Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #70

Thoughts & Stream of Consciousness, rough and ready, from an award-winning filmmaker and author, while walking off long Covid and, listening to podcasts…
From 4/1/2024 April Fools' Day

Weather for the day… overcast, starting out, 50°

Podcast Marc Maron, Episode 1526 - Alejandro Escovedo

Sitting at home, the next day, editing. Here's what I'm seeing when I look at my front window...

Happy April Fools' Day! 
Regarding that for this year? I got nothing, not until Donald Trump is another election loser, and convict, so maybe next year there will be something to laugh about. Enough politics. Good fair article...

That being said… I went to my older sister's and her husband's for Easter dinner yesterday and our cousin was there, and my brother-in-law‘s sister was there and we had a great time. I hit my cousin up about our grandfather‘s historical information. I finally got to ask her if she’d be interested in helping me with the documentary I want to do about him. She'd worked for years, years ago, working writing grants for an educational institution, so she’s very good at this kind of stuff. I’ve tried writing FOIA requests but I didn’t get very far and I realized I’m not that good at it. She said she would be interested. Yay! But she said first come over to my house because she has a bunch of his papers and I can just have them. So I’ll have to do that.

I have one copy left of my original publication of my book Suffering "Long Covid". Usually, if I want to get rid of a copy I’ll put it in a Little Free Library up the street. But there’s still one in there from last December (that's my book it in above in the pic). They've been going well in this way so far. So maybe that’s a good sign. Somebody had taken my last published fiction book I put in there ("The Unwritten") and brought it back, and then somebody else took it. So that’s a good sign. I really like that book. Fun story to write. And I think I’m gonna utilize part of it in my next movie. Which I still have to come up with at working title for.

So that’s all good news on the arts front and, the family front.

Have I said how much I hate long Covid? Well, oddly enough, today is its two year anniversary. Two years ago I caught Covid for the second time. I’ve covered this extensively on this blog. It was one of the worst nightmares of my life. My first infection was far worse in the initial Covid infection part. My second infection was far worse for long Covid. I think. I mean two years ago when I caught it again I had to call the paramedics twice within a week. The first time I ever ended me up in the ER wearing a heart monitor for a couple weeks. On the other hand the first Covid infection I had in February 2020, that was the week from hell. Breathing felt like I had inhaled acid and my veins felt like they had acid in THEM. But that was over in a few days, and about 6 months before my lungs felt mostly normal again.

I’ve been extensively tested by the Veterans Administration health and I seem to have gotten through all this unscathed, as far as we can tell anyway, though I still have some problems. But like no lung, brain or heart damage. Currently I'm going through some new long Covid things, this since the end of December 2023 that got really bad in January and then pretty much healed up from with some rough issues that don’t seem to wanna go away completely yet and are a real pain. Long covid is good for that, lingering forever. I have a new round of testing and doctor appointments now. I’m hoping the way long Covid works, as I’ve seen so far, is that at some point I’ll just get really sick and then it’ll just go BANG, and it's gone (finally).  The first time I had it lasted about 18 months so maybe this one will be longer? I think I’d say tentatively six months from now maybe it’ll be gone, hopefully within another six months after that? Who knows. It's the crazy disease. Its like someone developed it to make it drive you nuts, or kill you. And no, it wasn't weaponized in a lab, whether it originally came out of one or not. 

For those out there saying Covid is a lie or total nonsense. Fuck you.

Onward and upward…

I’ve had flat feet all my life and problems with my knee joints. After years of Karate and tournaments, I wanted to be on a team, a football team. SO when I got into junior high, it scared the crap out of my mom. She took me to a doctor who said I couldn't do it because of your knees. I suspected my mom got him to say that, but as it turns out, he was right and said as I get old, I'll have more problems. I've had 2 surgeries on them. I asked my mom why she didn't want me on a football team. She said because you'll get hurt. I replied, you sent me to Karate (it was originally her idea, but I loved it), where I had to fight 5 fights a night for years and was in tournaments against other dojos, but you don't want me on a football team where I actually have an entire team protecting one another?

This was also from the woman who told me, when I later wanted to be a fighter pilot that I couldn’t, because I had fillings in my teeth. Which was bullshit. Whatever… 

Anyway, I got these bubble insole things with fluid in them that you stick in your shoes, your feet riding on top of them. I got a pair from my son because he’s on his feet all day at work and I wanted him to try them. I have to say we both love them. I’d use these kinds of things before in the past, but these seem to be holding up really well. I figured they’d last a month, it’s probably been six months or a year now. Put a pair in my fuzzy suede slippers that I mostly wear around the house, too. Nice warm slippers but with good soles on the bottom.

I had a pair of those with slick bottoms years ago, and I slipped three times in a week on the stair landing, each time exactly on my right forearm in the same place. I’ve written about this before. The last time it happened I finally threw a perfectly good pair of slippers in the garbage and eventually got a pair with good non-slip soles which are so much nicer (and safer).

Anyway, I mention this because I’m walking and pushing my limits on these walkabouts and my feet kind of "giggle" with every step and feel so damn good. These are the same flat feet that in 10th grade I'd had surgery on the arch of my left foot and the surgeon had said he'd never seen such flat feet on his operating table. These are the same flat feet I got into the USAF with. I asked the doctor at the AFEES station, physical/ check in evaluation day. The physical that lets you into the service or not. I stood there in my underpants and socks and asked the doctor, "do you want me to take my socks off like everybody else?" He said, not even looking up from his desk where he was writing, "Not if you want to get into the Air Force."

When I told that to the foot doctor in basic training, he got really pissed off at that doctor and canceled me out of my guaranteed law-enforcement position. I picked a back up job as flight simulator technician. But everybody wanted that and I ended up with my back up of my back up, which was parachute rigger. Because I figured, what the hell, I’ve been skydiving detailed in my screenplay about it that in my screenplay: ”The Teenage Bodyguard”. Which I’ve now won a bunch of awards for. Which was nearly made into a movie three times now, but I’m waiting for a director shares a similar vision for the movie that’s at least in the same ballpark as mine, as a drama. I worked with producer, Robert Midas on it, who works with Michael Douglas on films as producers. I worked on it with Jen Grisanti, who is a screenplay consultant. It’s an interesting screenplay, a true story, true crime about Tacoma, Washington’s mafia family, and a woman who was protected for a week from them because she witnessed them commit a murder of one of their own.

Earliest memory. 1956.
I was in my crib. Maybe 18 months old according to my mom.
All were asleep. I had played at Uncle Byron's the day before, who lived on the cross block at the end of our block, at the "T" intersection. I was bored waiting for mom and dad and my sister to get up.
I remember the feeling of crawling over my rail, out of my crib and falling to the floor.
Opening the front door (I was wearing a onesie) snow was everywhere, in the middle of winter. I hesitated but thought, "It's only end of block." So I walked out into the snow, leaving the front door open. It was exciting. Maybe my first solo adventure. No one to tell me what to do.
I walked to the middle of the street and headed to my uncle's house.
Cut to mom waking up.
Something's not right. Why's is it cold? She gets up puts on her bathrobe, follows coldness into the living room.
Sees the open door, snow blown in onto the rug. She walks to the door and sees tiny footprints going toward the street. She steps into the doorway outside to see the footprints in a line toward the street until she sees me trudging through the snow.
She hustles out to get me, self-conscious she's outside where anyone can see her. She picks me up and hustles us both back inside.
"What were you going? You can't leave the house when everyone is asleep."
"To uncle Byron's. I had fun there, I wanted to play."
"But everyone's still asleep, there too."
"Oh.... but I want to go."
"We can go later if you want [we didn't], after everyone wakes up [again, we didn't that day]. But you can't be leaving the house like that ever again when everyone's still asleep. OK?"
She secured the door for a few days after that so I couldn't get out.
My oldest memory.

Another memory, one with Clive Barker. I've met him several times, just at book signings, but after having written back and forth with him previously. My oldest son once shook his hand from his stroller at about 2 years of age, having no clue what was going on but Clive couldn't have been nicer. IF only I'd had a camera.

I was wearing a pin my artist wife at the time had made and Clive liked it so much he wanted one. So she made him a duplicate of her "inside out face" pin out of Super Sculpy and I mailed it to him in London. I have no idea if he still has his, but I still have mine (while I also now have an extra ex-wife...3.5 of them to be exact, with no expectations of a future ex-wife ever again on the horizon, since as my divorces have progressed in escalatory fashion, I expect any future divorce to simply be a nuclear war...not from me, I couldn't be nicer in a divorce but my last ex was so unhinged, for no real good reason (long story, trust me), other than mental issues, that her own lawyer started understanding and feeling sorry for me, and actually protected me during arbitration a couple of times, which seldom happens).

That was interesting. I have my Apple Air Pods in, listening to the Marc Maron podcast and he’s just talking by himself about a live event he did with Larry David and how that developed. He couldn't understand why Larry didn't want it recorded for posterity. I just got a phone call from an 866 number. I hate that when it doesn’t say who it is because it's usually someone I would talk to if I had a choice. But I’m waiting for some doctor's appointments to be made and indeed, it was VA Triwest calling to make an appointment. It said if you don’t have any dates to avoid press one. So I did. It said, somebody will get back to you. So that was easy. Otherwise I’d be walking outside here with my calendar trying to set up a date. Which isn’t a big deal and I was hoping somebody would call soon, I just don't want to deal with it on a walk if I can avoid it. I got two phone calls from VA last week asking me to come to Seattle and I said no, can’t it be local? They said, we can set you up for that in your community. Cool. but then nothing for the entire week. So this week I thought I need to get a hold of somebody and get this sped up. So, that phone call made me feel a little better anyway. Just getting some check ups for long covid issues. I should have gone in last week for a blood test but was waiting on a call. Then I just now realized to call and ask and sure enough, there's an order just waiting for me to hit the VA clinic in Silverdale. 

Just started my 2nd mile…

Hey, have you seen this video about the dad and his kid pulling his vehicle out of a ditch? Love it. I so would have done this with one of my kids had I thought of it. I loved doing things like that with them. I have video of my first born driving his little electric car and it's hilarious. Then he decided he wanted to drive onto the real (and busy) street with real cars and it took a bit to dissuade him.

 Love this stuff. Here's a screen shot of the video on the internet (you get the idea)...

Here's my son as a kid in his car...
Oh, I will say this about politics.

It was on the news today that a guy that knows all about Trump campaign was talking and said you know a lot of people now are sending Trump handwritten notes when he’s asking for money saying I’m sorry I’m giving you a lot of money over the years and I just don’t have anymore to give. That’s a good sign. So I sent that info to my son in a text and he just wrote back: "L O L".

Hey! On a personal note… This is the first walk I’ve done this year that within the first half mile my heart, my chest would be kind of hurting and I’d have to stop and could feel my heart pounding as if it took my body time to acclimate to the fact that I’m exercising because I’ve been so sedentary through the winter, even though I’ve done some walks over the past month or two. So, making some progress.

I’m really wanting to get to writing the screenplay for this new movie project I’ve thought up. I know, first I need to finish my "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" film companion book. I fear that might be one of those books that takes forever to get finished. I need to finish processing my movie "Gumdrop" to get it up on Filmhub or some film distributor anyway. It failed once I have two more attempts before they’ll cut the movie off. But my friend and fellow Indie Director Kelly Hughes turned me onto two other sites so I could just stick it on one or both of those and screw Filmhub. Filmhub's come up with this new deal $600 and they’ll take your movie that they have online and turn into a DVD and sell it. Translation: Indie filmmakers spend $600 on a vanity purchase that may never sell except for what you personally sell or giveaway. You know some films might catch on and could make a few bucks, or a lot if it goes viral. But for most? Yeah...

So the last two weeks I did the Chinese "Three-Body" series on Amazon Prime, 30 episodes with the last half of that episode being a subtitle nightmare, and my just having learned about doing subtitles for my own movie in doing it myself, which also failed on Filmhub. I'd set it up for subtitles to show up in three different locations on screen to try and capture everything for the deaf, but Filmhub can't handle multi on screen locations, so instead I’m just gonna do it as just a dialogue only subtitle. I just wanna get this over with. Maybe I’ll put the fancy work on my DVD which I created a couple years ago for this movie (and one for my other movie). But in just about being done with the film festival circuit I’m going redo them because I received a lot more awards, I think "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" documentary/filmic poem, won 60 awards internationally? See that’s a frustrating thing about being a technician, and a good one. I could pay someone to do it, but I know if I just take the time and effort, I can just do it myself. I do look forward one day to being that lazy and just having someone do it for me. Who would probably do a better job as they'd be doing it as a profession. Anyway...

It’s funny, and I know some others who go through this... I look back on books or stories I’ve written, or screenplays or films I’ve produced, and sometimes you think. “damn this is really good! Who wrote this? Who did this? How could it be me?“ This in it's being either really good or really complicated and I just wonder sometimes how did my brain ever achieve this? Your next thought then though is, how can I ever reproduce this or do it again? But my experience has shown me I don’t have to worry about that kind of stress/anxiety anymore. I just know if I do it, I can do it.

It’s kind of like "imposter syndrome" symptomology. For years, I would just write  micro short stories. After I got out of the service, I made new friends and I would show those to them. They would always hand them back to me and say, this is really good! But put a fucking ending on it!

That was the problem. I saw so many options as an inexperienced writer, I couldn’t finish it, I couldn't accept the responsibility of an ending people would judge. Then I started college. This was between the USAF and college. By time I graduated college, by my senior year when I had moved into the arts, alongside my psych studies toward my degree, I got very good at writing endings. That helped towards becoming a tech writer in IT and to move into the top of my field there. That helped as Isaac Asimov said in his first autobiography “In Memory Yet Green“, in that tech writing is a good foundation for science fiction writers. It helps with writing on demand and being a professional writer in general. You’re not coddled as a tech writer in IT, trust me. I'd turn in something requested by a manager and there was no bullshit. They cut you to the quick and you’d walk away, dejected, and demoralized. I got into a pattern. I would turn in an initial (not first) draft and they'd comment, not like it. I'd turn in a succeeding draft, same thing, but I'd be closer. I'd finally turn in three versions of a final draft for them to choose from (few ever did that) and they'd almost always be amazed at how good it was, and how I'd gone from what they last had seen to the final version. 

What was going on was that I would give them my best first shot, reorient and give them my second shot, both a bit wild, then from that I could hone in on what I thought they wanted, what I thought they needed and what I wanted them to have. Three versions. Wasn't hard once you had the initial one you thought they wanted, to alter two other versions. And it made me look pretty impressive. I'm not bragging here, just relaying what actually happened. It happened once and I thought, that's interesting and cool. But then I kept doing it, with that manager at US West Technologies and then with other managers elsewhere and it was consistent. 

After a while tech writing toughens one up toward writing fiction. When you write fiction though it’s different. But if you already have that tech writing experience, it makes it much easier to bear the difficulties. In business you're dealing with other's expectations and needs. In fiction typically your own, unless you're writing for paid projects which I've done well at, but generally avoided.

You know it’s fun and cathartic to share things in this blog. But I really don’t like the editing part, even though I do it fast and once through and then post it. I tried using an AI. I've considered how helpful it would be to have an assistant, an intern maybe who did this for me and post it. But in editing it, I realized since this is special, since this is historical and mostly nonfiction, that it really takes the author to do the editing or edit with an editor (a person) as an author would normally do. But in this case, I think I’m gonna use it as a way to help me get back into the swing of working again. 

Because, as I said in a previous blog recently, Filmhub rejecting my submitted movie due to technical issues, which are fixable, but is a real pain in the ass, and with long Covid having hit me really hard around that time, it completely stopped all of my work efforts. I just lost interest. Deflated. When you feel exhausted and not well and get bad news after a lot of work and a few years of thinking of doing it and then you sucks. So I'm trying to get back into the swing of working again. And on top of that I got this new movie project idea that I really want to start working on. I’ve also got my grandfather's documentary preproduction, research, and prep stuff on a back burner which I’d really like to get to. All this is just taking too long. Nothing out of the normal in that though, really.

So what does one do in that situation? One foot in front of the other. Start with anything and finish it and then move onto the next thing and don’t worry about time. It's nice since I have no contracts or deadlines right now. Other than I just want everything done yesterday as usual.

Those authors who just wanna be authors, who sit down to write America’s greatest novel and then three months later, they’re still staring at a blank sheet of paper? Look. Type some fucking letters! It’ll come to you. But you gotta start and do the work. You ahve to have work to work on. It seems at times impossible. But it's not. Just start typing crap, if necessary. Once you start? It only gets better. If you don't start? It never gets better. IF it gets worse? Practice, it gets better. If it never does? You're not a writer. Or whatever it is you're working on.

Which brings me around to something I’ve talked about before, which is how I write. I get a kernel of an idea. I notice it’s motivating me. Through phenomenology having studied it in college, I was able to dig into that consideration and process. I realized what that motivation or that energy was or what caused that excitement. When I have a kernel of an idea, it’s not the kernel that excites me. It’s the fact that it has tendrils going back deep inside of me. Into my history, my knowledge, my personality, my orientation, my expectations... whatever. 

When I have an idea, a good idea… and I’ve had so many people say, "Hey, I got a great idea, you gotta write it! Just give me 15%!" First off, fuck you. I have plenty of my own great ideas. You like it so much? You write it. And that’s kind of when I finally figured out what’s going on with me in this situation. That, "kernel". It doesn’t matter how great YOUR idea is, if I don't come up with the idea, I won't have that foundation within myself that means I’ll be able to finish that project. The experience and things to draw upon to make that seed of an idea grow into... whatever. If I don’t have that, yes, I CAN do it, in the professional or tech writer sense of things. If I want to, if say, I accept payment, or I simply accept the project to do it for you, or whatever… Yes I CAN do it. But that’s probably not going to be as inspired as if I came up with it myself. That’s not always true because I’ve done some really cool things off of people getting me to do them. But at this point my life, I just prefer to do what I want to do in what I come up with myself. I mean, come on... If somebody offers me 5 million bucks to write something? Yeah, I’m probably gonna do it and give it my best effort. But that’s a lot different than if I come up with my own idea. There's more to it than just taking an idea and running with it. I've avoided working for a studio or moving to Hollywood and working for a big production company. Sure, I'd have gotten further, made more money. And sometimes I do wish I'd done that when I was younger. But by the time I realized that, I wasn't so young anymore and I had a family and was making good money elsewhere. Every time I tried to do art for a living, yeah, it's hard. Few I knew ever made it. Jeff Ament. He made it. But he was one of the few I've known or worked with (Pearl Jam).

Starting my 3rd mile…
Here’s a long Covid comment. I discovered when I started walking for long Covid that walking decreases long Covid symptoms. The problem with that is long Covid makes you sick and you don’t feel like walking, but to get the sickness to go away you have to walk, but if you walk too much, it makes you sick and can make you really sick. So you've got to balance that, wait till you feel good enough, walk a little, acclimate to it, build up to get to that point where your body responds best. For me, that seems to be 5 miles every other day. I’d like to do it every day. I wonder if I did maybe 3 miles every day that would equal 5 miles every other day? Anyway you've got work stuff like that out for yourself. When I went into the last winter at the end of 2023 I wondered, knowing how I am in the winter… I used to say I’m part bear, I just wanna hibernate in the cold, I’m much more of a summer person… so it occurred to me going into this winter not to let myself become sedentary. I kept walking on nice days. Tried using my elliptical, but I inevitably slid into not getting enough exercise, and didn’t feel good all winter. Then after a winter of not feeling great, and not exercising, I’m wondering if end of December long Covid said "party time!", and attacked me? So that in January when I got hit really hard with this thing, was it something new/ different? I thought overly hopeful, it might be long Covid getting really bad and then going away completely. Which has happened before and not just with long Covid. It happens with some other things too. Or was it because it wasn’t enough exercise and that’s how this is until long Covid goes away? If that’s the case, if that’s the logic that is. Long Covid does everything it can to trip you up on logic or diagnosing the condition. It always seems like you’ve got some other thing, but then you track it back to long Covid. Or is it triggering something in you, which comes down again along Covid lines. So I’ve got these doctors appointments and blood test coming up. I’m wondering if I get this exercise in, would it all just stop? Well, even if that’s the case, I’d like to get a new round of tests and finally see a specialist. It's only been 3 years now wishing to see a long covid specialist (are there any yet?), or something. Maybe we’ll come up with something my primary care VA doctor even admitted on our last TeleMed appointment, that he knows there’s things going on that are out of his purview/experience, and I need to see a specialist.

Good Fucking times.

Instagram: If you go back into these walk about thoughts blogs, you’ll notice I always included an Instagram post. Usually one that I took on the walk. Then Instagram instituted some changes I found really annoying and it got a bit too convoluted. I liked its ease of use before. So I stopped doing it. What I find interesting is some of the simplest posts get the most hits. One of my last walks a few times ago I took a picture of a rock on the ground close up and then I backed up from it. Threw in some music and... it got like 20 views within a day. I looked at it yesterday, it now has as of today 6478 views. If you look at my Instagram account, you’ll notice that the ones that seem to get the most views are the ones that I was messing with visual perspective on. Zooming in or out on something and it gives you a weird visual effect. While some of what I thought were my more interesting posts only got 6 or 20 views. Go figure…

Yes, I realize anyone who read every one of these walkabout thoughts blogs would notice I'm sometimes repeating things, or sometimes I'll say that I’ve talked about something or other more extensively elsewhere, previously, and sometimes I’ll even add the link to that previous blog. But I figure there’s a good chance too no one has ever read two of these. And if so, hi! Thanks! Nice to see you! If not? Nevermind...

I just had an interesting thought about one of my stories. In my first book ever Anthology of Evil, a collection of my first ever short stories, of my first published short story from 1990, I have a story called "The Mea Culpa Document of London" (which is an ebook and an audiobook). it’s about a witch hunter in I think 1299 England. I wrote it for my senior year university fiction writing 101 intro to fiction or whatever it was. With the help of one of my theater professors, Perry Mills as he’s a student of medieval literature and we got to be friends. I was in his office between classes a lot, or waiting on my next theatre class after coming over from the Miller Hall, the psych building. If I remember correctly, there’s a blurb about how that story was discovered in an old church. Which was odd in it being wrapped in a very Jewish item. So I took that story and wrote it in British English vernacular as best I could do. I later wrote a newer, much longer story which I think is the longest story in my Death of heaven book. That’s a complicated story, that entire book. I got a book review on that book not long ago by entering a book contest (didn't win, but more to come this year) and the reviewer said I had a lot of spelling errors in the book. I released the book in 2012 and revised it in 2014. I had worked hard on it with an editor and we went over it with a fine tooth comb. There weren’t any spelling errors. But I double checked and I found, I think nine errors, and some of them kind of weren’t errors. Most of the errors you might call errors we’re in that story Vaughn’s Theorem. which was written in British style. So yes, in American English it has misspelled words, but not in British English, no misspelled words. So I shared that with the reviewer and they kindly updated the online review and now we’re both happy. But it occurred to me. What if I got a British editor to help me make it seriously British style? And update not just any potential grammatical errors but British lifestyle errors there might be in the story? Which made me think I could then make a new book by taking that story and the original and put them together in a new revision, releasing it as, I don’t know, the whole story though in one e-book about the witch hunter, the document and all that comes from it.

On that note there’s a similar issue with the whole book of Death of heaven. Which apparently some people think is a religious book due to the title, which makes me laugh because... it’s so not. Death of heaven is a phrase I got from my son who did a CD in high school in music lab. One of the songs on it was called Death of Heaven. When I was writing that book, I asked him, hey, can I use that as a title for my book? And he said, sure. To me, the phrase I used for the book title is the whole thing Neitzsche said in "The Gay Science" (German: Die fröhliche Wissenschaft), that “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.”. The title of my book refers to a realization that we’ve misperceived in every religion on the face of the Earth. And here’s why, as told in my story.

The catch in that book is, the overall story comes from the novella at the end of Anthology of Evil titled, “Andrew“. Which is another story I wrote for that fiction 101 class. I could say that story blew the entire class away. Except for my professor, who hated the story.

Why I’m bringing this up here and now is because I’ve also considered doing a revised edition of Death of heaven, as a second revision after the first and after the initial publication. I could then add "Andrew" in Death of heaven and yet there’s one other story called "Perception" that I wrote one night, working on my greatest nonfiction psychology paper on synesthesia and schizophrenia. I typed it single space on one page and gave it to my prof the next morning, just on a lark. The next day I went to class, and he’s handing copies of it to everyone of his students. Hey, high praise. But anyway, I could then include that story, too. That story is about when humankind could first y think and thought to look up to the heavens, and consider something bigger than themselves... other than carnivores. They immediately misperceived the universe and centered it around themselves. And then we got somebody in the middle ages saying, Hey, I think the earth revolves around the sun instead of the sun and stars around the earth. And of course, the church then immediately put him to death.

And that is the premise for Death of heaven. But it's much, much bigger than just that and extends to the creation of earth and nearly, or perhaps, its end. The other story about Andrew is another interesting story which goes into before (after) how the earth was evolved, as well as humankind and religion. So that by the end of Death of heaven, you have a very different perspective on our world.

Beginning my 4th mile…

Thought I’d take a photo of my book in a little free library. That’s been there for months now. It’s a book about long Covid and I say a pretty good book from what I hear. I think it helped a few people who’ve read it. Or so they’ve said. It occurred to me when I noticed it was still there, after I started walking again this year...there's probably not a lot of long Covid sufferers out walking. Just because I talk about it in the book, one way to help get over long Covid is to get exercise. I mean, it’s a lot of other things, but this is very helpful. The problem is what I detailed above. You have to get well enough to walk and then push yourself, but don’t, because if you overdo it you’ll get really sick and it’ll take longer to get over. So take your time. 

I started martial arts in 1965 and I fought two major tournaments those next two years. And a bunch a little tournaments around the Pacific Northwest. So all my life it was, whether punching a bag or lifting weights or whatever, you push yourself. So with long Covid, yes, push yourself. But it’s a whole other kind of "push". It’s a very gentle and very slow incremental push. It’s the kind of push of... get out of your chair and go walk to the mailbox, and back. Don’t overdo it. And I’m not joking. Whatever you’re doing every day, double that. And what I mean by that is… If all you do every day sit in your recliner, like I did for eight months that first year of 2020...I would try to go downstairs to do laundry, come upstairs and sit, try and calm my breathing for 15 minutes. Or I'd take a shower and would take 20 minutes to calm my heart down afterwards, just from washing myself. So if that’s all you do, walk to your mailbox (somebody’s gotta do it unless it’s on your door and mines down on the street), next day walk to the end of the block, or a couple neighbors houses down, and come back. The next day double and just whatever works for you.

Damn! Approaching 3 1/2 miles one block away one short block. Starting to wonder if I should do 5 miles. Then my left foot tweaked with pain. Maybe this will be enough at 4 miles.

55° when I got home. Yep, it's a 4 mile day.

I’ll leave you with that. It’s noon and time for lunch.

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

My Writings...

I should say for anyone who was reading my Walking Thoughts series, it's winter now. Between my health being weird (Long Covid, going in and out), and the cold, not walking so much now. And? Soon... maybe.

So, I was writing up a bit to offer in yet another literary management round of seeking representation and I stumbled upon doing this. I'd always wanted to have a survey of my writings and really see what's up with me and what I am saying in all of my writings, even across my screenplays (and my indie films), though mostly in my fiction. 

Which are located mostly here:

Amazon books, Amazon ebooks, Audiobooks, Smashwords (now, Draft2Digital) and...

IMDb, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" ($5/mo & I get about half, you can see my film, outtakes reel, and other indie indie films!). Also, and


I noticed a while back that I've written about young kids (the novella "Andrew", the short story, "Jaonny's Apple Tree", screenplays like, "Popsicle Death") in how screwed up the world is through their eyes, or in how they are maltreated, at times with the best of intent. Which obviously speaks to my own curious childhood in having moved every year, in and out of the country before four, living in authoritarian semi-Fascist Franco Spain in 1958. Then moving almost every year once back in America and from one coast to another, and so on. 

I have a degree from Western Washington University in Psychology concentrating in phenomenology in their Awareness & Reasoning division and so the psychological elements in my writings as well as the observational (phenomenology) are reasonable and obvious. 

Anyway in doing this, it gave me let's call it, a survey analysis light, of my writings, as such:

Just thought I'd share...

Cheers! Sláinte!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts #62

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…August 18, 2023, Friday

Weather for the day… 59° starting out, 62° when I got home
Almost a bit chilly starting to walk today. Overcast maybe there’s a bit of moisture in the air cool it down water temperature so it feels cooler than it is.

Podcast "The Foundation official podcast" from the show S2E3 "Why the Gods Made Wine", finishing off an episode I started yesterday when I was working in my yard. Then S2E4, "In Seldon's Shadow".

This post is much more on Entertainment and the Arts than usual, on a path I have long wished to take...

We have little control over in our life beyond our epidermis layer of skin. Beyond that it’s just wishes and guesses. The further we get away from that outer layer of skin to apply our desires out into the world and onto others, ever increases the amount and degree of abuse we put out into the world. And here’s the kicker… We don’t really have that much control over the area under our outer layer of skin either, we just think we do. Then we get into determinism and fate...

So it’s been a few days since my last walkabout. Since my last walk, I’ve gotten the previous thoughts before that last walk posted yesterday and I think I’ve gained like three or five new international awards for my films since then. Just today my film "Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero" is now a nominee in the Beyond the Curve festival. It’s always a lovely thing to wake up to.

I’m starting to submit my rewritten screenplay with producer Robert Mitis consulting on it, “The Teenage Bodyguard “, to festivals.

A week ago today or this evening anyway, my sister and her husband picked me up and drove us up north to our cousin's and attended, an event where she is a museum docent and they were throwing a wine tasting benefit. They held it outside in their lovely park grounds. I ran into my old neighbor and friend (who I joined Freemason’s with at his behest, over 10 years ago) and his wife. He made it to Senior Warden, and had to quit because of a new job. I worked my way up to Senior Warden, then had to quit because of family matters. I’m only just now making the connection. We both almost made it to the head guy in the lodge and then, had to leave. I have since moved to a different lodge area here in Bremerton, but have yet to pick up that path again. Still, it was a very fun wine tasting event though I only had hard alcohol from the vendor tables from different distilleries and vineyards and breweries available. We also got a tour of the mansion on their grounds and their museum. I mentioned this in part because, that was last Friday and I think on Wednesday our cousin notified us she tested positive for Covid. We all tested ourselves and we all came up negative. Although I did have some digestive problems this week, which I didn’t have through all my previous three years of Covid issues. I also had dizziness one night this week, which seem to be cured with an antihistamine at bed time. I've felt fine for a couple of days now. Covid can kiss my ass. Although I did waste at least a couple of years with it in which I’ve produced three books (2 fiction, 1 non-fiction on long covid), 2 films (a narrative flm noir and documentary) and have won many awards, so…

Also, since I mentioned it in previous walks, I think I had trouble even walking on my left ankle the last few times, definitely the last time. Since then I have iced and applied heat and some CBD salve and it’s feeling pretty good today.

On this podcast on Apple+, “The Foundation”. I loved reading the Foundation trilogy as a kid. I can’t remember when exactly but it was either the late 1960s or early 70s. So much has come from those books, written in the 40s and 50s, I believe. It’s given us so many things and so many things came from so many things. Star Wars being one. But I do like this rendition in this new series. I found after the first season and into the second, if you keep up, really helped to show me the things I’ve missed in the show and the things different from the books I read so many decades ago. I also hadn’t known until this past month that there were two other books Asimov wrote in the series. I may have known that before… but never knew he never finished the series. Which would now be a sextuplet I suppose. 

This may be the only show other than the "Westworld" series, or possibly "Game of Thrones" where I feel I need to re-watch episodes after watching a new episode. Those I was good with, but they were complicated. This series I feel like I really could benefit from re-watching each episode immediately after watching one. Listening to the podcast has really helped and I highly recommend it if you’re into the series, especially if you’ve read the books. Especially, if you’re into film productions.

To give you an idea of the esteem at which I held Isaac Asimov as a child and into my adulthood, my first published horror, sci-fi story as I’ve said before back in 1990 was “In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear“. The title of which was a tribute to Asimov’s first autobiography “In Memory Yet Green“. I didn’t tell them to follow religion then in that story, but I should’ve. I had previously read "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein. 

But in hindsight, now I look at my book “Death of heaven“ and I can see the same orientation towards religion from those two authors. As one reviewer on Amazon said of it… "Really great story. Interesting take on the view of our planet and the evolution of religion, without it being only about religion! And if you like gory stories, this one's for you!!!" I do not know that person. 

Religion is an organized system of belief. And once you create one, it immediately starts to devolve and dilute as it spreads through time and around the world. As with the Catholic religion that repeatedly splintered. But my book “Death of heaven” takes entirely another tact, and is a most deeply explored fiction book on the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of religious belief, perhaps ever written. And that’s not even braggadocio, but mere fact. Or at least I like to think so.

That book is written as if one were walking by something happening on the street and then the story is told about the path walked next to it, describing actuality as opposed to the delusional reality of that event on the roadside. Which is religion throughout the history of humankind. That’s why I would say my book is so epic in proportion. It does after all go from before the Earth was created until potentially, it’s ending, by the end of the book. And what happens then, I will leave up to the reader to discover. 

Any sequels I write to follow it, I’ve been considering for the decade or so since I wrote it. Just this past month I came up with the most viable sequel to this story. One I've long planned to dovetail with my screenplay about two demon hunting women, "Gray and Lover The Heart Tales Incident", with one of the greatest endings I've ever seen. Or written.

I’m not trying to be "more than", in saying this ("Firefly" reference). However, I’m starting to see a lot of structural parallels between The Foundation series in my book "Death of heaven". There are things like the unreliable narrator. Things like, who are these voices speaking around an entire planet and species? Plus the origin of this book comes from a previous book in the final novella in that book. That book being my first ever published collection of my older short stories, ending with a novella, as mentioned, “Anthology of Evil”. That novella is titled, “Andrew“, which begin as a short story. The first one I wrote for my Intro to Fiction class at Western Washington University towards my degree in Psychology and Phenomenology. I think perhaps it shows in that story. But it was my first experience in blowing away an entire room of writers, readers, and a writing professor. That story was on such another level from what we had been reading, as all of us were at the time, beginning writers. Although I would say I was probably a writer long being a reader on my way, when I wrote my first short story that I wrote within hours of finishing Frank Herbert's book, "Dune", in 1970, that I titled,“10 Steps to Shadow-Kandom”.
The story that my 10th grade mind came up with, after having read Asimov's "The Foundation" trilogy, and then "Dune", both regarding one youth’s shattered illusions in the path they were on. I belonged to a science fiction book club as a kid, then later while in the USAF.

It’s funny and ironic that 10 steps story I wrote as a 15-year-old was already exhibiting my questioning authority and the concept of shattered illusions. Which comes out again in my novella "Andrew" (in an odd sort of way), which evolved along with my one page short story “Perception“, into my epic, “Death of heaven".

Changing the subject drastically, sort of… Kelly Hughes and I, and put that “I“ out there rather gently, as I'm trying to stay in the background for these events, especially since long Covid… we are gearing up to our next iteration of the "Gorst Underground Film Festival" we started some years ago and which grew out of the small community of Gorst, Washington. Just on the edge of Bremerton. Kelly has acquired a small venue in Silverdale, the next town over, a hub for the area and the Navy and has grown into a shiny shopping center of sorts. There’s a small production studio on its outskirts in a business Park, all owned by the same family. Oh yeah, I forgot, Kelly asked me to watch a short film by the Laszlo‘s who were one of our supporters and would show up, have drinks, show their films at our monthly, late evening events at the historic Roxy theater here in town. They and their films were always a joy to behold. Those were our monthly “Slash Night“ events. Those were a lot of fun. Alas, Covid killed them. From those monthly events, we also got to see and know of the works of the Darkow brothers, Travis and Tyler. We’re still in touch with Tyler and enjoy his Facebook posts about his working on film productions, mostly as an actor now.

Speaking (yet again) of my book "Death of heaven", it is still in the free little library I just walked orphan. Brand new book, never been read itself, and no one’s picking it up. I think the problem with that book has been its title and cover. It gives the wrong impression. Especially since the title has a lower case “H“ in the title for "heaven". Which started out as a cover artist mistake, since the book got reprinted with version two. So I just went with it. I thought he did it on purpose and he later said he didn’t even realize it but somehow it passed muster until it got onto Amazon. Then they started questioning it because you can’t have improper capitalization in a title. Well, fuck them for that. I’ve long put a lot of weight into my titles saying that a title can be half of the meaning of a story. And you have no right to screw with an artist's conception. Proper title grammatical form is the capitalized "H" in Heaven, as a place, or as a religious conception, or merely out of respect. And I leaned on that latter most in giving the word no respect. Why? Well, you have to read the book, so the title's indicating something and it's not just about the capitalization of the book, It indicates something that not just the book cover, as any kind of cover animative graphic. Not hyper realistic like book covers are today. It gives it a feeling of something it’s not. The cover artist, Marvin Hayes, said he thought it added to the breaking of rules in the book. Right, but I think for most people that’s not how they’re taking it. It’s not just something that draws their attention, but may repulse them somewhat. Say, if it’s sitting on a bookstore shelf. No offense intended to the artist, as I think it’s a pretty cool graphic. And it kind of shows the story in one single image, but it also gives people the wrong impression that it’s a book about angels, or something. It is not. There is one story about an angel in the book and that's a misperception by the protagonist in the story. While there are beings in the book that can be misperceived as gods. And their interactions with humanity, over the course of all of human life, from beginning to end (of the book and timeline), does lead to stories of a perhaps religious deity (deities) interacting with humans. While there is something entirely different going on. And that was the purpose in my mind of a lowercase in the word, "heaven".

I think the prime concept of "Death of heaven" is to be careful what you believe, you may be 100 percent incorrect. And here are examples of that.

There’s some great actors and work done on the Foundation show series. But I would like to mention one of the main characters who plays "Brother Day", Lee Pace. I first noticed him in the series, "Halt and Catch Fire" some years back, about the invention of the home PC. And then I see him in a few other things. I noticed him the other day in "Captain Marvel". He’s a big guy, and a great actor.

On the Foundation series, there’s some parallels between the Donald Trump administration's efforts, and MAGA. Foundation has individuals who have become somewhat unhinged, for a variety of reasons. Good reasons. Donald Trump and his administration are also unhinged. And now they are paying the price through the judicial system as they try to claim political divisiveness against those prosecuting them. Typical with criminals at large. Which is ridiculous in this case, because this entire process has been overtly purposely cut off from the political system and executive branch. It’s interesting how the characters in Foundation are unhinged yet people still follow their orders, just as we see with Donald Trump and his fascist autocratic movement of sheer and utter bullshit.

I need to check if my two version screenplay book on Amazon ever got approved because I never heard anything about it and it’s been plenty of time. My first two scream playbooks I got up there recently, were approved pretty quickly. So what the hell? [Update 8/19/23: OK it's up and online and...I just ordered a few, then I'll unpublish it, for now]

By end of 3rd mile I’m happy to know I can do a fourth, but my left hip's feeling something not... comfortable. Which reminds me of two of my good friends since high school. One I've known since I started college in 1980. Both of them having health problems now in our late 60s. I’m not so much myself, except for Covid. Although my knees and left ankle have been a problem since I was born, I think. First world problems? That is, industrialized  nation problems?

OK as much as I want to do a 5th mile today, I’m calling it a day. At least I got four done and at least I got out for a walk at all. I just don’t wanna overtax my left ankle. Although I would like to listen to more of this Foundation podcast, I have only this one and one more and then I’m caught up to the episodes I’m now watching weekly for season two.

It’s nice to know as from the beginning of these walkabout thought blog posts, I’ve been wanting to get more into entertainment, and out of politics. Which is hard because we’re in a politically insane, autocratic nutcase period in American history. And after all Trump's abuses, I look forward to his being abused by way of sentencing and punishment and prison. He's supposed to turn himself in to the police in Georgia next Wednesday, according to himself, then said he's pushing it to the last minute. What a putz. Just get it over with buffoon. According to that police official he will go through, the process every criminal goes through there he will. Seems fair (finally). To which I do so hope we hear what fat boy's actual weight is. Pushing 300lbs? One wonders if his vanity will kill him on that day.

Adding to what I was saying above about my first short story from 10th grade that I wrote, to my book, "Death of heaven" evolved from my novella "Andrew", which started out as a short story and turned into my Intro to Fiction at University, it's prime concept being one of disillusion, and then those I have to add to that, my first screenplay, written my last quarter at Western Washington University, which I titled “Ahriman“, is a sci-fi screenplay about a prince/prophet on a desert planet, unceremoniously and inadvertently transported to earth via a scientific experiment gone wrong. 

Funny how I keep impinging upon that concept. My story, “EarVu” is about an experiment gone wrong. My newer story “Quantum History“ is about kind of the same thing. Also, my latest fiction book which  began as a novella for that series, but grew into a book unto itself (because I was having so much fun writing it, and THAT is what you want to hear from an author), thus the novella intended for the sequel as, "Anthology of Evil II" evolved into book II with that second book becoming, "The Unwritten". I only refer to this because of the three universes in that book where one has suffered through their "Religious Wars" and then their "Science Wars", where in the end, Science wins out. Yeah, reminds me of earth and our religions there to replace science which was non existent until it was existent so religion could die out to be replaced by more sane considerations and yet, nope, still not happening. Well let's hope it doesn't mimic my book...

Cheers! Sláinte!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts #43

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…June 24, 2023, Saturday

Weather for the day…62-72degrees

Podcast for the day “Prosecuting Donald Trump

Dropped off just now, one of my older (and most epic) books "Death of heaven" (ebook discounted through July 2023 on Smashwords, as with my other writings there, or free) at my local Little Free Library on Lafayette Street today. I signed and inscribed it, “A Lafayette Avenue drop off.” Cool! Someone already picked up the previous book I had left, "Suffering Long Covid" (2022).

Speaking of which, long Covid...last Friday I got to see one of my kids and spouse in Quilcine, Jefferson County, north of me, across the Hood Canal Bridge, which is near to Bangor nuclear sub base/sub pens, tto attend a small concert from Victoria, BC, Canada, a Celtic music trio, Clanna Morna. I had a great time. But the next day it rained (and then for days until yesterday) leaving me not feeling so well. Today it’s sunny and it’s going to be warm and I’m feeling a lot better so I set off for a walk, after days off from walking since last Thursday’s walk.

I contacted my cousin, who also lives in Quilcene, about coming over to visit so we could go through our long late (1874) grandfather's stuff. I’m thinking about doing a documentary on him. It would be fascinating since back in the 1940s, 50s and 60s he was traveling the world. I have his old 8mm footage. For instance one of him walking through what was then Bombay, India. It shows a cow lazily walking down a main street in town. In examining his passport from the beginning of World War II, he was traveling around northern Africa and southern Europe and, South America, back in the early 1940s. 

Why? Just for, fun? Well, he did do that. But were there other reasons? I also have his draft card from about that time. He had already been in WWI. The "Great War", the "War to end all wars". The war my last multi award winning documentary film was about, "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero". He traveled to places that may have been just for tourist reasons, but as he worked for the US Government later in life, it has to make one wonder. I'll need to do some FOIA requests (Freedom of Information Act) on him. [Yesterday (July 3) as this blog today is from a while back, I happened to talk to my older sister and tell her about this project and she's going to look through her things to see if she has any of Grandpa's documents or media]

I joined years ago in 2008. I got my DNA done through them a few years ago, and also done by someone else for my ancestry and health info. It occurred to me I know more about my grandfather now, and my grandmother, then she ever knew about her husband, or he ever knew about his own family history. I traced my family line back through to the ninth century. 

DNA then offered me even more and surprising information. For instance, one of our ancestors or a few, must have been a seafarer. One may have gone over with the Conquistadors. Because we have ancestors that show up in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America around those times. I already know among other things, that I'm Black Irish (dad's side). A term that carries confusion and various explanations.

It’s now 9:16 AM and I’m approaching my first half mile of today's walk. It’s not hot yet, but I’m already thinking that before I finish today, I may think I started too late in the day. It’s only supposed to get up into the 70s but…we shall see.

Just passed a half mile and decided to switch over to Pod Save the World because... they’re talking about things I’m a little more interested in today. About India’s Prime Minister Modi visiting the US, and China, and Navalny in Russia who had tried to murder someone in Florida (Putin/Russia, not Navalny), and so on…

What is also interesting in the news this week is that the Pentagon somehow screwed up misplacing $6.5 billion that they still have available for sending resources to Ukraine, to fight against Putin’s criminal war in which he attacked another country without provocation, disregarding international borders like a toxic ex who can't let their once significant other go. War, ignoring history and reality because of Putin's petty, immature ego. Like Donald Trump. Damnaged personlaities.

I know this is nuts, but I have been a speculative fiction writer and reader all my life. And I wonder if it would be useful to have a small group dedicated to eliminating, if not autocracy around the world, its leaders… especially when they get out of hand. Had that been in place around the world, we would have eliminated what Modi has been doing in India? Or what Putin‘s doing in Russia? What Kim Jong-Un‘s lineage has long done to their citizeens? Or the GOP turning MAGA, worshipping Trump, and his cult? 

Arizona (ADOA) selling over 2,000 shipping containers illegally put at their Arizona-Mexico border.
How much has conservative bullshit cost US in recent years?
THIS all cost AZ, $194million!

We’re selling drones to India? India’s long been buying their weapons from Russia to protect themselves from China. India and China having long been at odds in having a border between them. But I have to wonder if our drones are already now long compromised, if Russia has them, and been able to duplicate them? Since now India will have them, that would seem to indicate Russia soon having them, too. Friends, share, right? Just like in Trump having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, it seems pretty clear then that we know China and Russia have at least copies of some of those documents (having acquired them, if in no other way, secretly), as well as probably North Korea, and God knows....anyone else who was interested. 

Because the DAY those documents were moved out of the White House, every interested intelligence agency of every international enemy of America around the world also knew, and they were already planning how to get a hold of them. Possibly setting up plans, even before they moved out of the White House. THAT is how expionage works. In their anticipating ripping off the joke and disaster that Donald Trump is and always has been, and always will be, as he eventually and hopefully dies in prison.

Hey! Whatever happened to Pakistan? Or "migrant caravans" for that matter? How easily we do forget. We used to hear about Pakistan in the news, constantly. Lately? Pretty much nothing. So, nothting is going on there now, right? Uh huh...right. Sure.

About Trump's argument about the classified documents he didn’t give back right away, because as he put it...he "needed to go through them and pull out his personal [golf] shirts and things because he was too busy". OK? Too busy as we all saw, day after day after day playing golf. How long does it take to go through 60 boxes and pull out clothes? Which should’ve been done before they left the White House. Never being mixed with personal items. How hard is that to figure out? When you get a request to return something like classified docs, you drop everything, get it done, then bo back to having a life. Only a criminal, by definition, would view that differently. The boxes were labeled, and like I said, you don’t put personal items in them when leaving the White House. This is 100% on Trump who has no leg to stand on in this. So? Trump, still fat, lazy and stupid. No surprise there.

Trump's upcoming claims in court of his doing bad things because he's either stupid or delusional, can’t hold much water considering he was actually (somehow) President in the United States of America. If you’re that stupid and delusional, Article 15 should have been invoked, automatically. Which also means he couldn't be POTUS ever again. Shouldn't be. Never should have been. Which means he should also be disallowed from any public office. Considering his family's charity was a scam to make him money and of course was dissolved by court order. 

Trump shouldn’t have anything to do with anything public at all, ever again. Including walking our streets. If I were king? I would give Trump his life in prison and in a regular prison, a regular prison cell, with no Secret Service protection. Should he die before his sentence is up of 100 or 200 years? So be it. Because what I would really do would be invoke capital punishment for reasons of treason and crimes against humanity, against our American citizens (and other countries), not to mention his incessant asinine stochastic terrorism, and a bit of direct terrorism.

It should be noted in Trump's narcissism and political desires, that he always does what he can to win the "news cycle". That’s something utterly and totally dysfunctional... in court. He's so screwed. Considering Jack Smith turned over things to him yesterday? You don’t do that so soon, unless it’s a slam dunk case against. What this means is today his lawyers are reading and "shitting bricks" in trying to figure out how to tell Trump. Who again, is so completely screwed. They have got to make a deal. Except, when you have a slam dunk with a criminal of this degree, you don’t make a deal with them. You prosecute to the full extent of the law with all due and deserved prejudice.

"All the best people“ who Donald Trump hired in the first part of his administration. he either got rid of, or they left, and refuse to support him since. They denigrate him at every chance possible trying to point out he should never be president again. Trump's childish ad hominems against these people and anyone he doesn’t like, or anyone who disagrees with him, who he calls "stupid" if they refuse to break the law for him...and yet his sad MAGA crowd does what? They rationalize it all off as him speaking like a “normal person“. Well? That’s... not... normal. And if that’s normal for MAGA? That is just them telling us who they are, and not someone we want as part of our political system, or our citizenry.

I need to update my website and on the front page below the revolving carousel of my books for sale. I need to put a list of interviews and such things on the first page rather than in the "Non-Fiction area. [and...I did play with it a bit after writing this]

I don’t understand how Israeli settlements in the Palestinian area are a good thing for humanity, or anybody, other than Israel. I used to like "Bibi" Netanyahu, but I don’t like his autocratic slant. It reminds me of Donald Trump. I also used to really like Trump, for superficial reasons as I only knew his trumped up and carefully curated bullshit public image. In the early 2010s I got to know him better with his Obama "birtherism" bullshit and his anti-democracy autocratic nonsense and learned more about his (and his family's) bigotry; that he’s basically a toxic narcissistic asshole who’ll destroy everything for his own gratification and benefit. The fact that any Americans support that kind of thing is just embarrassing, utterly humiliating, and on an international scale.

I recently saw a video my son sent me about an African in Africa, complaining about how we always hear about Jews in the Holocaust, but never about what happened in Africa under King Leopold the II. Well, I get that. But his numbers were vastly out of whack. He said "100 million Africans had been slaughtered". The best I can find is 10 to maybe 15 million. Now that’s a lot ! He has reason to be pissed. I appreciate his argument and outrage. Which is basically that white people equel "big travesty, but Black people, nothing". But he doesn’t need to use incorrect information, or maybe he’s just misinformed himself. But it brings up a point I've always wondered about it. With all we’ve heard about the Holocaust all my life, I’ve wondered, every time I heard about another genocide in some country around the world, why I didn’t first hear about how Israel was speaking up about it, leading the outrage? I seldom if ever heard that. Why? Maybe they did speak up, but why wasn't I hearing it? Why don't I remember that? 

One would think those who speaks so much for themselves about something so horrendous, would speak for any and all others, whenever and wherever that happened again, or was even about to. Which leads me back to thoroughly not understanding the whole Israel/Palestine situation. I get it, there’s assholes, apparently on both sides, and both sides have a reasons to hate. But you would think a culture so steeped in such abuse for millennia would’ve figured out a way by now, better than what they’ve fallen upon, and into.

I had mentioned that it rained from last Saturday through this Tuesday. So Tuesday I got on my elliptical and did a single mile. Man, the next day, just 1 mile, I felt it in my calves and my stomach, my core. So I’m thinking if I can do 5 miles every other day, maybe I can do a mile or two on the elliptical in between, for a "rest" period. Such because it seems to be more greatly utilizing certain muscles that are good to use and get into tone.

Netanyahu is starting to look like Israel’s, Kevin McCarthy and the House of Representatives here in America. Making as many deals as he can to retain power. Sometimes it’s best to just step down move on. He stacked his government with right wing zealots, much as happened in our government and at some point one loses control. So even if he means to do well, he’s working against himself in having retained power.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive has not failed regardless what MAGA or RFK Jr. says. I got to say, I don’t see us helping in all and any ways that we should be. Even illegal ways using cut outs so we can't get blamed for it. Look, Putin‘s got to go. If not physically leave this earth, he has to have his reputation ruined with the Russian people. And I’m not seeing a lot of efforts on that.

"Spies, The Epic Intelligence Wars Between East And West" details, the espionage attempt by Russia to murder one of their own on American soil, in Florida. Russian spy, Alexandra Pootie, who told American intelligence about sleeper cells had led to the TV show “The Americans,” as written up in the New York Times. This is also related to Sergei Skripal whose attempted assassination (with his daughter) by Russian intelligence in the UK. Where this is important is that we have long wondered if Russia was willing to assassinate people in the UK, would they ever try it in America. Obviously they would. It’s good to note for our own awareness that the kind of shit Russia and Putin are doing now wasn’t being done during the "cold war". Certainly not so overtly. Something I was involved in, in the late 70s. I have my US government awarded "Cold Warrior" certificate hanging on my wall behind me, as I write this.

Facebook has been getting more and more in bed with an autocratic Vietnamese government against dissidents and citizens. Seems to me we need some laws about that for our multinational corporations involved in questionable government countries. I’m not sure what that could or would be, and for Facebook to just shut down, or Twitter, in some of these countries, where the Internet IS Facebook or Twitter, really is problematic. Vietnam is the seventh largest population using Facebook. 70% of the hundred million people in Vietnam use Facebook. Facebook’s reach and impact there is much bigger than Twitter, and in most countries. The interface in Vietnam for many to the Internet, IS Facebook. Facebook does have some power to push back in Vietnam however, because if the government removes Facebook it’s likely they would have some kind of uprising. Facebook likes touting openness and friendship and community, but really in the end, especially since they’ve laid off people who used to handle this kind of situation, it’s about profit, pure and simple. Facebook has been given a list of government officials by Vietnam who are not allowed to be spoken out against. So I guess if I lived in Vietnam, I would have to speak like Nostradamus did about the royal, the rich and powerful, in his own time, indirectly and encoded.

Interesting to know nowadays, especially in America when you hear the term "kangaroo court" or "witchhunt" by some officials who are being called out "on the carpet" for their bad behavior, that it’s probably not fake attacks against them. On the other hand, when you hear the more reasonable types calling out things like MAGA, as "kangaroo courts", or "kangaroo court commissions", or "kangaroo court hearings", I suspect the Kangaroo population of the planet is pretty offended by that.

America needs a real time office in Congress of Truth and Speech, but only to hold our pubuc office officials to task. And anyone caught lying on the floor of Congress. Which, anyway for now, is out for a month.

Podcast is over, switched over to The Intercepted. They’re talking about Erdegon in Turkey and how his recent electoral win put him as despot of Turkey, evermore, his autocratic government with a failing economy not headed into two decades of his rule and foolish and manipulated support. They are what MAGA could turn America into, what they want to turn America into even (remember CPAC has now been held in Hungary with Viktor Oban speaking). We should also remember the recent devastating earthquake in Turkey, where tens of thousands of buildings dropped, killing their citizens and remember how Erdogan gave contracts to his friends which I’m sure he got kickbacks from. Those builders cut building codes which led to many buildings collapsing and has to make one wonder, if those tragic deaths are actually not murders. Much like the 100,000+ Americans, who didn’t need to die of Covid, who are dead because of Donald Trump. So these leaders are all at least morally and ethically, guilty of crimes against humanity in their personal footnotes of history.

It’s so sad what a democracy gets locked into a downward spiral in supporting poor leaders, such as Erdogan in Turkey or Donald Trump with his moronic MAGA, in America.

America needs some kind of independent commission to fix what’s wrong with our government, at least the broad strokes. Gerrymandering is toxic in too many cases. Voter suppression is a serious problem and dirty tricks have led some perpetrators to guilty judgments and prison in suppressing voting during elections. Including spam political phone calls that our courts have found heavily stacked in favor of anachronistic beliefs and toxic conservatism. Our government or state governments (or national government) have been infiltrated by domestic enemies, and MAGA falls under that heading. To be sure, not all MAGA (or Republicans, although silence is enabling) have made themselves our domestic enemies. But the majority of our current domestic enemies are indeed, MAGA. And their "friends", the White Christian Nationalist and White Supremacisits, and... Neo-Nazis:

""By leaving a definitional vacuum around the word 'great,' it became very easy for groups to co-opt it, ascribing to it the meaning they wanted it to have," Van Brunt says. "The same way a mother rests easy because her baby's food has 'all-natural' written on the jar, Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacists were able to feel good about Trump because 'great' became interchangeable with white, heterosexual, male, hate, oppress, deport."

The ironic thing about many dysfunctional government situations is, if (conservative/Republican) officials would just allow government to work, it could be efficient. Well, maybe not efficient, but functional. And it's what we’ve seen for many decades now, as Republicans try to jam up our government, or even just simply destroy it. Because they know they have bad ideas in their anachronistic beliefs, and they’ve become toxic to America and to humanity.

That’s why I have never been a conservative. Conservatism is for times of dire need and times of war. The belief that we are always in dire need, or always forever in some kind of  war…is ridiculous. Think about that for a moment. When did the "war on drugs" begin? The 1970s. And what did it do but literally destroyed lives...and entire families? And it did NOT get the drug situation under control. Ruling through fear and power is why we have a country now as confused and damanged as we are in America. And yet it's white Republicans have been defaulting, over and over now, for decades. That, is how autocrats function.

 Cheers! Sláinte!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #23

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…(12/11/22)

Weather for the day… mid 40s, overcast, nice cool day for a walkabout but a bit muggy

Podcast for the day Pod Save America episode, "51 and Done"

Instagram post for the day

So this morning before I took off for my walk, I did something I haven’t done in years. I reviewed my reviews on my audiobooks...and was pleasantly surprised. Actually I was blown away. Especially on a few of my works. One being an article on psychology (you can read for yourself), synesthesia & schizophrenia. I had delivered that in my senior level seminar on abnormal psychology at Western Washington University in 1984. I cleaned it up a bit and published it some years ago. My professor, after being blown away by it, said it could be a seminal piece of work, a psychologist could spend his career on. Seminal meaning, a fundamental, new area of study. Which was basically two use synesthesia and schizophrenia to study one through the other.

Also, I found some really good reviews on some of my fiction works. Like "Simon's Beautiful, Thought", a sci-fi romance. I had written at years before I published it, and then I heard the movie "Her" came out. Which had some similarities. Today I noticed at least one reader noticed that who said they saw the movie and kept wondering how familiar it seemed. They went back and found they had read my ebook or listened to the audiobook. I don’t remember which it was, and said that I had done it first. To be fair, it took them about 10 years to get that movie done, if I remember correctly. My story is quite a bit different, but still involved somebody’s AI assistant and their cell phone and romance which I took a different tact about. All through it you’re wondering if this a romance story, or a horror story, or  just a sci-fi story? You be the judge.

And this is nice to see on Amazon for my newest non-fiction work:

I’m listening to Pod Save America who are now talking about Senator Warnock, his election and what he had to go through the past few years, and the whole control of the Senate issue. Which got me thinking here I am back into politics again. That made me think about a podcast considering some of the reviews I read today which have me pumped up a little bit. It’s hard work. I think my ratings are good, so that seems fair. But then I remembered in the interview I did with Kelly Hughes not too long ago...I think might be on my documentary "Pvt. Ravel’s Bolero".

Happy and sad I can’t talk about it, but I think I can say this general thing that I’m involved with starting a new movie streaming network. I have a good deal of a high-end IT background, so I’m kind of the IT guy. It’s fun watching something like this develop. Hard putting up with all the issues involved in getting something new off the ground. I’m also watching the Richard Branson documentary series. Which is very interesting. I especially like in the episode today where apparently his mother told them as kids, because he was kind of shy...I was kind of shy, partly because of my stepfather didn’t much care for me and our moving so often as a kid. I’d make a good friend and by end of year I'd never see him again... over and over. Anyway, Branson‘s mother told her kids whenever you’re being shy, you’re only thinking of yourself and to think of others. I wish someone had told me that as a kid, because it might have helped. I learned how to sort a put on a façade, to be funny, to be liked. I was a big toddler, then smaller for my age until about 10th grade when I got up to 6', eventually 6'2". A bit pathological from it all, but functional. Karate starting in 5th grade helped a lot. But it wasn’t really  until university when I broke through all that. To get a degree you had to take a class that was like group therapy. I tried to refuse, but they said, Well then, no degree. So I took it. It was difficult and a little painful, but in the end, I came out after that quarter, if not a better person, a more open one, less fearful of my fears and social anxieties. Although I thought I wasn't really all that bad to begin with, but I'd still had to deal with it, internally. It was uncomfortable and may have involved drugs and alcohol to relax enough through my late teens and 20s but, well, I got over that. And made for an interesting, 70s and 80s.

You know, I’m really not into war, not into violence. Somewhat as a kid. Westerns, war movies, John Wayne, and so on. Vietnam on the news during dinner at night, etc. I like action movies, make believe, special F/X, but not real violence. I think some of that came from fighting in karate tournaments as a kid around the PNW (I was a contestant in these for instance). I got in five fights per night in the dojo, I didn't need fights at school, or on the street. I don’t believe in the death penalty, except under specific, and very special exceptions. I am of late reasonably very focused on Ukraine and "Putin‘s Folly" illegal war there. And, so I'm focused on Putin’s demise (only since about 2000) both politically, physically, literally. I mean, Putin really needs to die and all humans should be focused on that.

After my working on my companion book yesterday, for my documentary and reading reviews of my psychology articles, and fiction online, I’m feeling focused on the arts today. So I’m struggling with today’s podcast on politics. (which is good, I think)

OK, so looking around for another podcast as I walk but I can’t find or think of anything I feel like listening to. I feel like Doing Art, not listening about it. Huh. Maybe I’m just in a productive mood and want to act on things? Because that’s kind of where I’m at working on the new streaming networking, editing my book and dealing with issues of marketing my works, a pastime which I dearly despise. Although the attention is nice I very much prefer some the income. "Fortune over Fame", as I like to say. Especially considering all the years I’ve put into this and all the hours sitting and writing.

I graduated with a Western Washington University degree in psychology in 1984. I stuck around that summer and took one final quarter, already with a degree, mostly for the final money left from my VA benefits. The purpose was to leave college with a screenplay which I thought would happen after a year of team script and screenwriting, which didn’t happen. So I wrote my first screenplay, a Syfy called, "Ahriman" about a prince prophet on a desert planet. It almost got sold in a pitch in 2000 to a Middle Eastern investment group by a producer from Scorpio Pictures. He moved to LA and I never heard form him again. Sean, where'd you go, man? 

I spent the next 10 years after graduating WWU in 1984, submitting my short stories and screenplays. I did a really bad job of marketing my screenplay. Back then I couldn’t figure out how to do it (other than moving to LA). Sort of easy to get a writer’s market book, however, mostly for fiction/non-fiction writings. I finally, in 1990, got my first horror story published: "In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear", in A horror quarterly on the East Coast.

It was another five years when I started working as an unpaid writer for Scorpio Pictures, also on the East Coast. After five years there of never getting anything on screen, I moved on. Back in the late 80s I almost got a manual published for Digital Equipment's word processing software, "WPS+". They quoted me about $50,000 a quarter and worldwide sales. They said my book would go out with all mainframes and Digital PCs (DEC PCs). Seattle was an IBM mainframe city. Few had VACS mainframes. Their software was known for being buggy and I put that in my manual, which was heavily used where I worked at University of Washington Medical Center. Also remotely for Harborview Medical Center (regional trauma center we lovingly referred to as "HarborZoo"). I was running mainframe and miniVacs for both of them for the radiology and pathology labs departments. I went back years later to work for a bit and found everyone impressed to meet me. When I asked the boss about it (who I had trained and had eventually become manager of the HMC mainframe), he said, "Well, they're impressed to finally meet who wrote all the manuals they use every day." I spent time working on that mainframe word processing software, that would lock up on you at times. You'd have to reboot your terminal to get back control which was a huge pain. Over a year or so. I figured out how to quickly get passed that through trial and error and documenting what I found. I put all that in the book, saving everybody time. Everybody, be they radiologist or pathologist (the Gods of the departments), or technicians, nurses, transcriptionist, etc., LOVED my manual. Also for how I structured the manual. But when Digital Publishing showed Digital proper the manual, and they saw me using the word "bug" they literally threatened me and killed the book. They actually said if I tried to publish anywhere else they would squash me. Good times. So I (perhaps, foolishly) dropped it. I should have submitted it elsewhere or at least tried. Ironically, I had changed the format of the manual for the editor's desires and his comments were also that they wanted a manual like (then described the manual I had written and he asked me to alter). When I said I have that manual right now, he said, no, it won't matter. And that was when I realized it was about the "bug" mentions. And he agreed that yes, that killed the project. There went my $200k a year. 

Thank you for the air pollution! Fuck. Somebody or somebody’s are burning their fireplaces, but at least it smells like wood and not garbage. hate smelling people burning trash in their fireplaces not to mention it's not good for the chimney. It all affects my long Covid to make my blood pressure go up.

So decades of fumbling around trying to get published and only getting one piece published in 1990... actually I had gotten some unpaid computer articles published back in the 80s in computer rags. One I think was in Colorado and the article called, "Cyberspace". It was a good article. Then in 2013 (2012, I can’t remember) came around and an author contacted me to write a screenplay from her paranormal novel. That led to what is a long story but it got me published by Cal Miller at a micro press had had called Zilyon Publications. I continued turning my works out and it got easier to send out screenplays, online. I had some success, not success, but close calls. I paid for online working with a producer or two which bettered some of my screenplays. After years of working with a couple producers at Scorpio scorpion, which was good training, even though I was unpaid, I had gotten used to working with producers. All these things, I should say to others in those situations, they led to some very interesting networking experiences, and education. I started out, having no money and saying I wouldn’t pay for anything if I could avoid it. So I avoided things like a AOL when they popped up. I refused to pay for things like a vanity press to get published. I tried to do everything for free or as cheaply as possible. The harder ways. Ways many could not do even if they tried. I learned a lot more that way. I remembered a teaching (in math) once saying, "Always take the harder way, you'll learn more." In the late 80s early 90s I got ahold of software without manuals. From people who were just passing software around that I never would’ve had money for. I got used to learning software quickly, without instruction. I had acquired and learned every major version of word processing software that was available. Which paid off when I became a systems and network administrator. With a degree in psychology. My team members all had degrees in math and computer science. So I always had to find a back door is into things and take the hard way to learn. I spent a lot of time on it in the early 90s. I spent a lot of time reading PC architecture manuals. My wife would complain, mostly because her parents would complain, that I wasn’t making enough money. But how was I supposed to make money in computers if I didn’t go to school for it or get educated in it? Which is what I did in all my spare hours. So after the divorce a few years later, I did get a high-paying job and ended up working on some of the top IT shops in the PNW. I was once up for "Manager of the Internet" at Microsoft when I had only applied for a grunt position, but my resume got shown around the Microsoft Redmon campus. But the other guy got it. Wonder if he's a millionaire now? It’s been an interesting journey. When all I wanted to do was work on Art, and film production, Well, I got there, a bit later than I had intended in having taken routes I'd never have anticipated. But when you can't get where you want to go by the standard roads, you take what roads you can find, or blaze them yourself.

Oh, there’s something I should like to mention. Back in, I’m thinking the late 90s, it was a big deal to build a "digital footprint" on the Internet the new digital superhighway. I took that to heart. That "footprint" used to just be about making yourself easy to find online. Now it entails much more, like protecting your data online (see previous link). The other day I went to Google and typed my name and got 15,000 responses. I typed some of my friends names who do what I do, and although 15,000 is not a lot (look up James Cameron sometime…), I’m at least double my nearest friend and most of them are only around 1000 or two. Not bragging, just stating how all those years ago when they said "build your digital footprint", to do it correctly. I didn’t do too bad. For years after that when I quit doing it because no one talked about it anymore, that was at some point in early 2000s or late 2008, or so, I thought, "Damn, did I waste all my time doing that?" Flash forward years ahead to now and it seems to pay off a little bit. Twitter may be dying but I do get forwarded now by people who are pretty famous and I’ve actually talked to some people like who you'd know online. Not going to drop any names but some people who I would’ve never been able to be in contact with back in the 80s... social media allows you that access. If you handle it properly.

I’ll give you one example, back in 2004, the well know, international actor Rutger Hauer chose one of my short stories in a contest he put on. A short story per week for a year and then he would publish it. I loved Rutger's catalog of films and the more I got to know him, the more I appreciated what are incredibly cool guy he was. But I chose my story, "Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer to a Question He kNever Knew" (shortened in some places to "Poor Lord Ritchie's Answer", the screenplay for it anyway). Rutger chose it and it was funny because when I found out it won, I had believed, I knew, he would choose it. I just knew it. I asked him once why he chose it. And his answer was telling, it was because with a some of his films, they're not great. But if you watch his acting it's always good. He said he chose his roles if when he reads a screenplay, the character has "heart", or the role has "heart" to it. He said my short story had heart. So one of my biggest film "heroes" liked something I wrote and said it "had something". It would have been hard for something like that to happen back when I had graduated college. There's more to this story, a lot really, but I've written about that elsewhere...

The other thing I had to get by, which I kind of addressed above, was to be an author. Especially, as an independent. Or as an independent filmmaker. You’ve got a put your ego aside and just do the work and market it all. Once I got some things published, my first book collection of my older short stories ("Anthology of Evil" vol. I), some even going back to my college days, you have to market them, or someone has to. There is now "Anthology of Evil II Vol. I & II". My next book that same year was "Death of heaven", which I think is an incredible, epic story. And others have said so too. But you've got to market that stuff, unless you have a big publishing house. Or film studio marketing for your films. And that means doing what I hated to do all my life. I hate job interviews. Caveat, I don’t really "hate" anything. I’m just being lazy, saying that. But it makes me seriously uncomfortable to market myself or to push my perceived quality or worth to others. It’s taken me years, but I've kind of gotten over it. The thing is you have got to know your value and you have to know your quality. I know my ratings are good. I just needed to get other people to see it. To get it in front of them to pay attention to it. Years ago, somebody told me (they were trying to help me because my self-esteem was pretty low), and they asked me, "What are you doing with your life? You’re not making much money." I said while I was doing this and that and I wasn't charging much for it. They asked how much I was getting paid at work. I told them. They said, "That’s how much you’re worth. OK, now look at your free time, when you’re not working or getting paid. Now calculate that out and tell me how much money you’ve lost in the past week or month." That was an eye-opener. Know your worth and have an accurate appraisal of yourself and what you can do. I find nothing more distasteful than working for someone who thinks they’re so much more than they are, because it wastes my time and others. Or people who are great but can’t see it and stumble along when they could be helping themselves and so many more. You have to be careful if you’re good. Because if you know your worth and it’s good or great, you have to keep your ego in check. "Fake humble" is annoying and distasteful. So if you’re going to try to be humble when you know you’re great at something, at least believe it, be genuine about it and truly believe it. I used to wonder about this equality stuff. How can we all be equal? If a man is much bigger than a woman, how is she going to do some of the things he can physically do, and endure? Well? Women have to some degree shut that down. But the thing about equality is, nobody is equal to anybody else. However, as individuals we should all be equal. One citizen equal to another. There ARE ways we ARE equal. That illuminates all the misogyny and bigotry. Being in the military could be difficult because you knew you were better than some officers in certain ways. But you’re still going to have to take their orders. While sometimes they are really stupid orders or can get somebody killed. You had to learn how to navigate that. Respect the uniform if not the officer. Or understand what I raised my kids to understand. Sometimes in life, you have to do what’s right and be punished for it. Or refuse to do what is wrong and be punished for it. But you gotta make that choice in the moment, and do what you think is the right thing to do. Don’t destroy yourself uselessly. Buddhism says moderation in all things. And try to be "Enlightened". Which to me is seeing all levels of anything and viewing all things in light of the specific, the medium distance and the far out. The microscopic view, the eye view, and the 30,000 foot (or the galactic) view, to put things in perspective. When someone hands you an apple to eat, you should instantly "see" (recognize) the person handing it to you, where they got it from, how it got to where they got it from, who took it off the tree, where it came from around the world, those who picked it, that tree it came from, and so on. That’s true Enlightenment, which is unattainable. But we just do the best we can. It is similar to, be always better than you were a moment ago.

Damn, my long Covid has been slightly flaring up at this past week or so. Actually since I got my pneumonia shot a few weeks back. I just keep my eye on the date of April fools' day 2024 in how my long Covid should be gone by then. Hopefully. And hopefully much sooner. Knowing I could wake up any day and it’s gone, as has happened before, the first time I got it. I got it February 2020 and it lasted around 14 months, I think. Unless it was completely gone and would come back. Or could be because I kept catching Covid again but was able to fight it off. Which it very well may have been what was happening. I’ve had all the shots and boosters. Then March 2022 this year I got the worst case of Covid and ended up in the hospital, but only a few hours. All the tests I have had since then say that I’m healthy. And there’s been a lot of tests. So it’s either permanent damage that's not showing up, or just long Covid. It’s exacerbating something, though. As far as more on that, I did write an entire book on it. I just got really wall. reviewed call “Suffering Long Covid”. And one epidemiologist who read it, really liked it. High praise indeed.

Yesterday, I heard the weather today would be good for a walk. So I got up and ate a more protein-based breakfast rather than say, oatmeal. When I then checked the weather today, it said it’s gonna rain all day. After I'd eaten breakfast. Because I was gonna eat oatmeal today. I vary my breakfasts. But I decided it looked OK today and it said rain percentages were under 10% for a few hours and I am approaching mile 3 1/2. A bit humid but other than that, it’s a good day for a walk. With long covid, ever walk is a good walk. If I don't walk or exercise enough I feel poorly. When I do exercise enough, I feel pretty damn good.

Oh, and I put my sleeve brace back on my left ankle because my last walkabout without it proved I probably need it from now on.

Just happened to think of this, as a car was driving by. Random drive-by shootings exist. They happen. Once in a while I'll look at a car and it flashes through my mind. This car drove by just now and my first thought was the windows were up. No idiot would shoot through a window of a nice car like that. And I flashed on news footage out of Iran, Some moronic Iranian police, I'd guess, were going around one car just sitting there with their windows up. They’d stopped it on the road, I guess downtown, and took their stick and beat on the windshield until it was broken. Then walked all the way around the car, around the back to the driver's side, busting all the windows. It just pisses me off. It’s like, dude, get a fucking life you loser. Same feeling I have for these people who want to go out and hurt others in America. MAGA mentally damaged ideologically armed unconstitutional militia types, picking on LGBTQ+ people. I mean, seriously? I mean talk about picking on somebody you can feel can’t fight back. This is kind of the same. Bullies and assholes. Like in high school, a kid going to beat up a third grader type mentality. I don’t mean to take anything away from a beleaguered minority, who can actually fight back and are beginning to and should. But this the mentality of those picking on them. It’s America. How dare you ignobly referring to "freedom" when you’re abusing others and wanting an authoritarian state because of your religious or bullshit toxic Christian white toxic masculinity beliefs. Such a sorry state of affairs. Such sorry people...

Anyone following my Instagram would know that earlier this year I was posting about somebody who stole my fence and yard. It was a joke. The landlord I’m renting this house from, after being here a few years, had started to fix the yard up from the last tenant who trashed the place. He had three big dogs, and they just ruined the fence and the yard. So, my friend Tom, who is also my audiobook voice actor and acted in one of my films had come over and ripped it all out and let it sit until fall to put in a new fence and seed the lawn. So now the fence is done very nice with two very nice gates, front and back. I don’t have a backyard. And the grass is starting to sprout. And so that is my Instagram post today.

Oh, that smoke, oh I see which house it’s coming out of, and it only extends for like a half a block

I was just telling someone that it seems to help that we ratcheted it up the sanctions against Russia due to their warring on Ukraine, as well as other countries who are doing that. But it just feels like at this point, especially with Ukraine now apparently attacking Russia within their borders and good for them, that Russia now needs all the sanctions to double or something. More like a fist in the face or Putin, which Hillary had said is how you handle him, and she’s right. That’s when he listens. I know this is scary, no matter how you look at it. But if a bully comes over to your house and starts beating the crap out of you and won’t stop and then burns your house down? You gotta fight back and send somebody over to burn their house down because it’s really the only thing they understand, in only running on half a human brain.

So I think I did 3 miles last Thursday. I’m shooting for five today again, but I think I’m ending on my 4th mile for the day. The only thing worse than not getting the distance I want is getting there and regretting it. Because with long Covid you don’t want to regret anything.

Podcast quote: "Donald Trump is a unique kind of sociopath.” I would agree. He’s got infections Sociopathy. It’s a kind of mental disease where a person doesn’t read the world around them correctly and they impart that view to others who either partially or wholly buy into it. Then go out and share that with others and it spreads like a virus (see, MAGA). As an example, decades ago, I went to my mother's one day and I was talking to her. She’s had this victim mentality which Trump loves (as a fetish) so much, and she's telling me at that time how somebody was treating her so badly, and this and that. When I left there I was angry, for about 5 minutes. How dare somebody blah blah blah... as I’m driving home I’m thinking about it and my critical mind is starting to pick apart everything she said. Within about two or three minutes I realized that pretty much nothing she said was true. Some of those things may have happened. But the way she interpreted them was in a way to allow her to play victim (yet again) to sell that to others who bought into it and would prop her up with whatever that is she needed, a kind of ego energy negativity. That was when it hit me the kind of mental disease she had. I told my siblings about that so they'd be aware, though they already knew it too, just not as clearly as I had understood it that day. It was useful my sister's husband also had a psych degree. I have been seeing from the start, back in 2016, that same exact kind of sociopathy with Trump. Of course my mother, gone now, had other does Trump.

There’s an old saying that goes something like, "Presidents are made on the anvil of the Oval Office". Especially Trump supporters in 2016 claimed they believed in that as we mostly all did. But he’s proven it doesn’t work on him. An old brain damaged dog that can't learn new tricks. We can only hope, and we have to get back to the functionality of that belief. That the job of president will mold one to better fit it once the weight of that office descends upon them. So that if DeSantis, were to get elected POTUS (God help us), at least he’s NOT Trump. Would the oval office affect him in the right ways, or not? If so, then I prefer him to Trump. If not, we need to alter the mentality of this entire nation back to that position. Like stuffing the toothpaste back in the tube. Really stupid toothpaste.

I’m just hearing on the podcast that the January 6 committee said Trump will be on the list of criminal referrals. They’re going to submit that to the DOJ. Some progress for America, and humanity. That from CNN reporter, Jamie Gangel.

So I’m at the end of 4 miles and arguing with myself about doing a fifth. I have a funny feeling I'd get about a half mile out and regret it so I'm going home.

You know these walkabout thoughts are stream of consciousness. Which is always problematic (to read). It’s not like cleaned up narrative fiction. I get home and I clean it up real quick and then I publish it. Sometimes I think I should publish both versions, so you could see just how comical (and problematic) the original voice to text is. But I don’t care, you don’t care, so…

Cheers! Slainte!