Hi. Hang in there. Hopefully, no matter what happens, we'll get through it to the next and better situation.
This is a special blog today, feel free to share it. Dark,but accurate. No kidding around. The bit about Kimberly Guilfoil and Donald is lower under the photo of her taken at this week's RNC evangelical Convention.
If you haven't yet been concerned or afraid of Donald Trump, you should be. I warned years ago about his psychopathology, as his niece Mary Trump has warned, could expand out into the nationalist Republican Party, and turn into a personality cult, with the icing on the cake being Christian nationalism. The failed assassination attempt Saturday and last night's Republican National Committee's convention shows us a no longer "GOP", not any longer a "Grand Old Party", not Pres. Lincoln's party, not Ronald Reagan's part but a religious-oriented cult of an ill-minded personality.
We are in a serious situation if you haven't noticed. POTUS 45 proved that. There is more to come.
First... In words that junior high kids can understand, Democracy or Republic?
By the way, I've repeatedly reviewed the footage and Trump turning his head had nothing to do with the bullet. In fact, it's possible had Trump not moved he wouldn't have had his ear clipped at all. The shooter missed by a couple of inches. This nonsense about moving his head saved his life is myth-building.
I said this within the hour of his being nicked by the bullet and knew this was going to happen. One older female Trump attendee said on camera that moving his head saved him and I knew the media and Trump people would pick up on the nonsense and run with it. The myth grows...
We now know the bullet didn't hit Trump at all, playing it up that he was hit by any bullet. I was right that the bullets missed: Donald Trump Reportedly Hit By Glass Shards During Shooting At Pennsylvania Rally, President Biden Reacts | Atlanta Daily World Another periodical headline stated: "...haters call shooting a hoax". No, police SAID.
According to law enforcement, a bullet hit a teleprompter and Trump was grazed by glass shards. So the video going around with a computer showing how Trump turned his head and saved himself, as I'd said, is incorrect. I had said maybe he turned his head INTO a bullet, but nope, nada, not at all. Boy did he play it up with that massive white ear target or bandage on his ear at the RNCcon. I hear not at al playing golf though. This guy, I tell ya...
Update: Snopes says it was a bullet but their proof is lame. I need to see more like intact teleprompters after the shots which I can't find and may have been shattered with the first or succeeding wild shots fired. So it's still up in the air in my book, for now.
OK this sure adds credence to the glass hit Trump not a bullet theory. I do not see where it looks altered. Or not...
I just noticed it does look "photoshopped". I checked and it's not photoshopped but I was looking at the chip. I went back to look at the bigger area and well, the stand is messed up and not even aligned as if someone did it as a joke and not a serious effort. Which would be a good Trump camp thing to do to discredit this theory.
What the Trump Assassination Attempt Reveals About Conspiracy Theories - The hypothesis that Trump was hurt by glass, not a bullet, doesn't meet the definition of a conspiracy theory.
We are into a weird time in America. As some contend, Republicans supporting Donald Trump are not stupid. Some are highly intelligent. JD Vance now Trump's VP select isn't stupid. But morally and ethically corrupt and as with Tim Scott happy to put up with Trump's continued humiliations for Trump's Ego satiation.
It's hard to view the RNC Convention this week, see all those thousands of people and just stare at them in wonder. HOW, can you support someone like Donald Trump? How are you not seeing what I'm seeing? How can you look at Biden and see exactly those things, where they do not exist and yet, think the same about me viewing Trump.
I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.
I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.
There must be something. It's not low IQ, maybe low EQ. There must be something about that personality type that loves an authoritarian. But a convicted criminal like Trump? IQ by county.
It's surreal. How does this happen? Well in part it happens because it's being done on purpose. It's the authoritarian playbook. Pick up a copy. Read it.
"Mr. Trump is unfit for our Nation's Highest Office." - 2016 - JD Vance: Why Trump’s Antiwar Message Resonates with White America
Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
- Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
- Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
- Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
- Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
- Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
- Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
- Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
Donald Trump: "That’s why it was one of the great presidencies, they say. Even the opponents sometimes say he did very well … but we’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy." 12/2/23
The Moral Collapse of J. D. Vance
Instead of a truth-teller in his own community, Vance as a candidate has become a contemptible and cringe-inducing clown.
My friend Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, tried to describe Vance recently and came up with “pathetic loser poser fake jerk,
This means Donald John & James David WILL be bringing America together again, going forward! Right?
THAT'S what this selection for VPOTUS means!
Paul Pelosi was bludgeoned with a hammer.
Because of Trump's rhetoric.
Trump got his ear nicked.
Because of Trump's...TRUMP's" rhetoric.
NOT Biden's.
Monica Alba @albamonica
Biden campaign: "Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people."
Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Here is the message JD Vance sent to his friend suggesting Donald Trump might be "America's Hitler."
Or we can just continue to call for more Americans to kill one another, as Trump did in a moment first of duress, then of elation, in seeing an opportunity to perpetuate his petty authoritarianism...whichever you find more entertaining.
Just sayin'...
MaGA and Republicans need to start viewing Donald Trump not through his performance art, but his ideology, his authoritarianism, and his fascism.
I know. When you see it you'll want vengeance on his grifting you.
But instead, just vote against him.
Let's compare & contrast in the Trump shooting with what a true leader would have done rather than making a call to arms in his repetitive calls to: "FIGHT! FIGHT!" What a jerk.
Perhaps better...
"I'm OK, it's OK, calm, be calm!"
But nope.
"Attack other American citizens..." was Trump's subtext.
- Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
- Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
- Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
- Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
- Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
- Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist.
I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.
Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it.
I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.
One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it.
But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.
I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.
That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...
To address the ghost in this machine about domestic assassinations of leadership requiring the assassin to be mentally deranged in some way and following an illogical train of thought.
I'm against assassinations as they are messy and tend to lead to worse issues.
I'm not denying at times, a rational side in this. Look.
Reagan, shot by a nutter.
George W Bush, "shot" with a shoe.
John Lennon, shot by a nutter.
Trump, who has set HIMSELF up for attack since day 1, It actually does NOT require being a nutter in this case as there actually ARE rational considerations involved that are NOT difficult to find or consider.
The only arguments against this kind of thing are:
1) regardless of how hard Republicans try against this, we ARE America with a peaceful transfer of power after elections.
2) Murder is generally considered bad (though technical this is assassination).
3) A nation cannot stand for a leader or former leader being killed.
Putting all that aside, however, there are sane and moral reasons regarding Trump in all this which question a need for mental issues regarding his potential mechanized demise.
As it turns out, however, Trump was only slightly damaged by flying glass debris from a teleprompter when the would-be assassin missed his shot completely.
Cheers! Slàinte!