Showing posts with label commentary DirecTV F/X channel SOA Sons of Anarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary DirecTV F/X channel SOA Sons of Anarchy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

DirecTV dropping F/X channel

It used to be I want my MTV. Now it's I want my SOA! Funny, maybe, but I'm pretty annoyed with DirecTV.

So I'm sitting here watching my favorite show, Sons of Anarchy and its creator, Kurt Sutter gets on a commercial.

He said that DirecTV is dropping F/X and our show! He has talked about it elsewhere, like on CinemaBlend (who has my favorite graphic about his attitude regarding this), TVGuide, Hollywood Reporter and elsewhere.

I am not a happy camper. My niece tells me that he has been complaining for a couple of weeks about this on Twitter.

It's all news to me. Unhappy news. I don't understand that corporate reasoning, I don't care about it.

I'm just not happy.

So Kurt said go to and complain. You have six days left before you lose the chance to watch the last five episodes of the SOA season. Excuse me?

So I did. The website is getting hit so hard that it is breaking. I tried sending DirecTV a comment and they are broken. Ha!

[ Update 10/27/2011 - I was watching American Horror Story last night and THEIR producers came on to say the same thing. So now we not only lose SOA, we not only lose AHS, but also now part 2 of their Halloween episode next week! Really, disconnecting your customers like this (DirecTV, you listening?) is one of those corporate rules you simply don't break, pal! You are quite obviously "just another corporation" completely blowing my concept of you as better that DishTV; I can think of no other derisive name to call in this instance, that "corporation" which in my mind, indicates your full fall from grace at this time. Talk about blowing your positive relations PR.... ]

I sent out my feelings everywhere I could. Twitter. Facebook. Everyone and anyone. Then I thought of here. Sorry, but I'm really annoyed. And it's not just SOA, or just F/X, there are a bunch of other channels and this is the first I'm hearing about it. Yes, they may have sent me that info so they are legally safe, but I still didn't know it till just now.

So I'm sharing my opinion with everyone. I've always stuck up for DirecTV. Not so much anymore....