Showing posts with label ATDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATDS. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2020

TDS is a Symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome

For those trying to peddle the nonsense that the GOP today is Lincoln's Republican party...stop it.  You are embarrassing yourself through your lack of historical knowledge and reality.

Remember... The Republican party supported classical liberalism, opposed the expansion of slavery, and supported economic reform. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, slavery was banned in the United States in 1865.

However, this and now, "Donald Trump" Republican party today is a far cry from Lincoln's party and would be more for slavery back then than today's Democratic party, which back in the day, was actually against Lincoln.

Also and FYI, ODS, or "Obama Derangement Syndrome" led to the symptoms of TDS in conservatives. (and no, neither really exists except in the fantasies of political pundits who need to grow up and do a far better job).

Yeah, weird world...right? Hey look, I'm just getting started.

First of all this all started, of course, with a conservative pundit, the late Pulitzer Prize-winner Charles Krauthammer when he originally coined the term, "Bush Derangement Syndrome" during that administration.

Krauthammer since updated this in an article from 2017. He died in 2018 of small colon cancer. If one wishes to explore derangement toward anyone it would be Pres. Obama. Take Congressional Republicans who stated that nothing Obama put forward during his administration would be acted upon as long as he was president. That, is not the orientation of a real and actual American political party. But of a seditiously extremist oriented one.

In 2010: "John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” - Politico

There is a derangement. "We'll have none of this doing out job stuff!"

Which then led to Obama using executive orders. Which led Republicans to cry about Obama's not working with them. Seriously guys...WTF? That massively helped to spiral us down into the current polarized Congress and dysfunctional electorate that we have today.

Krauthammer makes a valid attempt at his updated explanation and revision to Trump. But misses one valid point that he almost touches on right at the article's end. Much of what Trump supporters view as deranged is actually frustration, justified anger, embarrassment, humiliation, and worst of all, contempt, on the national and the world stage.

George W Bush being so severely disliked was justified as his, to be polite and at best, "mistakes", got half a million people killed in a war that should never have happened. A war he was planning for years before he was ever elected. A war that had nothing to do with those who attacked us on 9/11 or WMDs.

Referring to the other side as deranged is somewhat immature diatribe attempting to dismiss outright, to neutralize, rather pathetically so, some very real and obvious concerns. One as such cannot argue in support of a Donald Trump, so one pivots away instead to mere name-calling. Apparently.

Aside from the fact that it is juvenile it offensively and on purpose, tries to infer that the expressed concerns of the labeled individual are simply of no matter whatsoever and attempts to in a rather weird way, gaslight the individual as well as a social group, to reduce that person's concerns to the concerns of one who is delusional.

Which, in considering Pres. Donald Trump, truly IS delusional.

Bush also, but outside of his existence as president led to 100,000s of lives lost, not so much of a concern to America as it has turned out, as is now Donald Trump. Considerations of Trump getting a second term are now of great concern.

To America, and the world at large.

As for the updated version being related to Donald John Trump, he too should have opponents in his precious political base who see him as a disaster, a mistake, a miscreant and because of HIS mistakes, literally, thousands of Americans have now died from COVID-19. That is questionable only by Trump himself and those supporters of his who truly do now appear to be delusional.

Bear with me a moment while I explain this. TDS, or Trump Delusion Syndrome (experienced only by rabid Trump supporters), has a symptom known as ATDS, Accusatory Trump Derangement Syndrome. which is actually a symptom of ODS, or Obama Derangement Syndrome which is where this particular go around all began.

Here's how that works...

A low information Trump supporter (or one of selective ignorance or what is more generally known as "stupid" or merely as a "Trump Republican"), who originally hated our last and one of our greatest presidents, Barack Obama, loses Pres. Obama as a focus of their hatred in our 24-hour news cycle as target of their incensed anti-non-conservativity.

Trump comes along and is elected presiden and is so obviously bad, so fully incompetent, that the Obama haters with ODS, do what the Republican party has taught them for decades, and best exemplified by Donald Trump in doing his very bad things and then pointing at any others, projecting his actions, or possibly crimes, onto those others who were calling him out for what he shouldn't have been doing in the first place.

Those easily distracted and convinced of this, take up his call and parrot that along into their social media bubbles and their biggest bubbleator sounding chamber of Fox News. Or today even more so, to OANN, with and as with Donald Trump, its potential ties to Russia and their state Putinesque news network, RT (Russia Today).

It's really just about slowing down and redirecting accurate attention away from Trump's actions to build an extra and bigger swamp and to deconstruct the American government.

Part of that dynamic is to use massive viral forms of obfuscating, pivots away from, distractions, and redefining everything and anything they can in a 1984ish way, so as to allow Trump to get away with those never-ending bad behaviors of his.

The Trump version of his Neverending Story. Though even more childish than the original children's tale.

Or as John Dean @JohnWDean) Tweeted: "This man [that is, Donald Trump] can really really self project.... Not since US Grant has any administration tolerated the corruption that DJT does, and no president has been as corrupt as DJT. As for incompetence I am confident DJT will be Number One, easily displacing Buchanan and Andrew Johnson!"

Yes, that IS the fucked up reality we are all now immersed in. The Donald John Trump sludge of his administration.

And thanks very much for that, Trump conservative Republican party and its previous incarnation, the once GOP... even before America and now the entire world were exposed to Donald Trump's ludicrous forms of "management" and what he likes to call, his "administration". But we all see mostly as a mob organization with Russian mafia flavors to it.

Which the rest of the world now knows as, isolating and destroying the entire American government, the cohesiveness of the nation's citizens, and the spirit of America overall.

Trump and those which no longer exist, now that he has taken them over...the once GOP and no longer Lincoln's Republican party which was never such as today's "conservative" party is.

Remember... The Republican party supported classical liberalism, opposed the expansion of slavery, and supported economic reform. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, slavery was banned in the United States in 1865.

That would never have happened under today's Trump "conservative" Republican party.

No, the GOP today and the Trump GOP has nothing whatsoever to do with the party of Abraham Lincoln.

We're now in a brave new world. One populated by Trump officials who are openly cowards.

TDS? The delusions are strong in these Trump supporters.

And yes, America. We can do better.