That being said, it occurs to me just now that the 2nd Amendment clearly and prejudicially states, it points out ... "well-regulation", "militia" and "keeping/bearing arms". No kidding, right?
That means using correct and appropriate gun control/ regulations. Well regulated. So, background checks, obviously. Sane gun laws, not stupid anti protection knee jerk conservative disinformation supported by Russian and profiteering groups like NRA and gun manufacturers.
Just because the Russians took the Czech's guns in 1967 really has no bearing on our Constitution. And I have heard that as the reason the 2nd Amendment has to be and mean what some want it to, again and again. Thus we can't have ... gun laws? Seriously? That cannot be an adult's position. Because that would be delusional.
But then, we are Americans and we do have our delusions. Just look at who's president now. And what it takes on a personal psychological basis to still support him. Donald Trump is not a serious consideration for the White House. Never was, isn't now. Never will be.
As such:
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Skipping we did not have a standing army or national guard then and we do now for some time, precluding the need for citizens to keep or bear arms...
That Amendment clearly states one important element that is not ever in this form, considered in arguments for or against.
That if citizens outright have that right (which is not clear, honestly), they need regulation and the "orientation" of militia. I am not saying int hat they need to belong TO a militia but that they need by requirement the training and education of a militia. And considering the advancement, since the Amendment was written, it's now a matter of higher education between the various types and powers of today's weaponry.
How that translates today would be, not that any citizens could go out and buy and own a gun, and/or carry one either in plain sight or concealed, it is to be sure first a requirement by the Amendment they be trained or well regulated, or part of a militia and therefore well regulated and trained.
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More guns aren't an answer, they are a desire. As with most things, sanity, intelligence and acting appropriately are the answer. |
Therefore to acquire, own and bear arms, one should be trained by a priori requirement and justification... and to be sure, we need that all citizens with arms are competent in their use for the situations and environments the citizens would traverse in any potential and reasonable situation.
As of today, that is not the case.
To whit, citizens with arms and no APPROPRIATE training, AND THAT INCLUDES EX or ACTIVE MILITARY who do not just get to own a gun in civilian life as civilian environments are not military to be sure.. as IN A CIVILIAN ENVIRONMENT ... therefore we are at this time for those unregulated citizens, unconstitutional and illegal and those arms should be confiscated, until such time that citizens have acquired the appropriate training, indoctrination and education in each of the firearms they are to own or carry.
There is our right and reason to confiscate all firearms from all citizens who do not have the required training on each and every gun they own.
That alone would end so many mass shootings.
Who should pay for this training?
Well, if it's a Right, the nation, not individuals. That means taxes.
How much would this cost? A lot.
What would it do? Slow down and decrease gun ownership and increase the alignment of owning and using weaponry to an acceptable degree.
Why? Because many gun owners don't want education, just blind allowances to own devices to kill, without responsibility, without knowledge, education, or a cohesive knowledge about them to a degree they required and demand.
And what is demanded in the place of what is needed?
Entertainment. Guns fulfill one major component of gun owners and it's not safety.
It's entertainment and false sense of security against all the wrong things in all the wrong ways.
Our best protection against crime is support and empowerment of all citizens.
Our best protection against a tyrannical government? Education, Health Care, Sanity. Vision. All the things the GOP does nto support.
Face it. Voting Republicans out is our quickest way to a strong America.
And never again allow this kind of crazy into control of Congress and our Courts or the office of the President of the United States.
Have a gun. Just know what you have and how to care for it, use it and store it.
As previously stated, I certainly prefer art over politics for all the obvious reasons. It seems pretty apparent today, especially looking at our current disaster of a POTUS, his thoroughly misled and confused conservative base and his GOP leaders that there are far more geniuses and visionaries in art than politics and government.
Now, back to the people I know and work with who are so much more cohesively sane and informed...