Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2024

DEATH OF HEAVEN, a reflection (SciFi/Eldritch Horror)

I just reread my Literary Titan review of my book. Interesting. Odd to write something and hear another's informed view of it. I seem to produce works that are of a specific nature for a certain type of consumer. One for the odd, or disturbing, the unique and bizarre.

See, I've had a setback this past week on Facebook. They killed 14 years of my account on there, with groups, with band pages, all affecting myself and many hundreds of followers with an utter lack of care or customer service. I've repeatedly contacted them to no avail. 

And so in the end I've had to recreate a page on Facebook. That led to (once past the frustration and loss) creating a new page here. That led me to some marketing efforts to gain followers as well as perhaps sell some books and film views.

I've been marketing some of my works this past week, my films and writings. Like my film "Gumdrop", a short horror which I came to realize I was shooting for a "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" kind of vibe. Great little flick and if you saw it (Henry) and if you did not like that one, you certainly won't like mine. 

There is also my short filmic poem/historical WWI documentary, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero", where I used all public domain media. Until I put it on YouTube when there was a licensing issue for the main song (Bolero) from NAXOS and maybe also (though I don't think so) with, Universal Music for the written song. Finally today, after years I got an answer from
Sound Recordings get 100 years copyright protection in the USA.  It is our understanding that a sound recording with a 1930 copyright will not be PD in the USA until January 1, 2031.
Public Domain Information Project

Also, my non-fiction memoir and rather well-researched (and well-received) health book, Suffering "Long Covid"

On my epic portmanteau novel reviewed below, the reason for today's blog, even if you're not interested in reading my book, the review is something to remark upon. That being said, it is not the type of book you can pick up and read a few pages and think you know the rest. Those who have done that might have loved the rest, but the initial story is only a few pages and vastly different from the rest. However, it sets the tone for how this is not a typical book. And the adventure one is about to embark upon.

When you read the next and first full chapter, a story of two boys' horrific event and how it reshaped their futures, it does not even then offer insight to the next and following chapters, where from there, it descends into madness. But of a crafted type. It is a story that is multi-layered and "meta" in a way that is rather unusual.

The book is based upon the final novella, "Andrew" in my first collection of short stories, "Anthology of Evil". 

My non-fiction article Marvin produced the cover for, below.

For those who are confused by my book covers, do follow the old adage about not judging a book by its cover. I do like the covers. Some of them are done by my younger half-brother who is a brilliant artist in his own right. But these covers give you a bizarre consideration of what's inside. His art has always awed me. You can get an idea of how great he can be by checking out his works on Redbubble. You can even purchase them for your devices. 

Above, three of the "Gods" from DEATH OF HEAVEN (again, art by Marvin). Perhaps think of the Starz series, "American Gods" based on Neil Gaiman's book. But these are very different "Gods".

All that being said, welcome to one of the reviews of my book...


Literary Titan Review

"Eldritch Horror is a narrative style that is defined by the names of those who create works within its genre: H. P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, and now, JZ Murdock. To speak of the overarching plot of Death of heaven is to speak of madness, depravity, and incomprehensible horror of both mortal men and unimaginable beings, for both the characters in the world, and for the reader of the book.
"Death of heaven captures the essence of what makes Eldritch Horror spectacular-entities that are difficult for the mind to fathom are front and center within the narrative. True to the form of the genre, their interactions with the mortals of planet Earth are always interesting and usually end quite poorly for the mortals who receive their attention. JZ Murdock does an exceptional job with his narrative crafting, and the main protagonists of Jimmy and James provide an understandable vessel through which to view the narrative events as they unfold. They are, as characters, perfectly imperfect, each shaped by their experiences both with the incomprehensibility of life and the even greater incomprehensibility of the beings that have now taken note of them. To read this story is to gaze into the abyss, which is one of its greatest strengths.
"With that being said, however, it is important to note that this book is, by all merits, predominantly an all-consuming abyss and, by its nature, is often devoid of anything vaguely resembling happiness, hope, or basic decency. JZ Murdock's world is established as a world in which the conceptualization of God or gods is a radical misunderstanding of the true structure of the world, and the moral fashioning of those who live within this world reflects that quite well. This book plays freely and loosely with morality, divinity, and concepts that are generally felt to be too dark to be included in any form of media, making it entirely unsuitable for any who are not committed to Eldritch Horror as a genre: if Hellraiser was too much for you as a film, leave Death of heaven on the library shelf and choose another tome. The words of Dante match this work quite well: "All hope abandon ye who enter in."
"The story expands and balloons dramatically, and I felt that it is often difficult to understand what is a core event of the plot, and what is simply window dressing to make the experience "darker" or "more macabre." This leads it in places to leave the confines of Eldritch Horror and take on the feeling of the film Knowing starring Nicholas Cage. The core plot, I feel, takes readers on a headfirst spiral toward the end of all things, but there is an overarching sense of curiosity as to what is truly important for that end.
"Death of heaven earns its place in the Eldritch Horror pantheon (an ironic turn of phrase, considering), and while its tone and construction may eliminate many who would read it, those who can find enjoyment within the dark and twisted works of Lovecraft and Barker will undoubtedly find joy in the words of Murdock." - Literary Titan ★★★★

JZ Murdock's "Death of Heaven" lured me in with a sense of poignancy as childhood friends James and Jimmy played treasure hunters in the suburban yard. It seemed like such a sweet tale. Until I turned the page and discovered abject horror. This novel is unrelentingly unique, defying the norms of the classic horror genre. JZ Murdock doesn't think outside the box: he IS outside the box. Expect nothing "normal" here.
With an imagination that brings to mind certain hallucinogens, the author takes the reader on a mind-numbing roller coaster ride in a haunted mansion. There are highs and lows, twists and turns, but all of them happen in the eerie darkness. James and Jimmy have grown into adulthood, but both have struggled to overcome their childhood trauma. Now they've got to rely on each other as they begin receiving disturbing messages about the potential destruction of all they know. But that's part of the paradox here; the more they find out, the more apparent it is that all they've ever known is... incorrect. Unfortunately for them, things begin spooling up at such an incredible rate that they don't have time to process all they've received. They're racing against time and doing it on thin ice.
JZ Murdock presents his readers with a highly imaginative and unique read. It's a bit of a "Frankenstein" piece if you will. Made up of previously written short stories and wrapped with an overarching meta storyline that strings them all together, this is decidedly not your normal horror or sci-fi novel. Within its pages, readers will find viscerally gritty scenes of unimaginable (except to the author) inhumanity. Yet there are also pages of amazing prose dealing with philosophy, psychology, the human condition, and man's reliance on religion. My mind may have blown a fuse or two making these transitions.
"A dark character rode my mind, I knew that. A dark rider who made no compromise and rode in ways both surreal and inexplicable. Eventually I began to believe him. Someone was indeed out there. And in here."
This is high-functioning fiction, not designed for those who just want a quick, light read. It demands attention from its readers with its profundity and its depth. So often I read a novel and think to myself that I would love to see that story brought into production. I don't ever see that happening with this novel- all the thought, rhythm, and mystery of this piece simply wouldn't translate to a movie screen.
While I profess the storyline is remarkable and highly creative, I struggled with the inconsistent pace as the author led his readers from horror into philosophy, then on to his next whim. For me, this felt like the literary equivalent of a Jackson Pollock painting. The reader will most likely get out what the reader puts into this story.
I can easily see this novel becoming a cult classic in the vein of HP Lovecraft. With its polarizing style, it's fair to anticipate that most readers will either love it or loathe it- there is no in-between. If you enjoy reading avant-garde literature that shatters genres and tropes, this one's for you. - Reader Views

From the Author

This is one of my favorites of my books and writings. It was a complicated journey writing it and an intricate interweaving of many dark stories on many levels that all culminate into a fascinating tale that is larger than we are. Larger than humanity is, and encompasses the entire galaxy, if not that of the universe. Contained herein are tales of many kinds, and many times. Of youth abused. Of love gone awry. Of a dark love the color of congealed blood. Of friendships torn asunder for desire and power. It is based in two stories of mine. "Andrew" a novella contained in my first collection of short horror titled, Anthology of Evil. Andrew is a young boy who has seen horrible things and he too has to find a way to grow and live and eventually, he finds his place in the universe. The second is a very short piece I wrote for a psychology professor of mine during my university years. It is titled, "Perception" and is about how easily and from the very beginning, we as humans have misperceived so very many basic things. Misunderstandings that have led us to here and now. For all the good or bad it may one day be judged to be. In the end I believe this is an engrossing and entertaining read. Others have agreed. I hope you will too!JZ Murdock

From the Inside Flap

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream.A dream you dream together is reality." John Lennon

From the Back Cover

WHERE DID WE COME FROM?Throughout human history many philosophers and religions have pondered this ultimate question. James and Jimmy, brothers in arms since childhood, will learn that the answer is what nightmares are made of. They, along with all of humanity, will experience firsthand the...DEATH OF HEAVEN
Cheers! Sláinte!

My newest anthology, Anthology of Evil II Vol. I and Anthology of Evil II Vol. II.
On these, I shot the photos and crafted the book covers, but Marvin worked on enhancing them the photos.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Trump vs SuperHeroes vs Gods vs The Fool

People say our fictional entertainment "superheroes" are replacements for what the concepts and beliefs in Gods once gave us in ancient times. Superheroes today are placeholders they say, for what used to be paramount and all important in our lives.

Well. Times have changed. Though many are trying to end or retard that inevitable change.

In reality Gods were our first fictional entertainment superheroes. We just made the mistake of believing our own fictions and it came back to bite us. All through history. All through today.

Republicans, the Conservative right, religious proponents especially extremist ones, even those who voted for BrExit this past week, all seem to be members of the WTP, the Wishful Thinking Party. They think things are not that good, and they aren't as complicated as they really are, so we will just stop thinking, do something drastically opposed to the status quo and obviously that will just fix everything.

Uh, no. It's not that easy. That not thinking, severely altering the status quo, will simply not just fix everything. It can and may in fact wreck the economy and people's lives. However some people, especially those with money can and will make massive amounts of money from this. Which will come from many people with little or no money where their money can be gleaned off of them, easily acquired, then piped up to the rich and money managers of various types.

Those Gods have been mostly whittled down into a single God. Though some religions have warned us against false idols, it is in our nature to raise some of those up among us to that stature if not of Gods, of saviors. There is always someone ready to fulfill that role. Someone who usually claims to hold long established beliefs while cloaking them in new cloth, dazzling us, deluding us, deceiving us.

Like the Idiot Trump who you could call iTrump for short, where people here are voting for that same type of quick fix that will fix nothing and only make matters worse..


Desperation, of course, with a healthy does of frustration. What else should one expect when one keeps supporting the abuses, who keep taking all the money, twisting things around to where people think it's those they oppose who are really only trying to protect the abused masses against those, once again, whom the abused continue to support.

In order to fix what they have allowed to be broken over so many years they cannot even see it, cannot fathom it. They are selecting the tiger to kill the same tiger who is eating the flock.

Idiocy? Pure and simple. There is where your simplicity lay.

Or are people merely ignorant and desperate?

You decide. Decide not on wishful thinking however, but on reality.

Only then may we fix what was never broken but designed to fulfill a specific function in taking from some who have little and giving to others who have much. Taking from those many who have little, to give to the few who have so much already.

Camus said the meaning of life was whatever you tell yourself in order to stop yourself from killing yourself. Is that what religion is all about, avoiding suicide? And if whatever that is doesn't get its way, it will take the rest of us with it too?

BTW, speaking of stupidity, did you know that some students at private schools in Louisiana have been taught that Scotland’s fabled Loch Ness monster is real. A claim that is then held as evidence disproving Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, as was once reported in The Scotsman?

Or this (there are unending examples, really:

Texas Court Says Citizens Can Skip Education If They Believe The Rapture Is Coming

Robert Reich said yesterday (June 26, 2016):

"Donald Trump is the least-qualified person ever to run for the presidency of the United States; Hillary Clinton is among the most qualified. But, unfortunately, this election isn't about qualifications. It's about whether the populist wave that's gripped America turns authoritarian or reformist.
"I worry Hillary doesn’t see the anti-establishment rage here (and in other advanced nations -- see article, below). I fear she doesn't understand how different 2016 is from 1992, when Bill Clinton ran as a moderate Democrat, or 1996, when he moved to the center and “triangulated” between Democrats and Republicans. So she'll continue to run a cautious campaign based mainly on her competence and experience, and won't stand up to the privileged and powerful – the big corporations, Wall Street, and billionaires – who have rigged the economy against the rest of America."

I was for Hilary, until Bernie entered the 2016 race for President, then I was for Bernie, until he was no longer in the race (though he's in the run for helping America to get back on track again). Now I'm back to Hilary, because...Trump and because...Republicans and conservative in general. And stupidity. I'm personally anti-stupid. Which I see as ignorance plus. Ignorance is noble, when properly earned and eventually updated. However remaining ignorant in the face of information is planned and sustained ignorance, selected ignorance, or just plain... stupidity.

Want one about guns and stupidity (come on, it's a natural): Gun Advocate Mother shoots and kills her two daughters letting her husband get away. Honestly this is about mental illness in this country too, but it's something that is tightly interwoven in all this. I've said for years this psychological need for guns has more to do with mental health of America than anything else. The claims of gun rights don't hold up in reading the 2nd Amendment and this overbearing need for protection just isn't what the claims are proven by the stats.

Brexit is another issue that came to the world courtesy of the uneducated, the not so well educated elders, and commoners, much as we're seeing in America along with the foolish Trumpettes (or divisive capitalist). It would appear then if the young and educated are voting more sanely, we are now seeing the beginning of the end of racism and nationalism, even perhaps isolationism, in many ways in these two countries.

Are we also seeing in these difficult times the death throes of many things that have long been inculcated within us and in which we should be welcoming their demise?

There is some hope, albeit not from America, but Canada where in Alberta they have banned money from corporations and unions, a step in the right direction to protect people and not just money.

There is however this just in, from the Supreme Court on the ridiculousness of at least one of the ludicrous Texas Abortion Laws from one of our southern and rather brain damaged states..

It may take another generation still but we're starting to have a younger populace who is more used to diversity, change and making rational decisions against what has long been believed, even without evidence or with evidence we now have to the contrary. Information technologies and news for profit have polarized us. But also have shined a bright light on long unspoken feelings of tribalism and the many problems with ancient beliefs which do not evolve along with changing realities.

These are surely disturbing and in some ways horrible times. But they also signal to us a reason and a hope. A hope finally for a return of reason, something we can now almost see on the distant horizon. Though you may still have to look very carefully to see it, also notice the obstacles that will be in the way before it arrives fully upon us.

Do know however, that it is on that horizon.

Oh and just who is, The Fool? I'll let you decide. And our future levels of Prosperity.