Showing posts with label commentary terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary terrorism. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 10 ways Osama Bin Laden could have been found and killed

With all this talk about Osama Bin Laden's death and demise, I was thinking about how he died, or how he could have died. I wondered what my top ten desired ways would have been that would make me happy.

First, let me mention this Bin Laden related FBI cyber warning. Don't be so curious about his death, it may cause you computer grief.

Now, where was I? Oh yes, I realized that the best way to get rid of him, was to simply have him, Disappeared. Or perhaps, found in a compromising position, something to discredit him, to turn his followers away from him in disgust. A lady on talk radio this week said she thought he should have been buried with a pig. People are getting out their frustration, anger and sorrow out, all in different ways.

Here's my top ten:

10. Melted, in perhaps, aqua regia, used sometimes to dissolve gold

9. Incinerated

8. Flown to Antarctica and dropped alive, in a remote crevasse; I'd give him many ten minutes to freeze?

7. Died in a gas leak at home

6. An "Accidental" car accident

5. Hantavirus infection from mouse droppings in his house

4. A wood chipper "accident"

3. Killed in a tall building by way of an aircraft crashing into it

2. Blown up by a suicide bomber (push the definition, make him the suicide)

1. Found at home, in bed, with young male prostitutes, death by heroin overdose with plenty of unacceptable porno laying around and a syphilis infection.

But then again....

 Lawrence Wright

I was listening today to NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross where she interviewed Lawrence Wright (May 2, 2011). New Yorker staff writer Wright has spent the past 15 years of his career thinking about al-Qaida. Wright assesses what bin Laden's death means for the future of al-Qaida and the United States' relationship with Pakistan.

 Listen to the Fresh Air interview here: Lawrence Wright: Bin Laden's Death 'Long In Coming'

Part of what he said is below, and I think it was incredibly acute and poignant. When you have a character like this, you need to get the most out of his death. You need to manipulate and advocate. But you need to be open, honest, and heartfelt. Three of my favorite things to do when I have a tough choice, or deal with a harsh situation.

He said he would like to have heard Bin Laden were caught and taken to deal with who he is:

"You have to deal with his legacy, and not make him a martyr. Take him to Kenya, where in August 6th 1998 where he set off a bomb at the American Embassay killing 229 people and wounding and blinding 150 Africans. So let him sit in a courtroom in Nairobi and explain to all these blind Africans that he was just striking at a symbol of American power. That's just getting started.

"Then take him to Tanzania where on the same day he set off another bomb killing eleven people there, all of them, Muslims. Bin Laden excused that because it was Friday and all Good Muslims should be at Mosque.

"That would be a wonderful venue to talk about what a good Muslim actually is.

"And then, you could bring him to America where he could answer for the death of the seventeen Sailors on the USS Cole in October 2000 and the 3,000 Americans who died  on 9/11. But you don't have to stop there, you could take him so many places. Casablanca, Madrid, London, Bali.

"Then take him one last place, take him home [Saudi Arabia], and have him tried under Sharia law. Which is the only law which he and his followers would respect. And if he's convicted, he would be taken to a square in downtown Ryad. And the executioner is a big man with a long sword. It's Saudi custom for the executioner to go out to the crowd is composed of the victims of the condemned man and ask if he is forgiven and if they couldn't do that then the executioner would do his job and bin laden would be taken and buried in an unmarked wahabi graveyard.

"And I thought in that manner you could begin to roll back his awful legacy."

Actually, all kidding aside, Lawrence was thinking along the lines that I was on Monday and he gave his view of how he would like to have seen Osama handled when captured. I was concerned myself that making him a Martyr was a bad idea. Disappearing him, is only second to that. But the best way to to discredit someone using their own philosophy or laws against them.

He also said he thinks that plans that were in the making will now be rushed to completion and carried out, either by his own group, or one of their affiliates.

Al-Aqsa Mosque imam vows to avenge killing of Osama bin Laden in Youtube video. 'Dogs should not rejoice too much for killing lions'.
Omar, not Osama's replacement?

Osama bin Laden's son Omar bin Laden warned ABC News in an exclusive interview last year that if the U.S. succeeded in killing his father the al Qaeda leadership that would follow would be "much, much worse."

Omar bin Laden turned his back on his father's philosophy, a remarkable step for a man in an Arab culture where it is a sin to disobey his father and taboo to openly criticize him. It was doubly significant for Omar bin Laden because his father had picked him to succeed him as the leader of jihad.

Omar bin Laden spoke out shortly after hearing his father in an audio tape praise the attempt by the so-called "underwear bomber" to blow up a jetliner over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009:
"Attacking peaceful people is not being fair, it is unacceptable. If you have a problem with armies or governments you should fight those people. This is what I find unacceptable in my father's way," Omar told ABC News.

Omar had a chilling warning for those who were hunting his father with drones, secret agents and missile strikes. From Omar bin Laden's up-close look at the next generation of mujahideen and al Qaeda training camps he says the worst may lie ahead, that if his father is killed America may face a broader and more violent enemy, with nothing to keep them in check.

"From what I knew of my father and the people around him I believe he is the most kind among them, because some are much, much worse," Omar bin Laden, who was raised in the midst of his father's fighters, told ABC News in an exclusive interview in February 2010. "Their mentality wants to make more violence, to create more problems."

These are still not unsimilar to street gangs and punks be punks, whether they try to kill people or not, whether they have more room to move around in or more sophisticated weaponry, or not. They are criminals and the more countries realize that, the faster everyone will become safe from their childish wanking ways.

Even Osama's family thought he was a chump. Really, they need to get a life. But the gist of the trade wind is, trouble is on the horizon for killing the guy. Lawrence was most likely, right. Then again, sometimes, you can't catch a cockroach and once you get the chance, you simply need to squish it, hit it with a rolled up bamboo mat (did that in Hawaii one time); kill it any chance you get and when it took you ten years to finally get a crack at it, maybe the only way to do it was to shoot first and not ask questions later.

But if they are going to return fire from the Osama camp, I would only ask that if they are going to try killing people, they pick on someone face to face and be a man about it, face them down and give them a chance like we gave Osama, and not;blow up women and children and old men with a hidden bombs like cowards; be it planted or suicide, because suicide bombing is cowardly. You want to be brave? Stick around and deal with changing the world, think, struggle, work hard, speak for change; now that, is hard work. Blowing yourself up is the easy way out.

On the other hand, it may indeed lead to the end of al-Qaida sooner than later, however, probably not without the lives of more innocents. When they hide, as they have been, they are hard to find, as in the cockroach metaphor, but when they strike, it's far easier to pull out a can of "Raid" and melt them down into the dirt. If they want to attack innocent civilians, there is little we can do until the crime is committed. At this point, it feels more like an FBI operation than a CIA one. They need to stop being killed and start being put in jail for crimes against Humanity and like Lawrence said, humiliated by their own kind as even by their own religion and laws, they have broken the rules.

And that is indeed, what makes them criminal.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden be gone

Well, the President of the United States said on TV tonight that Osama Bin Laden is dead, by his order, through the efforts of US Military troops and they reclaimed his body after a firefight and no US citizens have died. All the photos of Bin Laden I'm seeing on TV are nice shots of him looking like a normal person of his type, but I want to remember him for what he stood for. Violence.

First of all, my heartfelt and sincere condolances to the Bin Laden family. Because they didn't believe in what Osama was doing either and were mortified by it along with those who had known him and saw the self serving ministrations that Osama perpetrated upon US citizens, Muslims, his own people, and many around the world. I think, the world is a better place now without him, or his type. But then, I'm Buddhist in my thoughts and getting your way by killing, to me, is just wrong.

The Murderer, more like the mobster behind those who were murderers, because I question if he ever killed anyone personally, are still out there, although we have gotten some of them over the past years.

Al Queda has lost its leader, and its main bank, or at least its original bank and gained a martyr. I wasn't sure if it would have been better to capture him and lock him up and away for ever, but sometimes, you simply need to end it. When you are responsible for that many deaths, truly, only ending it is the best policy and locking him up would have only been problematic.

The man that spawned the destruction of New York's Twin Towers, and many many people on that day, the first attack on US Soil of this type and magnitude.

So, it's over for Osama. Osama be gone. Good riddance.

Pres. Bush didn't get it done, I might add. Pres. Obama did. The Republicans would mention it were it reversed, so someone should say it. And no, I'm not a Democrat. I just get sick of Republicans pointing the fingers and for their part, the Democrats always running from a fight.

Now we have the hard part. You know, it's interesting because I bumped a blog article for this one due to the sudden nature of Osama's death. It is titled, "America as Perceived from Abroad". The bumped article will be up for tomorrow morning, I only delayed it one day. But the topic of that article is about changing our attitude and now, I'm writing this....

Osama be dead, now we have to change our attitudes, alter the world, make life better for everyone so people stop having the feelings that Osama was able to work into a frenzy of death and destrution. Because they were there and available for some slimeball like Osama to manipulate, because if these people loved America, this couldn't have happened. Think about it.

So I say, from here forward, onward and upward. For everyone.

And now, let's pay attention to what is really important: Carl Safina: The oil spill's unseen culprits, victims; what happens when you put the murderer in charge of the crime scene (BP), from July 2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why do people turn to Islamic terrorism?

People are searching for meaning in their lives. Why do they turn to terrorism? Suicide? Obviously, life is holding little meaning for them. They are searching for some Meaning in Life.

Albert Camus said, You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."

There is a song from the 80s on the soundtrack for the movie, "Repo Man". Its by the Punk Rock group, Suicidal Tendencies, the song is called: "Institutionalized" (1983). These lyrics have a good point and were never more relevant than now. Especially pay attention to the very last line in the song, because it is most relevant to these current kids, who are joiners, who want to be good, to do good, to seek adventure, stop feeling empty, but who are feeling empty (see also, emptiness and the avoidance of unbearable pain. See, Profound States of Despair: A Developmental and Systems Approach to Treating Emptiness):


Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
I get real frustrated and I try hard to do it and I take my time and it doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
It's like I concentrate real hard and it doesn't work out.
Everything I do and everything I try never turns out.
It's like I need time to figure these things out.
But there's always someone there going.

Hey Mike:
You know we've been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately.
You know, maybe you should get away and maybe you should talk about it, maybe you'll feel a lot better

And I'm all like:
Oh nah it's ok you know I'll figure it out, just leave me alone I'll figure it out.
You know I'm just working on it by myself.

And they go:
Well you know if you want to talk about it I'll be here you know and you'll probably feel a lot better if you talk about it. So why don't you talk about it?

And I go:
No I don't want to I'm okay, I'll figure it out myself.
But they just keep bugging me and they just keep bugging me, and it builds up inside.

So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have anything to say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way.

I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one that's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself

I was in my room and I was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything.
But then again I was thinking about nothing
And then my mom came in and I didn't even know she was there.
She called my name and I didn't hear her and then she started screaming: MIKE! MIKE!
And I go:
What, what's the matter?
She goes:
What's the matter with you?
I go:
There's nothing wrong mom.
She's all:
Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
I go:
No mom I'm not on drugs I'm okay, I was just thinking you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi.
She goes:
NO you're on drugs!
I go:
Mom I'm okay, I'm just thinking.
She goes:
No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't be acting that way!
I go:
Mom just get me a Pepsi, please
All I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me.
Just a Pepsi.

They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy

I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself

I was sitting in my room when my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a chair and they sat down.
They go:
Mike, we need to talk to you.
And I go:
Okay what's the matter?
They go:
Me and your mom have been noticing lately that you've been having a lot of problems,
And you've been going off for no reason and we're afraid you're going to hurt somebody,
And we're afraid you're going to hurt yourself.
So we decided that it would be in you're best interest if we put you somewhere
Where you could get the help that you need.
And I go:
Wait, what are you talking about, WE decided!?
MY best interests?! How do you know what MY best interest is?
How can you say what MY best interest is? What are you trying to say, I'M crazy?
When I went to YOUR schools, I went to YOUR churches,
I went to YOUR institutional learning facilities?! So how can you say I'M crazy?

They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead

I'm not crazy - Institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - Institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - Institutionalized
They stuck me in an institution,
Said it was the only solution,
to give me the needed professional help,
to protect me from the enemy - Myself

Doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyways.

[end of lyrics]

People might argue that, "Well, many other kids do okay with this form of things", and they would be right, to a degree. But just because its sort of functional, doesn't mean it shouldn't be revamped. It doesn't mean, its not dysfunctional. And it doesn't mean, it won't create the disaffected. Those searching for meaning, even if it doesn't exist. Those two things, can make one crazy; especially, a youth searching for an answer and worse when no answer is forthcoming,

Perhaps, Walt Kelly in his Pogo comic strip, was right, when he first said
"We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us"
on a poster for Earth Day in 1970.

Perhaps, we HAVE met the enemy, and it really is US.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Al-Qaeda calling for attack on D.C. restaurant at Noon

Good Morning.

Al-Qaeda has called for yet another terror attack, this time on a crowded Washington D.C. restaurant at the lunch hour: Washington | October 12, 2010 12:01:13 AM IST

So, if you are going to be in the D.C. area, you might want to be aware of this news item. Depending on how you see fighting terror, if you tend to go out to lunch in the D.C. area, at least be aware of this situation. You might also want to be aware, or careful, if you are going to eat lunch in Washington State, most likely, that would be Seattle, but you never know. Going on that train of thought, if you work for the government in most likely any major or semi major city, and you eat lunch with many of your coworkers around, that is, there is a local hang out for government workers, its possible some yahoo might take it on themselves to blow that place up.

There is no indication that this has anything to do with Washington State. However, as these things go, we are talking about espionage to a degree, a consideration that has much to do with double or opposite meanings, misdirections.

"Being aware" means, noticing anything unusual, packages left at odd places, or without an owner; people, especially, Middle Eastern but even western types (pretty much anyone now a days as wannabe terrorists from the US are even drawn to the insanity and desire of doing pain to others in order for them to feel empowered) acting strangely, overly nervous for no reason, insane looking idiots driving trucks being used as human lawn mowers, etc.

The way to fight terrorism as a normal, nondescript citizen, is to take life as normal, but with an enhanced attitude yet relaxed demeanor about safety and security.

Also, PLEASE remember that MOST Middle Eastern people, MOST Muslim or Islamic people are simply NOT terrorists. Its only the few, the disaffected and in some cases the mentally unbalanced to worry about. Be concerned only if there are other obvious issues should you be concerned and also aware that it will most likely be nothing; but remain aware, cautious, not paranoid, or over reactive. Don't you be a fool. Just be aware that there are other fools out there who you need to be careful of being near to.

This from WebIndia today:

Al-Qaeda has called on American jihadis to carry out a terror attack on a crowded restaurant in Washington to massacre US government workers.

The terror threat was unearthed from the second edition of Al-Qaeda's English-language magazine 'Inspire'.

"A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C., at lunch hour might end up knocking out a few government employees," the New York Daily News quoted Yahya Ibrahim, as having written in the 74-page propaganda magazine.

"Targeting such employees is paramount and the location would also give the operation additional media attention," he added.

According to a copy of the magazine obtained by the SITE intelligence group, Al-Qaeda also urged those bent on murdering for Islam to use everything from pickup trucks to improvised pressure-cooker bombs to kill.

The trucks can be fashioned into "the ultimate mowing machine", with steel blades welded to the grill to "mow down the enemies of Allah" by running down Americans on crowded sidewalks "to achieve maximum carnage" in a "martyrdom operation".

"This method has not been used before," advises Al-Qaeda in its "Tips for our brothers in the U.S."

The 74 pages long magazine also features "exclusive" comments by radical cleric Anwar Awlaki on "The Mardin Declaration", a condemnation of terrorism issued in March by Muslim scholars meeting in the Turkish city of Mardin.

Awlaki, who is now hiding in Yemen and has been tied to the Fort Hood shootings and the failed Christmas Day plot, has called the declaration a "disgrace" and "not worth the ink and the paper it's written on".

The first edition included articles by Osama bin Laden and Awlaki. It encouraged the Western readers to "conduct attacks in the West and to join the 'jihad'.

Highlighting the threat due to the magazine, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had earlier said: "DHS and the FBI are concerned ... that the sophisticated, colloquial English-language magazine could appeal to certain Western individuals and inspire them to conduct attacks in the United States in the future". (ANI)

I would direct Al-Qaeda to the Islamic Terrorist Chant released here yesterday. Read it, learn it, live it, love it.