Showing posts with label Film Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Film Festival. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2023

Russia Invades Ukraine, Film Festivals & "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero"

My antiwar film, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" has an interesting evolution which I'm detailing in my book of the same or similar name:

“Pvt. Ravel's Bolero - Film Companion Book History, Form & Structure in the Antiwar Filmic Poem & Historical Documentary" I'm hoping to finish it soon. I am this day finishing up the DVD version of the film and it will soon be released exclusively on a streaming service I recently started with two other indie filmmakers called, "". Pop over and sign up for a free month. If you like it, stick around. It's only $4.99/month! And we ARE going to evolve beyond a streaming indie video channel in support of our indie filmmaking community. 

But this is really a story about my submitting my film to film festivals and in particular, a Russian festival. It was in the week's leading up to and including Russia's ludicrous invasion of Ukraine, all due to their sad, ill, despotic leader, Vladimir Putin, a once middling KGB agent, how apparently had a bruised ego.

My history with Russia goes back to my interest in espionage. It began in high school and the Irish "Troubles" (I'm Irish on my dad's side) which I later transferred into curiosity about US/Soviet relations. In studying that, it led me quite obviously and reasonably into UK/Russia relations history for the past 100 years of their involvement with and against one another. 

Britain found it had to teach America about Soviet espionage leading up to WWII, as we were quite ignorant and disbelieving about things London would tell us. SO they painstakingly updated and educated us on what they'd learned about Soviet tactics, and their long term active measures against other countries, and their disinformation techniques.

This led our "Wild" Bill Donovan, head of our OSS fame being questionably (illegally?) involved in the ABC group of America, Britain and Canada. Eventually, after the war the OSS became the CIA. But in studying this history for decades, considering going into the business myself, entering the USAF with a security clearance for nuclear weapons and signing up with the OSI (Office of Special Investigations, their FBI), I learned a lot.

"When the United States entered World War I in 1917, Donovan, then a major, organized and led the famed 1st Battalion of the 69th New York Volunteers (the original “Fighting Irish,” and which, after the unit was federalized, was redesignated the 165th Regiment of the 42nd Division). He was soon promoted to lieutenant colonel, and his unit arrived in France in October 1917, ready for action." - America's Spymaster, from Warfare History

When in the 1990s I noticed Newt Gingrich started using old Soviet KGB disinfo tactics, the GOP had begun its long decline into autocracy. It was frightfully obvious to me in that decade that something untoward was going on with our Republican Party. Full disclosure, I was raised in my mother's liberal, Teamsters Union family. But I had always had a good head for what was right and fair between human beings, since before I was able to speak.

At some point I left the USAF, got a couple of degrees, started a family and realized I not going into that business after all. But I had learned a lot. I decided I had apparently wasted my time for decades assimilating a vast amount of useless knowledge. Then the "Iron Curtain" fell. I abandoned all those thoughts, thinking I had wasted much effort on useless knowledge. 

Until the 1990s played themselves out and I saw oddly similar things happening, not in Russia, but right here at home in America. I had experienced some of the right wing's white Christian nationalism while in the USAF in Spokane, in Eastern Washington, which I felt was more akin to Idaho (or eastern Oregon) where many from the beaten south after the Civil War had fled to. 

More like Idaho (or was Idaho more like eastern Washington?), than the western side of the Cascade Mountains where I had grown up in Tacoma and around Mt. Rainier. One of my degrees is from Western Washington University in Bellingham, near Canada's Vancouver (love it up there!). So when I heard the leader of the "Church of Our White Christian Heritage" up from Georgia spewing hatred in a chapel in he back hills of Idaho one day, about how Vancouver, BC was a "cesspool of humanity", I was shocked. My wife was terrified. A guy on base had invited us, he drove, surprised us in leaving Washington state for church and needless to say, we didn't go back.

When I left the USAF, I read up on these neo-Nazi loving "Christians" and was shocked at what was going on, right here at home in America (Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing, and so on). And how Oregon had been home to some very questionable types I won't go into here. 

Needless to say, I retained my fascination with Russia (and let's not forget Ireland, which I visited for my 60 birthday back in 2015). So when Putin took over, I easily realized it couldn't be good for Russia (for earth?), for a KGB agent to take be handed the reins by a predecessor criminal and alcoholic, as leader of a broken State such as the old USSR. Especially considering the agreement was Putin would protect Boris Yeltsin and his family for all his crimes as Russia's leader in having plundered their coffers. Just as Putin has done and now worries about leaving his position. As trapped in power and Russia it trapped under him.

So thoughts of submitting a work of mine (especially an antiwar film) to Russia, to Moscow, carried a lot of baggage for me. Needless to say, it was a somewhat entertaining notion to me. But I had no idea how it would end up, as so much Russian culture does, as involved and bittersweet as it would turn out.

It all started with that email, from Moscow... 

Wednesday, February 17, 2022:
"Hi, I’m representer of Fox International Film Festival. We heard a lot about your great work "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero". We would like to invite you to take part in our festival."

I checked them on FilmFreeway where I usually submit my films through. Their profile page there said their were a Moscow/Rome film festival. First time I ever saw that. Twin cities...with Russia. OK. Cool. Whatever. I have a long history with Russia since it was the Soviet Union (USSR). I had studied their disinformation techniques and history of espionage along with that of the UK and America (and somewhat therefore, Canada, as in the "ABC" secret America, Britain, Canada during and leading up to WWII).

February 18, 2022
I entered my antiwar historical documentary/filmic poem film "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero", to their festival being held in Moscow (with an associated event indicated in Rome).

Tuesday, February 24, 2022
Russia invaded Ukraine.

My film ends, end credits run, then a list of all "Wars on Earth" scrolls on, seemingly forever. The day Russia invaded Ukraine, I added one last war. So when it played in Moscow, that would be seen on the screen. They would have to know that in reviewing the film so to put it on screen would be a conscious decision. I doubted they would play it, or select it. I felt I had quashed my chances at winning an award, or even being selected. 

I really wouldn't blame them. But maybe they would appreciate just seeing it in watching it, judging it, privately as we do as film festival judges. As I've done myself in our Gorst Underground Film Festival, Kelly Hughes and I founded some years ago. It would take some kind of bravery under the dictator Putin to chance that kind of thing. But there are more Russian patriots that one might think. As happens in any country over twenty years under oppression. Would I have done something like that when the sexual predator and criminal Donald Trump was POTUS45 (or POTUS47 for that matter)? Absolutely. But to be fair, it's no where (yet) near the same thing.
Kelly and I, along with Tony Green in Montreal, Canada have started ThrilzTV streaming indie video channel. It's pretty cool. An indie streaming channel by and for indie film types. Utterly no bearing on anything I'm talking about here. I just thought I'd mention it. It's been a lot of work, but it's coming along well, and you will hopefully hear about it more in the future. And not just from me.

I guess I mention that because I mentioned Kelly. So I should mention Tony. And I'm talking about these two films of mine, both of which are now going to be on ThrilzTV, exclusively with "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" to become available on there soon after a lot of promotion and hoopla (hopefully, the hoopla, not the availability as it's GOING to be available there).

Tuesday, February 24, 2022:
"Hi, dear JZ Murdock! Congratulations from FIFF team, as your work was selected to the second part of our December-January 2022 programme. Your work was something special and our jury was really excited watching it! We would like to inform you that in addition to being successful in your chosen categories, our jury has recommended you the following categories in which they think your work can be successful as well:
"Best War Film"
Good luck in the final part of our October-November 2021 programme!
With love, the FIFF team!"

Wow. No kidding? I found that brave of them. A statement perhaps against Putin's Kremlin in general. Especially since the last words of the film seen on screen are: "Putin's Folly" 2022

So I was up for "Best War Film" that Friday, on February 27, 2022. They thought that my film, THAT film... would play in Moscow? Even after Russia had invaded Ukraine? That, was pretty bold. I was having fond feelings for them.

Alas, in the end, I received only Official Selection. But thinking it was played in Moscow after Russia invaded a neighbor for no good reason was reward enough.

Plus, it allowed me to email Symbiotic Film Festival in Kyiv to tell them about this as it played out. I've talked about this before, like when it was happening. I wrote a blog about it.

Thursday, January 13, 2022:
Symbiotic emailed me requesting I submit my film noir, "Gumdrop", a short horror (trailer). 

Monday, February 23, 2022:
Dear JZ,
Symbiotic Film Festival has updated the Judging Status of your submission "Gumdrop", a short horror to Selected.
"Gumdrop", a short horror
Project has been selected to be included in festival!"

Wednesday 26, 2022:
Email to Symbiotic Film Festival:
"I'm hoping as we all are that you are all safe.
I just wanted to mention, my film, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero", an anti war film, filmic poem/documentary was just given official selection by Fox International Film Festival in Russia, and they also nominated it as  "Best War Film", which I take as a form of support for Ukraine, if not also a form of dissent against what is going on. 
The world watching and is with you and pushing for ever more to be done to help you.
Slainte! May this all end soon and in your favor!"

I never heard from them again. But it is rewarding to see that they are still listed on FilmFreeway and their website is still up.

I only wish the same could be said for the Fox International Film Festival who had shifted their home reference only to Rome. Their listed website URL from before is not online and their listing on FilmFreeway is now gone:
I wish them well and can only hope my own response against their criminal leader Putin's illegal war in Ukraine did not adversely affect or cost them any difficulties. I'm not vain enough to think it had, but under a regime like that, anything is possible. Though I see a reference to them on someone's Twitter posting from last Friday, May 12th, 2023. I can only assume this is the Rome festival location.

What does make me happy is that the Symbiotic Film Festival seems to be alive and well. They are still today listed on FilmFreeway as being in Kyiv and their website and Twitter are up! Though their website is only updated through last year, their FilmFreeway listing indicates July 31, 2023 as their event date for this year's festival.

I wish them all well! Both festivals.

And now "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" will be exclusively on "". It's only 28 minutes long. But it packs a punch. Which explain why it's winning all these awards, I suppose. 

I wish you all well. We'll need it!

Cheers! Sláinte!

June 1, 2023 update:
Since multi award winning "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" is ONE, an antiwar documentary about WWI, I'm not surprised Moscow rejected it here in this festival, since...TWO, the last phrase in the entire film, after a long scrolling list of all wars on earth, is:
"Putin's Folly 2022" for the Ukraine war he instigated.
I so wanted to be impressed by them. But I also understand.
And I should be even more impressed that the Fox International Film Festival in Moscow in Feb. 27, 2022 did play it.
I have one final festival Moscow Film Party coming up, then I'm done there... Notification Date: June 20, 2023

Monday, January 6, 2020

Gumdrop, a short horror - Soundtrack Update

I am currently in post-production with my short horror film, "Gumdrop, a short horror" which is beginning to coalesce into a viable film. It's now just under fifty minutes in length. Another thirty to forty minutes and it would be a full-fledged film and not a short. Technically at over forty-eight minutes, it is not a short film.

Post for Gumdrop, a short horror
I have been working since we wrapped principal photography last summer on editing this film. I haven't had the time every day or at times even every week to work on it, but it is finally approaching something that resembles a movie. I am still editing shots, sequences, and scenes, but I have also been adding audio effects and music and tweaking transitions.

By the way, my other major project, "The Teenage Bodyguard", my true crime biopic screenplay I have spent years researching and writing and am currently working on with producer Robert Mitas, is still healthy and underway. We're waiting on a lookbook to be finished up for the project and will then be moving on with finding a director and production company to film it.

As far as Gumdrop, I started looking into music for the soundtrack a few months ago. I contacted producer Joe Wilson who offered the use of one of his artists, Alex Dewell, with songs from her 2018 album, "Hund". It is on CDBaby and where you can hear samples of the songs I've used. I have discussed this artist in a previous blog in 2014. I met her some years ago and even then she was obviously talented.

The songs I settled on for "Gumdrop" are: Get Away, Gotta Run, IDK, and, Tell Me I'm Alright. This album was produced by Joe when he took Alex to London and recorded it at Abbey Road Studio with some great backing musicians. Here are some older songs by Alex on CDBaby.

They are already now incorporated into the film. These are lighter, more pop songs and represent a female character in the film named, Miranda (played by Aura Stiers, a practicing event "Mermaid" which I incorporated into the film.).

However, my film needs rougher songs, something harder for the main character, "Sampson" (played by Tom Remick). He who's Sampson character grew up extremely abused in old Czechoslovakia back when the Iron Curtain still existed back in the 1950s. I also needed more current music.

My original thoughts were to come up with some 1950s Eastern European Soviet Bloc country's music and maybe fuse it with heavy rock music of some sort. As well as plane old modern heavy metal, or post-metal, or Gwar or some such.

A while back, friend and fellow filmmaker Kelly Hughes at his Lucky Charm Studio, got hooked up with a band in Italy, Postvorta, when they contacted him about a collaboration. We liked their music and so he did a music video for them using their song, "We're Nothing."

I'd considered asking them if they would like to be involved with my film, as I knew that Andrea whom Kelly worked with on the video, was interested in doing some film soundtracks. So I asked Kelly to ask them about it for me.

We've been busy with our current endeavor, the Bremerton, Washington monthly event for horror and local indie horror filmmakers, "Slash Night" at the Historic Roxy Theater.

Brief aside... Slash Night has been going on now for four months as of this coming weekend event on January 11th, 2020. Last month our last show of the year was our best show so far and it's getting bigger and better each month. Drag performers Bobbie Lee and Bobby Rae, a local performance team did a live performance for us that they created just for this event and it was pretty amazing!

Since I hadn't heard back from Kelly yet on the Postvorta request I'd made, I was about to remind him, when...

I got a suggestion to like a Facebook page called, 22Decemeber Records. They claimed they were into Post Metal, Sludge, Post Rock and Ambient. Which I thought was great. What a coincidence!

So I liked them and emailed their 22December company email account. I got a timely response.

POSTVORTARavenna, Italy
As it turned out, they were interested!

But unexpectedly, it turned out that it was Andrea Fioravanti, from Postvorta! He whom Kelly had done the music video with. He was excited to look at my project. And so we are communicating and moving forward. Now that I think about it, I think Kelly did once mention something about a 22Decemeber. I just forgot. Living with my memory is an exciting and at times annoying condition. To be sure.

There is still much to do before finishing the film and getting it out there to film festivals. I project another month or two before I'm ready. I will be submitting it to our own Gorst Underground Film Festival, now in its third year. As I've been a judge and nurturer helping Kelly in his efforts (and each year it's been bigger and better),

I obviously won't be judging my own film. And I don't expect any extra consideration because of my position. Honestly, we just don't work that way. Trust me, Kelly is pretty critical. But then also, because we're an underground festival, we don't necessarily judge things as many mainstream festivals would. Which is part of our charm?

Our Slash Night monthly event is attached to our annual festival as a way to build a community for the annual GUFF event. But my film won't show in the monthly events as it is not a "short", even though, it is indeed, short.

GUFF will be moving to the Historic Roxy Theater this September and perhaps an after-party at another venue. We're still working out the details.

OK, Kelly is still working out those details. And a great job he does, too!

Stay tuned. For all of it!


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween! Trump's Scary Mental State, the Media & Sci Fi

Happy Halloween! Be safe and have a great Halloween! It seems this one may be a pretty politically oriented for (too?) many.

Here's a short fun video (under two and a half minutes), I just made for your Halloween pleasure. It stars a character I've used before and may use again. He's quite a character.

Also, we recently had the first Gorst Underground Film Festival! Everyone had a great time! Ethan Minsker (the "Man in Camo") came all the way from New York and filmed there. He also showed his documentary about art and his life (thus, "Man in Camo" his art brand). And won! Here is Ethan's video on Facebook about our film festival. He is the nicest guy and quite inspiring. Check out his website and pick up a book or two and he has DVDs. We swamped books. I got two of his books and two of his DVDs. A really interesting guy!

By the way, neither GUFF or Ethan have anything to do with my political opinions here. These are the opinions of my own. And of most of the decent and respected people, you see on TV and I don't mean Fox News. Or the White House, sadly.


Donald Trump CARRY ME PRESIDENT Halloween Costume

Now...for the truly scary and disturbing, but not so much fun stuff! Before I get into it though, I want to say one thing. I really don't like going on about this kind of stuff. IF Republicans and Donald Trump had gone about all this in a democratic fashion, instead of in an underhanded, illiberal manner, and being such unpleasant people (mostly Trump) about things, I wouldn't be so motivated or upset about these things. But they insisted on voter suppression, lying, twisting things out of reality. And that's just not who I am. I'd rather lose admirably, than like the GOP, win despicably.

IF this is all how most of America wants to go, then that's one thing. But, that is not what is happening. Aside from that, the direction I see them going is to me, very anti-American, anti-freedom, definitely anti-democratic. At times inhumane and certainly uncompassionate. But then Republicans are basically all about numbers over humanity.

What I find amazing about all this, along with Republicans telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, all liberals and demcrats are wrong and stupid and many notable people, respected, and highly informed and intelligent, AROUND the world, agree with what I believe. Kind of telling, kind of nice.

As we are experiencing true horror in America now in seeing who we really are overall, through such volatile times, through a president who has serious personality issues bordering on mental illness. If not an actual full-blown mental illness. Recently through a partisan sycophantic supporter who has attempted to bomb Democrat opposition leaders...anyway....

That being said, let's take a look at this atmosphere today and another way to view it....

Cover of audiobook - In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear
Science fiction is an excellent catalyst to view today's reality. That is what so many writers before me have done. Star Trek in the 1960s was good at this, reflecting who we are, what we're doing to one another, where we're headed. 

On my story In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear, one reader's brief but succinct review said of the story: 

"Fascinating and creepy - I found this book to be intriguing and unsettling all at the same time. The story was very original, the writing was solid, and the narrator was spot on. I would recommend it if you like dark, futuristic type short stories."

I've been saying this for a while now about this dystopian sci fi story of mine. In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear, (now an audiobook) is about what is going on today. This is exactly why I originally wrote it back in the 1980s. Back then, under Pres. Reagan. I saw a kind of cult of personality going on. I even liked the guy. But I wasn't then as aware of politics as I probably should have been. 

The story is about how a nationalistic leader can affect America with their own mental illness. First, let's parse nationalism and patriotism. One is not the other. Today nationalism reflects negative appeal and patriotism positive and that's really all you need to know about them. But many are confused about what they are celebrating. And too many, know and enjoy it, much to most people's consternation. 

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." - Charles de Gaulle. One has to ask themself, is that how you see America? 

However, in my story, people come to love a brilliant media genius. Media changes our culture in the story through greatness in art and delusion. Today Pres. Trump hypersensitizes the media calling them our enemy and "fake news" all while he's the fakest and most divisive person today in American politics.

The media then is warped and ends up covering things they really shouldn't, far too much. Like "The Caravan", overburdened mostly with frightened women and children simply seeking safety. All while the media should be ignoring all that Mr. Trump says in his abusing facts, news and let's face it, America and the democratic process. Much like his overall extremist conservative Republican party.

So why IS a sci fi, horror and science fact author speaking out when it can hurt one's brand from the greatest amount of sales?

Because, science fiction, as well as speculative fiction authors, are quite typically aware of things coming down the road from that of the mainstream media or citizenry. That is in part, their job. To entertain, while warnings and awareness seep into the readers (or listeners).

But this has nothing to do with partisan politics. This merely has to do with an accurate observation of our current reality and they presenting it in a way most likely to be allowed in, so reflection can later take place in a more gentle process than open confrontation. Which, as we're seeing, isn't very productive and is leading to violence. Violence, over reasons of ignorance.

cover art by artist Marvin Hayes
First, I do have a specialized degree in psychology. Which led to my well-received audiobook \  ebook On Psychology where I discuss the history of psychology and give an example in my orientation through a filter of synesthesia and schizophrenia.

Second, I am speaking liberally about Pres. Trump, not clinically.

The concerns are still real, and quite relevant. If I am seeing problems with this man as president, I would argue that I have more veracity and education in this than many who also see problems with him from a more general perspective. And obviously more than those who do not see any problem.

Of that audiobook, one reader's review said:

"Brilliant and thought provoking! 'More knowledge is always better than less' - "I couldn't agree more. This intellectual piece is brilliantly written and thought provoking. I will be listening to it many times in order to grasp every thought and nuance of the paper. It is not only well written but well read and is a pleasure to ingest. Many of the topics and ideas covered can be applied to life, no matter who you are. I highly recommend taking some time to listen and ruminate on this delightfully intelligent work."

It is in the nature of the genres of science and speculative fiction to foresee and disseminate to the public. They need to be by their very nature, futurists. Seeing what is coming down the line. then sharing that in creative and entertaining ways. To not speak out what you are clearly seeing...well, is that wise, or responsible? Will that come back on you once everyone sees it, then wondering:

"Why didn't you warn us, speak up, if you saw it? Isn't that your job?"

Yes... it is.

As Mr. Trump's own mental aberrations now course through America's veins of news and partisan social media and therefore America's minds, there is only one way to stop it. Trump cannot handle being POTUS. He needs to be removed. Now, before it's too late.

But it won't happen fast enough...and so, then what? Well, we're seeing that now. Already.

Republicans being shot on a baseball field by a Bernie Sanders supporter in an overly partisan environment that exists in great part because of Congressional Republicans AND now with Trump pushing the limits of decency. Eventually, decent people become enraged by them, too. Back then Bernie came out the very next day to speak against this kind of thing.

Enraged by Trump's really foolish and simplistic rhetoric, which works so well on his supporters, which presidents do not do because THEY KNOW this kind of thing will happen. That it's dangerous to citizens, citizens they are responsible for protecting, even from themselves.

Of course finally a mentally ill conservative Trump supporter bombs people he doesn't agree with. It was some might argue, inevitable. We don't do that!. Then Trump came out and what? He takes no responsibility, but blames the mainstream media for his stupidity in not acting like an American president... and again...we DO NOT DO THAT kind of thing! And again, for a reason, we do not do it. It is irresponsible and dangerous. As we're seeing!

Why would Trump add more fuel to that fire? It benefits him, it pleases him.

No, no sir, you do not
BECAUSE Trump cannot even see his own mental illness or how it affects his sycophantic easily swayed followers. Or how he affects individuals who are by extension carrying out his political madness. And Donald Trump does not even seem to realize the madness his followers have absorbed from him...their bigoted narcissistic nationalistic Godhead.

About that...let's STOP calling Trump a "media genius". He is not a genius by any means.

Donald Trump to be fair and honest here is a fool who has no shame as a narcissist, authoritarian. End of story. He has merely effectively tried things others haven't that proved useful. He throws things out, drops what doesn't work, and picks up what does. THAT'S not genius. That's sloppy work anyone can do. That's someone who doesn' know what he's doing and is guessing, failing, trying again, guessing succeeding, and doubling down. Typically pushing the "button" too hard. Like a child.

If I walk up to you, try hugging you, slapping you, shaking your hand and you react best to shake hands, how exactly does that make me a genius by seeing how best I can manipulate you by shaking your hand? That's all he is doing in the media! It's why he's on Twitter.

When you are all those things that he is, even stupid people would tend to rise. He simply very simply did things no one else would do. Period.

That happened to resonate. With a vocal minority, his base. And so he's now president.

Which says more about his supporters than the man himself, about Republican, conservative types, and says MORE about them NOT being geniuses than it does about Trump being more than of average intelligence. Don't lower your intelligence by raising his. It does no one any real good. Not in the long run.

Too many actually highly intelligent people who have had direct contact with him denigrate his intellect. YOU HAVEN'T worked with him. Why not believe those who have? People I know and trust have told me what he's like. I wouldn't even want to be in the room with someone like that. yes, he'd be nice and congenial but that is the tact of a narcissist. And it won't end well, for you.

Those who know him and speak out, they must be on to SOME thing there.

That's why I wrote this dystopian sci fi story decades ago, seeing all this coming. That we were headed into something like this even back then. As a sci fi story first published in 1990 in a horror magazine THIS was what I was concerned about. Someone like Donald Trump arriving on the scene as a national leader. A terrifying situation. And it's here. Now.

One man's mental illness as a leader brings America into a state of social mental illness.

Only it's even more insidious in this story by attempting to show how invisible this can be, and in a way that seems utterly unreal. Kind of as we're seeing today. Speculating on its effect regardless of the transport of the mental illness. Be it a Pres. Trump, or some sci fi technology. The fact remains, it is transported through media by tapping into the fabric of our consciousness, directly into the societal veins of America and then into the hearts and minds of her citizens.

And that's exactly what we're living now, in an entirely other and more obtuse way. Through, a president such as, Donald Trump.

Take another look at today, through a lens of a sci fi story that might just help put perspective on what we could be experiencing in our lives if we don't get a handle on it...very, very soon.

Anyway...have a great Halloween! 

While the kids are eating their acquisitions, or even while they are walking the neighborhood acquiring, you can be creeping yourself out listening to a new audiobook and gaining an interesting perspective on our current reality. As frightening at times as it can be.

What better time than on Halloween! Just keep a close eye on the kids as you wander and get lost in the atmosphere of the night and the story.

In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear by JZ now on Amazon, iTunes, and Narrated by Tom Remick.