Weather for the day… 59° starting out, 72° when I got home overcast
Podcast Janes podcast about North Korea
Then, when that was over, I switch to Pod Save America
Short YouTube "She sold her 'tears' "
I don’t have an Instagram post today but I do have an interesting post about AI now being used to generate conspiracy theories like we needed that bullshit
Well, we’ve had a few days of unhealthy air, from the Canadian wildfires, I believe. The first night it really hit a few nights ago I went to sleep and woke up with a high blood pressure issue, took a half of Benadryl, which didn’t seem to help so I put on a Covid mask and it seemed to make issues better, so it might be from the air. Even though I have a HEPA air cleaner going and had set it on high and put it in my bedroom doorway. Woke up with mask still on feeling fine. Today air quality is very good. what’s interesting about this is the first night it felt like my immune system was acclimating to the bad air. And it makes you wonder if this morning with the air being better, if it doesn’t take my body a bit to readjust to not having to adjust. It feels like it needs to fight off something in my immune system. Where most of my life, other than with allergies, seasonal allergies, I had something similar but since long Covid magnifies everything, or certain things, that could all be what’s going on. When I was younger, my doctor had told me the problem I had with allergies was my immune system worked too well, too quickly, too much, and immediately over attacks allergens when they would crop up through the seasons. So if I take that explanation, in long Covid, that could explain what I’m dealing with.
Getting momentarily back to the entertainment industry, in this case, the academic companion book I’ve been working on...I'm now on the Joseph Maurice Ravel biography chapter in this companion to my documentary “Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero“. I came up with the idea of extracting Ravel's biographical information from the texts of the film, then including that in the chapter. Which means I may be done with the chapter, or it’s first draft anyway. Now I just need to move on to a couple other chapters the AI suggested I include my book. A couple more overall drafts, then I can submit it and be done with it and move onto my next project. The next project being...and I have to clean and digitize our old family 8mm films going back to the 1940s. I’m not looking forward to the process but once I get used to doing the first one or two, I’ll probably do what I always do in getting into the swing of things and end up getting through it faster than I'd expected. I expect some very good results in this after having bought a $400 Wolverine machine to digitize movie film with. I got it like a year ago when the new model came out and still haven’t used it, but I’m ready to go.
"Threat = capability + intent."
That film “Pvt. Ravel’s Bolero”, just won another festival at the Druk International Film Festival for Best Experimental Film. I never know what to submit it as. Because I think it depends on the festival whether or not it would have a better chance of winning as experimental or documentary film category. So... you take your best guess... sometimes submit both. At times I’ve won both categories of a film festival. But having founded a film festival myself with Kelly Hughes, our "Gorst Underground Film Festival" here in Bremerton, Gorst being a suburban small town right next door, I have some understanding of how film festivals work. Just like with the Oscars, or anything else, you may deserve an award but if a more popular or better film is there that year, you don’t win. And it’s sad but that’s how it is. That’s why you enter multiple festivals. And maybe submit to the same festival again next season.
Why do good people support bad people? Why do some countries support Russia or North Korea now? Why do some people support Donald Trump? When these are obviously bad agents, it would seem that we are what we do. So are you actually good? If ignorance is no excuse in breaking the law, is that really any excuse in THIS kind of thing?
Interesting morning... when I woke up with a tachycardia issue. My heart was beating really fast and that’s not good. I lied there and concentrated on relaxing and calming down, my heartbeat went down to normal. This is something I’ve never had until I first acquired Covid in early February 2020. It didn’t really start until the last time though when I acquired Covid again in March 2022.
What exactly are we gonna do about imperialist Russia and imperialist China because you know it’s going to end up with imperialist North Korea. And if they do it, they’ll be yet others.
I’m not walking much for a while now (weeks, a month?), and so my left ankle seems to be doing much better. It’s amazing how much simply applying heat and cold, especially heat, can do. Apparently you wanna apply cold to reduce swelling and then the heat helps the circulation and enhances the healing.
Podcast: Intelligence plus verification equals information. Verification means other reliable sources. In this case to factor in intelligence from those escaping North Korea is valuable, but one has to consider their biases.
HumInt (Human Intelligence "Spies") is either what a person wants to believe, or to message to others.
Here’s the problem with much of MAGA in their beliefs. They don’t vet or triangulate their information, certainly not properly, rationally, reasonably. I should say intelligence rather than information. But there’s very little of that involved. They’re much like the Christian who supports their beliefs by pointing to the Bible, and thinks that proves itself. They point within their bubble, as examples of how correct they are. But you can’t know something from one article. You have to read several, or many. But you have to read from ones not what you think as reliable sources, but from what actually ARE reliable sources. Used to be, you can go to conservative media and use them as a reliable source to at least counter or shifting to better accuracy, with what intelligence you have. But now it’s so full of disinformation and propaganda you can’t trust it. That being said, in the field of espionage and intelligence, you can very much read lies, and therein find truth. But it's a skill, most don't have. But think they do. Confused because they know they are smart people, they just haven't bee educated or trained in what they think they know how to do. Which isn’t to say those lies/liars you read offer truth, but that one can look among the wicket of lies and see what’s real. Or not.
For instance, years ago, I read a book by someone who was head of the KGB, had retired and left Russia. Then I read a book by a Japanese intelligence officer, and then I read a book by an MI6 officer. All of them had been at a meeting years before in Hong Kong (I think it was). What was interesting was the differences in what they saw at that meeting but more so, what was reported by all three describing the same exact thing. Things they agreed happened in their disparate views and ideologies. I’ve written about that at length elsewhere. You can take all that and accept that as something that did happen, and you can take the disparities, factor in their bias and positions, and coalesce all that into a statement of possible intelligence, but more so, information.
I look forward to an AI that can take a large amount of information, analyze it and summarize it. Or maybe that’s available to the public at this time. With the amount of information I’m referring to though, it isn’t as far as I know. Maybe it is if you installed it yourself like a friend of mine did who is in a similar IT field as I was, but he’s a little younger, and still working in it and he indeed came up with some pretty amazing things. Not however, in digesting vast sums of text. Yet.
Nice walk today. NO one is on the street. It is a Tuesday morning. Overcast. It was a little cool out, but now it’s warming up. Just a touch. Cool is nice and I’ve always enjoyed a brisk hike. In the mountains or anywhere. When it gets warm, it gets too warm, too easily. Still has been weeks since I had a good walk, and beside the fact, that this first 2 miles is kicking my ass, it feels great to get out and get some exercise! Bad weather is one thing, but bad air is an entirely an other monster.
I should probably recognize the horror going on in many places due to wildfires and especially in Hawaii. I’ve vacationed there twice, decades ago. Such a beautiful place. It saddens me to see it damaged and losing so much cultural heritage so quickly. Not to mention the loss of life and those who have lost everything, personally.
And my book is still in the little free library today.
If you want a free signed copy of my book one's at Lafayette Street in West Bremerton in Washington. Can’t guarantee it’ll be there by time I get this posted but... who knows?
Seriously, you just have to look up the reviews on Amazon for “Death of Heaven“ JZ Murdock. But then it's for the more advanced intense sci fi reader.
Starting mile three. So? 2 miles down, 3 to go? Or 3 miles to go, 2 down? I'll side with whenever makes you look the most hopeful in the moment toward getting it done..
I learned to use tricks in my life of dealing with ADHD. To trick myself into doing what I want, even though I consciously know I’m doing does work. Or delayed gratification in holding off on a reward. What I want to do now, wait until after I’ve done something to do it. Sounds like something you do with a child. But let’s face it. What else is our Id? Than a child?
Can you do Socratic method by yourself? Yes. Can you stare at a blank wall learning something, answering a question by talking to yourself? Yes.
I don’t have an Instagram post today but I do have an interesting post about AI now being used to generate conspiracy theories like we needed that bullshit
Well, we’ve had a few days of unhealthy air, from the Canadian wildfires, I believe. The first night it really hit a few nights ago I went to sleep and woke up with a high blood pressure issue, took a half of Benadryl, which didn’t seem to help so I put on a Covid mask and it seemed to make issues better, so it might be from the air. Even though I have a HEPA air cleaner going and had set it on high and put it in my bedroom doorway. Woke up with mask still on feeling fine. Today air quality is very good. what’s interesting about this is the first night it felt like my immune system was acclimating to the bad air. And it makes you wonder if this morning with the air being better, if it doesn’t take my body a bit to readjust to not having to adjust. It feels like it needs to fight off something in my immune system. Where most of my life, other than with allergies, seasonal allergies, I had something similar but since long Covid magnifies everything, or certain things, that could all be what’s going on. When I was younger, my doctor had told me the problem I had with allergies was my immune system worked too well, too quickly, too much, and immediately over attacks allergens when they would crop up through the seasons. So if I take that explanation, in long Covid, that could explain what I’m dealing with.
Getting momentarily back to the entertainment industry, in this case, the academic companion book I’ve been working on...I'm now on the Joseph Maurice Ravel biography chapter in this companion to my documentary “Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero“. I came up with the idea of extracting Ravel's biographical information from the texts of the film, then including that in the chapter. Which means I may be done with the chapter, or it’s first draft anyway. Now I just need to move on to a couple other chapters the AI suggested I include my book. A couple more overall drafts, then I can submit it and be done with it and move onto my next project. The next project being...and I have to clean and digitize our old family 8mm films going back to the 1940s. I’m not looking forward to the process but once I get used to doing the first one or two, I’ll probably do what I always do in getting into the swing of things and end up getting through it faster than I'd expected. I expect some very good results in this after having bought a $400 Wolverine machine to digitize movie film with. I got it like a year ago when the new model came out and still haven’t used it, but I’m ready to go.
"Threat = capability + intent."
That film “Pvt. Ravel’s Bolero”, just won another festival at the Druk International Film Festival for Best Experimental Film. I never know what to submit it as. Because I think it depends on the festival whether or not it would have a better chance of winning as experimental or documentary film category. So... you take your best guess... sometimes submit both. At times I’ve won both categories of a film festival. But having founded a film festival myself with Kelly Hughes, our "Gorst Underground Film Festival" here in Bremerton, Gorst being a suburban small town right next door, I have some understanding of how film festivals work. Just like with the Oscars, or anything else, you may deserve an award but if a more popular or better film is there that year, you don’t win. And it’s sad but that’s how it is. That’s why you enter multiple festivals. And maybe submit to the same festival again next season.
Why do good people support bad people? Why do some countries support Russia or North Korea now? Why do some people support Donald Trump? When these are obviously bad agents, it would seem that we are what we do. So are you actually good? If ignorance is no excuse in breaking the law, is that really any excuse in THIS kind of thing?
Interesting morning... when I woke up with a tachycardia issue. My heart was beating really fast and that’s not good. I lied there and concentrated on relaxing and calming down, my heartbeat went down to normal. This is something I’ve never had until I first acquired Covid in early February 2020. It didn’t really start until the last time though when I acquired Covid again in March 2022.
What exactly are we gonna do about imperialist Russia and imperialist China because you know it’s going to end up with imperialist North Korea. And if they do it, they’ll be yet others.
I’m not walking much for a while now (weeks, a month?), and so my left ankle seems to be doing much better. It’s amazing how much simply applying heat and cold, especially heat, can do. Apparently you wanna apply cold to reduce swelling and then the heat helps the circulation and enhances the healing.
Podcast: Intelligence plus verification equals information. Verification means other reliable sources. In this case to factor in intelligence from those escaping North Korea is valuable, but one has to consider their biases.
HumInt (Human Intelligence "Spies") is either what a person wants to believe, or to message to others.
Here’s the problem with much of MAGA in their beliefs. They don’t vet or triangulate their information, certainly not properly, rationally, reasonably. I should say intelligence rather than information. But there’s very little of that involved. They’re much like the Christian who supports their beliefs by pointing to the Bible, and thinks that proves itself. They point within their bubble, as examples of how correct they are. But you can’t know something from one article. You have to read several, or many. But you have to read from ones not what you think as reliable sources, but from what actually ARE reliable sources. Used to be, you can go to conservative media and use them as a reliable source to at least counter or shifting to better accuracy, with what intelligence you have. But now it’s so full of disinformation and propaganda you can’t trust it. That being said, in the field of espionage and intelligence, you can very much read lies, and therein find truth. But it's a skill, most don't have. But think they do. Confused because they know they are smart people, they just haven't bee educated or trained in what they think they know how to do. Which isn’t to say those lies/liars you read offer truth, but that one can look among the wicket of lies and see what’s real. Or not.
For instance, years ago, I read a book by someone who was head of the KGB, had retired and left Russia. Then I read a book by a Japanese intelligence officer, and then I read a book by an MI6 officer. All of them had been at a meeting years before in Hong Kong (I think it was). What was interesting was the differences in what they saw at that meeting but more so, what was reported by all three describing the same exact thing. Things they agreed happened in their disparate views and ideologies. I’ve written about that at length elsewhere. You can take all that and accept that as something that did happen, and you can take the disparities, factor in their bias and positions, and coalesce all that into a statement of possible intelligence, but more so, information.
I look forward to an AI that can take a large amount of information, analyze it and summarize it. Or maybe that’s available to the public at this time. With the amount of information I’m referring to though, it isn’t as far as I know. Maybe it is if you installed it yourself like a friend of mine did who is in a similar IT field as I was, but he’s a little younger, and still working in it and he indeed came up with some pretty amazing things. Not however, in digesting vast sums of text. Yet.
Nice walk today. NO one is on the street. It is a Tuesday morning. Overcast. It was a little cool out, but now it’s warming up. Just a touch. Cool is nice and I’ve always enjoyed a brisk hike. In the mountains or anywhere. When it gets warm, it gets too warm, too easily. Still has been weeks since I had a good walk, and beside the fact, that this first 2 miles is kicking my ass, it feels great to get out and get some exercise! Bad weather is one thing, but bad air is an entirely an other monster.
I should probably recognize the horror going on in many places due to wildfires and especially in Hawaii. I’ve vacationed there twice, decades ago. Such a beautiful place. It saddens me to see it damaged and losing so much cultural heritage so quickly. Not to mention the loss of life and those who have lost everything, personally.
And my book is still in the little free library today.
If you want a free signed copy of my book one's at Lafayette Street in West Bremerton in Washington. Can’t guarantee it’ll be there by time I get this posted but... who knows?
Seriously, you just have to look up the reviews on Amazon for “Death of Heaven“ JZ Murdock. But then it's for the more advanced intense sci fi reader.
Starting mile three. So? 2 miles down, 3 to go? Or 3 miles to go, 2 down? I'll side with whenever makes you look the most hopeful in the moment toward getting it done..
I learned to use tricks in my life of dealing with ADHD. To trick myself into doing what I want, even though I consciously know I’m doing does work. Or delayed gratification in holding off on a reward. What I want to do now, wait until after I’ve done something to do it. Sounds like something you do with a child. But let’s face it. What else is our Id? Than a child?
Can you do Socratic method by yourself? Yes. Can you stare at a blank wall learning something, answering a question by talking to yourself? Yes.
"Aristotle 's philosophy involved both inductive and deductive reasoning. Aristotle's inductive-deductive method used inductions from observations to infer general principles, deductions from those principles to check against further observations, and more cycles of induction and deduction to continue the advance of knowledge."
Moving on...why have defectors from DKRP, that is North Korea, gone from almost 3000 a year a few years ago, to now under 100? Some of that had to do with Covid. But the numbers are already decreasing before Covid.
Took a steak out of the freezer yesterday. Time for a nice lunch with some steak and vegetables and wine. I miss the days of being able to have alcohol with meal, before meal, alcohol during and then after with dessert and finally after the meal. I think I’ve only done that once, and I was surprised how buzzed you get. While it was pretty standard operating procedure for the rich in the old, and certainly in Britain.
DKRP may be going into another famine. Which may be good for humanity, but not so good for a citizens of North Korea. It will make their government more conciliatory. But to whom and for how long? We need to break the ideological back of these people. DKRP. China. North Russia. We don’t need to break them as a country per se, but we need to get them to a position of wanting to work with the rest of humanity in humane ways and not just as authoritarians stuck in the past, where those at the top are most important. That being said, the west is going to need to Rethink how we do business internationally. Which we're already doing. Some. But we need to come up with a way for earth to come together. Soon. I’m not talking about a one world government which freaks the shit out of conservatives because they do so love fetishizing paranoia, which makes them so vulnerable to people like the GOP, and foolish criminals like Trump. But let’s face it, this SOP ain’t working.
The problem with government is an inevitably for them to come to see themselves as more important than the people, all so they can “protect the people.“ Authoritarian regimes are even worse because they’re kind of designed for that. The strongman leader seems palatable to some, especially in times they feel are of great need, or where they are made to believe they are in great need anyway. Forever demonizing “the other”. Conflating and inflating issues. It’s been the Republican playbook for years now. Especially when they’re trying to break our institutions of education or build education up in a way that supports their beliefs and denies American history.
When your national history gets to a point where learning about it makes you feel really good with no downsides, as our authoritarian Republicans want to do, as is exemplified in Florida by governor DeSantis, warning sirens should Blare because that easily sounds like a fictionalized version of history, for any country in the world.
Switching podcast now to Pod Save America. They have Republican strategist and The Bulkwark's Tim Miller on to talk about this week's Republican debate which Trump won’t show up at. Tim says he knows two or three Republican donors who also listen to Pod Save America.
One thing he said, or actually didn’t say, was that he agreed with what was said to him about it, that the persuadables who vote for Trump are going with other Republican losers this time around, who will be in the debate this week.
Tim said about those running against Trump on the Republican side, they’re just burning their money.
Damn, sometimes I do miss my Harley. (just walked by a bike, not a Harley). I got rid of it because of vision issues, with the kicker being, when my pretty much shot left ankle won’t let me shift gears. So that pretty much wrapped it up and I’m not gonna get a goddamn tricycle with an engine.
Tim Miller: Trump wants to be seen as the strong guy but he’s actually weak and screws over citizens in his business life.
Ron DeSantis... a beta male cuckk extraordinaire, yes with two k’s. Always thought that right wingnut term (cuck) was stupid. Did you know... ""Cuckservative" is a pejorative formed as a portmanteau of "cuck", an abbreviation of the word "cuckold", and the political designation "conservative"] It has become a derogatory label used by white nationalists and the alt-right in the United States to denigrate other conservatives."
I know Trump's ability to sell MAGA on anything doesn’t seem like a big deal but it’s far worse than that and he’s convinced them that white is black and black is white and to be evermore binary in their thinking, to eliminate the "other" of the two elements of binary thinking, for whichever sides with Trump. And what that has done for the more difficult MAGA types is to turn black or white into a morass of gray in the sense that it equals chaos and... chaos is the icing on the authoritarian's cake. Trump loves it, Putin loves it. It's a messy, sloppy, easy way to sow discord amidst your enemies, but also your followers. To confuse and control them.
OK I’ve made it to 4 1/2 miles. I was gonna quit at 4 because of my left ankle but decided to give it a shot. I think last time I tried this I got half a block turned around and came home ending that day with just over 4 miles. Once I make it a half mile out, I’m guaranteed that next half mile if I ever want to return home. So at 4 1/2 miles I’m guaranteed 5 miles plus completed for the day. And I feel good, in finally getting to that 5th mile. Even if I am limping a little on my left.
Campaign finance laws. We can’t fix that? Why are Florida campaign finance laws so nonexistent? We have so much to fix in our elections and none of it is the stuff that MAGA is bothered by. Doesn't make one wonder, because what's happening is so damn obvious. Or should be. And if it's not, time to become aware, I suppose.
Maybe we just need to make political propaganda in elections illegal.
I agree with Tim about Chris Christie. He’s a likable guy but a complete asshole for what he’s done in relation to Trump. All he’s done in tearing down other candidates in the past who ran against Trump is help Trump. And he well may do this Wednesday night again. Do the work for Trump in eliminating people on the debate platform, so Trump doesn’t have to deal with them. How does that help America against the guy who caused an insurrection and fomented a coup?
Tim just invoked the name of RFK Jr, as a massive loser, who still did better than Pence in a poll recently. All of these clowns are dangerous to America and our democracy.
Interesting the Rand corporation did a study on extremism which they've been studying for a while and looked at the ebb and flow of the different types domestically and internationally and they said that the hottest extremism is on the ebb. Just as left-wing extremism and bombings and such that happened in the 60s/70s was replaced by animal and ecological terrorism, but now it's right wing extremism overtaking Islamic terrorism and domestically growing right wing violence. What we're seeing, if I understand correctly, is a diffusion from those who would've gotten into drugs, joined gangs, or been criminals who instead are joining what seems to be more coherent to them, or more legitimate. Joining a militia, seeming more legitimate to them than joining a criminal gang, or being addicted to drugs, so better...political violence.
The good thing about that diffusion is that eventually they too will dissipate to be absorbed by society, and basically go away, obviously to be replaced by...God knows... something else. Hang in there!
OK I’ve made it to 4 1/2 miles. I was gonna quit at 4 because of my left ankle but decided to give it a shot. I think last time I tried this I got half a block turned around and came home ending that day with just over 4 miles. Once I make it a half mile out, I’m guaranteed that next half mile if I ever want to return home. So at 4 1/2 miles I’m guaranteed 5 miles plus completed for the day. And I feel good, in finally getting to that 5th mile. Even if I am limping a little on my left.
Campaign finance laws. We can’t fix that? Why are Florida campaign finance laws so nonexistent? We have so much to fix in our elections and none of it is the stuff that MAGA is bothered by. Doesn't make one wonder, because what's happening is so damn obvious. Or should be. And if it's not, time to become aware, I suppose.
Maybe we just need to make political propaganda in elections illegal.
I agree with Tim about Chris Christie. He’s a likable guy but a complete asshole for what he’s done in relation to Trump. All he’s done in tearing down other candidates in the past who ran against Trump is help Trump. And he well may do this Wednesday night again. Do the work for Trump in eliminating people on the debate platform, so Trump doesn’t have to deal with them. How does that help America against the guy who caused an insurrection and fomented a coup?
Tim just invoked the name of RFK Jr, as a massive loser, who still did better than Pence in a poll recently. All of these clowns are dangerous to America and our democracy.
Interesting the Rand corporation did a study on extremism which they've been studying for a while and looked at the ebb and flow of the different types domestically and internationally and they said that the hottest extremism is on the ebb. Just as left-wing extremism and bombings and such that happened in the 60s/70s was replaced by animal and ecological terrorism, but now it's right wing extremism overtaking Islamic terrorism and domestically growing right wing violence. What we're seeing, if I understand correctly, is a diffusion from those who would've gotten into drugs, joined gangs, or been criminals who instead are joining what seems to be more coherent to them, or more legitimate. Joining a militia, seeming more legitimate to them than joining a criminal gang, or being addicted to drugs, so better...political violence.
The good thing about that diffusion is that eventually they too will dissipate to be absorbed by society, and basically go away, obviously to be replaced by...God knows... something else. Hang in there!
Cheers! Sláinte!