Showing posts with label commentary prohibition ends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary prohibition ends. Show all posts

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy anniversay to the End of Prohibition

Today marks the anniversay of the death of Prohibition. It was a test that showed that the government should simply stay out of people's personal business and what is in our blood, should remain part of what we choose to be and do as citizens of this country.

This government should have used this as a warning and punishment for stepping over the bounds of how far they should go. But instead, with the death of alcohol prohibition, they needed to find work for their agents who had families and bills and needed to make a living. And so they chose to crack down on another legal substance, cannabis.

And so, here we are in the billion dollar industry of illegal cannabis trafficking. Its interesting that they failed on alcohol, but on a softer drug, cannabis, they have been able to maintain the delusion of its dangers for this many decades. In the end, truth usually wins out, and with the advent of the internet, it won't be long before even those in government who are paid of by the drug cartels and the disinformation machine will lose out. When even medical doctors are proscribing cannabis to patients, it can't be that much longer before the government is again forced to find another way to impose on its citizenry.

I agree with Penn Jillette in that even if I refused to ever do certain things, I still do not think the government should be involved in many of the areas of people's personal lives that they currently are involved in.

"In the early twentieth century, much of the impetus for the prohibition movement in the Nordic countries and North America came from Protestant wariness of alcohol. The first half of the 20th century saw periods of prohibition of alcoholic beverages in several countries:

    * 1907 to 1948 in Prince Edward Island, but for much shorter periods in other provinces in Canada
    * 1914 to 1925 in Russia and the Soviet Union
    * 1915 to 1922 in Iceland (though beer was still prohibited until 1989)
    * 1916 to 1927 in Norway (fortified wine and beer also prohibited from 1917 to 1923)
    * 1919 in Hungary (in the Hungarian Soviet Republic, March 21 to August 1; called szesztilalom)
    * 1919 to 1932 in Finland (called kieltolaki)
    * 1920 to 1933 in the United States

"After several years, prohibition became a failure in North America and elsewhere, as bootlegging (rum-running) became widespread and organized crime took control of the distribution of alcohol. Distilleries and breweries in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean flourished as their products were either consumed by visiting Americans or illegally imported to the U.S. Chicago became notorious as a haven for prohibition dodgers during the time known as the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition generally came to an end in the late 1920s or early 1930s in most of North America and Europe, although a few locations continued prohibition for many more years."
--from our friends at Wikipedia