Remember Rock School, with Jack Black? What a blast that was. What a blast that was if you were a kid, dreaming of being a Rock Star.
Well, there is a very cool program like this for kids in Tacoma, WA called, "Live it OutLoud!" And they're on FaceBook. We need more out of the box programs like this for kids. But there is this one for now and there kids that could use a sponsor to pay their way, kids who would do good in this program but would never have the money to attend something like this. So if you have some spare funds and would like to support a young Rock Star, give Joe a call. If you'd like to sign up, here is an entry form.
Those who have set this program up, Ted Brown Music, Joe Wilson, etc., are trying to get some of those kids in the program using scholarships. Each student is placed in a band with a professional music mentor to create, develop, and perform on a professional level.
As for Joe, I know him very well, ever since I was in Jr. High School actually, and he's one of my favorite people. He's got entertainment in his blood, and in the blood of his children, who are also in the entertainment industry. Joe's worked with super bands in the past and during their high days in the sun, like Fleetwood Mac, Rod Stewart and others.
It's a good deal. Tuition is $250.00 per student for the entire eight week program. There are only a limited number of need based scholarships available from Ted Brown Music OutReach.
Contact Joe Wilson at 469-964-1415 to learn what is available and how to apply.
"Live It OutLoud" is an eight-week Summer Music Program for aspiring (12 to 18 year old), non-professional musicians produced by Ted Brown Music Outreach and sponsored by Ted Brown Music.
If you are a child who is lucky enough to enter this program, then you're going to "Live it OutLoud!" No more singing in the shower. The program is educational, inspirational, nerve wracking (get used to it now, being a rock star is no easy or relaxing task) but most of all fun!
The Professional Adrenalin will flow…the Power of Rock will be intense! Space is limited so Sign Up Now!
Here is one of the kids from the project with her video of a song she wrote called, Broken, by Cat Dewell.
Sign up. Be a Rock Star!
Here are two versions of the same video, they are very slow to load and I'm working on that.
Click here to view video of opening of the 2013 Finale