Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Traditional Conservative American Male Life View

For some...for too many men, and some women:

 100% Important.
 100% Important.
 100% Important.
 100% unacceptable.
 100% unacceptable.
Pro Life?
 100% Important.
 100% Important.
Childcare, education, healthcare, welfare, veteran care, social concern?
 100% unimportant
Suicide for cause?
 100% unacceptable
Cannabis for any reason?
 100% unacceptable
Logic, science, ethics?
 100% unimportant
 100% Important.
 100% Important... or at least act that way.
 100% confused.

Enough of this. Try something lighter....JZ Murdock photos on Flickr

Monday, August 5, 2013

Land of Free Speech?

A while back there was an attempt to keep a Miss America contestant to shut up about her Pro-Life views.

I can see avoiding politicizing the pageant. 

But then if it's historically been allowed, why stop now? Times do change however and things are pretty weird right now. I'm kind of on the fence on this one, though. But if I had to make a decision right now about it, I'd say let her speak. 

You know, Miss America? Free, America? American Free Speech? 

Does Trump own this now? Wouldn't he be on her side on this? Curious what the deal is behind the scenes on this thing though. Basically I'm overall of a Pro-Life nature, but that issue has been subverted to mean making abortion illegal. It's proBaby, not proWoman. Which sounds great at first, until you dig into it. And frankly, the woman is here now and kind of has precedence over the rights of her body. It's been that way since, well, before written history.

There is a reason abortion was originally made legal and people forget about that back alley situation. This is really about a woman's body first and foremost, and ignorant old white men (mostly from the South) need to shut the hell up about it. I think it is dangerous to start dictating to people what their rights are inside their body on their side of their skin. like with suicide. It's illegal? Really? Isn't that about the stupid thing ever? IF you have rights over anything in this world, in life, it's when you want to die, you can die. Why are we continuing to fight battles we shouldn't even be involved in?

Here's another one, the drug war needs to stop. Everyone knows it, we just need to do it. 

Sane and informed suicide is a personal choice, like drugs (especially ones that are less harmful than legal drugs like alcohol), and abortion. If the rest of your life is going to be nothing but pain, it should be your option to speed up the end. 

Pregnancy is a very unique, special and personal issue that others shouldn't be allowed to dictate about. We have many other options for people, for Pro-Lifers, to get their way and from what I'm seeing, it's working and trending toward Pro-Life. But it takes time, generations even for these things to happen. Even then, abortion should be legal. I think people who are against abortion really don't think it out. Sure they think about it, but not all aspects of it. They just lecture others that they haven't thought about all aspects of it.

Sorry if these pro-lifer people can't have their way right now (foot stamp). But we need to hang on to what America stands for. We've already lost enough recently. 

Getting back to the original thought, that was a pretty weird case with Miss America. If we can't stay out of women's bodies, if we're going to continually tell women what to do with their own bodies, what is the harm in their speaking their mind in a public forum? I think then it becomes even more important. Transparency is a good thing. Talking, is a good thing. Using your mind and critical thinking, is a good thing. 

Then again, maybe we should go back to a time when women do what they are told, who have to possibly die to get an abortion, who will go to jail for smoking some Cannabis, and who could also go to jail for wanting to commit suicide. 

Look, it's up to you. It's up to all of us. It's up to people speaking out against those who want control over the life and dreams of others. It's up to the voters. But not just voters, it's up to just people.

I think it will happen. Those who want control over more than just their own twisted views will eventually fade away and be replaced by a younger group of people who actually can think clearly, have a sense of freedom and fair play, and will refuse to put up with the insanity that is today, our national Zeitgeist.

I just hope I live to see it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GOP - The Grievous Old People Party

Let me ask you something. Who are we most becoming like, moving toward? Or if you don't like that one, who is becoming much more like us, moving that direction, anyway?

Outside of ourselves, who do we owe the most money to?

Who do the fear-mongering politicians and pundits say we most want not to be like? Or that we should fear? No, not Russia.

Who was the most repressive, conservative presidential candidate in the 2012 election going to stick it to if he had been elected president?

In all these questions the answer may very well be, China.

Are we becoming like China? Is China becoming like us?

It seems that way.

Do we want Big Brother telling us what to do? Do we really want to limit our options, let a political party keep us from having the freedom to choose, in a so called free nation state? Do we want our government telling our women how to act? Do we need one gender making medical and societal decisions for the other gender?

Where do they get off thinking that is okay? Even after getting pounded in the election, they still think they should not pay any attention to women or minorities. Is that smart?

In the 1950s when McCarthyism was running rampant, the fear was about the Soviets and those were who we became most like. Fear, repression, rooting out your neighbor who just might be a commie, turning people in, blacklisting very talented people regardless of their true predilections. If someone is not outright calling for active destruction of the government, what is the problem with free speech?

I'll tell you, lately free speech is letting loose some mad dogs who want to return to a policy of control of the citizenry. The GOP is a party who says they want smaller government yet they are trying to control more of the citizenry, just with more government. They seem to want their cake and eat it too. Wouldn't you say? Smaller government, government out of our businesses, out of our bank's business, but not out of our citizens personal lives, it would seem.

Do we really need a government like that?

It would also seem the GOP wants to control our country by using "God". Their God certainly, the Christian God, of course. "Let God decide", they seem to be saying, what businesses need to be controlled. And in using God's demands... in the Bible, that religious tome of a single overarching religious community, let people be ruled by how they (the "righteous"?) interpret "God's Word".

Do we really want a political party setting the laws of the land according to one religious community's dogma? Do we really want to turn America into China? Only a religious China? Consider how the God Communism has ruled China for so long. They are a "Godless Nation" it's been said; but are they? Are they really? It's been said that America worships the God Money. Maybe. But we really need to not be worshiping anyone and certainly not, money.

The one conundrum here is that China has a law requiring one child per family so that they nearly require abortions, where the GOP is doing just the opposite as they seem to fear abortion and require children.

Abortion isn't a great thing certainly, but when it can cost a woman her life in suicide and fatal attempts to perform one on her on, that is when medical procedures need to be available. Which, wasn't that the original reason for Roe vs. Wade in the first place? To save women's lives who were getting back alley abortions, then bleeding out, or getting fatal infections.

The GOP wants to return to those days and with their restrictions already it is happening now. Women are taking drugs to abort pregnancies and they are hemorrhaging and dying. And that, is on the heads of the GOP and the ProLifers who are really being so pro fetus that they have become, and they refuse to think about it or to really consider the actualy consequences of their demands, AntiWoman.

The Grand Old Party has turned itself into the Sad Old Party. It's a terrible thing to ruin a fine tradition in the name of perceived righteousness. Especially when you're wrong. Religious bigotry and repression are the worst of all traditions. Just cast a glance a short distance back through time to the middle ages where religions slaughtered people for the most mundane of human conditions, all because of the demands made by a supposed (perhaps non existent?) entity described as written down in an ancient book, updated over centuries by the various and prejudiced hands of... men.

If you are a Republican, fight to bring your party back to the light. It's your party. Is this who you are?