Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day ebook giveaway!

Happy Fourth of July! Have a wonderful safe holiday! If you need something new and different to read....

July is the annual Smashwords ebook summer giveaway!

Most of my ebooks on Smashwords are free through July while others are heavily discounted.

All these below and more! Check out my Author page on Smashwords to see other ebooks of mine that are included beyond these below....

Xibalba Unleashed - a short story written for an anthology that was so fun to write I accidentally went 2,000 words over the limit and had to write another story. It is a unique serial killer origin story based on Mayan mythology brought back from an expedition to modern America.

Andrew - Horror novella with paranormal overtones
As I mentioned, "Andrew" led to "Death of Heaven" and was one of my first stories.
Book Video Trailer - Serial Murder Horror
This is also published in The Undead Nation Anthology and is being worked on as a screenplay. It is my one of my brilliant cover artist's favorite stories of mine.
Book Video Trailer

Japheth, Ishvi and The Light - Zombies & Religion
Also published in my Anthology of Evil
Book Video Trailer

In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear - Sci Fi Social Horror and my first published horror sci fi story.. This is a story that in many ways may sound very familiar to our current situation in America.
Book Video Trailer

Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer to a Question... - Medieval Surreal Horror
Book Video Trailer

Sarah - Surreal Horror with Geographical overtones based on a true story.
Book Video Trailer

Quantum History - Comedy/Sci Fi of an experiment that went strangely wrong.
Book Video Trailer

These are some of the ebooks I'm giving away or decreasing price on over this month of July on Check out my page on Smashwords to find which ones you would be most interested in.

All are fascinatingly weird little short stories.

Andrew is a novella and a of foundation for my book, Death of Heaven (discounted to $2). The novella and the book are very different kinds of animals, with the one having grown up from the alien seed of the other.

Please feel free also to visit my Amazon Author page.

Have a great Holiday!


JZ Murdock

Friday, August 29, 2014

Death of Heaven - re-release on my birthday Saturday 8/30/2014

Happy birthday to me! Well, tomorrow actually.

I like giving on my birthday, so in that frame of mind....

I'm letting you know that tomorrow is the official re-release date my book, Death of Heaven (coupon code AE78W ) and I am offering it for free through this weekend. That is the downloadable ebook version; here, is the print version of, Death of Heaven on Amazon. I have also lowered the ebook price on Death of Heaven, from Monday on to $4.99.

Death of Heaven has been put through a rigorous re-editing and was getting good reviews even before that. 

Also starting today through the weekend, you can get ebooks versions of most of my ebooks for free. Check them out, I hope you find something you like.

Also, a short short sci fi story of mine on Wattpad, To End All War.

See also this week's past blog on all this. Enjoy my birthday tomorrow!
And, have a great weekend!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Free ebooks Spring Giveaway - Friday May 17th!


Starting today for five days (Friday May 17th through Monday), several of my ebooks on will be available free of cost to anyone. Please feel free to grab one, or all if you haven't already. 

-Expedition of the Arcturus (Sci Fi some might say, apocalyptic even and somewhat related to recent true life)
-The Conqueror Worm (Tween Horror)
-Mr. Pakool's Spice (Zombie Horror)
-The Mea Culpa Document of London (medieval macabre), and 
-EarVu (Horror/Sci Fi in the Lab).
And soon the audio book version of - Expedition of the Arcturus 
The Conqueror Worm, The Mea Culpa Document of London, (and soon, Expedition of the Arcturus) are also available as audio books, but are not included int his promotion. Have fun!


I was just looking at some of my stats and rankings on Amazon Author Central. 

In Kindle ebooks I was at 37.014 on April 25th for no apparent reason I can fathom. But hey, thanks! 
Non-Kindle books (print, maybe audio too, I'm not sure) - 113,112. 
All Books - For Sci Fi/Fantasy 4,354. 
All - Fantasy 3,633. 
All - Sci Fi 2,961.

Hmmm if I keep going will I get to #1? lol
Kindle Sci Fi 1,926
Kindle Horror 1,276. This one peaks a lot time and again. My highest number this year was 1,049 on Jan. 14th.

Hmmm... maybe I should write another Horror story. Perhaps a nice tale from my childhood. Or worse, Junior High years and how I was not even wanted by the Freaks and Geeks until High School when I was a leader in the Freak community. lol

I've been watching Freaks and Geeks from 1999/2000. Fun show. In Jr High I wanted to join the Chess Club (Geeks). Not even they wanted me. I could only join if I could beat their best player, they said. Funny how I remember and can see it in the basement where they met, of our Jr High.

Of course, I lost. Really not cool of them (Thanks, Mike Wise who later built a home PC in a wooden foot locker at home back in 1969 or so).

But in their defense (and as with everyone who knew me most of the first half of my life), they just thought I'd screw around and not be serious, focused, or dedicated. They, were wrong. And through my life I've been a not too bad chess player though I'm a bit rusty now. For years I'd only play against non humans after one particularly bad loser's fit of angst when I beat him that put me off playing against people with bad temperaments.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Starting tomorrow - Free ebooks for Spring Giveaway!

Hi there!

Starting tomorrow for five days (Friday - Monday) I will be offering some ebooks for free. Check them out tomorrow for more information.
Expedition of the Arcturus
(Sci Fi - some might say apocalyptic even and somewhat related to recent true life)

-The Conqueror Worm (Tween Horror and beyond)

-Mr. Pakool's Spice (Zombie Horror)

-The Mea Culpa Document of London (medieval macabre), and 

EarVu (Horror/Sci Fi in the Lab). Art by Artist Marvin Hayes

Like I said above, stop by tomorrow for more, or just stake them out and pick them up tomorrow. Or just catch my blog tomorrow morning.
