Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2025

What Would Our Missing 1 Million COVID-19 Dead Think Today?

As of March 2025, the United States has reported approximately 1,222,603 deaths due to COVID-19. Some of them died still believing in the Trump disinformation campaign. Many died horrified they ever believed Trump or voted for him...

The missing one million

More than one million Americans died during the Covid-19 pandemic. Five years later, they remain largely invisible.

The question of how the "missing 1 million" Americans who died from COVID-19 would vote is an interesting and speculative one, as it's impossible to know their individual preferences. However, we can make some broad inferences based on various factors:

Now, if only all those still living and still supporting Donald Trump, could just see before they too die, for they kill our country, seeing it live on as an autocracy, an oligarchy, a kakistocracy... the dire reality of our current situation that they had a lot to do with bringing into our reality.

There is still time...if we can wrest control from these unAmerican actors under the Trump and MaGA authoritarian umbrella and bring America back to what our Founding Fathers had originally intended:

A nation based on freedom, self-governance, Laws, and the protection of individual rights. They sought to escape Tyranny and build a government with limited power, ensuring people’s freedoms were protected and giving them a voice in how their government protected them, and their interests...rather than the interests of merely the few and the powerful.

Compiled with aid of ChatGPT

Thursday, October 27, 2022

My New Book - "Suffering Long Covid" October 2022

I felt the brutality of COVID-19 for the first time starting February 9, 2020. It was a Sunday. I spent the week with what I thought was the flu at first, but quickly realized was something I had neve reexperienced before. By the third night of trying to sleep and being unable to because I was counting my breaths, carefully trying not to cough... I realized something was very wrong.

Suffering Long Covid
Suffering Long Covid

I lied in bed debating going to the emergency department at the nearby hospital, only two miles from my house. I was exhausted after several nights of no sleep. If I drive, could I pass out? If I don't, could I die? Should I call an ambulance? And then, I passed out. I woke the next day actually...feeling a little better. The worst was over. 

But long covid was about the begin. That lasted somewhere between eight and fourteen months. Due to the nature of it, it is really hard to tell. I spent most of 2020 in my recliner in my living room. Awake, then asleep, lethargic. Exhausted. Sometimes feeling ill, sometimes not. I was feeling ill for one to three plus weeks each and every month of 2020 as it essentially zipped by. 

I was unsure at times over that next year if I was having reoccurring covid (by a month or two into it, I had realized I had contracted the new novel coronavirus), or if I was catching new iterations of covid. 

Or a new variation. I'd considered in the beginning when i realized what I had contracted, and survived, that I should write a book about it. But that first year or so I was just too exhausted and without energy to even think of it. I had brain fog. Weird blood clotting issues. My VA doctor had me take many tests and all came back looking like I was healthy. Except, I wasn't. 

March 28, 2022. Again it was a Sunday night. but early the next morning I was in the Emergency Department of St. Michael's Medical Center in Silverdale, Washington, eleven miles from my home.

It was a very disturbing night that went from paramedics at my home for the first time in my life and at 2AM. That saw me with sinus tachycardia, driving myself to the hospital in Bremerton, where I live. Two miles away. At 3AM. Paramedics had given me the OK to drive myself before they left and having offered me the ambulance. But I wanted to do it myself.

I ended up driving around in the dark, unable to find a massive medical center. So I went home and tried to sleep. After a few hours I got up and called the Veterans Administration triage nurse. She told me to drive to the next down that morning to the emergency department. So I did. It turns out the hospital two miles away, which I had used for twenty years for my kids and my family, had closed down only six months previous, and I hadn't heard about it.

I got a Zio chest patch heart monitor to wear for two weeks and then I was sent home. A week later I had paramedics at my house, again on a Sunday, again at 2AM. This time for blood pressure that was far too high.

I had more tests and again, I was healthy. Except, I wasn't. As I started feeling better, well enough to think, I thought I should write that book about this experience and share what I had learned. It started slow, but I got something down on paper. 

Eventually, I finished the book. Just as I had finished an internationally award winning documentary that spring of 2021, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero", began as just a way to try to start thinking and working on something, anything, again.

And now that book is available, too. 

"Suffering Long Covid" is now available as a book and ebook on Amazon. I have included my daily logs that I kept for my own benefit at first and then for my doctor to prove some of what I had been experiencing. I've also tried to support things I say in the book with references and links to information. 

I'm not a medical professional but I am a researcher and writer. I thought my story was interesting and if nothing else, I had learned a lot about COVID-19 and Long Covid. As science and medicine learned, I learned. I had nothing else to do by feel ill and as I had energy, research what was happening inside me. Why I was so exhausted and kept feeling ill. While all the tests at hospitals said I was fine. When I wasn't, quite obviously.

The book was difficult to write, but got easier as time passed. It was interesting to read my logs as I was already months later forgetting how bad things had been. I realized I wish I had a book like this to have read, and maybe others might find it, in some way or another, useful to them.

So here it is...if you have long covid, and I hope you don't, sometimes it helps to see what others have gone though. if nothing else, there are some very interesting pieces of information and references in the book.

I wish you all well. Be healthy my friends! 

Cheers! Sláinte !

Monday, March 2, 2020

Should We Blame Pres. Trump for Damages by Coronavirus?

Should we blame Trump for the damages by coronavirus?

Uh, yeah? Pretty much! With great prejudice and appropriateness.

Why? OK, look...

It's long been known that Trump has considered his re-election has much to do with the economy. So should we blame him for this market crashing and economic shrinking JP Morgan say is inevitable, as well as COVID-19 hitting America, even though Trump says it won't?


Yes, we should blame Donald John Trump for all that is bad that comes from this coronavirus pandemic. Yes indeed. But, what you ask?

Look, Trump has depended on the Obama economy to claim it as his own success. He and his supporters ludicrously claim it's Trump's bumbling and mumbling extremely bad management and his appointees, many of whom he has fired and replaced, fired and replaced, fearful of anything but "acting" appointees because he knows not what he does in his shotgun management style, which is a bad manager's way of managing.

Whenever I've seen Trump's miserably poor guessing as action, management style in a boss, a manager, or in a CEO, I got away from them ASAP, or found them to be soon replaced. Too often with a golden parachute, an advancement, or no repercussions except to the damages to the company they leave, in our rampantly out of control style of capitalism in America.

Trump has relied on Russian interference in our elections to get him elected. He found it so useful, he has asked Russia for it again, has denied it was Russia at all.

Trump has asked for China to do the same and help him get re-elected.

He has depended for decades on Russian crime money, the Russian mafia, the criminal Deutchebank money laundering entity, his own Russian money laundering properties, and Russian Oligarchs as well as American Kleptocrats to maintain his incredibly bad management and "business" style and his bullying and criminal mob-style orientation to "succeed".

Trump has depended on his "The Apprentice" make-believe "Donald Trump", the "great manager", the "great businessman", both vast lies, as his entity to prop him up to become POTUS.

Trump has consistently relied on made-up or outside entities to get him into the White House. Let's just hope he doesn't stay there.

So YES, we need to blame him for Coronavirus, for shutdowns, for the market crashing, for the economy shrinking, or a recession and he should reap those benefits in losing this election and being denigrated by the media until he crawls under the rock from when he emerged.

And all those he has brought out into the light with him, also need to slink away into history. Steve Nenuchin for instance, who was instrumental in people losing their homes in the 2008 financial debacle as well as others in the Trump administration.

In this sense, COVID-19, sad as any deaths may be and are coming to America, could be our Godsend in ridding America of Donald John Trump. Finally. Yes, it may take an "Act of God", because, in the style and wild claims of too many ridiculous American Christian leaders, God may indeed be pissed at us, for a Pres. Trump. And all the anti-Christian actions he has perpetrated upon us.

Even aside from all that, we cannot listen to a Pres. Trump who lies to us over and over, over three years, with over 16,000 lies. Bizarrely, literally every time he spoke. Now during a disaster or pandemic, we're supposed to believe he's suddenly telling the truth?


Not to mention, Trump has rotated some of the worst people to head administration, agencies, and departments, until he got the very worst of the worst, who will roll over without question and do whatever he wants.

So we're not just getting the worst people, we're getting all of them.

Several major fact-checking sites regularly fact-check Trump, including:
PolitiFact,[70] which awarded Trump its "Lie of the Year" in 2015,[71] 2017[72] and 2019.[73],[74] which dubbed Trump the "King of Whoppers" in 2015.[75]
The Washington Post said in January 2020 that Trump had made more than 16,241 false or misleading claims as president,[1] an average of about 14.8 such statements per day.
The Toronto Star, which said that, as of May 2019, Trump had made almost 5,000 false statements since his inauguration.[76] -Wikipedia
#trump #gop #tepublican #conservative @realdonaldtrump REALDonaldTrump #putin #russia #china