Weather for the day… 47 degrees and lightly overcast, and I can see blue here and there.
Podcast for the day podcast “Pod Save America“ episode, “After Balloon Delight" with a visit by Ron Klain
Instagram post for the day
Damn. It took me months after the worst of this bout of long Covid to get up to a mile and eventually five miles. Then winter hit and back down to 3 mile walks. But without my lack of conditioning overall and my lungs and long Covid exacerbated vagus nerve issues of blood pressure and heart rate. And then, my right knee went out. I asked the VA for x-rays and they said, "Go for it." But I said, "Well, I’m gonna wait and see how it heals." The Nurse said it might just be as bad as I thought and suggested stretching after walking (Hold 30 seconds before it releases, then another 30 seconds, something she learned working in the pain clinic). But I was sure it was leading to surgery. Because when I felt like this before in 1989 and 2000 in my left and right knee operations, respectively, this was how I felt. This time I was barely able to walk without a cane at first. But the last week or so it’s been good and I’m not needing a cane at all. And in this walk now, I'm past the half mile mark and feeling good. But I don’t wanna overdo it. So maybe next walk I’ll try two miles. It’s just so annoying. I’m used to most of my life be able to push it. In that sense I certainly miss my 20s and 30s, to be sure. take what you have and make it the best it can be.
Ron Klain on the podcast has a good point regarding “Biden’s swagger“ if you will, at theSOTU last night. Because when Joe Biden come into office two years ago, the country was in the shit. We were still suffering from the Trump infection and Trump insurrection, the failed coup, the two trump impeachments and now we’re seeing how all the crimes he committed (actually most of his life) are in the courts and headed to the courst, while the DOJ finally get around to himeand why there’s a question about this, why there was ever, I (we) don’t know. It’s somewhat because he was POTUS, but let’s face it, people were reticent to hold him accountable before that. It’s ridiculous. Indict him, try him and let justice go forward as it should. As it would with any of US. But anyway, things are so much better now after 2 years and in so many ways. The whole time Biden had to put up with mouthy MAGA types in Republican disingenuous, if not outright disinformation. And these new childish Republican congressional types, last night, utterly no class whatsoever, some of them. Remember when a miserable Joe Wilson yelled "You Lie!" at President Obama? Not the good Joe Wilson, because most Joe Wilson’s I know we’re good guys. I remember watching that thinking, "This is only gonna get worse on the Republican side." And here we are. The kangaroo Court Republican Congressionals are in session.
We currently have one political party in America. The Democratic Party. About a third of the Republican Party has lost its fucking mind, a third of it is, I think stunned, and a third of it is trying really hard to be the old Republican party, but they’re like Russian tanks in the mud.
We’ve had one Chinese balloon this POTUS46 term at least three we know of, under POUTS45. So I really don’t know what all this noise is about. Trump didn’t do a damn thing, at least Biden shot it down at some point. Not to mention Chinese spy satellites cann't see a lot anyway more than beyond what they already know, with a balloon that went over what everybody knows about mostly anyway. and the missile silos are where? Underground. Do we know if we signal jammed signals from the balloon gathering intelligence back to China? Because if no data was gathered over American soil, WTF is all the noise about? As for not shooting it down sooner, let’s see… say Biden shoots it down, and a piece of it kills an American citizen. So rather than dealing with all this crap from Republicans now, we'd be dealing with a dead American from an action Biden took? You do the math. Republicans would have lost their minds. "Why couldn't you wait until it hit the Atlantic and THEN shoot it down?" On the other hand, had Biden shot it down over American soil and it landed on a Drag story hour? As mentioned in the podcast, that would really screw up the Republican speaking points. Maybe they'd implode?
If the balloon wasn’t getting all that much information, our counter-intelligence certainly was. We had a chance to study it’s capabilities, and we can now pick up pieces of it to potentially learn a hell of a lot more. Apparently they gamed out trying to safeuly capture it, but there isn't the technology for that.
Just to say, milestones for Democrats these past two years are quite a few, actually. Milestones for Republicans outside of the negative MAGA insanity? Was working bipartisan with Democrats to get things passsed. Which I think pretty much says it all...
Cheers! Sláinte!