Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

(not)Walkabout Thoughts #97e - Creativity / Politics

Still on the strength training. 93 degrees here today. A couple of days not in the 90s or near that previously so a while not with it too warm to do extended walks. 

First, The founding fathers’ purposes were clear. They had no intention to found the country according to Christian doctrines.

For this first part on creativity, Massive Attacks' song, Safe From Harm

On a positive note, I'd like to start with this bit about creativity, and then dive into something political, mostly in a broader sense.

I earned my university degree in psychology concentrating in phenomenology. Near the end, I did a study of creativity. What I found was creatives, create. 

The more knowledge you have of art/creative history the more you have to draw upon.
If you have a skill in art, you can possibly do more.

If you do not, but through desire or brute force you create, then you create out of your experience and environment, and when you find you cannot go further (cannot sing as some great singer or can't sculpt or paint or write as some can), you can take a step into another form or level. When you lack the precision in a discipline, you can turn to "concept", or something else. I have long said when you hit an impasse, look directly behind you, or in an opposite direction. The answer often lies there.

What I came away with in my studies was that we do not have to be born an artist with inherent "genius". Anyone can do it. Anyone can "create". You simply act, produce.
Some can simply do it better, or different in such a way as to be praised or rewarded for it. While many never will be. While some true geniuses or great artists will never find "success" or profit in their works. For many, success or profit is by their own definitions, allowing them their own form of satisfaction or catharsis in their efforts.

It's been said for instance, that the greatest musicians are never reproduced and may be playing on a street you pass through. Or only at home.

So do not be so dismissive of all street "artists". 

Do not think because you have a collection of the "greatest musicians" or composers, you have the very best humanity has to offer.

You have that which has been recognized, capable of being contained and produced for public consumption.

We should have more respect for those we'd never believe to be artists. That can include the seemingly crazy person who creates, perhaps something you do not or can not (or yet) understand. 

Or it can even be, yourself.


For the rest of the blog, Portishead's album, Dummy.

Have you seen this meme?

While there are historical accounts of psychological warfare and propaganda techniques used by the KGB, the specific claim in the image seems to be more of a popular anecdote rather than a documented experiment. A notable related figure is Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the West and spoke about the KGB’s use of psychological tactics to influence public opinion and destabilize societies.

The concept of brainwashing and psychological manipulation has been explored in various contexts, including during the Cold War, where both the KGB and the CIA conducted experiments and operations aimed at influencing and controlling human behavior. However, the extreme claim of complete brainwashing through fear messages alone is not widely supported by concrete evidence.


There has been research on how continuous exposure to fear messages can alter behaviors. Here are some key findings:

Fear-Based Appeals: A comprehensive review by the American Psychological Association found that fear-based appeals are effective at changing attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. This review analyzed over 50 years of research and concluded that fear appeals are particularly effective when they include recommendations for avoiding the threat and are targeted at specific groups, such as women.

Health Communication: Research published in PLOS ONE examined how shifts in emotional valence during exposure to fear appeals can influence message processing and behavioral intentions. The study found that inducing positive valence shifts in health messages can improve their effectiveness, especially for relevant target groups.

COVID-19 Context: During the COVID-19 pandemic, fear-based messages significantly influenced public behavior. Studies indicated that continuous exposure to fear-inducing media could lead to heightened anxiety and biased conclusions, especially in the absence of reliable information.

General Impact of Fear Arousal: According to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, fear arousal in messages can motivate attitude and behavior change. This effect is seen not only in health messaging but also in news accounts, social media posts, and interpersonal conversations.

These studies suggest that while fear-based messages can be effective in altering behaviors, their impact can vary based on the context, the audience, and the way the message is framed.


There have been several societal experiments and studies on the impact of continuous exposure to fear messages on behavior. Here are a few notable examples:

Substance Misuse Prevention: Research on scare tactics and fear-based messages in substance misuse prevention has shown mixed results. While some studies indicate that fear-based messages can deter substance use, others suggest that these messages may not be effective and could even increase rates of misuse in some cases.

Political Campaigns: Fear-based messaging is also commonly used in political campaigns to influence voter behavior. Research has shown that fear appeals can be effective in mobilizing voters and shaping public opinion, particularly when they highlight potential threats and offer solutions.

While these examples illustrate how fear-based messaging can be a powerful tool for influencing behavior, its effectiveness can depend on various factors, including the message content, the target audience, and the context in which it is delivered. 

And Russian?

There are indeed examples of Soviet research and experimentation related to psychological manipulation and fear messaging:

Yuri Bezmenov’s Testimony: Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the West, described the KGB’s use of psychological warfare and ideological subversion. He explained that a significant portion of the KGB’s efforts was dedicated to demoralizing and destabilizing societies through continuous exposure to fear and misinformation1.

Psychological Warfare: The Soviet Union engaged in psychological warfare during the Cold War, using threats of nuclear destruction and other forms of intimidation to instill fear and influence the behavior of other nations. This strategy aimed to create doubts about the wisdom of aligning with the United States and accepting American military bases2.

The Science of Thought Control

Brainwashing and Propaganda: The concept of brainwashing gained prominence during the Cold War, with both the Soviet Union and the United States conducting experiments and operations to influence and control human behavior. The term “brainwashing” itself became widely known through reports of Communist tactics used on prisoners of war3.

These examples highlight the Soviet Union’s interest in and use of psychological tactics to manipulate and control behavior. 

We have seen over these past few decades the Republican Party ascribing to old Soviet/Russian techniques of social manipulation that is contrary to our democratic constitutional republic.

Which we are.

We've heard a lot from the right about how we're NOT a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Nonsense. That's selective ignorance at its worst.

There are various kinds of republics.

While all democratic constitutional republics are constitutional republics, not all constitutional republics are necessarily democratic. The adjective "democratic" specifies that the republic operates with a strong commitment to democratic principles.

Something Republicans, esp., repugnant MAGA seem to be allergic to in their anti-American desires toward minority rule. Their usage of old Soviet KGB tactics since the 90s I found back then and today disgusting, to use against our own, all for their wont of control, power, and wealth. 

In essence, the United States embodies the principles of a democratic constitutional republic by ensuring that its government is based on democratic participation, operates under a constitutional framework, and maintains a republican form of governance.
MAGA Republicans are essentially seditionists, pushing a crime against the State. 

Though sedition may have the same ultimate effect as treason, it is generally limited to the offense of organizing or encouraging opposition to government in a manner (such as in speech or writing) that falls short of the more dangerous offenses constituting treason.

Well, there it is.
Be well, be brilliant, be productive!
Cheers1 Sláinte!

Monday, October 9, 2017

King Louis' 724 Art Studio in Port Orchard WA

"King Louis." That's J Louis King in Port Orchard, Washington.

Two amazing people: "King" Louis with Alison Arngrim, hamming it up at Sidney Museum in May 2017
I want to spend more time on art, fiction writing, filmmaking, rather than so much on non-fiction and politics. I'm working on that. But before I get to it about Louis and the gallery....

Louis (left) in Studio 724
I had retired last year from over twenty years in IT so that I could spend my time in the arts, in writing, in filmmaking (both in front of and behind the camera; though I do prefer behind, in front is a lot of fun), and whatever else strikes my fancy and whatever I seem to be good at.

I got into tech writing because I enjoyed IT work but also to become a tougher, better and faster writer. My interest in IT faded for me in recent years, in part because of the kinds of nonsense you get on the business side, in part because of a messed up situation in my career that I found myself in. Both of those had killed my interest.

All along I've tried to get my fiction works going but it's been like working two full time jobs. So many times I just missed the mark. Not so much in my writing as in the people I met, connection I'd made. Whenever you find that something is killing you (in my case, IT)... well it's time to do something different.

And now? Now I have all the time possible to dedicate to my art. however I wish to define that. I have to tell you, just as I'd thought it would be all these past feels great! And I've met some fascinating characters and artists.

Back to Louis and the Studio.

Louis is a diverse force of nature. He's had an interesting variety of jobs in his lifetime. He's been a seafood salesman in the Midwest, a chef, a celebrity TV chef, an Amtrak worker, traveling the countryside,  a photographer and a lot of other interesting things. It's been a pleasure getting to know him and his history at events, over beers and in general over time this year.

Louis King, an artist\photographer in his own right
Wherever Louis goes he seems to inspire people. He rails against obstructionism and banality and supports talent and art wherever he can. He's a great benefit to Port Orchard whose residents are lucky to have him. He wants to surround himself with creatives, talent, forward thinkers, movers and shakers and I'm pleased to know him. Even to have found him. As are we all who have met him and been brought under his circle of influence.

Kim's Adult Coloring Book release event
I spent part of the day on September 16th, an enjoyable Saturday at 724 Art Studio in Port Orchard, Washington. There was an artist's book release event, for Kimberly Von Rossum, for her adult coloring book that was a hit. It was put on of course by Louis who is also a volunteer leader working to keep a couple of the local museums going. Including the Sidney Museum a couple of blocks up the hill from 724 which itself is located along the main drag downtown Port Orchard and near to the waterfront.
Studio 724 is next to the Brick House Bar, a historical location it would seem
Louis has been acquiring for the studio a growing variety of artists from the as-yet-unknown (as in very soon both my daughter and her boyfriend who will have works in there and I love their artworks), to the works of the rather famous hanging in his gallery. Louis is also starting up a gallery walk soon, too.
Live music next door at the Brick House. Great burgers there! Love their Jalapeno burger!
Internationally known local artist Max Hayslette is one of the artists in the gallery and probably the best known of the artists currently on display for sale.

Max Hayslette art for sale
Interesting side note, it seems Max used to babysit my daughter when she was younger, in his being friends with her mother and then new step-father (now ex-stepfather). So, thanks Max. Strange how we find these degrees of separation in life, right?

Max Hayslette, seems like a nice guy!
This last Friday night (10/6/17) was Port Orchard's biannual Ladies' Night Out and we had an event at the gallery. Next one I think is in May.

Out front during Ladies' Night Out
I have to say, I had a massively good time.

Artists Aura Stiers (left) and Shelly Wilkerson and, my friend and director Kelly Hughes
I got to meet new people, some locals who wandered in, some who were just curious, some doing some art shopping, as well as some local artists and writers. Myself included. They will be doing more art events and some writer events.They also had a display of costumes for sale which seemed pretty popular. And they have local artist's art on greeting cards for sale.

I got to talk extensively with two of the artists there, both of whom have their art on display. From one of them I had to buy a couple of her greeting cards. Herself a gallery owner, Shelly Wilkerson owns Crazy Lady on Bay Street, also in Port Orchard down the street a pace, along with her photographer husband, Glen (nice guy too!).

Some of artist Aura Stiers unique and stylized art pieces utilized wood, not covering it up as too many do, rather utilizing the wood's natural grains and growth rings, allowing them to subtly show through enhancing the pieces. She was also wearing some of her art in an amazing looking ensemble that drew praise and remarks from customers and artists throughout the evening.

When does one EVER get to have a greeting card signed by the actual artist whose work is depicted on them? I have a collection of post cards I started when my older sister became a Flight Attendant ("Stewardess" back then) for Northwest Orient (now Delta). She'd send me postcards from around the world, however my most prized possession is one from a friend during my university years from McMurdo Station in Antarctica (got one of THOSE?).

So I simply had to take the opportunity to get a couple of cards signed by the artist! No. Not starting a greeting card collection, though I do have one from those given to me over my life time. "Historians" have trouble throwing historical kinds of things away you see and no, I'm not a hoarder by any definition.
Louis on left, customer with Kelly Hughes and event greeter (seated).
I now have one of my own books at Studio 724 on display (see photo below and Thanks, Louis!). I am happy to say I made some new friends. I'm not an extrovert by any sense of the term, but they did talk to about having my own author event soon. I've never actually had one as I guess I've just been avoiding it.

Some of the costumes for sale on the right
Studio 724 as well as Louis himself, are both in my estimation valuable additions to the local Port Orchard community and businesses.

During a lull in the evening. You can just see my books on the back wall just over the seated gentleman's head
I was there before the Studio started up, back when Kelly Hughes was running another kind of a studio for filmmakers and I hope to be there... not long after it's gone, but rather as long as it exists.

Which I hope for my sake and the community's will be a very long time.