I recently discovered "That Metal Show" on VH1, classic rock n roll. Tonight's episode had Eddie Trunk wearing a fan made T shirt that said on it, "The Rock n Roll Hall of Shame and Disgrace". One has to ask, "Why?"
Obvious isn't it? Have you seen who the RnRHoF has inducted? Don't you think Rock n Rollers should get covered before other music categories?
You tell me. Iron Maiden? Or RunDMZ? Who should be in there first? I don't have a problem with Rap, but if it were the Rap Hall of Fame and they put Black Sabbath in before Public Enemy? No way! Right?
Apparently, it should be called the Popular Music Hall of Fame and I really don't understand or have a problem with a name change, and why they aren't called that. Because they are obviously for more than Rock n Roll. I appreciate the compliment of using "Rock n Roll" as an umbrella term for fun, party, great moving music. But, really?
Understand, I don't begrudge other genres and bands their recognition. It's just, well, let's get it straight, okay?
If you are the Moving Picture Awards, please don't give awards for music videos or advertisements. They have their own awards.
So why are so many rock, Hard Rock bands, the puritan elements one could say, not in the Hall of Fame?
Okay, then.
I just wanted to get that said....
I thought I should add this, the Rock Snubs web site. I haven't been able to find where Eddie got that T shirt from.