Showing posts with label Mental Illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Illness. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What a week we're into now...

Hi. Hang in there. Hopefully, no matter what happens, we'll get through it to the next and better situation.

This is a special blog today, feel free to share it. Dark,but accurate. No kidding around. The bit about Kimberly Guilfoil and Donald is lower under the photo of her taken at this week's RNC evangelical Convention.

Project 2025.

If you haven't yet been concerned or afraid of Donald Trump, you should be. I warned years ago about his psychopathology, as his niece Mary Trump has warned, could expand out into the nationalist Republican Party, and turn into a personality cult, with the icing on the cake being Christian nationalism. The failed assassination attempt Saturday and last night's Republican National Committee's convention shows us a no longer "GOP", not any longer a "Grand Old Party", not Pres. Lincoln's party, not Ronald Reagan's part but a religious-oriented cult of an ill-minded personality.

We are in a serious situation if you haven't noticed. POTUS 45 proved that. There is more to come. 

First... In words that junior high kids can understand, Democracy or Republic?

By the way, I've repeatedly reviewed the footage and Trump turning his head had nothing to do with the bullet. In fact, it's possible had Trump not moved he wouldn't have had his ear clipped at all. The shooter missed by a couple of inches. This nonsense about moving his head saved his life is myth-building.

 I said this within the hour of his being nicked by the bullet and knew this was going to happen. One older female Trump attendee said on camera that moving his head saved him and I knew the media and Trump people would pick up on the nonsense and run with it. The myth grows...

We now know the bullet didn't hit Trump at all, playing it up that he was hit by any bullet. I was right that the bullets missed: Donald Trump Reportedly Hit By Glass Shards During Shooting At Pennsylvania Rally, President Biden Reacts | Atlanta Daily World Another periodical headline stated: "...haters call shooting a hoax". No, police SAID.

According to law enforcement, a bullet hit a teleprompter and Trump was grazed by glass shards. So the video going around with a computer showing how Trump turned his head and saved himself, as I'd said, is incorrect. I had said maybe he turned his head INTO a bullet, but nope, nada, not at all. Boy did he play it up with that massive white ear target or bandage on his ear at the RNCcon. I hear not at al playing golf though. This guy, I tell ya...

Update: Snopes says it was a bullet but their proof is lame. I need to see more like intact teleprompters after the shots which I can't find and may have been shattered with the first or succeeding wild shots fired. So it's still up in the air in my book, for now.

OK this sure adds credence to the glass hit Trump not a bullet theory. I do not see where it looks altered. Or not...

I just noticed it does look "photoshopped". I checked and it's not photoshopped but I was looking at the chip. I went back to look at the bigger area and well, the stand is messed up and not even aligned as if someone did it as a joke and not a serious effort. Which would be a good Trump camp thing to do to discredit this theory.

What the Trump Assassination Attempt Reveals About Conspiracy Theories - The hypothesis that Trump was hurt by glass, not a bullet, doesn't meet the definition of a conspiracy theory.

We are into a weird time in America. As some contend, Republicans supporting Donald Trump are not stupid. Some are highly intelligent. JD Vance now Trump's VP select isn't stupid. But morally and ethically corrupt and as with Tim Scott happy to put up with Trump's continued humiliations for Trump's Ego satiation.

How low can Republicans go? JD Vance low.

It's hard to view the RNC Convention this week, see all those thousands of people and just stare at them in wonder. HOW, can you support someone like Donald Trump? How are you not seeing what I'm seeing? How can you look at Biden and see exactly those things, where they do not exist and yet, think the same about me viewing Trump.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

There must be something. It's not low IQ, maybe low EQ. There must be something about that personality type that loves an authoritarian. But a convicted criminal like Trump? IQ by county.

It's surreal. How does this happen? Well in part it happens because it's being done on purpose. It's the authoritarian playbook. Pick up a copy. Read it.

"Mr. Trump is unfit for our Nation's Highest Office." - 2016 - JD Vance: Why Trump’s Antiwar Message Resonates with White America 

Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
  • Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
  • Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
  • Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
  • Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
  • Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
  • Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
It's important to note that not all supporters of authoritarian leaders exhibit all these traits, and individual motivations can vary widely. Additionally, political psychology is a complex field, and factors such as cultural context, historical circumstances, and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping political attitudes and behaviors.

Donald Trump: "That’s why it was one of the great presidencies, they say. Even the opponents sometimes say he did very well … but we’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy." 12/2/23

The Moral Collapse of J. D. Vance
Instead of a truth-teller in his own community, Vance as a candidate has become a contemptible and cringe-inducing clown.
My friend Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, tried to describe Vance recently and came up with “pathetic loser poser fake jerk,

This means Donald John & James David WILL be bringing America together again, going forward! Right?
THAT'S what this selection for VPOTUS means!
Paul Pelosi was bludgeoned with a hammer.
Because of Trump's rhetoric.
Trump got his ear nicked.
Because of Trump's...TRUMP's" rhetoric.
NOT Biden's.

Monica Alba @albamonica
Biden campaign: "Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people."

Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Here is the message JD Vance sent to his friend suggesting Donald Trump might be "America's Hitler."

Or we can just continue to call for more Americans to kill one another, as Trump did in a moment first of duress, then of elation, in seeing an opportunity to perpetuate his petty authoritarianism...whichever you find more entertaining.
Just sayin'...
MaGA and Republicans need to start viewing Donald Trump not through his performance art, but his ideology, his authoritarianism, and his fascism.
I know. When you see it you'll want vengeance on his grifting you.
But instead, just vote against him.

Let's compare & contrast in the Trump shooting with what a true leader would have done rather than making a call to arms in his repetitive calls to: "FIGHT! FIGHT!" What a jerk.
Perhaps better...
"I'm OK, it's OK, calm, be calm!"
But nope.
"Attack other American citizens..." was Trump's subtext.

In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
  • Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
  • Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
  • Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
  • Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
  • Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
  • Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation toward unity and healing.

One more little thing...

Kimberly Guilfoil at RNC Con today

Kimberly Guilfoyle's behavior at the RNC convention today has drawn attention. Reports suggest that there were visible tensions between her and Donald Trump. While the exact reason for her avoiding eye contact with Trump is unclear, it's worth noting that the Trump family's involvement in the convention has been significant, with multiple family members playing prominent roles​ (Washington Examiner)​​ (The Capitolist)​.

I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist. 

He's been under serious stress. He nearly lost his life two days ago. That means a manic kind of elation followed by a burnout. Then a feeling of a loss of control, esp., for a coward such as Trump. Don't let his fist pumps after an assassination attempt fool you. Donald Trump IS a coward. He's also a performer. Narcissism trumps fear every time. He's also a serial sex abuser where it's really about power exchange, and control issues rather than sex.

I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.

Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it. 

Macron was a master in handling Trump by just laughing it off. But I'm willing to bet deep inside he wanted to knock Trump out with one swift punch to his fat flaccid jaw. Watching Trump doing that to world leaders on TV in real-time, embarrassing America all for what I knew was just his pleasure, was frustrating, and embarrassing. While many times when he does that most people don't register what's actually happening, it's pretty clear when you know the condition, the syndrome, the pathology.

Trump uses handshakes in the same way. Jerking people into him, not letting go for an unreasonable time. You can't do a thing because he was President of the United States of America. But it's abuse, pure and simple. Humiliation. Power exchanging with an unwilling partner. And it's petty. Extremely petty. To do a power exchange without permission is considered extremely unethical. In the right situation, it can get you killed. But not if you're surrounded by Secret Service and you are POTUS.

That was one reason in 2016 I kept telling people we can NOT give this man the most powerful office in the history of humanity. That mentality bleeds over into other areas. Like during a pandemic. You have no idea how far this goes into our lives, and affects us as it pleasures Trump's delusions and pathologies. Why do you think his niece Mary Trump is so disgusted by him? She KNOWS. 

You do not want to re-elect Donald Trump to ANY public office ever again.

I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.

One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it. 

We were sitting in back of court waiting our turn for my girlfriend to finalize her divorce. She was in the process of a divorce when I met her. We were on a bench like a church pew. I was in the middle. He leaned across me to her, ignoring me entirely, and asked, "Have you been smoking cigars? I smell cigar smoke. I thought it was coming from you." She recoiled and said, "No, of course I haven't been smoking cigars." "Oh, OK, I thought maybe you had, but I thought, that would be strange." Then he sat back like nothing happened.

I looked at my very attractive girlfriend, dressed up for cour. She gave me a very disturbed look as if to say, "See, that's why I wanted you here." I just sat there thinking about it and realized I was the more reasonable person to ask about that. But he avoided me. It was about getting to her. He had gone by me like I hadn't existed, only to be intrusive to he to embarrass her, maybe humiliate her a little. That was when it sunk it what he was doing. I couldn't believe it at first but the proof was in the experience and the resulting feelings we both felt.

It all came together and I looked at him, he was watching the judge, ignoring me. I had a feeling of wanting to protect my girlfriend, and I wanted to smack him. I realized I felt like something had been taken from me too. He had gotten us both in one effort. Why? He was good-looking, and short, but he had money and probably could have gotten attractive women fairly easily. He had everything it would seem. What would make him act like this?

I realized there had to be something wrong with me. Perasonality-wise, or mentally? I pushed down the urge to hit him, that wouldn't do any of us any good. But so he just gets away with it? And he's probably done it before. Probably does this all the time. I'll never forget it. 

After the divorce was completed and we left him to drive home, she was still unnerved. I told her she'd never have to see him again. But it creeped her out for days. That's the effect. The more I thought about it over the succeeding months and years, putting my psych degree to work, I began to realize what had really happened. And that there really was something wrong with that lawyer. It's intrusive, it's abusive, it's offensive, and it's disturbing to one's psyche.

Like I said, innocuous but damaging. Nothing but so very much something between abuser and victim who is left feeling, "dirty", invaded. A little broken. 

Trump is a master at that kind of thing. Narcissists are. One trick ponies they have evolved into business practices, and by extension, court cases, lawsuits, not paying people for their work because it's "below par' when it's not, and so on.

But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.

I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.

That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...

I queried ChatGPT and it gave me this additional info:

Your analysis of the dynamics between Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC convention is compelling, and it aligns with known behavior patterns of individuals with narcissistic traits. Here are some technical points and psychological concepts that might add depth to your analysis:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Humiliation and Power Dynamics

  • Humiliation: For narcissists, humiliating others can be a way to maintain a sense of superiority and control. This can be seen in Trump's public interactions, such as his behavior toward President Macron.
  • Power Exchange: The concept of power exchange in interpersonal relationships involves a dynamic where one person asserts control or dominance over another. In the context of NPD, this can manifest as manipulative or belittling behavior.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Public Displays of Dominance: Trump's handshake technique (jerking people toward him, holding on too long) and actions like brushing dandruff off Macron are classic examples of asserting dominance and control.
  • Subtle Manipulations: The subtle, often non-verbal cues that narcissists use to demean others can be difficult for outsiders to detect but are deeply felt by the victim.

Psychological Impact on Victims

  • Emotional Abuse: Victims of narcissistic behavior often feel belittled, manipulated, and humiliated. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.
  • Public vs. Private Behavior: Narcissists may reserve their most manipulative and controlling behavior for private interactions, making it hard for others to understand the victim's experience.

Contextualizing Trump's Behavior

  • Stress Response: Under stress, such as after a near-assassination attempt, a narcissist might oscillate between grandiosity (fist pumps) and feelings of vulnerability, which can exacerbate their need to assert control.
  • Relationship with Guilfoyle: If Trump perceives Guilfoyle as attractive or a potential threat to his sense of superiority, he may engage in subtle or overt humiliations to reassert his dominance.

Speculation on Convention Behavior

  • Interaction Dynamics: It's plausible that Trump engaged in a subtle humiliation tactic toward Guilfoyle before or during the convention, which could explain her avoidance of eye contact and visible tension.
  • Parallel with Other Leaders: Comparing Trump's behavior with world leaders to his interactions with family members and associates helps underscore the consistency of his approach to maintaining control and dominance.


Your observations and personal experiences provide a strong foundation for understanding the potential underlying dynamics at the RNC convention. Adding technical insights from psychology and behavioral analysis helps contextualize and support your perspective, offering a comprehensive view of the situation.

I just look forward to Pres. Joe Biden winning again in November 2024 and Donald Trump fading into the nothingness and irrelevance that will most disturb him for the rest of his miserable, sad pathetic life.

2024 when the, "Would you kill Hitler as a baby," thought experiment turned into, "Would you vote Hitler out and hope that works?"

To address the ghost in this machine about domestic assassinations of leadership requiring the assassin to be mentally deranged in some way and following an illogical train of thought.
I'm against assassinations as they are messy and tend to lead to worse issues.
I'm not denying at times, a rational side in this. Look.
Reagan, shot by a nutter.
George W Bush, "shot" with a shoe.
John Lennon, shot by a nutter.
Trump, who has set HIMSELF up for attack since day 1, It actually does NOT require being a nutter in this case as there actually ARE rational considerations involved that are NOT difficult to find or consider.
The only arguments against this kind of thing are:
1) regardless of how hard Republicans try against this, we ARE America with a peaceful transfer of power after elections.
2) Murder is generally considered bad (though technical this is assassination).
3) A nation cannot stand for a leader or former leader being killed.
Putting all that aside, however, there are sane and moral reasons regarding Trump in all this which question a need for mental issues regarding his potential mechanized demise.
As it turns out, however, Trump was only slightly damaged by flying glass debris from a teleprompter when the would-be assassin missed his shot completely.

Cheers! Slàinte!

Monday, August 10, 2020

America's Slumbering Giant Awakes... And Brother, She's Pissed!

Interesting to note, I'm seeing some positive things happening. Like Black Lives Matters and Defund the Police. Or, Refund the Police, to redistribute some funds and services to more effective agencies and a more enlightened mindset. 

August 11, 2020 update: We're back at when Obama got elected the first time and had to stop the Bush train running over a cliff. Now Biden has to stop a train running toward a similar but entirely different cliff with flames at the bottom. Nazi types along the cliff edge. 

Did it the first time, it'll get done again.

I do however think we should finally be tired of so much assault and battery and blame from the right, while that's who's pulling their Republican backsides out of plummeting downhill into flames, along with the rest of us and yet ...they continue to abuse while they ridiculously call it...patriotism.

Isn't it time we stop just being upset and finally do something to end this nonsense? Just a thought.

Kamala might be the beginning of that. One can only hope!

#Vote...Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Those groups mentioned above have been pointing out we need to rethink, be wiser, seek to fix a still broken police and judicial system. Look around, it's not that radical and even police over past decades have pointed this out. They're overworked, overused, and many times ill-used. 

I've watched for decades who police aren't as well trained, well manned, or regularly retrained as they are in some other countries. So much of our infrastructure has to do with a lack of funding. We want 100%, the best quality, as long as we don't have to pay. While one conservative business-oriented political party doesn't even want taxes at all and take what there is and consistently redistribute that tax money to those who don't need it... because they are so wealthy. And that translates back to them as, power.

I have time and again given my educated, informed opinion on all this and it is now finally being supported by even die-hard, life long Republicans supporting what I've been saying. It's amazing, astounding, and we have a long broken Republican party that has morphed into a Donald Trump GOP. 

And it is so bizarre. But at least we're beginning to see reality seep in and decency seep out. By a few anyway, but more and more on a daily basis. We may be seeing the end of a very bad road America has been on since the Reagan administration. 

One Republican is a former Republican strategist, political consultant, and author, Stuart Stevens in his new book, "It Was All A Lie". You can see/hear him on Amanpour and Friends, talking about what is going on today. How they knew exactly what they were doing. And now, through the "Lincoln Project" these people and Stevens, are speaking out. Against what has come of their decades-long efforts. 

LISTEN to these people, because so much now is being driven by ignorance, the uninformed and the purposely disinformed.

There has been much knee-jerking by conservatives, by racists, and bigots about "Defund the Police" which simply isn't about having no police. Rather, effective social services and effective policing. Not simply old-style, anachronistic, and conservative type abusive punishing.

Instead, we have dysfunctional practices that do not benefit a functional social structure or productive and effective system and are simply giving Republican, and sometimes progressive types, power and the rest of us concern, and at times disbelief. Abuse never fixes anything. Wisdom, consideration, facts, knowledge, experts appropriately applied,  do. 

We simply cannot keep doing the same ineffective practices and expect things to get batter. 

Cannabis. Abuse is hidden very often and around for so long it's now hard to even see.

Paul Begala (political consultant and political commentator) pointed out recently that he has finally woken up on the cannabis topic somewhat late to the game and pointed out that studies have now shown that in 95% of our counties that have more than 1% of blacks, they are arrested 364% more for weed than whites. They don't USE it more, they are simply ARRESTED more. 

So it has been a pretty useful tool of systemic racism and to populate our prisons including for profit prisons. Joe Biden too has got to wake up to this, as Paul points out. And he very well may. But it surely isn't going to happen with a Republican president any time soon. 

So yeah, kind of a disparity and a very good reason for #BLM to work this into their agenda. As Meghan Daum (author, essayist, and journalist.) said last Friday, they need to roll this legalize cannabis, anti-war on drugs message into their overall action. 

I'm amazed this hasn't either been included in the BLM message. Or for that matter eliminated from our country's legal system! We all have GOT to wake up! 

This has been one of my primary issues with Biden. Others I have with him could be easily alleviated (eliminated?) in choosing Susan Rice as VP. But I hear him too, he wants someone he can feel a camaraderie with, unlike what happened with John McCain and his nightmare VP candidate, Sarah Palin. Vet completely, then choose! 

Under current circumstances (with our First Criminal Trump and cohorts), I'm really not too worried about Joe. Just as Obama had "evolved" on gay marriage. And sure, some of that should have to do with the electorate and supporting what they elected you for, but you also have to LEAD as a Leader!. I am hoping Biden and VP, in not being Trump or the GOP, also will evolve on this topic, as well as a few others.

With Democrats, we do have hope. 

With Republicans, we're simply damn well LOST. 

Seattle, for one, is thinking about, instead of continuing to abuse and constantly move their homeless portion of their city, using social services and placements, and other ways to actually do something positive. Instead of just shifting them around the city, pissing off homeowners and well as the homeless. 

At times, traumatizing those homeless who are already vulnerable and in dire straits. These people are not living the high life, they are disadvantaged and as we've seen, this can happen to just about anyone. Also, finally enforcing previously failed efforts to get Seattle's high tech massive corporations to pitch in

What do you do with a kid who is acting badly or a mental patient or a prison inmate who is out of control? Yes, sure. You can drug them, or punish them. But frequently lowering the lever of stimuli is helpful. As it is with sexual performance issues, which has proven effective through techniques like "sensate focus", by removing erotic stimuli and then reorienting. You wouldn't however, punish someone to help. You'

Our government has been broken now for decades.

The Republican party (now Trump Christian Republican party), has been broken for decades. Adding divisive religious issues simply disrupts functionality even more, which should be a private thing, as it used to be. Not the least in part because that backfires so often. 

The Democratic party is not broken (as conservatives like to say, from their own broken platform). Yes, they do seem to be too often ineffective. But that's not broken (like the GOP is...and again now, the Trump GOP). When someone uses underhanded means and you refuse to stoop to that level, sure, you appear ineffective. Because crime pays. It's WHY we HAVE laws and law enforcement because crime is easier and if we don't control that, chaos ensues and not in any good way. 

That's where we are today with Donald Trump. A man now stressed to stay in power before he is arrested, just as Vladimir Putin is doing, to avoid prosecution. But Russia is not America. WE have a good chance. Still. But not for much longer if we don't pay attention and ACT.

America has been in a gigantic TIMEOUT between the abuses of the Trump administration (supported by Russia) and Trump's GOP. Specifically so much by the actions of (really, the INactions of) Sen. Mitch McConnell and his Republican Senate. Trump's mostly Republican Senate. 

At least the NRA is losing its iron grip on our Congress and may soon be dissolved because of the criminal actions of Wayne LaPIerre and his three friends and the rest of their 72 person board. Personally, I would love to see a new organization to replace the now lost NRA to do what they did for so many decades until the corruption of LaPierre. It was once about safety and sanity. Like the American Government. 

We desperately need a return to a sane and rational America. And one of a new compassion.

We may very well be starting to rise out of our decades-long mental and social illness greatly brought on by this extremist, conservative-led GOP. A political party who has become an extremist group of late. Who have allowed their opposition at all costs to the Democratic party, to necessitate the Democratic party themselves to lean back merely in order to balance things out. 

America has woken...

Extreme? Yes. Perhaps we could lighten up a bit? Yes?

To seem to have gone too far left...merely to keep the ship that is America afloat. While the far right-wing has constantly and disingenuously claimed them to be TOO FAR LEFT. When they simply are not. Projecting their extremism onto those who are merely trying to neutralize the extremism coming from the right's side of the aisle. 

It's a mess, to be sure. As one can see simply in describing it. 

It is a national mental illness greatly brought on by the conservative movement into social and mental illness. Win, at all costs, no matter who or how many are harmed. Harm them more and you have more control. It is, madness! It is selfish conceit and greed now personified in Donald Trump in the White House and Mitch McConnell in the US Senate. 

But, are we beginning to see that change? America, to wake up from it? 

We very well may be seeing the end of this massive abuse from this conservative Republican Trump administration. A global pandemic, and Republican's and Trump's failure, could be the best thing that has happened to America for some time. All the truly unnecessary deaths notwithstanding, but that being said, in order to get her back on a sane and productive path once again, it's good to note that something good MAY come out of all this misery and suffering. 

An end to decades-long abuses. And a return to the American dream. The real dream. One that we can all attain and not just a kleptocracy, and one supported in many ways by a Russian Oligarchy which they took their notes from. 

No sane person thinks having the greatest number of citizens in prisons is wise. 

No sane person thinks fixing the economy is done by throwing trillions of dollars to a bloated military-industrial complex. One that now includes corporations. Global multinational corporations, just as we were warned so long ago to not do post-WWII...and then, we did it. Some corporations with bigger annual profits than that of many small countries. Sometimes several countries together. 

Is America finally beginning to bet the mental healthcare it needs? Finally? Even while refusing to supply healthcare, mental healthcare, and social health care to herself?

It may well be. It seems so and one can only hope. For we deserve better. Much, much better. We are American citizens who are being beaten and shot in the streets (being shot with a rubber bullet, that requires many reconstructive surgeries, or NOT, is still being SHOT), and accosting US with poisonous gas, not even allowed to be used anymore in wars. Yes, police count, but they are also doing the abuse too much of the time and yes, they too need consideration. They are also caught in the crossfire far too often. 

We are American citizens and we cannot let them forget that. And they cannot forget that themselves, but we have to hold them accountable. Even Ammon Bundy supports Black Lives Matter! 

Does not politics make for strange bedfellows? Indeed it does! 

But first thing? We need to fix our conservatively infected government, our corrupted Office of the President, and all the damages they have done. Then, deal with Trump's extremist conservative Republican party. Perhaps dissolving them much as may hopefully be done to a very corrupt NRA who has done vast damages to America.

As well as all those foreign AND domestic enemies who are aiding in all this.

#Vote? Yes, to be sure! But also, ACT! 

Now is the time. Do not let up. Do not stop.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween! Trump's Scary Mental State, the Media & Sci Fi

Happy Halloween! Be safe and have a great Halloween! It seems this one may be a pretty politically oriented for (too?) many.

Here's a short fun video (under two and a half minutes), I just made for your Halloween pleasure. It stars a character I've used before and may use again. He's quite a character.

Also, we recently had the first Gorst Underground Film Festival! Everyone had a great time! Ethan Minsker (the "Man in Camo") came all the way from New York and filmed there. He also showed his documentary about art and his life (thus, "Man in Camo" his art brand). And won! Here is Ethan's video on Facebook about our film festival. He is the nicest guy and quite inspiring. Check out his website and pick up a book or two and he has DVDs. We swamped books. I got two of his books and two of his DVDs. A really interesting guy!

By the way, neither GUFF or Ethan have anything to do with my political opinions here. These are the opinions of my own. And of most of the decent and respected people, you see on TV and I don't mean Fox News. Or the White House, sadly.


Donald Trump CARRY ME PRESIDENT Halloween Costume

Now...for the truly scary and disturbing, but not so much fun stuff! Before I get into it though, I want to say one thing. I really don't like going on about this kind of stuff. IF Republicans and Donald Trump had gone about all this in a democratic fashion, instead of in an underhanded, illiberal manner, and being such unpleasant people (mostly Trump) about things, I wouldn't be so motivated or upset about these things. But they insisted on voter suppression, lying, twisting things out of reality. And that's just not who I am. I'd rather lose admirably, than like the GOP, win despicably.

IF this is all how most of America wants to go, then that's one thing. But, that is not what is happening. Aside from that, the direction I see them going is to me, very anti-American, anti-freedom, definitely anti-democratic. At times inhumane and certainly uncompassionate. But then Republicans are basically all about numbers over humanity.

What I find amazing about all this, along with Republicans telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, all liberals and demcrats are wrong and stupid and many notable people, respected, and highly informed and intelligent, AROUND the world, agree with what I believe. Kind of telling, kind of nice.

As we are experiencing true horror in America now in seeing who we really are overall, through such volatile times, through a president who has serious personality issues bordering on mental illness. If not an actual full-blown mental illness. Recently through a partisan sycophantic supporter who has attempted to bomb Democrat opposition leaders...anyway....

That being said, let's take a look at this atmosphere today and another way to view it....

Cover of audiobook - In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear
Science fiction is an excellent catalyst to view today's reality. That is what so many writers before me have done. Star Trek in the 1960s was good at this, reflecting who we are, what we're doing to one another, where we're headed. 

On my story In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear, one reader's brief but succinct review said of the story: 

"Fascinating and creepy - I found this book to be intriguing and unsettling all at the same time. The story was very original, the writing was solid, and the narrator was spot on. I would recommend it if you like dark, futuristic type short stories."

I've been saying this for a while now about this dystopian sci fi story of mine. In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear, (now an audiobook) is about what is going on today. This is exactly why I originally wrote it back in the 1980s. Back then, under Pres. Reagan. I saw a kind of cult of personality going on. I even liked the guy. But I wasn't then as aware of politics as I probably should have been. 

The story is about how a nationalistic leader can affect America with their own mental illness. First, let's parse nationalism and patriotism. One is not the other. Today nationalism reflects negative appeal and patriotism positive and that's really all you need to know about them. But many are confused about what they are celebrating. And too many, know and enjoy it, much to most people's consternation. 

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." - Charles de Gaulle. One has to ask themself, is that how you see America? 

However, in my story, people come to love a brilliant media genius. Media changes our culture in the story through greatness in art and delusion. Today Pres. Trump hypersensitizes the media calling them our enemy and "fake news" all while he's the fakest and most divisive person today in American politics.

The media then is warped and ends up covering things they really shouldn't, far too much. Like "The Caravan", overburdened mostly with frightened women and children simply seeking safety. All while the media should be ignoring all that Mr. Trump says in his abusing facts, news and let's face it, America and the democratic process. Much like his overall extremist conservative Republican party.

So why IS a sci fi, horror and science fact author speaking out when it can hurt one's brand from the greatest amount of sales?

Because, science fiction, as well as speculative fiction authors, are quite typically aware of things coming down the road from that of the mainstream media or citizenry. That is in part, their job. To entertain, while warnings and awareness seep into the readers (or listeners).

But this has nothing to do with partisan politics. This merely has to do with an accurate observation of our current reality and they presenting it in a way most likely to be allowed in, so reflection can later take place in a more gentle process than open confrontation. Which, as we're seeing, isn't very productive and is leading to violence. Violence, over reasons of ignorance.

cover art by artist Marvin Hayes
First, I do have a specialized degree in psychology. Which led to my well-received audiobook \  ebook On Psychology where I discuss the history of psychology and give an example in my orientation through a filter of synesthesia and schizophrenia.

Second, I am speaking liberally about Pres. Trump, not clinically.

The concerns are still real, and quite relevant. If I am seeing problems with this man as president, I would argue that I have more veracity and education in this than many who also see problems with him from a more general perspective. And obviously more than those who do not see any problem.

Of that audiobook, one reader's review said:

"Brilliant and thought provoking! 'More knowledge is always better than less' - "I couldn't agree more. This intellectual piece is brilliantly written and thought provoking. I will be listening to it many times in order to grasp every thought and nuance of the paper. It is not only well written but well read and is a pleasure to ingest. Many of the topics and ideas covered can be applied to life, no matter who you are. I highly recommend taking some time to listen and ruminate on this delightfully intelligent work."

It is in the nature of the genres of science and speculative fiction to foresee and disseminate to the public. They need to be by their very nature, futurists. Seeing what is coming down the line. then sharing that in creative and entertaining ways. To not speak out what you are clearly seeing...well, is that wise, or responsible? Will that come back on you once everyone sees it, then wondering:

"Why didn't you warn us, speak up, if you saw it? Isn't that your job?"

Yes... it is.

As Mr. Trump's own mental aberrations now course through America's veins of news and partisan social media and therefore America's minds, there is only one way to stop it. Trump cannot handle being POTUS. He needs to be removed. Now, before it's too late.

But it won't happen fast enough...and so, then what? Well, we're seeing that now. Already.

Republicans being shot on a baseball field by a Bernie Sanders supporter in an overly partisan environment that exists in great part because of Congressional Republicans AND now with Trump pushing the limits of decency. Eventually, decent people become enraged by them, too. Back then Bernie came out the very next day to speak against this kind of thing.

Enraged by Trump's really foolish and simplistic rhetoric, which works so well on his supporters, which presidents do not do because THEY KNOW this kind of thing will happen. That it's dangerous to citizens, citizens they are responsible for protecting, even from themselves.

Of course finally a mentally ill conservative Trump supporter bombs people he doesn't agree with. It was some might argue, inevitable. We don't do that!. Then Trump came out and what? He takes no responsibility, but blames the mainstream media for his stupidity in not acting like an American president... and again...we DO NOT DO THAT kind of thing! And again, for a reason, we do not do it. It is irresponsible and dangerous. As we're seeing!

Why would Trump add more fuel to that fire? It benefits him, it pleases him.

No, no sir, you do not
BECAUSE Trump cannot even see his own mental illness or how it affects his sycophantic easily swayed followers. Or how he affects individuals who are by extension carrying out his political madness. And Donald Trump does not even seem to realize the madness his followers have absorbed from him...their bigoted narcissistic nationalistic Godhead.

About that...let's STOP calling Trump a "media genius". He is not a genius by any means.

Donald Trump to be fair and honest here is a fool who has no shame as a narcissist, authoritarian. End of story. He has merely effectively tried things others haven't that proved useful. He throws things out, drops what doesn't work, and picks up what does. THAT'S not genius. That's sloppy work anyone can do. That's someone who doesn' know what he's doing and is guessing, failing, trying again, guessing succeeding, and doubling down. Typically pushing the "button" too hard. Like a child.

If I walk up to you, try hugging you, slapping you, shaking your hand and you react best to shake hands, how exactly does that make me a genius by seeing how best I can manipulate you by shaking your hand? That's all he is doing in the media! It's why he's on Twitter.

When you are all those things that he is, even stupid people would tend to rise. He simply very simply did things no one else would do. Period.

That happened to resonate. With a vocal minority, his base. And so he's now president.

Which says more about his supporters than the man himself, about Republican, conservative types, and says MORE about them NOT being geniuses than it does about Trump being more than of average intelligence. Don't lower your intelligence by raising his. It does no one any real good. Not in the long run.

Too many actually highly intelligent people who have had direct contact with him denigrate his intellect. YOU HAVEN'T worked with him. Why not believe those who have? People I know and trust have told me what he's like. I wouldn't even want to be in the room with someone like that. yes, he'd be nice and congenial but that is the tact of a narcissist. And it won't end well, for you.

Those who know him and speak out, they must be on to SOME thing there.

That's why I wrote this dystopian sci fi story decades ago, seeing all this coming. That we were headed into something like this even back then. As a sci fi story first published in 1990 in a horror magazine THIS was what I was concerned about. Someone like Donald Trump arriving on the scene as a national leader. A terrifying situation. And it's here. Now.

One man's mental illness as a leader brings America into a state of social mental illness.

Only it's even more insidious in this story by attempting to show how invisible this can be, and in a way that seems utterly unreal. Kind of as we're seeing today. Speculating on its effect regardless of the transport of the mental illness. Be it a Pres. Trump, or some sci fi technology. The fact remains, it is transported through media by tapping into the fabric of our consciousness, directly into the societal veins of America and then into the hearts and minds of her citizens.

And that's exactly what we're living now, in an entirely other and more obtuse way. Through, a president such as, Donald Trump.

Take another look at today, through a lens of a sci fi story that might just help put perspective on what we could be experiencing in our lives if we don't get a handle on it...very, very soon.

Anyway...have a great Halloween! 

While the kids are eating their acquisitions, or even while they are walking the neighborhood acquiring, you can be creeping yourself out listening to a new audiobook and gaining an interesting perspective on our current reality. As frightening at times as it can be.

What better time than on Halloween! Just keep a close eye on the kids as you wander and get lost in the atmosphere of the night and the story.

In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear by JZ now on Amazon, iTunes, and Narrated by Tom Remick.