Showing posts with label commentary Whale Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary Whale Wars. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2011

Whale Wars?

There is a TV show (on cable) called, "Whale Wars" about a group called Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, who fight against whalers. You know, it's pretty rewarding to think that there is a show on about what the movement was all about so many years ago. A rockin' title song, these guys are like heroes and they have their own cable show! I find it amazing.

When I was a kid, it was all about trying to get the adults to understand that we have got to start thinking about the environment. We were idiots. They thought we were nuts. But we kept pushing. Talking about it. We had kids. They talked about it. These kids grew up, took over the corporations, the Media. And now we have a show like "Whale Wars". Amazing.

The Ady Gil

Last season, in an attempt to cross the path of a Japanese whaling boat, got the Sea Shepherd's fastest boat cut in half. No one died, the board of inquiry in the end decided that both were at fault in the incident and perhaps that was the case.

Before it was cut in half

The entire thing has to do with whaling being world wide illegal. Except for certain Native populations who have been doing it for a thousand years and research issues.

Japanese Whalers

Research. That is the hole in the law. So, Japanese whalers have decided to push that law to its limits. And the Sea Shepherds have decided that someone needs to point out to them on a daily basis that they know they are full of nonsense in their contentions. And all this takes place around the coldest spots on Earth, the south pole, Antarctica. Where falling in the water can get you killed just by the water's temperature.

Capt. Paul Watson

According to Wikipedia: "The Toronto native joined a Sierra Club protest against nuclear testing in 1969. He was an early and influential member of Greenpeace, crewed and skippered for it, and later was a board member. Watson argued for a strategy of direct action that conflicted with the Greenpeace interpretation of nonviolence, was ousted from the board in 1977, and subsequently left the organization. That same year, he formed Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The group is the subject of a reality show, Whale Wars."

It's a fascinating thing to watch, images of the waters down there, what the international crew are doing. We can all yell about the environment. Here are some people out there risking their lives, putting their money where their mouths are. Whether you agree with them or not, you have to give them credit for putting their beliefs on the line. The whalers are doing this for profit. These guys are doing it because the believe killing off something as incredible as whales, is simply immoral.

Even if you don't believe in what they are doing, they have still put on a good show. But if you do care about what they are doing, it's hard to stop watching. I would love to see a film crew on the Japanese whaler's boats to see what they are going through. I don't think they are bad people as such, just with a different mind set about what they are doing. I'm sure they think they are in the right, as they have the law on their side... sort of.

It's one of those arguments where both sides could be considered correct, especially from their own sides. I happen to believe they need to leave the whales alone. But then I think they should leave the dolphins and porpoises alone too. I know we need sanctuaries around the world to allow the fish to breed. I know we are fishing our oceans out of fish and non fish. I know we are being stupid.

For once, it's just kind of nice to see it exemplified on a weekly basis, that someone isn't screwing around about doing something about it. Even if they are a bit misguided. But I'm not so sure they are.