Hi, everyone! Here is an email from one of our homeowners. Be alert! She has already been sent information about animal control. Some people have speculated that the sightings of the bears and now this mountain lion (cougar) are due to the extensive logging of the Yxxxxx Burn Forest behind our development. Those of you who live on the west side of our development may have no idea of how much of the forest is being logged. The forest along the L1000 road is being logged from approx. 100 feet of the northern border of our development all the way to Four Corners. It is a huge area that has disrupted the habitat for many animals.
The Webmaster(s)
----- Original Message -----
From: Gxxx Lxxxxx
To: Webmaster@anhills.org
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 10:26 AM
Subject: Mountain Lion attack in neighborhood
Good morning.
Jim and I live at xxxx XX Xxxxxxxxxx Mountain Road. Last night at 8:45 p.m. a mountain lion came into our pasture and attacked my horses and got one of them. I did see it - the cat was easily 500 pounds! It was four times bigger than our 100 pound American Bull Dog. The cat was very brazen - no fear of the dog or two horses and got my horse Louie at his jugular part of the throat. Emergency vet came out and the bite was 2 inches deep and three inches long on both sides of his throat with multiple lacerations and scratches all over his chest - missed the jugular vein by a tenth of a millimeter! It took 85 stitches and surgery through several layers of muscle to put my horse back together - and all this damage was done in one quick swoop from the cat. Please help me notify everyone in our neighborhood. I am very concerned for the children of our neighborhood, neighbors who walk or jog our trails, our neighborhood pets, everyone!