructor. Grew up in the farm life. I grew up in cities and suburbs. I grew up with a mother, who was, very interesting in her psychological make up. But I don’t think I was ever a binary singer after I got past kindergarten? I wonder if we should see people stuck in binary thinking as having a developmental challenge? Not mentally incompetent, just at times. Not sociologically inept just too often.
The podcast just conjectured if when we wanted Biden to win and beat out Trump in 2020 if we all didn’t get a little hooked on the Trump bullshit and when we said we wanted a boring president again we kind of didn’t? Well, I was one of the people saying that, and I mean it. And the way I mean it is, I love when I never hear from my leaders and they just do a good job. I saw having to see Trump every day on TV when he was POTUS 45 as the worst nightmare for a leader you could have. I always enjoyed seeing Obama when he talked about often it was about that shit but he was handling. But I wouldn’t want to see him on TV every damn day. I want to think he’s off work for us and he has delegated to professional mouthpieces to speak for him, has his historically tradition. When you see somebody like Trump in front of the TV every day that’s just a fucking narcissistic asshole. And in Trump‘s case a supremely ignorant and bigoted one.
And I’ll leave you with that. I made my 5 miles first time this year!
And it’s noon and time for lunch.
Temperature is 56° now
Temperature is 56° now
NOTE: It's now the next day I got home and started feeling ill within a few hours and the flu hit me hard. Home Covid test came out negative. I called the VA nurse who suggested I go to emergent care in the morning as they were closed. In bed trying to sleep my lungs felt raw. I woke feeling pretty crummy but my lungs, though weak feeling, didn't feel raw, nor did my throat. This does not feel like Covid which felt like something vile was in my system and acid in my veins. I called emergent care and they were busy, I left my phone number and they never called back. Finally I called the cancelled. I don't feel great but I'm not concerned it's something bad, just miserable and time will heal things
And with that... I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!
Cheers! Sláinte!
Cheers! Sláinte!