Weather for the day… nice day, starting out, 66° nice sunny day, blue sky with broken sparse clouds, cool breeze starting out, 73 once back at home
Podcast Pod Save America, ep. The Wilderness Could Trump-Curious Black Voters Swing the Election? (Ep. 3) about the Black vote with Terrance Woodbury and Lavora Barnes, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. This is an interesting podcast episode because things are not what we think.
“Here is why I need you to help me to keep winning because of what we’ve been doing and want to do for you." This, because telling them to vote for a third-party candidate gives the election to Trump.
When you have people who think Trump was the one who gave them their government check and not Biden, that they got training for a job because of Trump, not Biden, you’re up against the brick wall of at least misinformation and misperception.
When people think "I get the idea that Trump and Biden won’t do for me what I need, or want them to do, I'm not voting for Biden," it's time to make it clear that protest voting is not for the General Election, but the Primary. Third Party voting so often doesn't do at all what people think.
It would seem that one of our big problems is a lack of accurate information and an utter misunderstanding on how our elections really work in America.
A protest vote against your candidate? Do not vote for third party opposition in the General Election as voting for someone else will not get you want, when the person you vote for won’t win the election. It's just throwing away a vote. While the person you preferred can end up losing the election. So? How does that help you?
The problem greatly seems to be simply getting the correct and apprpriate information out there.
I'd like to comment on my last blog where I was talking about martial arts and fights I’ve been in. While I’ve been in thousands of fights at dojos, I’ve only been in a few actual and serious street fights. I do believe had I been like some of my friends from the past, I would’ve been in more street fights. But I was a good talker. In talking to a friend years ago I came to realize how many fights I would have been in, had I not diffused the situation with logic or humor.
Which was why when I first learned in college about Aikido, one of the top 5 martial arts of Japan, I quickly switched from Karate (or any other martial art I had tried). Yes, I know about all the arguments against Aikido and nonsense about that. So many detractors to Aikido in that ignorant "my martial art is better than yours" nonsense. No martial art works in every situation. Which is what Bruce Lee talked about. It's just a moot and useless point with so many variables.
When I first learned about Israeli Krav Maga, I found it very interesting. Also, Systema, the Russian martial. But once I hit a point in my life where I wasn’t worried about a need to perhaps killing to protect myself, I no longer found a need for that kind of thinking, for the harder and harsher martial arts. There is of course, JuJitsu, and so on. Effective forms all. But for me in the end it was which martial art seems to be making you the most happy in practicing it? Aikido.
What I liked about Aikido is that in all the dojos I’ve been in, I’ve never seen one where there was so much lightheartedness and happiness from practitioners. When I was younger, Karate was all about "pushing through the pain." In Aikido, it's more like, “If it hurts? Don’t do that." Or you'll often hear, “You’re doing it too hard." That's not to say it's weak, though there is the harder style of the younger O'Senei Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder; or the Steven Seagal style, which one could argue is abusive egoism. Or the softer style of the older O'Sensei who also allowed finally, women, and children to study.
Back to politics…
But do be effective. And the first step of that is voting. When you vote, it forces you to make a decision. To make a decision you have to know what you’re talking about, or should. When you take responsibility and vote, it leads to other good things. Simply casting a vote sets up a pattern in your mind that's not only healthy to yourself, but to your fellow citizens and your country at large.
Approaching mile 1.5 mile and I swear I just got the faint whiff of a skunk.
When I post my blog, it has two presets. One for tags (like hashtags) and one for published time and date. Each blog is a little different, but there seem to be primary themes. I think I’ll ask the AI what it thinks are the best top 10 tags I should use for this. That way I can always add or delete as need be. But at least I'd have some standard tags.
Damn right sock again keeps slipping down, trying to become an insert in my shoe. I think what’s going on is with these low cut, Costco socks. It's my older white ones that are messing up. I recently got a bunch of the newer dark-colored ones which are fine. It’s interesting how when I was a kid you'd get a hole in your sock and mom would "darn" it. She'd say, "Dark it, another sock to darn." Then she'd darn it by slipping a wooden darning "egg" tool with a handle extending from it, to inside the sock so she didn't stick her finger with the sewing needle. Which I'd seen her do plenty of times.’s too expensive to repair a TV now, so you just buy a new one. I refused to do that like 10 years ago with my Spectre flatscreen TV. It was my first flatscreen, so I thought I would stick it in my bedroom to replace the old CRT tube one. I'd been in a process of trying to get all flatscreens ASAP. It took a while but finally got rid of all the high energy burners. I took a chance and took it apart and replaced a blown part that I had to solder out, and solder in a new one. But it still wouldn't work and I could NOT find the problem.
That was weird...remember the twice-viewed cat in the matrix indicating a glitch in the matrix? I just saw an ant walk onto the side of the road. I took three more steps and saw an ant walk onto the side of the road, again. Almost in the same exact pattern of walking. I know. Stupid.
One of our big problems today is how religion and entertainment have blended with politics. Evangelicalism and charlatanism blended with the con arts. It is a heady mix. Easy to weaponize. Handy for the con artists among us. Or the religious leaders. Of politicians weaponizing religion for their own self-benefit.
The male guest on the podcast, Terrance Woodbury, is saying he’s told people “Because you voted, we have been able to do these things for you." And then indicates to them what those things are. He definitely has a point. Rather than go out and prove what a louse, a liar, a cheat, a felon Donald Trump is, push on the empowerment of the voter and what that has led to them to and it’s not Trump's "baffle them with bullshit" method. It’s to overwhelm them with reality and how they do have a choice so they can after all, affect their own benefit. Terrance is saying Biden has been doing that and he also acknowledges their pain. And that too is important.
It’s your basic positive over negative. Trump's all-negative. "Revenge!" Well? Fuck him. Revenge isn’t American. Accountability is. We didn’t go into World War II for revenge. We went to make Nazis accountable and stop them. And we did that. The world did that. We don’t need to be doing it all over again in our own country.
Again, Terrance on the podcast is saying that this is not to say we’re waving the "mission accomplished" flag, as Pres. George W Bush did once, we're acknowledging and representing.
While toxic conservatives would label me a "liberal bleeding heart", I’m not. I’m middle of the road. Trying to be neutral. Seeking out the Truth and simply demanding justice where necessary. The problem is the that right has moved so far to their right, the sane people on the moderate left look extreme. It's in the arena of the "mad".
When I watch a documentary series like, “STAX: Soulsville USA”, by the end of that four-part documentary series I felt justifiably angry about what was done to that record company, to those musicians, to those Black people involved, to that culture in general.
By that conservative definition, American troops freeing Nazi concentration camp victims would make those soldiers bleeding liberal hearts. No, no, no! They were pretty much just angry, fucking Americans! For good reasons!
The whole thing about our democracy being broken? It’s not really broken. It’s just at times difficult and complicated among a diverse cultural population. When you have one conservative party that is feeding fear in a steady machined stream to citizens, where they have so skewed things into believing that their "ends justifies their means", they have effectively for their side, broken democracy. But it’s not broken for all of us, not yet, not if they would just stop their narcissistic bullshit.
Does that all sound like a bleeding heart liberal? Because to me it sounds like someone who believes in utilizing honesty, truth, justice and a more accurate viewpoint, that there actually is right and wrong. But also that while some things are binary, when you bring humanity into it, especially with individuals, it’s a nuanced situation.
It's nonsense. If not, utter bullshit!
Regarding our democracy and elections. I know, when you don’t get what you want it's frustrating. But do consider how cynicism leads to authoritarianism. We need to be positive and move on, changing what we can as we can, when we can. But we don't need conservatives (or liberals) blocking the ways to advancing our culture, our country and the quality of life and enhancing the human experience. In the end it is NOT all about enhancing our country, but our citizens.
I once unknowingly, maybe in high school, possibly in college, argued for authoritarianism. I wanted things to change like right fucking now! But my teacher, or professor, in being wiser explained to us that instant change in government tends to be damaging, if not deadly to citizens.
I’d like to see a study of how many citizens are dead because of POUTS45's (incorrect and in...)actions. I do believe over 100,000 Americans are dead because of Covid due to how Trump handled things, especially in the beginning. He put someone at the CDC to make them dysfunctional and skew their figures so the Trump administration looked good. His corruption of our agencies and departments under his control has taken years and millions of dollars to correct...and to heal. Using our tax dollars. And also the healing of the trust of the American people, which may well take decades.
All because of one petty, greedy, pathologically, narcissistic little man. A fool who will literally say anything to get what he wants. That’s not how you lead people.
Trump as POTUS45 involved some of the “corporate thinking" I’ve mentioned before and have seen time and again in CEOs who were severely damaged, and sharing that at a company, who perhaps even got fired, but then failed upward into leading another company. It's a weird kind of thing.
Regarding what I said above about being negative and positive in battling Trump and his authoritarianism...that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be pointing out Trump’s failures and lies. Remember, the Trump administration's "infrastructure week" that went for years until the end of his presidency. And yet, never did complete? Then Biden came into office and did it.
Yeah. That happened. And we can’t forget it. We do have to remind people of it. Especially those who never knew it and don’t believe it. How do you accomplish that? I suspect in using the Russian or Republican concept of "quantity is quality" (no really, they ARE very similar), and just flooding good info out there in ways that even Fox News would end up having to carry it. Even Russian State TV could end up carrying some of it and inadvertently share the information, not realizing, they're spreading Truth, which they seem so allergic to. How very Republican of them.
I have Alexa. I've waited for something like this since Star Trek TOS in the 1960s. 30 years ago I probably wouldn’t have had one in my house, 40 years ago, for sure (certainly NOT when I was in the USAF, and they were monitoring our home phones, or whatever, which they openly acknowledged and we didn't need to help them with it).
I can just speak while I’m walking and say, "Siri" to get a response on my iPhone 11. I did that and said, "Have Alexa turn on my air conditioner." And it said, "You haven’t turned that on in your home app." So apparently it can’t converse with Alexa, but I can set that up on my iPhone. And that my friends, is awesome.
A bulldog and a spaniel just came up to me and said, "Hi." Well, that was nice and friendly.
Yesterday, I watched John Wick one, two, three, and was headed to four but they wanted money. I had already paid to watch it and my 30 days are up. I would like to offer them a suggestion. I wonder if they charged a dollar to rewatch it, if they wouldn’t end up making more money than the way they’re doing it now? Because once I’ve paid for a movie, I’m never paying for it to see it a second time, outside of that 30-day window. Though I might go $1.99, I would resent it. But $0.99? Yeah, just not a problem.
Starting mile four… it’s starting to get warm out.
If you’re gonna look back into a politician's history, then you also have to look forward to see if they dropped any their anachronistic nonsense they used to be into. Because it’s those who haven’t that’s a problem.
It’s 12:13 PM. I'm usually home by now. But my son had called me and we talked for a long time. When he called I had been editing my blog that will come out tomorrow morning. So I got a late start on this walk. It’s a little warmer out than I meant to be while I’m still finishing up walking.
For those saying that Biden hasn’t done enough for his POTUS 46 years? Damn, you’re not looking around very much are you? If he has one more term, he’ll be able to push harder for things because it’s his last term. One more term.
I keep having to stop to pull this damn sock up. Again, glad I’m wearing slip-ons. Well when I get home, it’s in the garbage.
Suns beating down on me, slightly cool wind, this is lovely. Finishing up, just passed my 3.5 mile marker and not long ago I'd be thinking that I’d be going home. End of walk. But I think I’ll be able to get the 5th mile. It feels great, that this feels great. It’s not as difficult as my last walk, which was kind of miserable.
Found a small snail on the side of the tarmac. I put it on the grass, gave it a little water. I’m sure it’s dead. But if you don’t try, you don’t know.
I was talking to my son about this before my walk today, about food and protein. Too much protein and/or if you don’t work out enough, it turns to fat. One of the problems of the elderly is not getting enough protein on a daily basis. I’m supposed to have 4 to 6 ounces of protein daily. I wonder if I actually need that much? But I try to get at least four daily and I know I don't at times.
The guy on the podcast just mentioned that as far as Black people in groups he’s spoken to say, they aren’t worried about Trump‘s racism because "they’re all racist anyway". His response is, "That may be true, but the action of that racism is not working out well for us. When you look at racial violence and the proud boys, and "stand back and stand by" nonsense, Black people aren’t gonna put up with that shit anymore. So it’s all a matter of perspective, reality, information and presenting it in a palatable, acceptable and accessible format and... served to them by the right people. I’m sure if I were black I would listen to someone more I knew from my community, with the same skin color, or at least same culture, rather than some white guy from a potentially different, especially better economic class, or something.
Siri says that it’s 69°. Feels warmer. Feels good though.
Let me say this about politics and how I relate to it. I have things I’d like to see done. But until we're electing decent, honest people, until their politics are based in reality and facts and not alternate facts, we have a problem that’s outside of politics. I don't mean the kinds of people traditionally described as incompetent or corrupt, but the new Trump / MAGA level of incompetent and corrupt. Who too often are presentationally incompetent, while actually fully competent, but functionally useless for America.
I don’t care what your politics are. I don’t care if someone agrees with me or not. OK. Since childhood, I’ve had a strong attachment to what really is. I just want to get back to what the child in me back then demanded as respect, for what’s going on around us today.
That’s good. The guy in the podcast said, "I don’t care what you think. I just care THAT you think.“
Sad that today we have to add an additional caveats to that of, "as long as what you think is based in reality," and if reasonably with the most positive spin on it for yourself, also with a consideration for all people, or at least all (other) Americans. We're in this together, soo may have forgotten that. This tribalism crap has gone too far. There should be consideration of human beings in every decision in the back of our minds. Considerations for all others, everyone.
I switched over to some other podcast where they're talking about the Hunter Biden trial [update, he has now been convicted on all counts]. I will say this about Justice. In my mind it's about "righting" a wrong and stopping that behavior. But too often Justice is too blind.
Crime is crime, but drug addiction is a different animal.
Well, I just passed 4.5 miles guaranteeing me my 5 mile walk for the day. Feels good to be out in the sun. The cool wind has changed to a warm wind. Good times! Much better and more fun to be able to work hard to get a long walk accomplished, than have it devolve into a hospital stay, or ending up dead.
Just walking by a family in their front yard on the grass, lots of kids in bathing suits and remembering those times. Raising kids has its moments of being really annoying and as an adult sometimes you really feel you need to escape and get some alone time. But I always recognized during those times how one day I would miss it greatly. I’m not sure I miss having young kids around. Well I don’t have the energy for that anymore. But I did try back then to make good memories. I think I succeeded…
I just saw an ant walk across my path towards the side of the road again. I flashback to what I said above about the ants and the matrix and for some reason I flashed on a Loren EiseleyLoren Eiseley book, "The Star Thrower", a physicist philosophizing. I highly recommend that book, sent a copy to my oldest son recently. Great book for physicists to read. I read it when I was in the Air Force and it gave me an out from rather complicated feelings and being tied into packing parachutes, hour after hour, day after day, for years. Considerations of supporting people who fly to foreign lands and melt cities full of human beings. Yeah, I know war/bad people... whatever.
Look I did my job. Luckily, as was pointed out to me, my job was life-saving, not actually going out and killing people. This from a kid who would have been just fine killing people for good reasons in war. But I spent those years in the Service learning, reading, and thinking. Lots of time to think, packing parachutes all day.
When you’re working on life-saving equipment for these guys for if their plane goes down, who does a guy in his early 20s deal with that kind of actual realistic knowledge from those few involved in such singular situations?
On that note, I’ll bid you, adieu…
And leave you with that.